HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 23Ludnow`Sc:rttina:t,.Wed.nesday:. October 7, l99K -Fag alesley woman is one to receive EWIO scholarship Vitilla,Johnston, chair of' the Federated Women's tn'sstitutes of Ontario tFWIQ)• Scholarship Committee, announced the recipients of the: three FWIQ schQlarahi.ps for further education at the provincial, board of direc- tors meeting 'held in. Guelph recently. Margaret E. McDonald„ of Chcsley, received the 90th: Anniversary Educational Award. This $600 award, established in. 19$7, is presented annual- ly to a Women's Institute member who wishes to upgrade her. education. McDonald, a ,member Qf. .'the Gillies Hill WI, is tak- ing. :t .MasterGardener program at.the University of Guelph. She is working towards a diploma in hor- ticulture. The Helen McKerwher 'Scholarship„ presented annually ' since 1916 in memory of a fernier direc- tor of the Women's Institutes, is valued at $1,200. This year ithas been awarded to Andrea. C °Ettehholx of Oakville:' Buchholi is pursuing s.. Doctor. est °Philosophy _degree inthe area of nutri- tion, focusing on clinical science.. The .. FW!O International Scholarship is intended to enable a stuu- tient from a developing country to study or train in Ontario: then return to her country of origin to further England. She is currently completing het' Master or, Education degree at. the University of Western the interests of women in her country. The $2500 award has been presented Sink= l96:. ° This year's` recipient is Wen M>yo, of Zimbabwe. Moyo hascompleted Rachel:or of Science degree through distance education programs from the Anglia Polytechnic University in Cambridge, 'Ontar o, H r rcesearcii ere the quality .of life for women with breast c;ant:er Upon completing her pram • . gram,. boyo will return to Zimbabwe to work with home economists and health educators to pro„ mote the well-being of families. - in partictti'ar, tco promote a patient -centred apprbach. in cancer care, From its resits in Stoney Creek, Ontario in 13347, the Women's Institutes have grown into an inter', national' organization whose objective is to work ° towards a more unite4 world by firrthering Intend - ship anti mutual under- • standing among ,alt women. liMITOCK 1'1, 1 Calf Sales - Qct.4 & Nov 1,4 *Local Vaccinated Calf & Yearling Sales - Clot. 28, Nov. 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