HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-30, Page 4Pap 4 ueknow Sentinel, Wednesday. September 30, 1998 Cbanges. addrpss, orders for subscriptiOns, and undeliverable copies (return postage guaranteed) wet° be sent te The Latelaniiir Sentinel at the address indicated hem Advertising is accepted thO COntlitiOn that in the event eta tymgraphical emir, the por. thin of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item together with am:mm*10401valve for signature. wiliest be charged for, but the balance of the advertistnion wilt be paid at the applicable rates. A owes Publishers community Newspaper el 9 Campbell St.. Lucleaow. Ontario P.O. lEtox 400. Lticltriow,' Ontario NOG .2.H0 e phone: {519) 528-2822 fax (519) 528-3029 —Established 1873 ' Tout ThompSorr 44vertiting °PC Pat Livingston — General Manager tor Phyllis Matthews Helm - Office Administrator ,.,110an CoUrtney — Typesetter Subscription Rate advance: Regular $25.66 postage and G.S.T.) Senier.. $23,32 (incl. postage and O.S.T.) Foreign & UA- 08,00. Publications Mad Registration No. OW% held at Garterich> Ontario, Published 52 times a year. , malt luclotenKohicroptel.oiLea Internet addreos; http://Www.bovircsnt,Cornituainow," A desperate plea .Dear editor: "We lisp to masik. Swimin lesin is most ovr. Rodys coati n tomoro." - These words were written in *journal by 4 little girl in Grade 4. Can- you read what they. mean? "We listen to musie. Swimming lessons is almost over. Robbie is coming tomornm." These are the words she was trying to say. We have another daughter,, one year younger, who was at 4 lower level than this. She has been matched with a tutor from the "Literacy and Numeracy Project' through the Avon Maitland District School Board. This letter is lacing composed for two reasons. Chic is a desperate plea. for more volunteers, and the other is a thank you for the •tutor we presently have for our youngest daughter. Her tutor wishes to remain anony- mous. I wish. I couldhold up a picture and let you know • who she w and,thank her for the wonderful job she is doing. Our daughter has improved so much,. not just Ka- ' clemieally, but her self esteem has risen to a point where she actually has some confidence in what she is doing. Her tutor is just a normal woman who works full time everyday, but has some spare time on her hands, as her • children are getting a little older. She read about the Literacy/Numeratty Project, and thought that it was something she was interested rn as she likedreading in her spare time. All you noed is about one hour per week •to spend' with someone, either a child Or adult, who is • having difficulty with reading, writing or mathematics. You don't have tti be a scholar or a teacher, but just someone who would like to help someone else. They give you materials, and they offer training sessions. You are one on one during tutoring, but you are, not alone. They Are always there tosupport and help you. Presently they have over 60 children working with tutors; and about 30 adults as well. They have avery long waiting list (with our sewed daughter being one of them) of • • . people who. need help Traincdtutors who are not voluns teers are expensive, and most people, including us, can- not afford the luxury., Our daughter's tutor is Wonderftd. She sometimes spends time playing educational games with her. There itre also baking nights, where our daughter reads the. directions; and helps With the whole process, Including the taste-testingt She gives small amounts of work to take home, nothing overwhelming, and our daughter seems more anxious to complete it than her homework from school. She just wants to please the person who. cares so melt about seeing her suCceed To our daughter„ this is SOMeeile whe wants to help, ,pot someone who •is expected to help, like teachers and' parents. If our daughter in Grade 4 does not find a tutor soen, we don't know what will. happen. • • . Education is like a house. If the foundation is not strong enough, the house will never hold up, 411d will come tumbling down. Math and English -are a person's foundation, and intist be secured as soon as possible in a Child'S life> As for adults, sometimes it makes the differ - mace whether they .ean secure a job or not, if they don't have the skills to rill .out some of the paperwork neees-• • sairy, • If you have ever been helped by a volunteer, just remember how it felt te have someone do something for you because they ,wanted to help. A lot of young; people want to help charities, but cannot afford the financial outlay. This is something you can do, that won't cost you a cent. It is a caring -and compassionate gesture. On • those cold winter nights, just imagine the warrri feeling of spending an hour or more per week with someone Who cau'use yourhelp. , , • If you can help With this program, please contact Ann Heene,y or Heather Robinet at 5104827794/3. Even if this letter doeSn't result in a tutor for our, danginer, I •hope this will help find • Make alt the differenee in Thanks t� the Literacy new tutors, and especially someone else a, tutor. It can the world to someone in need. & Nuiberitcy PrOjeCt, to all the to the ones we have already! • Karen .Stanlake. • Dear editor:. , • . he .si as an appeal; to the public 1 am writing this letter reads Yield not drive n through • and especially those who disobey. - In late June myself and three ch'Idren all of whomwere seat belted in properly, were broadst ed by another vehicle who - failed to stop at a YIELD sign on the 12th conces son Of Ashfield., Our Suburban rolled and was'a .total right off. All of us were finc,except for a few bruises, do in part' to the fact.that we were wearing.. seatbelts I very nervous, about going down tlie. sideroad again but, we did in early August. only to have the. Same thing almost 'happen again. Attempting once more on Sept.,23•at about 4 p.m. again this happened. A lady in a pickup with a trailer • was not even attempting to stop at the yield sign, This is totally against thc law, and • would like anyone who doeihis to STOP now before you kill someone: : The buses were travel- incidents I am totally:: ling the roads, at this tithe and how would you. feerif you were solely responsi- ble for many injuries or even deaths just because you were too,ciarabed lazy to'S'140P. - • I'm not saying that I have never went through a, yield, sign but since these., aware of what can happen, so please if' you see any.' one doing this Make sure • you ,advise them or better, yet report them': to the' • police so. this doesn't hap pett ie. -innocent, people.' ;Thank you. -• Tracey Simplon. cti 00 10. years ago,' Sept,. 28, 1988 he Village.. ofr Lucknovv.haS now ciercised :the ' options on the sanitary' sewer': treatment stte Ioatd east of the village on the Brooks and Milne • properties,..The site:eon,- sists of some 50 'aCres. of land:As soon as the land survey has been Omelet. ed, the deeds for the property will be. pre- pared. • • ' An estimated. quOte of $100 for' a village. dire tory sign was presented. to the 15 rrieinbers cif the tucknow Tourism Cominittee at their rein - Jar monthly meeting held oirs pened IPM in '78 last week. In -addition to the ight46ot by eight- . , foot metal fratued sign, the -local- grotip will ctin- (ler the placement of road Signs outside tfie village At .a ' cost', of $100, each. 20 years ago, Sept. 27, 1978 he 1,ucknow CPiiCert Band under the.direc- . titan of Gord CaYley Was,. the official: band to play 'the accOnapaniment for the singing of the 'llational. Anthem at the opening ceremonies' for the International 'Plowing • Match in itringham, •Lightning game in on. the clotheS.line,:a( the ,•horne.OrTortyAnd Donna .IO.hnston; Gough ;Street, ,Lticknow _ daring:: the everc thundet Storm a week ago. The wall -Of the.house watt damaged where the lightning struck and hydro fuses and the tetephoneservice vVere knocked out. •.1. - , 39 years ago,: Sept, 30, 1948 ive . tains. 14 l)u n g a n on 4. Hatketts,'; Port Albert,'1,,ucktow Legion and Ltickpow Monarchs;' are 'entered.. in the Indoor Softball Lcague.• Ihis five teant..16.0P. WiU provide some snappy balL and • theschedule will not:he so drawn out as last year. The ad rtii s- sitan foe is a nominal dime.; ,urn) the playoffs' , start, . hletribers, of, tic local ,;.1-lydro glectriO 'Power COMM ision conferred with Industrial power users at an enieegencY • session oh Tuesday night, • when very. definite .steps were _±taken___b_-loca-V industries to help relieve the Current power crisis. • Tuesday nights mcet- ing was called when Meter •feadingt:4. op Moriclay showed that the Yillage was exceeding the local quota by' over 30 per eent. Old'.of the week readings .showed Wanda Walton and Dylan werelvaiting, for the , the, cOnsitnipt,lbn tO'be Ripley -Huron Pall Fair parade to start on within the quota. • $aturday. (Heim photo) , • •