The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-23, Page 8Pap - LAClCrtO
by Rochelle Loudly
Grp 4, Brookside
When :i. little about
three. picked the perfect
Christmas tree at the for-
Inst. l saw a fawn it was
going on and on. •We
brought it home the night
before, and put it on the
very floor. Back at twine,
very warm, the tree started
et tree
to transform. We decorat-
ed the tree, it was awe-
some and eel the tree; a .
tiny blossom., On.
Christmas Eve, we gait tt>e.
presents, and outside we
saw some pheasants. On.
Christmas Day 1 ran to
rtaoare's room, and; I gave
her. a little broom. And .1
relled'Christmas ishere,
look oue at the baby deer
Warmest t
Greetings t f
the Season! leo
Sonia, Wyatt, Russ, Steve, Sherri
and Annie
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0 i ags
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New Year's Day
sdent.s Levee
e .President and
' members `
of 13r 309 Royal Canadian
Legion cordially
invite you
o attend the, President's
New Year's Levee
Lucknow' Legion.
January'. l st, 1999
1:00-4:0a M
vertione Welcome;
When, 1 was six. •t
rcuuember stay mons
bought a: box of candy
caries and bung•,them aixi
the Christanas tree. l felt
sorry for the candy cares .•
.sitting there going to
waste. so 1 took one off
around the back so- year
could not notice it.1 fin41-
fy cleared the back of the
Christmas tree, sot started
at. the sides where there
were big butteries of candy
canes, 1 took lieut to, my
room. .and hid• theta tender
my .pillow.
Christmas moteing 1
ran down stairs. and saw •
my moue walking around
the Christmas .tree: .1 •
asked, "�.VVtaat are you .
doing,. mom?"
Stip said, "Where hatre
all thecantly eanes.gener
1 said, "I do4.1, know."
and we all opened our pre-
seni:s and listened to my
trots and data talk about
their hristmases,.
A few days later I pint
diet all back on the tree.
My..atom called• my sister
and 1 IciAtelp take down
the t•ee.'She handed any
sister and I a handful of
candy eactes and said they
could be a late Chrisunas
present. 1 felt relieved.
because 1 got to eat them
too. • My morin •.never. knew
• what happened to the
candy canes.
by .Rachel Sway, -Grade
. 7,L -
When . 'l woke .. lap on
Christmas Day. .
And ran to the room .
•where my family .lay. •
1 tried to wake thein up
with shouts"
They only would return
some pouts.
•• L • Soon thumping carne
Lacey's wish comes- the stairs.
by I M' y : LCP'S,
'then P1 was little I
always wished to go visit
Santa's workshop and.visit
him.While 1 wished, 1
thought of this poem in.
my head: •
.1 have a wish that must
cowrie true,.
'For ire to come and visit '
M your workshop with all
the toys,
And help you pack for all
the girls and boys,..,...
When,1'tn there I`ll' meet
And stack the toys .on a
That wish X have.must
come true,
' present from Santa there
• was a lettet ,
It read:
pear LAM:
Thank youfor coming
and visiting me at My
workshop. Mrs. Claus and •
the elves loved the help
you gave. them: All of the
reindeer's miss you 'very
midi; especially Rudolph.
1. hope you can casae back
sometime.Your best friend
Santa Claus.
RS. 1 hope you like your
presents. •
Som. e'times ' dreams
come true, especially at
this magical time of the
year -
Merry Christmas.
A mysterious man
on Cliristmas eve
by Angie Ritchie, LCPS In the morning my.
One Christmas Eve. • mgrn•woke nae .up, .1 ran
when 1 Was six., I was downstairs to take a: better
watehin# tarry .favourite' lopk at thepresents, since,
Tired parents sat in, chairs.
Stockings were .opened
really fast.
No ones candy ever does
Presents had to wait ;until
grandma came.
Soon the car drove up the
Opened presents soon 'lay
Wrappings were cast aside
without :a eras.
'flukey; stuffing and butter•,..
on rye,
Cookies, cakes, cranber-
ries and pies. .•
Christmas dinner came
and went:
Another Christmas time.
was spent. •
Christmas movie, 1 asked ,at had been too dark to a ii tell a,a u
Because 1.want - to visit my mother what 1 Collie clearly see what 1 got the :Christrceas•from.the past.
your. 1 d put out for Santa She said aught befpre . errtem.ler Chrf.stmacs
night at same fess every wanted.. -tight heroic 1 helped the open one: It
ni ht Before :l ifell asleep. b Erni
malls tri a: glass and some t4 time thought a
was there•1 met • thcmu ' t;txm rrr' seri' 'What
of. the .elves, Mrs. Claris 1 left them on the table,. is. Christmas and; what
and all of the reindeer:. Bur 1 was' half way Up the 'bet was seeing a mysterni. n
stairs and reinexubereci otts arae in stili , dt it do. I never knew
Rudolph � was ray what Clrastmas was so 1:
favourite. The .elves got that I had, to put, something . had to ask what it was.; But
the presents ready and:1 out for the reindeer also,l :.1 knew One thing and rriast ;::
wrapped them. 1 "alsri cut some patmts;. and thFn kids know.1 knew you t
went,to heti. l
helped Santa feed the rein- '' presents but mvhat else was
deer 1 helped Mrs. Claus •Everybody:vras asleep
bake pies for Banes Claus risked rny mem, 1 asked
and l ' Santa a thotmght I saw :5anta My
.A year. iter . e . I could put out .whatever > ' Then ttiom and dad because it goes by
f that h
g p went to bed,..1 pat some was nay. favnurne Barbie. Y ly Morrison,
The. next thing .-'knew. 1 Ar t. ' 1 that Grade 4� 1ko�oksidie
111 a s tha.ward et freshly, baked "cookies and was my best present ever When 1 was • li tale 1
who1 all bl brit what 1 really. recnem y
'and 1 went downstairs and
cards, and Write' letters. 1
really enjoyed being there.
When it was time to go
home,: Santa took trie in
his sleigh: The next thing,1
knew, I was. waking uplo
open' Ty presents. In one
by mica Knoop.
• ' Std JoseP13;.1'
hn the street by Jessica's
.;'house�thcre` was'a box 'and
,i'n ` that, lived a mouse
n hued Cures. Ire's a lorie-
ly street'mouse but Cuts
had , a , :very, joyful
..Clazistmas spii`it. • •
• Cotes put. his list
on an _went to the
Cli;r>sttn,as parade. He,
.. aIm st gat'ran over by:
float but he used''his magic
Saw 'Cttt and '
she tan to save hire:
because she Liked trice.
:Jessica loved uiee
beeatese..tbey were God',s
creatures: Jessica brought
Cates�hoine. Then she'saw
..the magic hat and put it
on,- She thought it was
Santa's tragic hat so she
made a; Wish. ',If this is
Santa's. hat then let me
give it to 11im." Jessica's
wish came tate, PfJ DF; tbo
hat disappeareti.'.from• her
head Da. Santa's sleigh.
''they live&b41 ily ever
C'hnistmas all about? 1.
Mom said that if 1 saw ,hint
he wouldn't come .any'.
more. So 1 stayed right
where 1 waft acid was very
quiet. Thenbe went.up the.
chiinney and 1 went over
and looked' at what .h.e, left
tree and wentback toabed, •
Students et' Luoknow
presented Geppetto
Christmas concert last
trayed the conaci
(Livingston photo)'
Cent PUbllc School
end Friends as, their
week, Angie Sande porgy
Brace . of: Pinocchio.
my dad. They road me how.
it goes, but 1 stili didn't get
it so ,l .said ''This. isn't.
making• sense to me -sq, I
Will wait till 1 get older..
Then 1 will, know. whet:
Christmas is alt• about? 1
still know, that :1 Will get a:
lot of presents:.. '
'Now' 1 know very Well
•anti I : still. Pet a for of pre,
by Ja yme Van Dyke .
( rfade41w;
When 1 was:, little.'
remernbef 4wakingt up..ancI
my cat,Abbv Was on Tray
hed and she woke riie.up, I
went downstairs and there
were nO presents because, I:
sleep walking in the
middle of.the night. t was
aming too.
Then my more Came
down and saw Inc ltxekirtg
at the tree and there were
lots of .presents, Sri. she,
brorye bp stairs
in myught bed,• In theack umormm�g•
1 opened aJl my presents•
and the best toy. i got: was
a doll arid it was called
Sally. Then mit tnotn told
me everything I did that
night on iC'lrnsctnas. Eve.