The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-21, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 21, 8998 — Page 5 Get wells, visitors, congratulations and sympathies by Teresa Courtney and Margaret Errington Welcome home to Mary. Austin who had back surgery at University • Hospital, London on Oct, 8. • Midse and . Joan Courtney, sons Ed amend' Oreg and. friend, Max Riegling and •family attended the wedding of Scott McCtenaghan son of Percy and Sharon • (Courtney) McCienaghan to Kamtny Jo Kiunis in . Thamesville on Oct.. 10 and the reception for the happy . couple held. in Chatham the . same evening: • Sincere sympathy to John and Helen Kuik and families on the sudden death of John's father Dirk Kuik of Hensel' on Oct. 11. in his 85ih year. He was born in Holland' on Oct; 21, 1913.. Congratulations ` to Evelyn Errington, Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home,.Lucknow, :formerly' of Dungannonwho cele- brated her 89th birthday -on Oct. 15. Happy Birthday Evelyn from all your Dungannon friends. Sincere sympathy..to• Mary and Walter Clare • and families on the death, of Mary's sister Lucille, ,. Mrs. Joe Coppperauld of Detroit, Michigan on. Oct. 15. Mass was celebrated' on,Saturday by her brother Father Lloyd Ryan at Sacred • Heart'. Roman . . Catholic Church, : Walkerton and 'to relatives and: friends of Sister.., • Marguerite (Rufana) • Sullivan daughter of the late' Patrick and Margaret Sullivan, formerly •of .. Kingsbridge who passed` away on Oct., 14 London in her 9nd`year.` .., The funeral will: 'be Cele- b:rated .at the Mother,. House in London on Oct. '19. I.sobel MacDonald•, , Norgard, Stokes passed • awayin Glencoe,; Illinois; Oct. 16 , ; daughter of the, late Robert' MacD.ona•ld . Daryl received Big:1Y1. too in fast week's cutlines Under the F.E.' Madill': coinmenceinent pictures, Daryl Aitchison was not •eredited with receiving the Big. M Our. apologies.'; Daryl for:.inissing this'. award WEDDINGS Performed *your location of our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational), For brochure caf: REV CHRIS MORGAN ALL FAIniS'PASTORAL CtNrat BENMila.LER 524.5724 CHRISTENINGS and Winnifred Johnstone in her 96th year. She was a • half sister of the late Bruce MacDonald. Sincere sympathy to reia- . tives and friends. . Dungannon Senior. Citizens hosted their third. annual Fun Day Oct. 1.7,. with six neighboring clubs' attending: President Jean Phillips welcomed 93 persons to dessert followed by a vari- ety program. Each club was asked for two num- bers and what •variety, we enjoyed readings, humor- ous tales, two solos, npusic of all, descriptions. A standing ovation was given to Gordon Wall's Orchestra, featuring Old Tyme Musie • from Winghant who provided music for dancing for the last hour and half, Irene Markham's apple creations were take home door prizes by seven lucky, people and three shared • the wealth. Gratitude was expressed to Dungannon •CGJT girls for serving assistance. Winners at Dungannon. Seniors card parties the last two weeks were - Lois Cunningham, Dora Alton,. Aileen Trommer, polaris Culbert, Harvey Culbert, Dave Sproul, Leonard % Good` and Cliff Watson. Word was received of the death of a former Ashfield Township resi- dent, Mac McQueen, who passed away in Calgary in his 83rd year. Bonnie Empson, Ooderieh, conducted wor- ship, services. at Dunngannon/Donnybrook churches on Thanksgiving' Sunday, On Sunday, Oce. 18, Walter Harris, Goderieh was guest speaker. • Four generationsof the Frank Thompson family. were in,attendauee, Cora, daughter and granddaugh- ter 13ernicc and Arletta Glenn and five week old baby matthew Russell Brindley. The Board of Stewards are geared up for their annual beef supper November 1. Eight teenagers, includ- ing Julie Mole scanned the village, after school Friday, Oct. '9, on a scav- enger hunt ;e.elebrating Julie's 16th birthday, Oct. 10. ilot diggety dogs and Kool music was enjoyed by friends. Congratulations to°the Moss twin sisters Bessie James and Jessie Naylor who celebrated their 80th birthdays, Sunday, Oct. 11 with a gala party at MacKay Centre, Families and friends of the duo enjoyed socializing, visita- tiou and Old' Tyme Music. Daughters of Fred and Ida Jane Riley, they were.born in West Wawanosh Township on the farm now owned by brother Bert, who was present at the gathering, as well as brother Harry from; Plattsville. Helen Dawson and sis- ter Betty Stanley have returned from spending a week with daughter Karen and John Linton, Ste Albert, Alberta. Joe and Teresa 'Courtney and: George Cardiff visited with George's sister.' Viola Riley, Seaford} recently, WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOU. Down payment or etaufvnlent" ,rads„ $299, per month : 301MronthLeaise with, $2,900 ►ntario,FORD t�ii . etli a suY0l ! *MD 41114►iOM, CO,ti Now i99$P>Se4rt %I,$ supirw6/Regular Gh ixt, monthly kale parminf Of $140$09 Wind on-Xtintndh'l$dte from ford redit to qualifkd stall (twat. on O:Mack dIt. Same tontlitkidt argil 'mlkalge rettrjttlon'of Mood lim we 30.montht apply. it,9o0 chin payment or equivetent trade required, first manth9 oayroirOf and ttcoilty deptiiit required: Fro ylit(S9/0),.Dont*, Irituranci_end all appl dk weer err eddtttortel. Violet tits,/ . teat* tot tee,tiridt*dIIsioffitOffellmaydunewltltoufoptic*,fl*edon%99;Ed*ndaryoummofactut*rrapottritdoltverier.SerdenierfortuOditch:, , Onterl°FMRAP.0,00*2000oekvilk,Ontariot63SEK