The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-28, Page 4Page 4 - Lacku ow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 28,199 •
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Voters in the Municipalities of .Lucknow;..
Kinloss and Huron have an opportunity to be
a part of history inthe making but only if
they vote on Nov. 9. it Witt be interesting to
see .if this election results in a turf war or wilt
voters he apathetic to the whole .pro Es..
Coma .Jan.: 1, 1999, any matters concerning:
either or all;, of the aforeimontiehect, three
rnunic$patitiea,:rttilt be considered around- one
' couneit table by seven people... COnsldering
the problerrrs. that will no, doubt be encoun-
tered, it was surprising to see the keen inter-
' est it this 'election. The names of 18 people
be On the bail'ot.
The transition board for the new municipal-
ity, of the Township . of ,Huron-Kinioss opted
'for an open effect Ort rather then,a ward .sys-
tem As ratepayers in the <new- municipality, we
wilt have to trust .that; those seven: people.
etected will look at the new municipality as a..
whole 'and show no, favouritism to any ane
area over.. the ;next..two years. There are,some
special agreements; to consider, such as the
recreation, :medlcat,, and fire boards that
t .ucknovii and Kinloss share with-. Ashfield and
This:.: municipal .campaign has a more
aggresalve, nature to it than: others in;:the past
as' candidates attempt to 0arner• the votes •o't
/';81)5 (Huron 333,: Kinloss -1209, t,ucknotn
1043), who are .eligible to cast a ballot on Nov..
In the 19.9T erection in' Kinloss: there was a
384., per cent voter turnout; ;in Huron the
turnout was 30 percent. • `
An • all; Candidates, meeting takes: place on
Wednesday evening in. 4ucknow. It is an
opportune.time to Meet those you don't know.
and put forward questions .ter all who seek to.
rePresent 7,005 people. don't let apathy reign:
exercise your right to Voter Advance; poli is -
this Sat i ay. (PL}
i some, st
olci. Ph
We have four (namnow of students in the 1894
photo at S.S.. # 10 Ashfield. Front row, first _..
'Ethel Wylds (Taylor), who is Warren Wyids'::tnother
fifth Person Edith. Cowan (Taylor). Note the matching •
outfits oa.. the twin girls Ethel; and Edith. Third tow' :