HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 16Fage lh -. Laaeltnow Battle° gram- urisonn holiday, bkainios,. ttPt: Gra±,{ang mist Oile►v4 your ad sgact cod** Celt flora fgr,rates mai ipformatigst, Wcelaiesd+ y, October -7, i993. ndowners learn about logs d be The first in ;.a series of four ,-Woodlot Management Workshops was held at the Keeso sawmill in Listowel on Sept, 29. Thirty Six people attended the "Log Measurement, 'Grading and Sawmill Tour' arranged, by the Huron Perth Woodlot Owners Association, Huron. Stewardship Council and: Perth Stewardship Network.. This was the first 'time that many of the woudlot owners were able to tot& a modern handsaw mill and understand. the Methods used to grade and scale togs utak •typo ally come from wootllots like their. own. Rir:hard Keeso, who 'owns the mill, lead the tour and: held a friendly votxipeti- tion.. Ten hard maple .logs of various grades and detects were laid out in the yard. Atter learning how to measure logs, ear=h person, could then calculate the vul� utne of !limber in the logs. The person estimating the ae:tuai volume of luanber, was. presented a hockey stink, trade from white: ash sawn at ttti&tpiii, liverybocly watebed and learned about all aspects. of how as tog is bandied through' the milli, Tho tour Certainly pre4 vided everybody,with a better under, standing of what the saw 'mill' and tog' shyers are looking for in logs, so thlit, they can produce atop- quality product.. Numerous people mentioned that the highlight of the tour was following one log,thruugb the saw - mill 4.114 seeinghow dgfeots, is the. log affected,the luttabc r sawn from it, Qncle the sawn boards were laid,out, it -was easy. to see how an old decaying br•«tw:11, skidder damage ort Mae outside of a log or discoloration: attxaand the heart wood reduced the quali- ty u li-ty of the boards sawn front .that log. • Keeso explained that the band stw in his. mill, removed only lig inch of wood as it cuts. This modem equipment results 'in this mill saving.about-1: per cent of the wood as lumber rather than creating s=aw dust, compared to tireular saw equipped , nulls, The wouudlot owners appeared tai bet- ter understand how are and -proper matt - agement of thein woodl'ats wilt result in greater oetniomic: retorts. • The wise stewardship of wootttots depends on the owners or these natural resoureies unders.tancing how to help themselves achieve• the. greatest returns through their -land management 'practices un their properties ant espei:ially "front their farm woodlQts,. - • For rnezree- infortnation about woodlot ste=wardship and management; please sign up for one. of the • three remaining workshops: Selling. Trees, From. Your Woodiot,. SaturdayNov. 14, • Oohing. to know `dour Woudlot,, Saturday. '4% 16. Tree Selection for Harvest or Thinning, Saturday Marcb.13.. . • • . , • • TheSe, workshops runs,. from 9 ani uu 8001 r and ate • free, •to.anybody who has registered. To register for the workshops - call, Steve Bowers ,or lett Maronets- at the Ministry. of Natural. Resources office ,� r: x11 Qn,aa . 00000:.408 iv* + ad"t' ,no, jot ours Oohs', , 14th a gr: 44;" 0oto►e. r'l ..' cattle The. fed steers and heifers sold at prices $2 to $3 lower. The e;ows also trailed. $.2. lower. All elass-, es of veal sold. $2 to: lower with yearlings: sell, ing steady last week at Brussels Livestock.. There were 405 steers on offer selling 84.00 to 141.00 to the high of 9425: There were 197 heifers on offer sealing from: 84,00 to SS.00 to the high of 92.25. There were 244 cows on offer veiling; it and D2 cow.s.51.00 to 55.00 to the high of 79.50; D3 45.00 to .51.00; D4 cows 43.00 to 48.00: There were. 15 bulls on offer selling from: 58.00 to 6435 to the high Of 70.50.. - There were 241 veal on "offer selling; heel: 90.1113 to 138.00; Uolstein: 85,00 to 101-.01,4. plain Holstein,; 65.00 to $5.00. There were 184 latnbs and sheep on offer: lavabs;. 50 to 64 lbs. 155.00 to 185.00; 65 to 79 lbs.. 96.00 to 180.00; 80 to 94 .lbs,. 115.00 to -13000; '95 to •110 lbs., 87.50 to 105.00; 110 lbs., to over 93.0010. 98.00. • • Sheep: 52.50 to 66.00. Goats: 35;00 to 125.00., per head. 20U0 t ,j In • lune, Finance Minister l'au1 Martin announced. tax relief fpr small and ineil ttnz-she d businesses to address. the year 2000 computer :out- plian e. probteiu. Linder the; tax relief announced, accelerated capital 'cost allowance (CCA) deductions' of up to $50,000 will be provider1 for computer hardware and software acquired- to replace systems that are not ready for the year' 2000. Th -is will all6w• `. smaller businesses ,(ineltdtng faro business- es), to, deduct 100 poi -cent of eligible expenctittires..in the year' in which tires: oceurc , The year 2000 cornplip arae problem `is a design' '•• flaw in software applies- • tions and, iti aet'tain micro- prott,essbrs related; to .:icor- , age of the year:designation • that uuuld cause problems wiae.n the calendar year c:henges, from: 1;999 ,to : •.2000 Many softWare" applieatioi s .suali• ,as.. accounting systernt; and • certain types. of computer . hardware'- includ.ing d'eskkt top computers, networks, 'arid the= rnicroproc.essca --ehtp tl al' e r ti l trans. port'ation • systems, machinery, elevators; office; equiptnont, lights, building climate, feeding aped ttiillcing: systems, and security, systems - could be affected. Although many busi- nesses have taken action to e=nsure that their cora- pater systems will he ready for the year 2000,: a large number stil:l,have not • addressed Ibis 'issue, "The year 2000 compute, prob- lem presents a serious eco- . nutx;tic c=hallenge for the Canadian :. ecenoni.y:. BauSinesses• must • 'act, promptly if they are going. to ,meet that challenge," 1Viinister Martin said. An accelerated CCA deduction w411 be provided. to small and ntcdiutn- .,sized enterprises,.on' the . cost of computer:: hardware and .software acquired between Jan. 1 "1998' and Jane 30, 1999'. in, order :to repla;e equipment that is. net year 2000 compljarn For eligible coinpttter hardware and software, `accelerated CCA deduc- tions,. combined .with rhe regular CCA claims, will: result in 100 per=cent Of: the cost of eligible, expen-_ ditures.being deductible.in the. year of acquisition. r, �_.l?riturthirxi,nkormation contact Revenue -Canada Tax Services Offices; •519- 579-0490 or 1.800.9.59-'. 5525. • A surveyof sup4rtna , ket ,milk pricesthe U.5. by the International Association. of Milk Control Agencies shoals:. Haat; tlae average; intlk prices, irt• the U.S, continuo to .be higher than those in, TMie otost recent; survey 0040 that: in, April, the ts a es average price, for milkin... the 1.5 to 2.0 per cent fat range was $2.42 Q.S., fox a gallon which is egotvalent: to about $4,08. Canadian: for four litres of utak: • Comparable, bntario prices range from about $3.19. to $3.49; for. ,fo,u r.: litres, News Canada; • •