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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-18, Page 11l;aacl>aauirvd:otitrl, Wcduc4day, Novi:ttalzcr 18, 1993 INOEX MASSIMO 4284822 01. . Articles frit Sale 02, YardSale t13. Garage Sale 04; Antiques 04a, Arts C Crafts 0S. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale wcgrAxtoti, 7a. For sale General 7b. ° Wantedto Buy 7C, . Wanted to Rent 7e ,Metercycles 7f. Snowmobiles 7g: Rec. Vehicles 714 Boats. Victors- etc: 7k: S>titiin i ing Pool's OS. Computers 1p� Pets:' 1Aa, liorks > A M T,, I lar. Generat'r iib.. Wanted to Buy 11c. Wanted to Hire. 114. Empl. Waisted 11,c. Livestock. 111, Farm Produce 114. Equipment 1111. Services. . Farni Lang 1 Ik. Real' Estate 1 LI,' Wanted to Kent t;l:rn, For Rent • 2 Rgal ,Estate' ,13; M*bile Homes; Vacations • ` 1i5, Por Rent l,. Apartments l $. Huse for Rest 19a, : Bed & Breakfast 4):: Rttgm: & Roar(' 2• Commercial ?R. Wanted to Rent 25 • Buy,. 26. l•1eip, Wanted 27:. Wanted,Ciineral • 8 Business Opp 29„, Tenders,. • 30. Erni* Wanted, 31:. ' Service Direetory l2> Babysi;ting Mi llitnc ims. Personal 3S ' Lega1;b[ottc es 30; Announcements. 37Mortgage •s _3$ • uctipns • Educational X10; lost ;§.Pound ki. T Q,ve Away' 42. Obnuories Botha 41. Engagements • 4'.5ti. ° Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47, Card of, Thanks. 411: Cdming Eveins. RATES AND DATA w,. t week $.4.25 • .. 2 weeks $746, 3 weeks• or' more,- 27 each week ex' 4 ^d t`.16 440 Dards of The, ran- or 2.6 words $;.A n, $ at .Q6 each in Memoriam -'$4.25 +.35 for each line of versa Birth Announcement - $10.00 flat fee 3 + 3 ads $10.50 pre -paid for 25 worda axle words at .18 each Thursday Specill ; $3.25 for 25 wordy Must be placed and paid' en Thursday Savo a $4,QO billinichelrge by pre~payingl, % S.T. 'included In. above prices Cali 528-2822: Fair Sala LErrERS - RESUMES • ExTG. The 4ucknew Sentinel doe Cianftrireitn tal• eustem typing' for customers; resumes, let- ters etc. We can offer you. a. number of different print ' types and sixes on high quality paper. Call our office or drop in'•for mere. detail$.--53tt • • RELIVE THE Memories; do videocassette. Morris • Township 140th, Turnberry 14Qth, Lucknew 140th and Win,9hard homecoming.: Makes: and ideal Christmas. ., gift, Only $.19.96 each. Call,: John Schedler, Videotex„ Prpdvctions,3357-2233 46.5Qar FIREWOOD FOR Sale.' Dry hard wood; Cut, split and delivered. Phone, 52$'-2Q28 -.4,4.46x, TRINITY C00KBOQKS,fot sale, Would_ make a great Christmas gift. idea, $8 Call' Brenda 529-7046 or Lillian • 828!-74Q6 --4.54:47xo; PARTY TIME PORTABLE 4• person spa, no need to call plumber. or. electrician, Fill,: • with your hose arid.its ready to go.; From .$14,86 weekly, rent. to owns Call 1:600479- 1667:, 46-49cc• • BARB EC U.ES, NATURAL gas and propane, nO bri- quettes and life time war- ranty. , arranty.., The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlour and Gallery Inc. 368-5274.-- 190c DISSHW/SI•IEIRS Overstocked dishwasher sale. From $399; white, black, almond, Phone Pollock Electric 395.2982 w=. 381far • "t ,i_ For Side Pick up your dopy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at any of; the • f4liowing Lucknow businesses: Beakers:' . Milk.„ Bell's. Discount,. Lucknow Village Market, Rx ' Central, Lucknow, .HJ Used Cars and Annie's Gas Bar, 'and. Hamilton Fuels. ANON 'FICTION AND,paja- mas this:.week•at The Kids. Shop, • 25% off; until': Saturday,-, Nev. 21. Ali remaining fall stock. 15% off Wtile supplies, last: The Kids Shop, Luckriow, 528-3341.-- 4Caar. r . ABSOLUTELY FAN:TASTiC way to purchase a comput- er. Rent to own, 233mrnx up to 400, pentium, fufy loaded; Mttti-meld, ia, plug and , play systems from only $1168; weeki.y. N.o,rnoney down,' • Cali 1.8004479-1587 for, delivery today.--46-49cc STEEL BUILDINGS NEW, STEEL, BUILD- INGS..,,Go Direct and Save. For sal. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS,: planks, beams.' Large capacity. Best sawmill valuer , anywhere.: Free information: 1-800-566-6899, Norwood: Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy; Qntario.POE 1GO.--46bc WHY'" -HAVE AN auction? Antique, collectibles,; toys, coins, whole estates. Cash on the spot. Call 51 s-.364- 0448. 460ar CUSTOM FAXING , Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does cus- tom faxing for customers. Drop in or call. 528.2822 for details. -4l tfn AT SCHUETT'S Mildmay choose from chesterfield suites, genuine Lal: -Boy recliner chairs, King ;Kali. and Serta mattresses; also,. Yamahaa: pianos, Ctavinova digital pianos' Sohuett's , deliver, Phone: 19-a6;7- 2309,--46ar • ,• '' ,WHAT A REALI Roper washer and dryer, brand new, $699for pair; one only, Pollock Electric - .395-2982';--38ttar GOURLAY UPRIGHT plane for sale,.good condition, well sounding. Asking; .$1500 or best offer, Phone, 395-4475 Monday,. Tuesday` after 61).4 --45-47xc CHICKEN FEEDERS and water bowis and chick feed- ers for sale.:•Call 529.3271. .-44.;45,46Cc , CHRISTMAS CA.K.ES. end,' puddtng5; CaII a Brenda I'hiliip5 529 7048`;-»45-47xc W0.00s$ FREEZERS - 22,. co: ft .$589; :15 cu: =ft;' $459. only 1. of, each, Phone or drop." in at AEG' Countryside Appliances, 648 Campbell St.,; Lucknow, 5294240;1 or 1-800-731-7787.=-46ar 4:12. root pitch, 25 x 30 $3,900,00. 2.5 :x . 4Q 30 -x 40 ) SQ 40 x, s0. 80 ethers, Pio,ne.eL 1 $„00 668 5422:. , 46bc:• 4x, 8 POOL TABLE with snooker, spots and stripe. bails, ,cues and rack; $450 oto, Phone 519.524.7115. 46^48nice. KELVINATOR RANGE, felt size, almond, in good condi- tion. 12 years old, Good for just starting out or for cot tage. $106 o.b.o. 529-. I 3653,-43.45x4 6-48nx , $4,900,00. $6,•500, 00. 57600.00. $10,,800.00, $18,400-00.. GALL, L&ASOLUTHWEST Satellite Systems; NEED•TO, BUY OR REPAIR YOUR 4.0 SATs LLITE pe ANTENNA? We have newused parts. formost make`a,of, Satellite & Antenna Equwpirient t m 9il*t vMIab e _-1 A. yearsexperience CALA:, Larry at 524-9895, or [tennis. at 524-8271 oayorHvenin'gs:, sio;k 4'441 t Weil seasoned t3odywoogt &: H*11004 per cord of wtfoot buy 1Q Ord • of. Weed; J e deliver S903 00 • 524 • 1 �.For lil HARDWOOD FIREWOOD logs by tandem truck toad. For mere information. call 519460-7076 Monday to Friday; 8 arra. to 4 p.m. -- 42-46 l,1FT CHAIR mink coiourt good condition:,Phone 526- 7173. --45.46x WELL GBASON L? hard- wood, split, stored under cover. $40 a cord delivered within a 15 mite radius of Wingham, Phone 392- 6129.--45-47x SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THE AREA. The Sentinel hes the fol- lowing, papers available in our office en Wednesday. Goderioh Signal Star,' Kincardine News, Clinton News . Record,, Mitchell Advocate, Seaford) Huren ti ,xpc iter.-16tfnx Ft EWOQL7 M4X.E17• dry. hardwood• Goderiet Lucknow area. $50 deliv- ered. Phone 529.7062; -- 16 TFuckw 46-48* CU$TOM BUlll furniture; also si'ngle' and' double pedestal and harvest tables and.chairs. Aaron. L. Miller, R; R.2:. Lucknow, 3/4 .mi'ie West of,3t.: Helen's,. 2 ,mike 3, east df, Belfast--43=48xo• 11 . D . • CATCH UP QN; TiiE: The -Sentinel is • available at the tolfowing • locations; Flotyrood General Store; Ripley • Superior :Market; • 'p:alwsorys Store, Dungannon MacNay's Stere, Arnberley triangle Discount, Goderch; Brian's Valu-Mari Valu -Mart,, Winghern McPhee: IDA, .Wi.ngham, Hart Food Mari, Teeswater, lvtacAdam.Mu-u Mart, Ripley, fort Albert General Store, and Keith's Repair; Service, Whitechurch ,--49tfrix For Salt ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC way to purchase a digital satellite sys:tern, 18'- and 24', ' American- and Canadian. Rent to own from $6,8.8. weekly, ask about free program, Call'. 1- 800-479-1507 ,for delivery today.. --46'49'4: tic` T,I What yqu ixry n • rho iressws, 'CU furniture s%m S Qodarich; 524.7V1. rws•, Fri..a!d * NAR QQD'.._. S'easoned.. Split & Piled 364-1328 • Allan Poechman S .Oars GOOD WiNTER car - 1979 Thunderbird, auto, 35.1 Windsor; god body, brakes.. and motor; exeeilent tiresr god interior, As is, 1ittie::t4i,_ safety. 58.g5.10 ,�ftdr: e p: rn.--4otfnxe • AG' &12 ampbell $t, LUCKNQW 528224: Plain or Garcia Fresh Sliced,. Side ,perk,,.,.,.. 1'��1: Chocolate; Advent' Calendars ;.....9 1995 WAG SAFARI SLX::'•.: extended:'vatn-, auto, B` pas, salver, 'APS, alr, pow,et' window,, power locks, power steering:,. excellent condi- tion. $133,000 certified, 519- 3.92{61729. -44-46 'it.snovin►obitoa •. Equipment 1995 POLARIS. INDY Trail' Deluxe. Two upseat, elec . trio start, reverse,, ski -skirls. and;• cov:er..2100 mites. $6000.,'Please„crtll'.519=367`, ' 5892. 46'52nxe Co mlpgiters. COMPUTER. ' FACTORY aimazid'g Christman special; 1:, year no payments,.free• scanner. 266 mrX loaded; , interneL printer, software and: more. $16/wk (oac). ,600,516-5545 free• delivery. "44117ar fll�A. "TANSY" • NEEDS ,a new' home she's a terrific dog: but, we only need one! She's broWn/black„ short haired. aed,medium size. She's, . recently spayed and a good ' . terrtpered;, lovable mut.: Please call 529,3178•. -- 46c0