HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-10-07, Page 15New school counci The September me :ting of the Lacknow w Scltcaatl Camrununity+ ,Council (SCC) w:na 'the first for Many new members; ' Parent representatives Rick- aaternant, Kira. Simpson. Mark Rowley, Cathy ,Ac:kert. ,lean Montgomery, and Janet Dickie: t av .• velianteeret fora twta year term; .Tallest. Wright returns as past, co, chair and Peggy Kinanea. rt ., again as clergy representa lave.. LOPS. members are • Blaine li;lle r> Nancty Inwood, . Colleen Srtadelmann and Tim Burkett. A -Community 'representative is yet. to ,be: determined. 'The position of chair will be shared by Mark Rowley and Cathy Acker* Secretary is Janet l�ic:ltia:: . Tint Burkett gave; the principals report updating ongoing initiatives. • The Bre aaktast Program is now up and running, with an average of RI to 12 students eating break- fast at school on any given day. A re;p+hrt is clue shortly on the Saife Arei vaaF Program,. This program coils enlist volunteers who will . phone parentsIguardiaans cit chil- dren who ;are absent from school. Parents , are reminded that For this to -be effective. they rust phone the school before;. Lucknravai Serdavel, members.attend 9:0(1 aaa.:t>n. if theirchild will hs' absent. • Also discussed were the health and safety issues that allow born the power outage earlier this-.yeaar Recommendations ommendations coat the installation of emergency sc:hoot lighting, concerns about the fire alarm and •telephnnef systems: and communication proce- dures are under review. • A very successful meet the teacher barbecue was Mild in September, with proceeds. to new class- room. science equipment. The Magazine Campaign is .now.underwaay to also raise funds for s4huui equipment. Community support is appreciated. • -. • A crew from the Bt$aewaaer Board war$ boy moving playground ctittip- merit 'and installing pea gravel beneath thirin.the first let'," weeks of scluro4 Gardens a' looking great thanks to the work of vol- unteers. and the donation of a• trailer load ok peren, Mats by Lorna Quay. The pld ygroanti c: ern tie reports that new swings, slides and basketball nets have alt been ordered and 'Should arrive in latae~ October, elay. October 7. 199! — Page 15 The Coin si:ince is also sponsoring :a. children's concert at. the se:huub Oct. 24 at 4:00 pan. Popular chtfdren`s entertainer Paul Droog and his grotty Picks and Sticks will provide the musical, tuna with refresh rrierats, latae painting and a penny arcade run by stu- dents and parent volun- teers. It is hoped that tilts concert along with recent donaAttuns trona the Reuniern t.oMmattce and the Ronal Sank in Ripley Mill rase enough' funds to complete Phase 1 of the playground renovation. Spring bulbs orders should be in salon and students will be advised et' the pick-up date. Caanada,has one of the highest - rates of multiple sclerosis iaa the world. Multiple Sclerosis sooligy ofr Ccutete to 3:00-2;38-7582 'Hearing the wore ' 04 04? sit 6utdn't raise yoar Wood, pressu a or set your teeth Q edge sehck`yQU screaming: from the rpotn, But; for manypeopl'ey. that's exalt y what happens. Trust us,: it's nota pretty sight, - And banking doesn't have, to be a sour of constant frustration, It car! actually bei (you might want to sit clown before reading; the neat word) plea ant Shocked -,-..' _ Ylletl yQtriWe4. c ropose yourself and their (earn about' HPOlx Credit.Uniorr I$et'e's, just c yarn le H,k0,4 is. c a thee' -key you, the cc stornners, Yost' share: ii, the, profits; and:h ve, a say irR how #1q, company is run; Yeti, are WOE; +iEK9k ts, y 4. Do wo^dotect 4 stfliteP� imagine how good you'll .feet when you 1(nQvv the whole stoKyr .. H YD y With th smite. Drop 4y Y*Ur_10 ,4.L't i pc.*f (red for; yovrsetf how different bank �ritk► us:. Cart• 1+r6 f! 755 qi.e4n Street;. Kine Nfine, 396-9121, •