HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-30, Page 7Page 6 — Luekhow Sent*, WednbdaY,'SePtember'36.,'1994: "
. .
Deal means two years stability
Chartered Accometarits
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Thor. CA
M.S, Bolton• , CA
• R.G. Thomas, CA . N.E. Klbler.CA
8n.1211 164-3T9O WNW
— -
OCT• 02 08
• FRI. $« SAT,
7 lac 9:18 PM
.• •
t 1-800-255-3430 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO
• from page 3
from teachers in their rati-
fication vote Monday
vetting. Federation presi-
dent Art Doughty said the
deal means two years. of
stability, but he said there
are concerns elvesem
of the conceesions.
"The reduction in
department heads is obvi-
ously a concern because
with secondary reform
there's still a lot of work to
be done, and a let of
(department) heads per-
formed those duties. We
hope with the time that is
available we an still
accomplish the same
amount of work," Doughty
lsaid that while the
contract means hiring 25
more teachers, the .
Bluewater board will still
have 13 fewer teachers
Cross Canada campaign
hunts for man wanted
on warrant for murder
Is one of Canada's most
wanted murder suspects living
in, yOur community?.
That s a question Detective Bob
• Witldoson of the Toromo Pence
. residents
across the
country to
ask them-
during a ,
coast -to-'
'coast '
° conemunity
• eeweeetler
to catch'
Dennis •Artist's impression of what
• Melvyn. Dennis Melvyn Howe
•would look like today.
Y., .
A first-degree murder warrant
• Was issued for Howe in 1983 fol-
lowing the murder of nine-year-old '
Sharin Moietingetar Keettan ef
Toronto. Keenan went missingfrorn
her neighbourhood peek and her
body Was found in e rooming htniee
•refrigerator nine days later. •
Although a %vermin wasissued
for Howe's attest, he has Managed
to evade capture for more than 15
Police'believe,the snspect,' now
57, has assumeda trees identity and
is Hying in Canada, possibly in a
rural am,: •
"Wiest of his alit* life, he wae
constantly in contact
with the authorities
for one reason or
• another:" Wilkinson
said. "It seems
„atteitgea-person like
this could.just up
and vanish."
Community newspapers across
the country are hoping HoWe will ,
reappear during their Nowhere To
Hide carnpaign. This week a copy of .
this story with. an age -enhanced: pho-
tograph of Howe ere being disttib-
uted te up to 1011111110r) newspaper
readers from coast to' coast with the .
belp•of the Ontario Community
Newspapers *Association and the -
Canadian Community Newspapers
Association. • •
It is hoped Howewill be located
through the efforts of this campaign.
'Wilkinson, an investigator with
Toronto Polito's cold case homicide
squad, said Howe, a drifter, is no
stranger to "rugged, rural living."
Wilkinson said it wouldn't be a.
'surprise to discover Howe, is living
in the woods somewhere,: "13arevcn
if you livelp the back Woods, you
• have to wine to town once in ,
awhile. You have to get seme sup-
pliei." ••
' He may be working as a handy-
• men in a rural area, and venturing •
into town once;a week for supplies.
• "He was in badhealth from the
• wordgo, so
if he Was •
• living the
life of a .
lierinit, he
would prob-
ably require
• medical
• attention,"
the investi-
gator ;said.
Howe photographed
time of the .
Toronto Felice describe Howe as
being five feet, nine inches (175 em)
talleabout 165 lb„ (75 kg), with
wrinkles on hie fotehead, a gap , • ,
between hs teeth, hair' chest and
arMs, square shouldere,
a scar under his chin
• and crooked thy ,
gets. Pollee pee he is,
left4iandect, had adeep,
jovial laugh; Walked
quickly, smoked heavily
and frequently used the
term "Turkeys". ,
• Anyone with information about
• Howe is asked tor -call Crime ,
Stoppers at .1, -800 -222 -TIPS. . •
For more informatioreabout '
Dennis.1VIelvyti Hwc visit the •
Nowhere To Hide web sit at •
, •
• hitp://www:siencoe.eontinews/tnur-
der/. , ••
and more students than
last year. •
"There .ere Ie.ss :teachers
in the system, the '.number
of department he4(JShas
reduced,. the ameunt of
money for department
heads is reduced. Teachers
will he spending ntore
essigned time, so a num-
her of people. are eon -
vented," Doughty said.
admitting the contract is as
good as .your. cart get under
13U1 160.
Yenesen said now that a
new contract has been rati-
fied, the board. is encour-
aging teachers to resume
extra,curricular ectivities.
She said students: won't •
notice many changes
under thenew i:ontraet,
4IStlitlents may notice a
• difference in the schools in
the creative ways in which
we find the 1,250 minutes
per week for instructional
time," Yenssen said. •
Doughty predicted there
will also be resefledelillK
of some teaching assign-
ments because of work-
load changes under the
ow what a fair!
• by $haion Martin
' Wasn't that a great fair!
Bravo to everyone who
had anything to do with
- another successful week-
end. After the morning
storm who could have
guessed the weather would
clear up so nicely!
Holidaying with Wilda
and Harvey 'Thompson last
week was their daughter,
Joan MacDonald, South
Forcepine. On the week-
end Wray and Linda
Thompson of Mississauga
and Lee and Joan Richard
of Oshawa visited with
Wilda and Harvey.
• We Were sorry to hear
• of the loss suffered by
Larry and Kim Reid due to
the fire et their home last
Our prayers and
• thoughts are with Jamie
Farrell and his family dur-
ing his recovery..
Maureen Collins waS
down to Arthur on Sunday -
to visit her • parents.
Accompanying Maureen
•• were Roy add Mauteents
sister, Joan Hills.
• Birthday celebrations
for Anne McCosh were
• held at the McCosh resi-
dence Saturday after' the
fair, Party animals includ-
ed Dianne. and Arnie
• Clifford and family, Joyce
and John Farrell and fami-
• •
. •
.•11140611,100.1111111 lodt I :• ••
energizing, healing, invigorating, .sitenglhening, •
nourishing, •restOring, tmutobng. .
tArvIn,g o I le'Clithibt III! It" 111
•- • _ . POIMI1Pa070,1:10o
Birthday Club
• .
.Jerma Knetcnel
. september 30, 1969
9 veers OId
Alex Hogan
• october 1, 1993
5 Years Old •
. 'Travis Nfurray
October• 2.
DerkBeishuizen ; 1904
4 vears•Oid
Daniel Sloetjes
• October 2, 1993
5 Years Old
Danielle Small,
' • October 2, 1987
11 Years Old
Patrick Van Diepenbeeic
• October 6, 1990
• 8 Ware Old
•Cassandra Gilchrist
• October 6, 1992
, • 6 Year Old
Tarionc• tireSr 6i7119p92son
•6 Years Old
Sam Irwin
• •October 6, 1995
. '3 Years Old
• Connor Irwin
October 6, 1995 .
• 3 Yeara Old
.001141.iSIG 'EVENTS ,
• Month Of October'
2nd - Kincardine
Cpmmunity Singers
3rd ricsidents participat;
•ing iri Lgglon Poker .
4th Mennonite Gospel• ' ,
Group to sing •
7th - To Huronlea in
Brussels for tea
9th - Oldoberfest Party &
special entertainment
1.0th -.Fall Colour Tedr
• 1.4th : Seniors Meal @
• 23rd - Family Dance
(Allister McKays
Orchestra) Everyone
29th - Tour to "Spook
3tith. - "Orange & Black
• Day' - Pumpkin
contest, visit.from
• Halloween &
Birthday party &
ly, Dave Becker. Dick
McCosh, Isabel Brook,
Bernice and Bill Burt.
leincardine, Jan and Jud
Mallette, Waterloo, Currie
Colwell and Marion Cliffe,
Carolyn • and Don
Johnston; Toronto.
Get well greetings and
prayers go out to Anne
McCosh who unfortunate-
ly spent her fieth birthday
in hospital on Monday.
Harold and Thelma
Cook returned to Lon'don, •
England after, spending
three weeks with Marie
and Allah Coiling. Max
and Hilda Hildred of
London visited With Mate
Thompson. Helen Smith,
London attended the .
• Ripley Fair and visited
with Mare Thenipson.,
Kay Collins is on duty •
for news. for October, She
can be reached at 395-
• repteseiited
Congratulatiohe t�
those who represented.,
}Iwo COutity • et the
• .19913 • • Ititernetiorrale
Plowing Match in.
,Frontenac Coonty,
anie'St eph
, MacDonald • of
Winthrop, Huron's
• Queen of the FurrOw.
contestant, made us very
, proud to be, associated
with her and the Way, she,
represented the -County.
Tim Devereaux'. of
• in Cass .2 dr,oup 2 and
• won. a '$2400, two-year
seholefship,at ohe of the
OntarlOa. Colleges .01
Ag re it• 1 ,t u r a f•
PatieletoddS: 12.*.
• Seafortle plowed in
Class '2 Group 4 and Was
• reserve champion of that
, elates, . •
, • Darcy' Flanagan,
Dublin,. • and Jerees
' MeNaughtote. efeippen. •
plowed, in Class 2 Group
Pat •0.1eoprke.
Dublin, and 'Gerald
• Corbett, , Hensel',
'plowed in Class 2,Grotip•
.. •
• -.i