The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-21, Page 1331. Service. Directory. STORAGE . BOATS, vehi-. cies, RV's, large or small. Gall:Greg 395.2293. --39- 43cc DAVE'S OAR OILING Drummond St,, Blyth, 519- R3-4343. Open Sept and Oct.,daiiy 1 p.m. to •9 Saturdays 9 a.m. to, 3 p.m., weather 'perrrritting. --3S- 43cc 45' STORAGE TRAILERS for reit. Economical star - age, ideal for contractors, fanners and home owners. Phone 395-5167;--34tfcc ADVERTIIIIE WITH Cua5 , !" Mguee oibery from 4tr. WtiixaleratRucS agdai es 1488343 -diva 32. iBabysitting CHILD CARE required ' Monday to. Friday, 6:30. a,m. • •ta 8 'a.m., ,to get children • ready and sent 10. school.. Phone 528.2776 42-44xc 33. Misc. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- , ESI 'Safe, rapid, non-surgi- cal :perinanent restoration. in 6-8 weeks. Airline pilot developed.. 'Doctor approved. Free Information • by mail 406-961-5570 ext, .253. Fax' 406.-,961,5577, `http://www.visionfreeedernco m. Satisfaction: guaranteed.- -42bu. 34. Persoflfatt -'A cost will be'Incurrect EVANLY-RAYS Psychic Answers. Police Use us..Rated 41 in Canada.. :lestant answers about love, .money, career; lucky #s, Nreiationships: Achieve suc- casslt, 32.99/rain., 18+; 24 hrs., 1.900=4514055, --4t - *Ice ATTENTION: LOSE or gain 'w'eight, feel great! .Nutritionally sate. Make Money; doing' t. Free ,inforr ,nation 1-$00-881.6782.. -, 41-440c HAVING •A DRiNKING PROBLEM??AA can hefp,, Phone. Goderich 624-0300i or,Walkerton 881-3636.7 42ar *It oath Will be Incurred, CANADIAN PSYCHICS --. '. Uncover• secrets of, your future; Know what .the year will bring. Accurate and• Affordable 1-909.451-7.070. 32.89/Minute 18+.--42bc, ASHGIOVE CHRISTIAN. SINGLES. Companionship/' marriage.. A.gea Single;'vridowed;divorced. State a e, All across Canada: 6 P.O. Box :205,' Chase, D G,,, VQE 1 M0 Free information. 1-250- .6794643. .250.679 3543. --42bc • . 34. Pursoi si ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath - of an abortion/emotions You 'can't explain? Most post -aborta) women experience. traerna in their lives. Call, aur 24 hr. hotline collect (619)323- 3751 519)323-3751 for •confidential. sup- port. --42ar THE $250 WINNER -of the LUcknow Legion• Renovation draw for Oct. 10 Was Bert Lapsley,. Kitchener and Oct. 17 Eugene McGee, Gaderich. congratulations. 4 Weeks left, Tickets still available • 528.2746. 29tfsar If you know a young person (aged 6 to 18) who is involved in worthwhile com- munity service, or is con- tributing while living with a limitation, or has performed an .act of heroism, nominate him/her for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award: Nomination forms are available through this newspaper or OCNA at 905'639.8720, ext. 230.-- 42bc 137. Mortgage)* 14.i 2'• Mortgage Moho Absolutely ot Fees v..4b1 as low es .p ir,t� �t If you qu■NIY. Paylga AMt. ADpmoG. Mo,?ayt1nt. ' 5,060 *41,58 '10400.. ' 83 . '15.900 '125.00. c tiw roof doe W.s ww cautt61e)394'WSo:1-roo.38i 1132 A$TRAL. FUNDING INC. iliFONSWIS7 Cffiwom WIUS Wowle. •4 TUNIIOBila,,. /a mow • 1: W. The Wer'Ampit Auctions' AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SAIE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, , • NOV. 20/98 If you have something to loll, give Use call: . GRANT•.MCDONALD 395-5353 . WALLACE BALLAGH 39241:70.. Auctioneera , • Saturday, ort, 24 Local Calf Sale Sruesels .Saturday, Oct: 3i Joe: Cassel,. Milverton Beef Cattle,. Farm Machinery Tues. &-Thurs. KW. Stockyards Fridays_ Brt sseis .Livestock AUCTIONEER Brian Rtntoui 357-2349 . +, Aucti CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE to bee {{heed lat. BRINDLEY 4 SALES YARD Dungannon Sat,. October 24 9:30 A.M. Consisting of approx. 80+ tractors, backhoes and numerous .ple^ces•of equip - merit. NOTE: Tractors selling at 12:30 p.m TRACTORS; Michigan 35A 4W0 a loader; MF 290; 40 3020; 40 4950 4WD & duals; 4D 2955 4W0; 4n 2950 4WD; 111 806 (gas); 114, 400; it4. 664; 40 401C wtcab .& blade (900 hrs.); 40 435 (diesel); ,(3) MF 165s w/load- ers; several 8 & 9N Fords; (5) MF 'I35a; Casa 400; MF 202 &. loader; (2) AC Gs with equipment; MF 1160 4WD; White 120 4W0 with cab & air; White 6065 4W0 with ALO loader; 401040 & load, er; AC 160 & loader; 0B •1200; 08 1210 & loader; MF 2200 & loader; 114 633 & loader; Oliver 770 ctw 3 PTH; Ford 1520 4WD & loader; MF 265 & cab; (3) MH Ponys; AG HG4 dozer clw 6 -way blade;'JD 1030 & loader; AGC° Allis 5670 4WD & loader. BACKNQES; Case 680 Super K 4WD; Case 530 tractor -loader -backhoe: 4.D 310C tractor -loader -back- hoe; Case 580K tractor toad- er backhoe {2WD). MISCELLANEOUS: Plows; discs; cultivators; snowblow- ers; Snowmobiles; etc, CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME TERMS: Cash or cheque. with proper ID. 8% Sales Tax and 7% G.0.T where appli- cable. 'Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of purchase day of sale., Any announcement& day of sale take precedence over written advertising. AUCTIONEER: 'GRiNDLEY AUCTiiON SERVICE LTD.. (519) 529.7970 ties. (519) 5294625 Bus, 39.Educettitnall 3.E*motional . COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of.Canada offers on -campus and ,correspon- dence,,courses toward a Diploma. in Counselling; Practice; to begin this. month. Free `catalogue, - call 24 h rs. 1.800-665-7044. -- 42bc : 4�OST -- RADiIO, jewellery, clothing, prescription drugs,: stove pipe in boxes and, pails. On Oct. 13 between: 5 and 6 p.m. on 0.6 highway west Call Marj at 529-7933. 42,4,1.. . 42.Obit tatrios l • Lucknow $cntincl, Wcdtresday, October 2 199 -Page 13 42. Obitusrie* . 143. Myths JAMES ALEXANDER STEWART Jima Stewart passed away at the Viiia Odra. Centre, Midland en Monday, Oct. 12, 1998 in his 89th' year. Jim Stewart of Midland betoved husband of the late Audrey Anna Horne. Dear father of;.Glenda. and her husband David Newland of. Coldwater, Nancy and her husband. Lyn Downer of Midland. Loving grandfather of Craig, Kara, Scott and Chris. Dear brother of Isabelle England of Lucknow, "Mac" of Kitchener. Predeceased: by 'brother "Doc" Murdoch Stewart and sister Rosie Stanley. Mr. Stewart rested . at the Nicholls Funeral Horde; 33(1 Midland IAN ORFORD CLARKE Avenue, . Midland ons PHILLIPS Tan Orford Clarke died . Wednesday, Oct. 14. In loving memory of 8 dear peacefully in tris sleep early Fi oerat services were held husband, father and grand, on Wednesday,October7th, in the chapel on Thursday, father Russett Phillips who at his home in Kinloss Oct. 105. Interment South passed away 1 year ago Township, tan was bort, Kinloss . Cemetery, .October 28; 1997. February 25th, 1937, in Lucknow, Friday, Qct.16, at to a quiet..country grave- Woodbridge, $Uffaik, 1 p.m. Memorial donations England. He .attended. to the•Multi fe Sclerosis yard, Woodbridge •School, the p Where the breezes gently g Society or the Headt and BOYtE Nicola, Shawn and Hayley are happy to announce the arrival of• their -baby brother Ryan Wil/lam. Born at Clinton Public Hospital' :on October. 10, 1998: at 12:10 .a.rn. He weighed 9 lbs. Proud parents are Bernard and Heather Boyle of R.R. 2 Auburn. The sixth grand- child for .Leona Boyle of R,R. 2 Auburn and the 1.6th grandchild for gill and Audrey Fenton of R.R. 1 Belgrave. --42x 46. in Memoriam Royer at' A - ricultural College,. blow, ' y gStroke: ` Foundation . at Lies the one we loved s, and Royal Army Service Ontario would. be apprecit- erly .. Corps (RASO) Officer's ed by the famtiy. --42ar And Lost one year ago Heraining at Aldershot, UK. •i• ,.' MAY BOYLE • Time cannot' stop a was comntisstoned in 158,and served with the . •May Boyle of , Maple. .heartache RASO in, Cyprus until his Breezes. Manor, Lucknow,, Or even stop; a tear, return to England in 1961, formerly. of . Kintough,• Or take awaya•memory• to farm, on a small -holding in passed away at Wingham Cif one we loved se dear. Suffolk. In •1960, fan married and, District Hospital. on Oct.,. We may not show our sad- Sheila, Rockwait 01 Chicago, 9, 1998; in her 93rd year.. nem titinow and; they emigrated' Mise,Boyte Yvan. born 9a, 4, everyday throughoet the to Canada. While in Canada 1906, In Kinloss Townshhip, year, he was responsible for She was a daughter of the . But in our hearts iso whete• national Sales of agricultural t tate Wesley and Sarah We know • • Chemicals for. May & Baker, (Neil) Boyle. Mass Boyle 'Were wishing your were and later moved to Kinloss was a,dedicated member of here. • Twp. to farm, his lifelong. the 'Church of . the Fondly remembered -and dream:: in the community Ascension, Kinlough, and sadly missed by his family len was a.proud membet,'of , .• for.over's0 years was ;a Jean; Fred and Brenda,. the Lucknow Agricultural member of the choir, She . Julie, Morgan and Andy; Society, the Bruce •County Was . a. recipient of • the'. Rosalene,' Matthew, Tara Farm Safety Association,, Ontario Community arid -Jamie; Ken and, Mary,;- -42x the Ontario Pork. Producers'. Newspaper Assctciarttons :, . Association, the District Two Bronze Quill Award •in 1995 • : • KEMP; Lamb. • •. •Producers' in recognition of her untiring In loving memory of a dear ' Or ani2ation, the Ontario dedication to keeping the son, brother and uncle, • Federation of Agriculture, ornmunity of Kirilough .in, Glen Harvey, who passu( BE A SUCCESSFUL g the pages of local newspa awaysuddent 11 'years WRITER... with. our ,sat and the newly developed y y g Massey Harns association, Pers for over 40 years; Miss • 'ago,.Oct .21,1967, ' today(.study, course,: CellBoyle is'survived by several Our livesgo on without ' o ' today for your FREE BOOK: as well as teaching'shep= dear friends aril cqusina, . Y u•' 1 .800.267-• 1829: • The herding courses: • Most And nothing`is the same, recently he designed. •and " She was predeceased by We have to' hide our' ' Writinue, Si, 38:.MeArthut her'sistet • Edna.in 1997: heartache, :Avenue : Suite 311 fi, ` taught a,farm safety course was. at the Visitations : . When someone speaks Ottawa, ON KIL•6A2. in, /SCSI ;schools: He Is.• deeply loved' and missed by MaCKenzte and McCreath ' your. name..' . 4bcFuneral Horne, Lucknow • sad are the heads that love Exciting vveit'paid careers in : Mea hon and Cailin Son -in. The funeral' service was ,'you, computer • programming. We •taw J hn Grei brother From. St. Peter's A,ngiican Silent the tears that fall. will prepare' suitable'applii- Cedric. Ciarke and, wife Church, Lucknow on Oct. • Living. our:fives without you, ' cants. Ministry of Education, .Anne;: sister=in taw Leshe 10:with Rev. J. Kotohon 0tii, ; is the hardest part of alt Registered ,Home Study Rockwell and husband Glen ciating. Organist waSICartil You did so' many things for Diploma Program. Financial Vlfinegarderr, brother: in•laivu Koiohon, pallbearers; were us, assistance,'toanercomputet, Lance Rockwell, and many : Lucas .. Thacker,, Eric Your heart• was hind .and systems and job placement friends and relatives on both Thalcker. Bill Scott: -and Jeff true, :toots available; No experi of the can ` A Scott, interment Greenhill And when we 'needed •. ,. aisles , ocean ,. � - ence nocessaty.• GM$ •1- Memorial Service ;wilt be cemetery., :Donations were. soineone,M, 800,477-9578,.- 42bC ;`'to the Church of Ascensiori aye could always; Count on held on thevni October Kintough. --420r . : LEARN AUCTIONfrER1NG. 25th,%in the���VlRhitechurch . Classes held November Community Halt, from 2'41420; '98 For a information p m with short service at contact : Southwestern 2:45. Rather..than: flowers,' . Ontario • School ; • of the family would :welcome. Auctioneering, R.R. 415, recognition of things he Woodstock,' OntarioN4S . cared about and believed int 7V$. l-88$673'6999.--42bc .the Maitland: Conservation Foundation (Memorial Forest o.r Education • Programmes) and the Farm Safety Association lnd.(Child'Safety) -42ar cotta AMi!, aria $ WouLt' ,J'Vsr UAIT 7d'SAY, rfmtittsl' dEd The War Amps you: 'the:special years will not return; When wo were all together, But with the love within our. hearts, : You wili,walk with us forev.. er. In our hearts every day end sadly missed by family Bernice,: Gail, Stephen, Gdrdon, 1111'aril.yn,Devin, Cody and Meghan=-42nxe