The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-14, Page 2Page`2—IL.Atckttow Sentartel, Wednesday, October 14, .1998
ACRE Huron Two, urger
house: 36 x 36 she dt:bahk barn.
MAiN sr.- Store plus 2 440oom:
=twit Ettcetleet condttlort,
UAW $33111117 4 Now* wow
mow basementg�y,ws r4 shoWit
waif, reduced to $1M,000.
4 ACRSS - Aeitpekt brick holm.
, stream. S30,900.. - Z .. F om hour" closai
to downtown. pit haat,
Main St. tlurItding; - 3 leased
WOO, 3 apartments, good sole,
663000. 5'l98,00O.
r4 ACRES - Alt ....Store, older
home. tam. $18&.000.
tar at residents. calf for detail.;
HAVELOCK - 3 bedroom, 1V
bathe. completely renovated.
• Reduced to 01,000
ASHFiE1.Q• - Scenic roiling 100
acme with 9 Mlle Rorer. Renovated
3. bedroom house with garage.
1.5 ACRES- Wilding lot, Kinlen
314 ACRE - buikiing:tot, serviced.
tngile St. $35,000
994 acme - 3 bedroom brick
house, 2 bales, shed, 85 acre
• hey/pasture, Ripley area. $175,000.
2 A RE • building. lot. St. Recons.
: DUNOANNON - 2 building sots, 99
x. .32.59.000. each.
AUBURN -.Threebedroom house
'plus sutra lot with 24. X 30' shop,
Reduced to $41,900.
tab ACRES- Stone house, barn;
411441, 65 workable, 3 sands..
Kinloss �Twpp.� 5275,000,
HAVELOCK s7: .4 beckoom home
with doubfagarage. 385,000..
385,800.• I acre tot, 4 bedroom.
homeedpe of kucknow,
l.USTi 913 WAN.TN D
by Blake Patterson
It's time to pick teams.
The questinn of how to
restructure Huron Coerity
will be answered by local
At its regular' monthly
meetirng. lest Thursday
(Oct 1), Huron County
Council directed Huron's
26 Weal governments to.
gettogether and decide
who wants to amalgamate
witir whirr.
"We have to reexamine
ourselves and also open
our ears to the public,".
said Reeve. Meso -bailey
ef. Blyth: supportin; the
He said returning, the
question of restructuring;
to :the laical cetinciie from
the Bounty level is a step
toward preserving. the
democratic process. •
. "I think there's: enough
ingenuity in this county
attain this council, that we
carni conte to an :aeCord
withal'. the munieipali-
ties*'° said:Ilailey. ,,We
must search until we fund
that accord so that every -
s re
body. (members of a:erura- •
calk is satisfied that they
have did what is they best
for the people who elected. •
In an effort to meet
provincial mquitementete
restructure atitd;,find say,
ings, the county council
haslong' debated whether
to adopt a one -tier (coup-,
New presid nt, CEO hired
fo hospital partnersliip
by Mart Stapleton.
The Rluron-Perth hospital partnership
has hired: a new president aind chief exec-
uove, officer to oversee operators in
eight hospitals in the two counties.
Bonnie, Adamson, currently vice- presi-
dent of patient networks and alliances at.
the ondon Health Science. Centres, will
assumeher neva responsibilities en Nov.
I. She will be twisted by several site
supervisors who haste yet to be appoint-
The joint executive committee (JEC),
of the-partneirship conducted a nation'
wide search for the candidate best, suited
to the position. Murray .Hunter of
Winghiam, a member of the JCC,. told the
October meeting of the board of .gover-
nors at Wingltam and Oistriet Hosittal
that he is eonftdent,the partnership has a
President whe is "very capable and t-"
ed about its happening in .Huron -Perth."
Hunter gave a brief synopsis of the'
four-month search process. He also
reported that Adamson is scheduled to'.
attend the November meeting of the
Winghani hospital board.
Board Chairman George Underwood
commended Hunter forhis hard` work
this summer on behalf of the IBC' and the
local hospital..
.(4Q dogs and cats in Bruce and Grey counties must, by law, be immunized
against rabies, Failure to do so can result in a' fine up to $5,000 under, the
Health Protection and Promotion. Act. The Bruce -Grey -Owen Sound
Health Unit in coopeeration.. with the :Grey -Bruce Veterinotry ` Association,
encourc ages you to take cx v curage of, any Of the,following.Glinics,
: CTt R 20:,, 1998
Tok rmory Fj e Hal1.
Hepwc fh tegteo vie
Southampton ,Fire tall
Toro l ire.Fiali
Paisley,:.., , Garage.
Ripley Municipal; Shed.
Tiverton Tiverton & Disirict Fire'Dept,
Teeswcrter ........ ......Culross Shed
( CTO BE -R 21., 1998
Lion's Head.,:.. 'Fire Hail
Sauble Becici;. ,,.Pet' Hospital
Chippewa Hlll;, ..... ..Fire•Hali
Cheee i Town Shop.
Urlerwood ..;..,.Bruce, Twp. WorkStied
•Armow , .:; Township, Garage
:Walkerton' .,Agileulturdi Hell
Lucknow „ ,.P.U.C. Shed
'20 to 500 P.M
Qc TQBER' 22, 1998..
.Wiorton .....lvow Fite. Hall
:Mor Worrten'siinstituteHoll•
Port i:ig1n,..;;. Fire Halt
Car il) „ Cassidy's 16/orkshop
Elmwood.., i Fire Hdl
Kincardine.:; Towne Geroge;
Carrick..,:. ,.., Carrick twp..Garage
Nolyrood...... „,:.TOwnsiliP.Poto00
OCTOBER 27; 1998:
Owen .S9und.. ;,Sunset Strip Vet. Clinic
Rookfard, ......Owen Sound Vet. Clinic
besboro:, .,,..Township Shed
Shallow Lake, Arena
Ravenna, ....,:Township Shed
Markdale ivluniCipal Building
:;Hanover •Fire Hiait
Ayton Normanby Works
• Depot/Gtader Shed
CTOBER 28, 1990
Grey=t#ruae:Pet Hospital :.,9057th St,E.
Owen :Sound
Kbppet TOwrrship Shed.:
Clicats�rorth.. .,� .;,:.;, ..Etre tlplk
Nleatprd . ....Works Dept: Shed.
Holstein ...Township Shed
Township Shed,.
,:;.Township Shed
' Dor-noch
Lamlash. .,
2:30 toS:30PM
OCTOBER 29, 1998..
.Owen Soune .. .....Markefi Building
Sydenhgm ...., .Tpwilship`Shed,
Walters.Fal1S,,, »,.,..,,,Comrnuiify-Centre
;Thornbury ,community Centre
Mi. Forest,. Fire Hall
tundaik.:............Village Works Cance
t�urharn ....... County' Shed
Fle hertoh...., ...Artemesia Two.. Shed
For more,inforrnation, visit the Health; Unit. Web Site at: www.srhip,
o ()cal leve
tyj govt rwnent system or
modify the present two-
tier (county and tnteeici-
pal) system.
At meeting of all
municipal councils
Tuesday (Sept. 29) in
Cllinton, a majority of of
approximately 180 polus'
clans who 'attended indi-
cated they wanted the
future' of regional govern-
ment to remain at the local
.municipal ravel:. ,
'We certainly saw that
the overwhelming: feeling
was 'that we only look at a
two-tier option,." said
Reeve Robin Dunbar of
Grey Township who. intro -
(Weed a motion to, make
the `overwhelming feel
ing' official county policy.
Twenty-one reeves voted
in favor of the motion;
five voted against. Reeve
Cecil Pepper of Neilsen.,
Reeve Doug Grant of
k3ayfield, Warden leek
Coleman of Stanley
Township,Reeve Dwayne
LaPorte of .Zurich and,
Reeve Laurie Cox Of
Qoderich Township voted.
against tbe.tnotion.:
Warden Coleman said
his vote represented his
own feelings not his coup.
(teeve Grant of
Bayfield' disagreed With
the idea to study just one
option for restructuring.
He said the ttayfiel:d
council wants, both options.
Carefully examined to
determine what forth of
government will`o. fifer the
biggest savings`.to tax pay=
erg. He said financial con-,
skderatrons:. are "the only
reapreason for antmalgama7.
tion" and toast be :consid
erect.. .
. He said the .one -tier.
option is Less expeti,sive,:
and by agreeing to only
consider a two-tier option,:•.
County Council sends a.
message that it lacks. con-
cern for the level of the
voters' taxation. He said.
finances are what matter
.smtS.t to taxpayers.
"They want to know
what their taxes 'are going
to be," said cura,nt. "I
believe that if we dont.
.consider both options, we.
are not fulfilling aur
`in answer to, Qrant's
comments, Reeve Carol
Mitchell of Clinton said it
is not possible to say
whether or not one option
will be. more .orless
expensive than another.
"The level.. of service
determines the Cost ... we
seers to keep forgetttng
that," satttMitehell.
Regarding where then
go next, it was agreed the
process would, start at the
. local council' level.
Reeve Brian McBurney
of Turnberry Tawnsjiip
said local municipalities
need to look at, their own
situations and develop
partnerships` within their
own communities of, inter-
est, . .
Although the re;struc-.
toting process now:returns
to municipal councils,. the
members of the county
also agreed January 1999:.
is still a good target date
for the creation of a tenta
tine restrecturing- plan for
'the county: • . ;
" Dunbar said "We hove
to work on this now.otherT
wise We are. going to draw:
it out and in the end, end
up with nothing,,,'
Honey 't`i�ivian
Ontario•s 40,000 beelceep-:.
'errs: "look after 7.7,000 '
hives, producing al,7out 3.2
million kg of ,honey each-
; S
1 tandem truckload,
For more ritlformatiq,t esti
KM1orr.: = Fcr. 8;04„441.:- 4100 pm,
Community Care Worker Week
October 12-18
Para -
ed Ue:althServices
wishes to.:take this opportunity to extend
our appreciation and thanks to all our
Horne Support Worker ,vital nxemibers:
of the Cointnunity Health Team.
WA ;. .,c RTON
14800.265-301 !..