HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-11-11, Page 111.••••11.•••• ......... 10.1•110,611•1111.1•11e.
VOL. 1245 , WE, 45
11 1998
uronKinloss municipal election
Stuart RerWile - Keith van der -Hoek Lillian Abbott Wilt (amble .11nr Hanna Mitch Twolart raeraitt Dbellberi
Mayor Deputy - Mayer Councillor Councillor ' Councillor . °Councillor Councillor •
EIection.at4arge results,n fair
Pat 1601040Am:
$tnart,R.Q4V1%.'thq ctir-
rent( reeve of Utioknow,
will have the honour of
being the' first. mayor ,of
the new Municipality of
•the Township of 1-luri40-
Kialoss. Thonew wunkk
•polity will• encompass, the -
village Of tueknow and.
townsI}1p f Iluroti and
• Kinloss:
%Aide, whoehairetithe
iransition board for the
• new mtinicipality, gar,
ner0 15'95 votes whoa
electors, went, to th.0 Pas-
oti, 140m:1;434- defeatedi
Huron 'D>wnsliip!s: reeve
141.1trAty Thompsott bY. 5-s8
votes, TboinpSOri went to.
•the null's:With 16 years
experiencein uthuieiptil
• polidcs, •
geavie said 'rtiesdnY
morning he was glad to
see the turnout at the pelts
andthat,: the.eleetioh-at;.•
large worked, with a. pact
irepeosentatiOit ACICOSS. the
The newly-Oleetekl.
inik*Or. AAA- )(cram,
seven of those.as recvp of
Lucknow Be also, Served
as. 'die Warden of &Toe, •
County, in, 1996,
• geavie has served, on
all committees of county
couneil and chaired the
coolgy's restruelO608 plan
reduoe the county to
eight municipalities; and
retain a'two-der system Qf
MOntetpttl. governmeAG
Wilma •17:4w.„rtoihiP,
ti*• legality of the
cOurity rilan.Th cOure.bf,
Appeal for Ontario dis
Missed grime 'Township's
appaL i,n early Senternher-
"With the help of cowl,
cif*lni looking forward - to
the challenge as...Mayer Of
the new municiliality,".
said; geavie:, . "1don'. t :se
JOL of Itruitediate changes,'
The, first. thing is to get it foot., wing, span" settled '
'44,OWW.f0r Wilt Otiltblez
• _• when he,4atlid.-otit•trg- had
titelkX044,44kvor. A AAAt.' thec.cPWAtit
Keitht NFam tier flock _ after 1506 people, cast a ,
sit at the couneil table as vote for him;
deputy -mayor of the new • .A newcomer to the
municipality, van der municipal scene is ririt
Hoek, who had 718 v4teti, .Hanna ot Kinloss ,
at the polls,. was One of 'Township. Hc acquired
seven contenders for the • 1450 Votes. One of his
deputy-Ta-Yor'L seat. Hes camPaiPirit 8P41$ ,was to •
been the' deputy..-reove. for "mitigate, any. negative,
Mixon Township -Since the „effects of provincial
election in.1-997, and was 'downloading to ensure
a.00nne Itorf or three y ars. new se c, co • pro vid
'• '• during which time Ripley • mi;et.,thp, needs. of the,
• and Huron Township municipality.,7
403418,40Uted. , "f-betieve. the stioeess-
'think everybody will. candidates are of, very
hold off for a white, to. high calibre,,anitare
fi..04mit what, Oiersiong • milted, to making the.
wants,said' Van der l'Ioele municipality work and
the int/Ming after 'the elce— unify all 'former
tion: 'We've got some ncw- Patties intoit," said
people and; sOme. W.411. Hanna Tuesday' MOrning.
experience., The: repre$en- quite confident that
tation • is very: svcri. 1t' we have very good people
looks, like a good council;" in impositions:" •• '
:the-ite.:0Y-electe4 ' Much.Toolan is also
deputy -mayor: "We will making his ark foray into
survive." ••rnunieipa].polfrieS„.; The'
Councillots • Huron .T.Ownship business, .
.the, race ,fOr live counr. man, said he was, happy Lo
- cil lot. Positions was tun- seethe good Voter' Mrnetig.
tested by. nine candi44tes* "It •shoWect people cured;'''.
Topping the. polj,S. WaS,. Said. Twolan. who hadLiThan•
•Abbott, With 17,27 1281 votes at 09 potis
•:11-01.0A;AON4f'-'1):4:$;.b096 Ofl 111 fry .do my hest," he:
bticknuw coutieil For • ‘d
'seven y.ears'llifti,Servett on The filth cettneit scat
several boards', , went RI Gerald .:Lioeltnan,... •
Abbott vas. very "grati4 of Ki n I ss T9YVns,hip,
fiee with her support at• Doeiman, with four. yeaP,'
t4e,•.0911$,' "N9w.,:we haVe.. experience as a. councillor
te.initke sure we earn Lhe received 1192:votes.
right to he there "council', I'm a little exeited,",
table] apti;adticess. all eon- Daclinan, said Tuesday
-erns in a fair manner " MOrning "And I'm happy
she said the 'ingining after to sen that.,.We got, reprc-
election. : • :
The buueriiics. w,44, '- turn tq page2'.