HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-12-02, Page 2RALLYCY WHQ5
nruain akhis Usti
From r litsl tiltct tltetiw sl itf l;. est Mal h
sonsethiip to help mak $nta s I rtt�e! ou. tKlikut Peat •
gift **await rktin 4 k. kan,..5i►ttcwnill alif'
You cosi bet the. BidGuy will ke fend chock it out . tvicM'
tHg st.)Nt,AsT MALL mat,* OPS
ei!e,c nrber
%from 4 poke... 8 pro
iarsr 1 pn .i 4•pm
ma 6 pso 8 poi
• from 2 pert •d �u,
vr6pnt Bpm
fromfitoil ,..1('s pap
OM 1 Pitk.4 pen
oncl, 6 pn,t ; .8 #m
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tTURD x, i p R3
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Qrh $vcryFkirlk
f. oth:e lav
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0-40 ,0 th Bear kook('to Yois!
XoLkkomow,t,t, SHQI P: oENTO1S,QI"EN.
ivfonw «Weer,
%)4.4143,00.4 "1 furs, r+rl, 9r3q ar►s� pr►>*
Satas40 M airs • fi erre, a r X l Y *Y5 S pm,•
ttth li Mail;'
k stolenin
•townPage' 1,
Township hard some hems
stolen in the early evening
of Nov. 26. Taken were a.
pair of speakers, tapes all 4,
bi;rck carry ease and
A 1997 blue Chev pick
up truck wa,s stolen' front
the parking lot of West
Wawaaiosb Insurance,.
Dungannon. ort NQv. 30,
The owner of the vehi-
cle had ptarked the truck
there about 4:30:t.m.. The
keys Were inside and the
vehicle was unlocked: The
Ontario marker is 514,
If you have information
about this theft, call the
1" Uron QPP er Crime
A 14 year old Huron
To.wntship : youth was
• charged with the Offeudi
of "Offensive V'olaU1
Substance,' ort• Nov. 22
after he 'opened:a door to a
Kincardine. t'eyidenee and.
activated a sealed foil
package eoaitaintiig,sever~
al chemicals that when
activated emit the QbfOX-
ic1u.S gats of sulphi!,ir into
the immediate. area. the
• youth had picked the resi-
de= atrandom and. had.
www,rrtlr►.ca 14STIN St:
A444 ZINN.;
�j .�,�I { �{��,�..y,u1 5284411,
8, ttmralI: LdoltonwOMctnt.tott,oli
. 2$• ACRES , COUNit=Rif IAA S.
`bedroom house, new tersely room,
addition. Paved:ectad. S1t19cea., " ,
$304.000 w MAfn. %beet, 3 4odtoofn.
• ttbtn, ori heat,
6.x HURON'ST„ HIPLEY . 59;900,
3 bodrooin, otdo7' hod, 70 X PA
,llt4NGANNON : 3 'gadroorns,
50m et‘oapei too rem,' ' • ..
804 STREET.',. 4 DDodroom, a cnr
aaragai. morn fa0r denlotfico
`HAVEL.00K- 55,940 3 *tom
WHE54ER STREET chew new
bunitaiow totals rexiovate d inside: 3
bedroom: oatpont. $79,90Q
94,ACRES. , west Wawanosh, 55.
workable, ;brick .hotna and shed,
a. 7 .004S Nilson rive, lame
muse, 36'x36-SItectOat* .4arn
Redwood to 5105,000..
HAVE40!GK , 24' X 44' heata,di
chap, . 4 4ayg, ramode►ted 4
-tudroarn house woodtoit ha -at,`
E4404.iSTREET Newer bungalooar
'WOO tasemont, 9arago, .$tour
,NYea re duck d to 5135i0Q0 ,
' MAI a bedroorn hoose.. dost,
10downtQ'ift, Qitheat,
54ACRE ' 3 Yeau old Gape: Cod'
avedaokitig 214 aoSs pond, 2Q'acres
Pasture, brook , mature pine, 40(a
i hardwood, b'uah. Kintass•
3i 59000:
fpr 20 rasicihnts, coq for dataJs.
HAVELOCK - a badroam,, 114
Oaths, cornptatety renovated.
deduced to $X,$,900.
ASHFtt;t:q - Soonic rdning 1QQ
acres with: 9.Milo River Renovated.
3: t?edrourh-11ouso wittf,St4raaa, ..
5475 000,
1.s ACitiESt Soitc lig tut, Klntoag,
314 ACRS . butldin4'tot, setvtcod;.
ipgri, St, $34.0,04,
Rif, ACRES! Opdrootnerica.
house, 2 boos, 5tad:.#5 ncre,.-
boY/PotutO Ripley at00 5165,000.
ACRS , budding rpt, St HON,.'
516,0044 ,
440.0144400: 4 0, 0009, retie: 99
'04 ttaca,
F AIN ST., w 9uoin+ as, (atitorp
ci tate
100 ACEES - WOO S use, barn,
044 65 wbtkatilu 3 ponds,:
Kisitorfit Twp. 75,QQQ,
�8,,80ib r 1 �i 3G IOC, 4 00.0 trtt
homtme S 44.044.4t.l1004WANT D''
no id4 who reside d tbozo
Police received a :report
of *chief to the Canada
Post office in ,Ripley. w
Nov. 26, Pei'sQn(s) attend:,
ed the friint entrance: and.
kicked the bottom of the
glass door eausing it to
shatter. Damage is esti-
mated at about $30Q.
Anyone with infQnn1-
titan is asked:to contact
Crime Stoppers at 14300-
222-8477 or the Seuth
Bruce QPP demchment at
Police charged t 22
year old l.ucknow male
with ".Having Care and
Control of 4 Motor
Vehicle with Open
1,1quor.": after.the vehicle
was checked bjt police i:n
Kinloss Township on Nov
211. Police ' seized one ease
of beer anti two part bot-
. tles Of beer from the car;
The Wintgham QPP
have charged i 21 year-old
Harron Township male
with theft df 4•tiiona veli.
cle, The male had stolen
the vehicle from'•a resi-
de= in. Ripley. sometime
throughout the early
morning hours of Nov, 28.
A. 51 year old Abield:
Township man has been
charged with "Qatigerraus
',riving" and "Refusing to
Provide a Breath Sample,"
after he accelerated his
vehicle towards. police
who were operating a
RIPE Program On Stauffer
Street, in i.tt41S',now in the
early. morning hours of
Nov. 29. Pollee pursued
the, vehicle to' Napier
Street. where the driver.
exited•his. vehicle.. The dri-
ver - was arrested. •and
remanded into custody for
a bail hearing..'
On Nov: 25.,. at 7 a.m.
the owner of a 1491
Pontiac G.rand,.Ptizt found
that the front aucl rear tires
on the passenger side of
the • vehicle • had been
slashed. The damage had
occurred sometime
overnight while the vehi-
cle was lettparked: in the
driveway Conc. 1„ West
Wawataosh Township.
The tires were vaittett :tt
$40to replaces.. . -
A ,generator was report-
ed stcilen Qac Nov 25. at •
5:45 p.m.. from a resi-
dence on Cone. 12 of
Ashfield T vvnship. The
theft teak place within the
30 minutes prior to the
rep The stolen genera-
for had just been pur-
chased and was still in the
box when thieves: entered
an unlocked garage and
stale the iiem.
Taken was a 500 -wan
Coleman Geuerater l c,del
5000 with a 5 HP engine,
The generator was green
in colour and was .valued
at over 51.000.
Heavy fog Conditions caused the pity t of this .Cessna 150 to make .an
emergency landing: in a field on: Gone 10 of= West WaWanosh �uwrlshiikt
early Sunder afternoon. He found a grassy field that appeared euitablee
and attempted to Land, over share the, grassy area and entered a piewead
fleid.. *here the wheeisl;, duct in and. flipped. the plane (Ateer. The two occu..
pints: were not- injured» (Uvirtgston photo),
‘142,,L RR_