HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-25, Page 11tuc n wSentinel,. Wednesday,. Nov ether 25, 1998, - Pogo II DEX CUISSMED 528-2822 01. Articles for $tile 02. Yard Sale U #,• Qa rage Sate 04. Antiques 04a. Arts & Crafts • 05. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale pPr$,4 1Wc. r.I 110N 74; For sale General 74. "Warned to Buy 7c. Wanted to )tent 7b, Motorcycles ?f $1towrrwbiies 7g. Rec.. Vehfetes, 7h:. Bolas, Motors, etc. 716. $wimmrng Pools 08.: Vontputets. 10. 'Pets:. tea tigrsks 1 l a: General Wanted to Buy Waktte.J• to Hire Eirpt, Wanted. 1„ivestock Finn Procluce Equipment Services.- Farm 1.an4. Rea1'Sstate• - Wanted to Rent For Rent la, Real Estate: , la Mobile Homes.. 14. Vacation-, `16. For Rent 17. •, Apartrncnt, ” • til Houscs,for Resat 1914Bed13xoakfast 20,. • Room' &, Board ' 23.'. Commercial. 2 #, •.Wanted to.1Z4nt 25, Wantedto Buy 26, , Help Wanted . 2' 1. Whnteil.•C'reneral. 2F3:' 134satte,s&Opp. 29. Tenders 30. Einpl: Wanted I, Service Directory 32. Babysitting ' 33; . Miscellaneous 34; ' personal • Legal Notieefi: t6, Announ entwnts, • Mortgages, ill; :Auctions 39... Ed'ucat�ona1 40, Lost Fuund 4:1, , . To (live Away:: 42:. Obituaries. 13. Births 4`l. ..6.iu tgenteuts l5; Marriages Oft: In.Mentoriatn. 47; Card of fli inks, 48, Cptrling Es t t5 BATES AND DATA It lit alt ll ' . itil minor 1 Week -$4.25 2w $7.44 S Weeks Or mQfrtV- $3.27 each: ween: extra words at .1 each Cards of Thanks - $4.26 for 25 words extra. words at .06• each . . Inr Memoriam • $4:25+ ,35 for each line of verse'. Birth Announcement - $10,00 flat fee ' 3 a ads- $10.50 pre -paid for 25 WOICIS, .extra words at .16 each Thursday Special. :25 for 25 words Must be plasedand paid on. Thursday Savo a $4.00' billing charge, by pre-payi rg • C, .T. included •frra00314Micas . Call 828.282.-: 1 For Mlle:, • RELIVE THE.: Memories. on LerrenS. RESUMES vidQQQasseite . Morris ETf Township 140th,, Turnberry The -,l uc, now. Sen. life! deee 1'4Qth, Lucknow 140th and gQo-01004 custom: typing Wtnghem homeooming: fQr customers; resumes, lei, Makes and ideal Christmas: ters:etc. We can .offer you a. gift, Only, $19:95 each: Call number of different print .John: Schedler, Videotex types and sizee on high Productions,: 357-22$3. - `quality paper, Call our 4.6.50it . office or drop' in for more TRINITY COOKBOOKS for details, --53tF . sale. Would ,Make a great. CHRISTMAS FREES, Christmas gift.idea.-$8. Gall Scotch Pine, White -Pine:, Brenda 529-7048 or; Lillian Fraser Fir, Balsam,. and 529•-'7408.-=:45-47xc • „ Spruce, wreath& and ar- PARTY TIME PORTABLE 4 . land. Neil Edger, Highway: • person spa, no need to call 86, east. of Whitechurch:.. plumber or.,electrician.Fill Phone, 357-2.1.22'.. Closed with, your: hose and. its ready daily.5:30 to. 6:30`p m -47- tet• go, From $14,88:weekly, '' ` 46ar' rent to own. Cali '1,800-4.79 - BEE) FOR sale, -looks fke., a:; • 1587:`--46-49cc ordinary bed (has:,7 wafer• BARB Cl1ES, NATURAL tubes). with. mattress: over • gas :and, propane;: no bri- top. Very:cornfortable. quettes and-°Iife time, war- Complete with box:,springe, rant.y,.: The Chimney;'. heater, headboard, and; Sweep's Stove Parlour and frame; $250.; New, mattress,, Gallery Inc. 368-.5274.- only was:.over$,1000. kali 19tfcc' • , • 5244476; after 4:30,p,m. or: PieK..qw your copy of i HE 5244.167 days, 0;48nxo LUCKNOW SENTINEL at GOURLAY URRItaHT piano any. .of the following.,. Luc,krroly businesses, Beckers. Mtik,; Seli:'s, Discount, L iekhpW Village Market,' 'Ftx Central?.. 1,110.100W2,HJ Used: Gar; and:A.nnie's Gas Bar, Hamiltonr1 I Pilafs. =- 52tf, KELVIINATOR RANGE, full . .size, almond,, in good:condi- tlin,' 127 -years old. Geed for,,, • just starting out or,for cot,-', ..cage.; $.100. o,b.o• 529 3653.--43-45x-46 4anx WHY HAVE `AN. aucbori9 Antique, collectibles; toys,. coins;whole; estates. "Cash: I on the spot Call. 519. 364, 0448.--46tfar ctUSTQM,:FA . a Need: to send or receivea fax?' The. Sentinel does, cus- tom' faxing' for customers, Qrotx in or call 528.`2$22 fQr. details, •--4,1tfnx • AB$QLUTa~LY FANTASTIC way for purchase: a digital satellite. system, 18" and 2411, American • and- Canadian. ndCanadian. Rent to own, from $&,8a. weekly, ask about free program: pkg. Call 1- 800.479.1587 for delivery,. today; .-446-49dc, ' WLL, SEABQN:EQ hard- wood, split, stored under ,. cover. 540 a cord delivered• within a 15 inile.•radius of Wingham. Phone 392:+ 6129,-45-'47x SE ,WHATrS HAPPENING ARQtlNLT THE•AREA: . The Sentinel has, the fol, sewing- papers ayaila ,ie.,iin. our office -on Wedpusday, Goderich, $7 Rs t Sar, Kincardine News•,•, Clinton News Record: • Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor, 16tfnx FtREWQQD • MIXED -dry hardwood, Gaclerich, Lu.csknoW area- •$; 0 deliv- ered. Phone 529:-7062. -- 46-48x. . CUSTOM BUILT.,turnjture; also • sing -le and double. pedestal and harvest tables• and;'chairs, Aaron L Miller,:. R R:2 LuO•knoW,: 3/4 mile we$t. of St Heten!s, 2 miles. east of• Belfast. - 43'48xc SIVE 01 PIN $ G NEW. STEEL BUILD- .INQ$ . Go Direct .and -Sevek 4:12; roof :pitch. 25. x, 3U $3,9.00.40; 25 x • 40 $4;9OQ.00. 30 x 40. $6,6Q0:00. 35 x 50;. 57, 600, 00. -40' x 60 -1'0,804,00. 45 X 30 $1$;400.00. ethers Pioneer ..:1.8Q0 -65$ -5422. - -for sale, good condition, -47bc well:' sounding. Asking STEEL: BUILDINGS: .5.1500 or best offer. Phone • FUTURE STEEL, 'BUIL 395-4475 Monday, :Tuesday I NGS., 1998•' Cle;aran.ce. after, 5 p.m.--45.47xc Reserve your building today AT SCHUETT'S. MILDMAY at 1998• prices. for spring,, choose;. froth:a good seleo„ delivery. Complete arch- o chesterfield erfield.suites Y .e ui ings..;re es, - ,trate. Free brochure. Cali 1800-668.51;11, ext 535.- 7k piano, .upright pianos',* SAWMILL. $4895 SAW YamahaClavinova.digital.. LOGS; INTO BOARDS: pianos, Schuett's. Mildmay, planks, beams, Large deliver 519:x367 2308 ' capacity, Best sawmill value 47ar. anywhere, Free intrmation 1-800.566.6$99;Norwood Sawmills, R;R-,2; Kilworthy, Ontar+Q POE 1q0,--471,39, tion f est , t P b ld F ti genuine La -,z -Bay recliner. chairs. Also new pianos: ;nclutl"Ing, Yamaha Grand,' CHRISTMAS. CAKES.,and;: puddin.gs:. Cali :'Brenda Phillips 529-:7048. '•-45-47x0 For SW* WASIIEFVORYER Pair only. $49.41:imontb at AEG Countryside,, 648,,Campbell St„ I,ucknow or phone 520- 2445,--47ar. CATCH UPr QN THE NEWS.,, The Sentinel is available' at the following locations: , Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market, F awson's. Store; Oungannon; MacNay's Stove, Arnberley; Triangle Discount,. Goderich; I rian's Valu -Mart, Wingham. McPhee IPA, Wingha.rra,, Hart 'Food.' Mart, Teeswater, MacAdam Mini Mart, Flieley, ' Pert Albert General Stare,' and Keith's Repair Service; • Whitechuratt.. —9tfnx XMAS SPECtAL,'reoeive a FREE OtRECTV • sony SAT - BSA Digits lSeteltite 8ystenv ,hen- YQt @tl u9 fQr of.total :hoiee, Platinum service,. '•Phone; 1-8+58x745-•' 8.r 07 -47bc' ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC way to purchasa.a. corraput- JQ'r, Rent to own; 233mmx•up to 40Q`perrtjum, fully loaded,. Multimedia,, :Plug *and play;. s:ysteme from- only $11•.88 weekly.. No money dawn. call. 1-80.Q-479, 1$87• for dielitiery today,--46-49t:c. SATEI,41TE SYSTEMS Need; a new satellite: dealer fOr all' your'. C';E3arid systems, for; program. and: service? Star Choice Systems: start- ing. at $299. after rebate. Call Ontario Country Kabla, 233.3944« .-47-5QCc• • SHAKLEE' PRODUCTS. Environmentally friendly, Gleaning: arid h.ouSehold• products, multi-p.u,rpose; Basic •H, Natural food supe pigments, energy, and• body. building products. 0,e1.1 Gordon GaYle. 528 21 BROWN LAVERS.. 1 year old for sale, Gaff 524- 4903 leave- 'massage.-- 47,48rtXe ccLL: f-.aA scxuTHWEs " SAtatthe systems Ne£4 TO•B.UY OR.aEPMR YQ$R' sA'ret,1,0 onANTENNA? warm/wows. used pans. for mosyrnakes of eateihte4 Antenna Equipment • '14 years ettparience CALL tarry of 5g4,9595 or Dennie at•524.8271. . otn or evening¢, • Si Cars CaQOD WINTER car `:1979 'Thunderbird, auto, 361 Windsor; good'budy,brakes and motor; excellent tires; pod interior. As is, 11$e to safety. 528.2516 after 6 p.m',-.40ttnxe, 198. FQRIZ TEMPO.' t3ady, meter.. and 'trainsrnis-.. sign in •9:20q B,ul�t"in cell phone $OQtI as is„ Gait 395-4316.,-47cc 7,1K, snowmobiles. • Equipmer.It*t 1:995 POLARIS INDY Tra'i Deluxe.: Two up seat, alae-, trio stall, reverse, :ski -skins, and. cover, 2100• miles. $4:500' o.b.o. Please .call ..51.93.67-5892,7-4&524e. 8.. Cit p.Rters, ,COMPU.TER FACTORY amazing., Chiistlmas. special.. 1-�year. no payments, free scanner. 265 minx loaded, Internet; printer, software., and mora.. $16/wk; (qac): 1 800.515-5545':free delivery. --44,47ar . FOR A' 1. brown. a d. 47-49xc . ,. $ L E . n ENT ERTAINME:N'T CE•N,- T'RE, `solid.: woad, •dark. cher- ry. finish, glass;; doors,, 'adjustable, shelf, . 51 . 1/2 • inches. wide x 40 inchs. _ high x 19 inches. deep, $250• o,b:o, Phone. 529.7733.--47- 4goc: HARDWOOD Seasoned,Split & Piled . 364.1328 Allan Poechman nive w.aite . female • puppy, Australian Sh.•,epherd/Border Collie cross. Parents good. watch dogs and good with, cattle: $75.. 5 Norwegian: Elkhound puppies $150; each. EXceiaent.ternpera- ment, easy -trained, good hunting. dogs and. pets. Contact Menne L. Miller; Rt Lueknow, Lot 24, Celle.;,. 9.46-48xc • POPSNAV CNlt0114t IES 'JOT ilietz4tC,4 f� tttflt4kft ;, The War Amps