HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-02, Page 5The Health Services
Restincturing Commission.
(HRC) paid a visit to the
Huron-ferth district,
recently. Lea, l commis-
sioner Dr. Dunean
Sinclair, accompanied by
three staff spent. the day at
the offices of the 114W
District Health Council in
'It appears that the pur-
pese of the•Counnission's
visit was. to clarify certain
aspects of the hospitals'
written 411billiSSi911 to the
SRC during the sum -
said Jim Whaley,
IQ executive director.
limy also wanted to get"
our perspective en the col-
laboratien between the
eight hospitals."
In August the Joint
gxecutiye CQ/aMittee
(JEC) representing the
eight Huron -Perth hospi-
tals Wrote to the
CommiSsion in response
to au 1.ISRC discussion
document on rural hnsPital.
networks. In the RSRC
document, a number of
governance models were.
proposed .for rural hospi-
tals. h heir submission to.
the 1.ISRC, the ,Huron -
Perth hospitals noted that
they have signed a legal
agreement which binds tbe
Safety 'le
• trent page 4.
• ,
is currently examining
options and has been
working with provincial
Ministers In this regard,
fusing on an all-encem- •
paSsing safety net program
for farmers. I expect an
from the federal govern -
meat with required partic-
ipation by all provinces.
I ant seeking input, and
suggestions. )7siithin the
next week, a questionnaire
• will be mailed to residents
of the .riding of Bruce
requesting input on agri-
eight corporations to work.
together. Since the signing
of their partnership age!'.
ment which took place in
the spring, there have been
a, number of important
•milestones including the
hiring of single CEO,
Bonme Adamson.
"Eased on our discus-
sions -with tho
Ceminission today, we am
•confident that in its soon -
to -be -released network
directives, the IISRC will
reaffirm the partnership
agreement that the hospi-
tal trustees have voluntaii.
ly developed for Huron
Perth," says Adamson,.
new CEO of the Huron.,
Perth hospitals. "I know•
that all eight hospital
boards have been working:
• very hard over the lest two
years, to develop a Qom -
men governance structure
and I think they have
developed something in
HuronPerth that's quite
unique in. rural Ontario.'
After the Commisslen
issues it$ gevernance
directives for the Huronnerth hospitals; the DRC
and JEC will begin a col-.
laborative clinical pro-
gram. planning proCess to
apply the rural bench-
marks recently developed
pro agt
cultnral.' issues. The target
group will be fanners and
farming communities.
However, I welcome. and
encourage input from any-
one outside the targeted
group. . •
Please contact my
office at (519) 396-9200
or 1-800-667-037n' for a
copy of the questionnaire.,
urge all who receive a
questionnaire to complete
and return, it by pee. 17,,
Your suggestions and
ideas are welcomed and
Barb Fisher,.1VIPP
• !$TUC9
nioss cou
..from pug3 • •
ing at which no objections,
were. received..
Construction will 'begin' in
the sPring.
A laneway application
was accepted from Rick
Smith and. lane Van
Sickle, with the township
doing the work and sup-
plying the pit -run ravel.
The applicants wl1 pay for
the eulvert.
Ira Dickie's laneway
application was also
accented In this instance,
the township will retrieve
the existing culvert ,and
"install a new 40 foot, 113
inch culvert. The township
will be responsible for the
work, olvert and.pit run
,er e1 ,
ncil news
Theapprai,sal on the
Kinloss municipal build-
ing is not quite completed.
The survey has been com-
pleted at a cost of $500.
The actual property lines
at the east and west. are
incorrect and should he,
moved 10 feet to the west.
At council's Nov, 2
meeting. Todd Park
expressed concerns with a
new Culvert installed on
the 12th Conc. Council
told Mr. Park that if the
new culvert does create
new problems tor hint in
the' spring, the new town-
ship's. public works super-
intendent wili. ensure that
the problem is eorreeted.
by the Ministry *of Health
and the Ontario Hospital
"This benchmark analy-
sis will assist the DHC
and the JEC to determine
the future program/service
requirenlibins eab hos-
pital site in Huron -Perth,"
said Whaley.
'Sven though all ho,spi-
tal sites will remain open
under the government's
Rural Health PolieY, we
want to make sure that, we
have the right mix of set -
vices at each hospital and
them's a sufficient
•MOSS 10 provide WW1 qual-
ity ore,' said Adamson.
- lEtr .ar
1-11Aii'04.(iiikoiai4gdary,itka'r4dboiTiv98- gos
*toed among this beautiful banister arrangement is Hamish Black who
was host at his family's home (Joan, Dave and on Sunday as
guests took advantage of the Christmas HQUEIO tour Crystal*Studio.
and country Creations combined artistic talents at this home.
Keith Rayaiertii-
a newly formed multi -line
financial Warming firm;will
commence business in
Lucknow this Jantrary.
Partners in the new firm are
Keith Raymond,
Rod McDonagh and Rod MthoPagit
'Wayne McDonagh„
Managing partner of this new business
will be Keith Raymond, CGA. Keith has
recently obtained his Mutual Fund licence
• which 'in °addition to acting as a Deposit
• Broker for the sale of GICs, RRSPs, RRIFs
and Term Deposits, will allow him to sell Wayne McDonagh
'Mutual Funds as well as offer Financial
and Estate Planning. Keith will be leaving
the Chartered Accounting Firni of Barry
W. Reid, C.A. in Wingham, where he has
been involved for. 20 years, -effective
December 31, 1998.
Sepoy Financial Services has entered into an agreement with Janice
Matchett to operate as a sub -branch of REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS
offering a full line of Mutual Fund services. Wayne McDonagh will offer
Life Insurance as well as the sale of Segregated Funds under this new ,
agreement. Rod McDonagh will sell his Deposit Broker business Rod
McDonagh investments Ltd. to the newly established firm. °
President Rod McDonagh states that Sepoy Financial Services will open
its doors January 4, 1999 out, of the existing McDonagh Insurance office.
On February 1; 1999, it' will purchase ThompsonInvestments and relocate
to the Thompson Investments location:at 642 Campbell Street, Lucknow.
Current owners Don and Bev Thompson will continue on in an advisory
role during, the transition period. •
In today's economic climate it is more important than ever that your
investments be handled by a consultant trained to deal with a broader
range of financial services. It is hoped that you Will continue to support
Sepoy Finallgiat rvigeA.