HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 22• Page 22 - Lticiclnow $eittit1el, 40» in M.moriarn HARE in loving memory of Melissa• who passed away October 12; 1997. One precious to our hearts is gone The voice we loved Is still, The place made vacant in our lives Can never mere be filled • Always a thought and many a tear For one we miss and loved so dear, The sudden way you had to die We willalways remember • and wonder why The heartaches in this world are many But to lose You was the greatest of any In quiet thoughts we live again The years that used. to be, So full of love and happi- ness She was always so carefree . Her eyes sparklingwhen she spoke • Her hearty. laugh when she told a joke A loving hug,. a good-bye kiss . Are some of the things we will always miss.. Always in our hearts. . Sadly missed by aunts, uncles and cousins. --40 HARE With cherished memories of our very dear niece and cousin, Melissa Hare, who Journeyed to her placeof rest one year ago October 12, 1997. ;• Thoughts To abeautiful life came an untimelY:end; You died as you lived, everyone's friend: You were always thoughtful;' loving and kind, . What' a ;glorious: memory to leave behind. Yoe:left ussilently, your thoughts unknown; • But you left us memories we are proud to own. God's treasure in your gar den ofrest, For in this world you Were one of .the !lest. • We miss .your•stiiiies, your laughter and gentle ways Those we really love, don't go away, They walk beide us every •day. Silent thoughts, of tithes together, Hold rnemories_that' will last forever..• Greatly missed, loved and. held deep within our hearts uncle. Giem aunt Sandra,.: Jeffery, Jason, Jamie :'and Tracy: --40 ' LEDDY • In Memory; :of .our dear mother :end=grand-. mother Gertrude,' whit Passed ` :away. October 4, 1990. • You are .always, in our minds;. No matter what we do,: Ail the time, within our hearts, There ere.thetrOtits et you. Sadly missed bjr her family. --40cc. ference --40. cdnesdaay, Ottobcr 7, 1998 40. In ro dart l HARE in loving: memory of Melissa a precious daughter, sister and granddaughter who passed away October 12, 1997. We looked upon a rose one day, Glistening with mrrning: dew, And found it's shining: beau - hi Reminded us of you But the rose has just one season Before it's petals part While you shall bloom forev er, In the garden of our hearts, Love your mom, Steven and grandma. -40 HARE In loving memory of our Loved one Melissa Lynn who passedaway one year ago October 12, 1997. . Forever remembered, Forever missed. Love Dad,Kim, Steven and Ashley. --40 ' 47. CardS•ot Thanks WEBER-DODDS Thank you 06 all those. who helped to make our day special, We send a special thank you to Ryan Greig for. being our chauffeur. Also a special thank you to Jessie Stevenson for letting Us u's:' have: our pictures. •do.ne; around her beautiful yard. We elsethank both aur• par ents for the love and sup, port that they have shown us, •Jeelene and Jason. -40 EMBERLiN . • • ' i would tike to thank .every one for :ell the cards, flow ers,..phone calls and gifts I received . after; my -knee surgery.• Everyarte's .help`. and .thoughtfulness ,with :bringing meats and baking to us since l•returned home has been greatly appreciat- ed. Alt the visits and help., we have received will never. be. forgotten, :Betty and; Roy. --40 LucKNow,GRoWING • 'PROJECT Organizers wish: tri thank the following: Snobeteri Farms donating the seed;•. Lu.cknow 'District Coop - fertilizer and`; application,- H> •'0(t3- Elphick C.hernicals =. herbicide and :appiicat• Tfre`Flogervorsts.- gerierosi- ty with.land :rental. To those •.' who' tilled, the soil, planted, and harvested-the.crop. To Christopher Hogervorst for mowing ,the grass at the sign..To all who„helped design; paint, and construct the sign: To Mike Goetz •for, making tickets, posters etc: And to anyone else who helped in any way. Thank you to' those who made ar` monetary donation to ou project. The 'Canadian Foodgrains Bank .:.helps' break the cycle of recurring Lunger' in the international comrimunity. Sharing our local harvest will, make' a dif-. Cord* of Thank* MCEWAN We wish to express our sin - sere thanks to our neigh- bors and friends for cards, gifts, phone calla and best wishes on our 50th wedding. anniversary. Sparta thanks to our family for the lovely dinner at the Candlelight Restaurant, .in Goderich and for cards and gifts received later at the home of Mary Ann and Ross Brindley. We feel very privileged. to have celebrated •this anniversary. Donald and, Mabel, -40 . GIBSON We'd like to thank the fol- lowing businesses for the beautiful Bible we received in celebration of our .mar- riage: • MacKenzie and, McCreath. Funeral'Home, Puddleducks Day Care, McDonagh Insurance and. Real Estate, Snobelen Farms Ltd., Willits Tire Service, Lucknow District Co -.op, Finlay Decorators, Ashfield Service Centre, Everiastings, Lucknow Village Market. Glen and Cathy, -40x • MACKiE We would like to thank all of bur friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and food received after our sudden loss... Special thanks ,to our staff who filled in for us. while we were away. Your kindness is very , much, appreciated. Russ, Mary and. family. -40x TRELEAVEN Thanks to those who sent cards, also to �tho$e who visited and to those who. brought gifts.::I. really enjoyed enjoyed my:,90th birthday. Lyle. -40x ' . . 48tr11>ing EVOilikS. BINGO Goderich Knights •of Columbus, every Thursday 7'pore Columbus, Centre 390 . Parson's -:Court, $4400. in prizes; progressive jack- pot 61000.; regular jackpot.• .$1500 •must go,.. Lic.: #157920, "first Saturday of every month, 7 _ p.m.;. Columbus Centre; $500. Mini Jackpot, $1;500 Ji kpot. , Total prizes' $4,600. Lib. #3108666.. Super., Star Provincial Game every Silva Night • trz INTRNE7 COURSE For'peopte of: all 'ages and all abilities. Basic Internet skills: Oct. 13 and 20. Time 7 tole p.m. Fee'$45 (six 'tours). Dave, Bender: 357- .1175. Where: F.E. Madill.. Class size iin:tited. Register early,--39,40ar_ PINE'FtIVEI3 ' UNITED CHURCH 1+Vilt hold its annual bazaar - Kouhtry Kitchen on Oct. 10, from 11 a.m. to 1 P.m, Note new location;; Point Clark, Community Centre There' wUl be baked ,goods, turkey. pies, crafts,' Halloween cos- tumes, Christmas pudding and cake, and much more. - --39,40cc 40. Coming Events HOT TURKEY SUPPER Lucknow United Church, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adults $ll,, under 11. $3.50. Auspices Luoknow United Church Women. Come early if you can. A reap treat! All you can eat. Take out available - call 628-2542 before noon.. - 3g 41 CHRISTMAS TRADITION Murray's. Christmas' House, 10 to 4:30, until Dec. 24th. 10% off every purchase, 60% off selected merchan- dise. Imagine ..,Far 20 years our 10 roonm home has magioaity shimmered - twinkling lights, decorated trees, .cherished orna- ments...atl expertly crafted and exquistte..enhance your holiday festivities. Experience the 'ULTI- MATE" in Shopping Pleasure! 7304 Richmond St., Arkona. 1800.575- 1974.--40,41co KINETTE DREW AUCTION Oct, 1:6, Lucknow Community Centre, Doors open 5. Auction 7 p.m. Display of 4lonationsin win- dowet former CIBC office.. Some examples are:. 2 hour boat cruise, '1 night accent, , modation for 2 at Niagara - on -the- lake, 2. tickets. to Maple Leaf game, plus lots more. Contributions to this aftort to raise funds for the swimming pool and soccer fieldgratefully accepted. Call 528-3122 or 395.3596 or drop oft donations at Shear Design,'Lucknow 37-41ar.. SINGLES DANCE Saturday, Oct. 10, .atthe kin Station, . Victoria' Street, Listowel. Dancing • Brom 8 toy 12; Music by:Slue Diamond Trio.-40cc'. LUCKNOW'. HORTICULTURAL • SOCIETY • Plan Meeting. An executive and general' meeting will be held on. Wednesday, Oct. 14 -at ` 7:30.' A video ".The Most Spectacular Train Trip.. in the. World a trip ;through', 'the.Reckiesa.wilt be. Shown. Everyone :'Welcome. -- 40,41ar' WEDNESDAY NIGHT BOWLING ' Come out -fora nig! t"of fun with the Wednesday night • bowling 'league. Startin'9, Oct, 7, 8 pm. Call LucknoW Bow! or Steve.3954741.-- 39-41 xc River view Retirement Home Teeswater Open House Saturda t October 1O/98 1 4 pm? celebrating 5 years, • in business • °ming ( 0. Coming Ev.nts Event 'ARE YOU CONSIDERING STARTING, YOUR OWN BUSJNESS? 11f so, the Wingharn 4114 Area Chamber of Commerce and rthe Winghern and Araa onomie Development Committee are hosting a. session that will be of interest to you. The evening' session introduce you ta,the basks of starting a home based or retail business. • When. Wednesday, Q tober 28, 1998 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.,• Where: Royal Canadian Legion ilictoria Street,...Wesst, Wingham Cegia $1.1.QO tier person Register Call: Faye MMO). of Wingham. and. Area Chamber of Commerce 357-4990 iafternoonsl Please plan to attend this event, and bring a friend. THE BTH ANNUAL SANTA'S SHOPPING • BAG EVENT Sat., Nov,' 14, 9 a.m. to 4:30 • p.m, visit "the 8'th annual Santa`s Shopping Bag Event" at the Kincardine Davidson Community Centre. 100 vendors, Grade 8 fundraiser . bake sale, Kincardine Guiding,. donation babysitting,. Extraordinary door prizes! Admission $2 (12 yrs and under free). All proceeds to •the Kincardine Sawfish Pipe Band and the Kincardine Toy i.rbrery. Info? Call organizer:Linda• Graham 519.396-8149.-- 40cc 'THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER Friday, Oct. 9 at Kwan's, 11:30•to'1, and..5 to 8 p,m. Includes turkey, salad, trim risings,. desserts arid haver- ' age.--4Oxc 'DO YOU LOVE To CROSS STITCH?.• Join; our $TYTCHEN TYME friendship ciub It's free!. For More •information and cats- logue listen to otir message at 1-888-666-4806--40bc • ,INTERNATIONAL CRAFTS .SALE Ten Thousand". 'Vtilag'e International: Crafts Sale 'of' exquisite handicrafts for all ages, musical. instruments,• jeweller• y, baskets and toys, plus home baking.: Brussels Men e: ite:• _Fellowship; Turnberry St, N., Bfussels: Thurs., Oct. 15, 5 to 9 p.m.: Fri., _Oct: i6, 3to 9 p,rn.; Sat., Oct. 17,• 9 a,m. to 2 p.m. A non-profit program of everting. Mennonite` Central Committee.: Your purchase makes a difference in the Third Wold.. --40,41 cc CRAFT SALE Oct. 17 and 18, from 10 a:in to 5. p.m..Larnbton Heritage Museum, Grand Bend,. over 100' vendors at •' two locations plus Thedford Fall Fantasia 1-800-265- 0316 or 519-2432600. --- 40,41cc Myth Festival auction set for Oct. 17 -:It's time again for 13lyth Festivals gala auction. This biennial event will talce place on Oct. :17 at the Knight's of Columbus !hall in Goderieh. The gala auction raises funds to help pay the Blyth. Festivals capital expenses and get the Festival one step closer to burning the mortgage, • The last gala auction held in November .1996.. raised'.over $23,000. This year's gala is expected to raise $23,000 and prom's., es to be an 'exciting evening of great food,, fun, • and•entertainment. "The. auction was • moved 10 Goderich this year because we were. looking for: a larger venue," explains auction committee chair Marg Webster.. '`We' had such a Wonderful array of items donated. two years ago, that we wanted to' make sure we had enough space to display the items prop- y Featuring li've enter- tainment and delicious hors d'oeuvres prepared by the Blyth Festivals own Board of Directors., the evening will begin with a preview and '.a silent auc- tion. at 5 'pari. A country dinner will be served at • 6:15 p.m and thelive aur ,tion conducted by auction-. eel' ;Richard Lobb will. begin at 8 p.m. Door Prizes and games will add. to' the fuii" throughout the 1908 ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN OF THE' YEAR AWAjUL1S ' I)(2401i,3e� • t TrL31st, 191/11 C onl u''t this Cotitmuni4y. "h.willt,"f,ch for ,ii t* Il,•