The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 12Page ow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 23, 1998 ' DEX C4 5 IFI : x'2822 • 0.1, Articles, for Sale 02. Yard Sale a.3. Garage Sale 04, Antiques 04a, Arts Sc Crafts 05. Cars for Sale 06. . Trucks for Sale . • RECREATION. 7a, For sale General • 7b: ' Wanted to Buy 7c, . Wanted to Rent' 0, Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles 7g: • LW, Vehicles 7h. Boats, Motors etc. 7k. Swimming Pools • 08. ' .Computers 10. Pets lOa., . Hgrses YARN MARKET ' 1 la.. General 11'b. Wanted to Buy 11c, Wanted to Hire rid. Ernpl. Warted ',. Ile. Livestock lit Farm Produce 1'lg. Equipment llh, Services ; crap tatnd .Real Estate • 1.11. Wanted to Rent • 1lm For Rent 12. Real Estate 13, Mobile Homes 14. Vacations 16. For Rent .• 17, Apartments -' Ht.:, Rouses for Rent 19a. Bed &'Breakfast 20. Room Lk Board 23. Commercial 24, Wanted to hent;:' 25, Wanted to Buy 26. lielp Wanted 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opp 29:'"°i'enders . ., 30, Emp1.Wanted 31 ` ';;Service Directory 32. Babysitting • 33. `Miscellaneous Personal 35 ''.Legal Notices 3tr, rAhnouncements 7 • ;Mortgages 38 ; Auctions 39;Educational 40. Lost & Found • 41. `. ToGives Away.'. 42. ' Obituaries, ‘43, '. Births 44. EngagemchtS 45. . Marriages 46, In Memoriam 47. Card of Thanks 48. ComingEvents RATES AND DATA • ladtine„'Monday 12 noon ° 1 week . $4.2S 2 weeks - $7,48 3. weeks or more » $3.27 each week • extra words at .16 each Cards ot.Thenks , $4,25 for 25 words extra words at .06 each in Memorlan -- $4.25 + .35 for each line of verse Birth AnnoUncenent - $10.00 flat fee 31-3 ads $10.50 pre -paid for 25 words extra words at .16 each Tktursday Special - $3,25 for 25 words • Must be placed and paid on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying Gi.S°Taot Included In above prices Call 528.2822 NEED IT TYPED??? • The Lucknow Sentinel .does confidential, custom tYping • for customers; resumes, lot- ters etc. We cart. offeryou a number of different print. types and sizes 0n high quality paper, Cali our office or drop in ford more details, -430 LAST MINUTE•GIFT IDEA Give them. 52 issues;of The Lucknow Sentinet:'Phone 528.2822 --48:51nx , PARTY TIME PORTABLE 4 person spa,.no need to call plumber or electrician.. FM. with your hose and its ready to go, From. $14.88 weekly, rent to ,own, Call 1.400-4797' • 1587.--50,51cc • BARBECUES, NATURAL:. gas and propane, no bri- quettes and"life time War- ranty.. The Chimney Sweep's•Stove Parlour and Gallery, inc;. 36,875274:-- 19tfca .' LOOKING FOR local news,' _;sports.-etc:2..4ou-eartrbu'y The Lucknow Sentinel et:' Annie's` Gas Bar, Beckers Milk,' Bell's Discounts_ Lucknow Village Market, LucknoW Rx Central, H.J. tSed,Cars,', and Hamilton Fuels:77.52tf, , OVEN READY frozen geese. Phone 395-3431.-- 51,52x HARDWOOD Seasoned, Split & Piled 364-1328 Allan Poechman NO TAX h morasses. CfWenmyew tnmiw5 524.7231re.1urs., Fri. 1. For Sale e WHY. HAVE AN auction? Antique, collectibles, toys, coins,, Whole estates. Cash on the spot.• Call' 519-364- 0448.--46tfar • NEW -NEW -NEW 4Personal Labels are now available at The Lucknow Sentinel. Lots of choices. available; Smaller mailing, books, crafts. Drop in to otir office for•detaiis,--5ltfnx CUSTOM BUILT 'FURNI- TURE, also single and dour ble ed tellable arldRhar yest. tabies and chairs.. • Aaron L.. Miller, R.R. 2, Lucknow, 314' mile 'vit'est of St. Helen's or 2' miles east of Belfast';--51eowar KEEi 1NFORMED Want to keep' up on area news? We have these local area papers in our office:. on Wednesdays^' Goderictt Signal' Star, Kincardine News,: ' Clinton .:. News Record; Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth-Hurot1 E 3 tor. Zurich.Advance740tfnx • SOFT MAPLE tops. Phone •357-2849:--5152,014 1,, For Salo STEEL BUILDINGS' NEW STEEL BUiLD- 1NGS....Go Direct and $ave. 4:12. roof pitch. 25 x 30 $3,900.00. 2$ x 40 $4,900.00... 30 'x 40 $6,500.,00. 36 x 50 $7,600;'00. 40 x 60 $10,800.00; 45 . x 80 $18,400.00. Others. Pioneer...,1-800-668-5422.- -51bc STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILD- INGS LAST.. CHANCE! Reserve your building today at 1998 prices for spring delivery. ,Complete arch- type buildings. FREE esti- mate. FREE brochure..1- 800-668.5111, ext, 536-- 51bc FOR SALE - Pool tames, 'slate, also shuffleboards. Call Bob 519-291-3270 days or 519-291.36.17. evenings.--49-51cc ,. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING way to purchase a digital satellite system,' 18" and 24",' American and Canadian, Rent to wfl from $5.88 weekly, •ask about free program. pkg. Call .1- 800-479=1587, for delivery today. 50,5lcc GREAT GIFT IDEA FOR CHRISTMAS • Why not send them a ,gift for. the whole. year?:- The Lucknow Sentinel delivered weekly WOW!. Great for those who have .moved and • want to keep in touch, • grandparents, aunts, uncles, :etc. Only 49 cents per week, Call us for details 528-2822.50-52nx.'. uAWMILL $48.95 SAW LOGS INTO IOARDS;. planks, beame: Largs,, *WI.*est•sawmdI value anywhere. Free information 1.For Sale 1 For Sale . December. Discount Prices at the Wingham Sales Arena Tables, chairs, stools, rockers, cedar chests. s. sets,'sofa beds, box and mattresses, roller frarr:s, fine selection of new oak tables and chair sets, (chairs can be purchased separately) living room suites, bedroom. furniture, quality box and mattress. sets in: twin, 3/4,; double -and queen sizes (can be purchased separately). 'Safety Footwear - Work wear, the areas best prices! Safety work shoes by Kaufinan, Royer, :Bucks, Brooks, Acton Wild Sider, coveralls, work pants, shirts;' socks, gloves and name brand fleece tops.. . • • Shop the Wingham Sales. Arena forgreat savings just.north of Wingham on f-iwy,#4 Open Mon. -Sat. 9 a G p.m. Note: We aWS° stock a fine selection of, usedfurniture, appliances, will buy' good clean used., furniture; appliances, antiques etc. Caul us at 357.2987 .Q LOOKING FOR a Christmas • gift to give someone. .'Cali Marian Zinn 528-3710 or Mayme Wilkins 395.3495 for a West Ashfield Histo .. Book $45:-49.51xc. CUSTOM FAXING Need to. send or receive•.a fax? The Sentinei•does cus- tom faxing tor customers. Drop'in or' call 528-2822".for details.'--41tfnx ENLARGE OR REDUCE Our photocopier can enlarge up to 205% ands reduce to. 48%. -Great for ry enlarging drawings'.and pat-. terns. Calf or drop in to The Lucknow Sentinel 528a -,50tfnx ORIGINAL'.'CIGARS from. Cuba. 50 premium Cohiba cigars: Top quality. Best • . offer: ,Phone 934-2458 after,: 6.p.m--5ltfcc CATCH UP ONTHS The Sentinel is available at the following, locations: Holyrood. General Store Ripley Superior Market;., Dawson's Store, Dangenrion; MacNay's Store, Amberley;°Triangle Discount, Goderich;' Brian's Valu -Mart; Wingham McPhee • I'DA, Wingham, Had Food Mart, Teeswater, MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley,,. -Port Albert Genoral Store, • and • Keith's. Repair Service; Whitechurth._9ttnx • 1-800-566-6899. Norwood • ,Sawmills, R.R. 2, Kilworthy, Ontario, POE 1GO :51bc With A Satellite System Chrietma. Spaelate • Low. Low Prices • $200'Prograrnming Rebate. •'Trade in yourgray market disci and recetve up to 5400 in free programming. LOA Southws it Sateuits Larry Fisher •• 524-9595 "Serving Huron County for l8 years" KRANENBIJRG'S BUTCHER SHOP 612 Campbell St. LUCKNOW 528-2242 Half ler Whole Smoked Grade 'A" Fresh Turkey". 69 y' a. Turkey Roils 3.69�a: We will be closed Dec, 25th .- Jan. 4th 5. Cars G000 WINTER 'car 1979 Thunderbird, auto, 351 Windsor; good body, brakes and motor, excellent tires; good interior. As is, little to safety. 528-251 6: after` 6 p,m.-r40ttnxe 6.° Trucks 1986 JEEP' CHEROKEE 4'X 4,.2.8 L., 5 speed,; new rub- ber,',needs brakes, as is 61,500. o.b.o.: Phone Wroxeter 519.335.3619.- 49,50,51 nxe • if Stiowmoh iloS Egr;tillpm�elntt 1995 POLARIS' INDY Trail Deluxe, Two up seat, elec- tric start, revers, sk. skins and cover 2100 ,miles: 34500 o.b;n. Please call 519-367 5892, =46.52rixe 10 Pots PUPPIES AND kittens are not just for Christmas, They are for life! Sponsored by the Grey -Bruce Humane Society,"--49-51cc