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Gale 2/3
loan Coffey.
Mrs. Black the
merry ghristmas one and
aU .
Every Christmas Santa,
eralls- .
Rudolph guides: his sleigh
Rudolf h's nose is. rally
You have never seen such
a sight?'
Christ was beret 'en
Christmas Day
"!ilark" the herald angels
say "
Round the 'stable animals
llt is quiet, nota peep •
Stars shining brightly in
the sky
Three' kings gave- their
gifts and: said goad -bye
Mary had a little boy
Angels carne to celebrate
with joy '•
So now we know
Christmas is ino'ree than
toyst .: .
E.nj:oy' the Christmas
aeason.• Love Mrs. Black
and the Grade 2f c#ass,
Mien, f$rittanY, Anna,`
•lvfeli s.sa, David, Dylan,
Kaehael, Sean, Andrew,
Kyle,. Megan, Nicole,
.Tomnny, Patrick,' Cody,
Scott, Darcy, Spencer,
Alex, Heather,. Mitch,
Erin, Ashley' and Caney.
Cyst is bora
Grade 5,. LDCS
Christ is bots
Holy night
Righteous Lord and King
Infant child:
Sing a sel
Truly awesome
Mage of Ills angel
Star which the shepherds
Horn in Bethlehem
Obey the King ..
Ruler of all the eanh
Noble King
In the • manger Be wars
Night of praise
test of all 'the people: is
Everybody will rejoice
• Thankful'all ye natians
Iileavenly inspiration
Lowe abounding.
Emmanuel is He
>te was -born on. Christmas
Everybody will rejoice
My actions are. riot perfect.
but His are...
by Jenna: Stryker
Grady 4, LDC S
Mary hada child:
And named him Jesus
Nothing could be as per-
fect as.
God's own Son: who earn
give you
Eternal Yrfe. Now when
the bells ring
remeirtber Christmas is a
time of joy. .
by Stuart Sbnpram
Brookside -
When I was little I was
a nonstop. baby; I was just
like the eueigizer bunny, I
would wake. up .and go'.
When d. was only two nny
sister and I were °playing
an the truck. My sister.
told me to turn on the
windshield wipens, so i
went and put the 'truck in
neutral and the truck start -
ed to: roll ahead. That's
when the truck hit the
front .end•of the tractor.
Then I tried to hide. in a
pillow fort but it didn't
work. I was in big trouble
now, Cant you just picture
that being me. •
by Selma Sullivans
When I • was tittle
Christmaswas the best of
time of year. I laved it
when I lived at, my grana-
ma's house and I loved it
when i lived in Bayfield:
too. I' can still recall the
Christmas when I lived at.
my gramme's,, I remember
my gramma reading rrny
cousin and 1 a tale called
"Big tied." It`was . my
favourite story. I loved
being small then..I could
bide in the snow and be as
quiet as a moose, but. I
can't new. l still have,
Christmas with: nny .grant'
ma and it's lots of fee.
by. Meagan. Cameron.
Grade $, Brookside
When I was little, my
dad and I went out anti got:
a Christmas .tree from Our
Luclteow Senntirrc'4, Wcdnicsday, December 23, I39$ -Page 7
as a non s op a
backyard. it was my ttrst
real. tree. My mom and I
also went oat and cut
down a tree for her class-
room. It was difficult to
ted a good one. We bad to
find the erect tree: `Deere
were all different kinds of
trees .and it was hard to
choose. Then suddenly we
found the tree. Then we
went to get mom to see if
it was okay. When we got
down to where the tree
was, she said it was okay.
Then my dad cut it down.
Next dad carried the tree
up to the .house: We cut off
the bottom, little branches.
My brother and I put rocks.
in the pail with the tree
trunk in it. Afterwards we
decorated it. My dad put
water in after we put the.
mucks. in,. It was a beautiful
by Kieslte Francis Grade
ti rreakside
When I woke up On
Christmas morning 1
jumped out of bed and
into the living room I
soared, there: 1 saw toys,.
candy, stocking stuffers
and more. In my brothers
stocking there was an
apple core, in mine, a doll
that could talk but the sur-
prises weren't over I heard
a knock. Aunt Lisa, with
red lace ' and ' a. big
Christmnas senile on her
face., She .wads, here to
spend Christmas with us.
when sane• said that I didn't
fuss. -She brought a B...arbie
for nie a GI Joe for Matt a:
bottle for Jalissa and 0.40)..
tar for my, cat. After 1
Opened my presents. I
chose the one I lilted best,
out of ail.of them: I :chose
my jean vest. That was my
favourite Christmas the
next one is ' near.
Christmas everyone and: a
happy New Year.
Jen Lugtenberg
Grade e S, Brookside
When I was little when
I was young. Things were
nice. but mostly funs. I.
loved the toys,, I got from.
others, I pla.y with one,.
and not with the others.
My. toy Mickey, he was
just so soft. That was
when.I was sick, he'd be
there when L coughed. I
slept with him,. I talked to
him, I talked to him he
made me feel good. I took
care of him end he hugged;
me just like he: should. He
wa by, ray side, throw'
the days at the hospital
with Mont and everywhere
I went he was . able to
The years went by now
l'mi older, But sometimes
it gets to me, so 1 let' him
ride on my shoukder, • .. .
Justin Miller •
Grade 5Brookside
Wheal was.: little .all l
could thinkr•of'Chastities .,
night was all of these ptey
seats underthe lights.
With alt :my presents from:
stuffed animals to toy
stars,. 'Andy all those kinds
of chocei to• bars., All I
could think of Christrxnas
might -It's all 'those ' pre~
seats, neer in sight, •'
by Wesley Rivett, Grade
Seven years ago,when
was.tbree and it was twd
weeks from C1 ristinas we
went to get our Christmas
tree: Dad peeked his saw
and put it in the truck and.
we drove -to get the tree. 1
had to pick Out a tree then
we cut the beautiful tree
down and drove home.
We took it oast of the
back of the track and .
brought it into the house
and.decarated it. I had a.
lot of fun that day.
by Sophie Gibbing*
Grade 4, .Brookside
• .On Christmas Eve 1
remember an odd'little
thing. .I went upstairs and:
went to sleep. I had; a..
dream. This how •it •goes,.l
stopped right there. It felt.
that .1 was at the NNN'orth
Pole! i' heard . a noise
behind a. tree and what did:
I see? A small little elf,
She asked nrte what I ,was
doing here, Without any
fear I told her, "1 doti't
know." '
Then she said, '''Cal rte
with -ore." ;,
We .walked for a long. .
tone. .Theo she,pressed a
button;on:'a rack; apd 1 fell
down a long tunnel. When
1 .stepped; •Santa, and •Z•
Then Senta .said, "You
S }3Qld . Rr,biit wait here." .'
tie. left; • then came' back
with .a'picttrtre• of a house. 1.
Then 1' evoke up ' Tkie}
strange thing was for
Christmas • I'got the"saje
,picture: •
14.101:4- are a �- all fTdos;�:��low.'�Iatso� snow!
Sign of • Chris tmasare•a ?em bets, briagiug,toaid al), « e . .
; the goad people �►
"we've had o privilege'
to`serve this past year, and, so:we,offer our want wzsles.to; :an, the fsmu1i+sr £ages,
who'nake the holiday season act special dor us.
• /y /y/y �j�I, yy�/yT /� �j� �
Happy. Hoii alis. f 'i o,nn Y•Fril ,�, a,s.
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