HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-30, Page 2Page 2 - Lutkrtow Sentinel. ednestlay, Septets
0, 1994
93 year akt
Arrmkt'R'Viikz very,
PAT resident ankiqik.
guts the. ribbon (f'r
Styles Alan. Shutt
owner,* Redden.
right andAnite
itttledg art'
lark arra
22 Park .« Riptey,. Qnt~
Phone for appointment 395-03$5
41 1tQU1K Act i . 1tr Ar•i:atw
Qnieno's: Rural 'Youth. i t Strategy is. d, program
to?help -yoiincl nten- nG wbmenn Pend joos, W�'u
•here YQuoke.$;
to• Prntl the rrght p'pporturiity m your, home
Ano out 5ervreos aro free.
t pi„t wont to, work vel \4:I
i r1.11!t ,+txz t 1 1 1
Al %turraua.rrs. 'Pod; .A .lur({i•
: /�t1 rlra
ase e
. Citing "truer mounting debt. anci no sign of a return
to using the corn -nun y paper for• advertitsing," Canal
and Harry-fielfensteif, •owners of. the Midwest
'Weekly News, (formerly T'eeswater• News and the
Clifford News) published their last newspaper today:
The Belfensteins, formers fanners, went into the put-
lisping business 14 years ago. •
thm two years ago, boat Caro' and liarfy were
actively involved with the paper,
• A story in the last issue of the Midwest Weekly
.:News says. "The staff and management over 'Molest
two years tried, to stimulate .new sales but the very
tight ecion+;rrny has taken ,a. tremendous toll: oar Our
small stores alid newspaper advertising reflected.
that." ' . a
Potential bityears of the business " booked act the
advertising base and were -discouraged froth trying.
Ye, a gnat looking coram unity but tucr cera business!
es, and too many Myers was the reaction ... "
",f from pag„e f
board and Menthe rnunlci--
polity. The 'Warn carries its.
own liability insurance,
Wants to be
Yr<e*.p with: West W%wattush affil
• Ashfield townships,::
Restructuringiti Bruce
County is: to take :place on
Jan. 1, 1999;
sehoo e
Viictttaia .beir,son
More than Z50 con-
cerned residents of Huron
and Perth Counties attend-
ed.. last Tuesday night's
Avon Maitland District
School Board JAMVSO)
tweeting; to hear the board's
decision on possible
school closures.
They were doomed to
disappoipunent .
After much discussion
by the trustees,: anti a pre-
sentation by Deb Sheldice,.
chair of the " Student
Advisory Council (SAC)
. for Clinton Public School,.
the board opted to table•
the motion until the board
meeting on Tuesday, Oct,
6,, at the board's Stratford.
Sholdieee asked the
board to help concerned
residents figure out the
best: way to fight the clo-
.As parents .and taxPay-
e.rs, vee need. you to lean
us as to how to approach,
the ministry;" Sholdice
said. "As a parentanti a
taxpayer 1 realize there is
a: 'need .to eliminate costs
froth the Syster . '
Municipal Eleetione, Act, 199 (8k, 32)
I' etiee is berekty given 'tp the. Municipal f:1e tors. of the fernier TQWNSt IP tt>F
of $oleo for the newly amalgamated munieipahty offiee
Nominetions.in the Township of Huron-tiintoss:.for the office of •
one (1) ta' be: elected
(i)to. @tooted.
(fit) to: be *0
One (1)` of the geographic area Qf the former; Vi1f'age of Lucknow;
Cine (1) -of the geagraphio'area of the former Ripley P 1).C,
may, bo made by completing± and filing in theoffice, of the; Clerk of the Township of:
Kinlos$. noniinetions in the presuribed•tenn" """ �" '
A.;nornination rnust be signed by the candidate and, may,titii filed in person or by an
agent at a time ,when the; Clerk's, office is open and no later than Nomination, Day'
Qctobor 9th, 1996 at 5::00 p.m A. prescribed,. nomination- filing fee: ($100) must
accompany,, the norninatiorl, forme A.noinination- must be certified by the Clerk' before
such Berson becomes a certified candidate -'for the. office. to .which she or he's.
nominated, .
Nomination forms; and Landiriate.Qtiidea.are availably at.:thetTo'wnship of Kinloss Offi;e'
in.Holyrood, during regulaf ellrce,hotirs (Monday to Pi,14ay),. 3:30•arn to•4 30'•prn). closed-.
at noon hour. Qn Neminatlen gay '(Friday, October 9th, 1993). the office will be• open to
Qf which all Eleotors: are.: hereby,, required- tateke notice and *worry themselves
accordingly, and further taKe-notice that the- manner in•which. saidnominations shalt be
filed is, set f orth in the. Municipal El(Ntrons'Act.
Electors are hereby;given notice that if a greater nurrilaer ot candidates are certified than
a7<re- requirod to fillthe said; off. ices, voting places will be open on•the dates stated below.
for: theptirposeet votipcd,,
• A VAiipe VOTE - Satturday October 31, 199x. 9;00 arm. to 5:00 -p.m.)
VOTtNG SAY - Monday, Npveinber,.9,199&(10:00 a.m. to•$:00 p.m.)
Dated.this 16th, bay, of September„ 19984,
Markt-. Becker, A.M. i,,T
Clerk„ Tgwnship,at lCirilass ; "
Janet lfaird•J.ackson,
Superintendent of
Corporate Operations, and
informattion 'Technology
for the ALY1WSB, said, the
goxernirnent fornuia for
fuhding to facilities is
based on a dollar 'amount
tor square, footage and
asrotlter dollar amountfor
"Given then; that we
have no otter means, we
either re4tiue our stan-
dards for cieanliiness or we
reduce resources by
diverting money from
other areas, The other
approach is to reduce
souare footage," 8444-
- Jackson said.- • .
She added that in some
areal that the board covers
there is growth, however
until the board's schools.
are ;'at or exceeding •
caprate, we do hotyualtty
-for the same anon of
.The board taws three
options of schools, 10 be
reviewed 'for closure; and ,
the recommended option, ..
the most holistic of the
three, according to Baird.,
Jackson is option. C.
Locally, it involves cies
Turnberry Public;
', -School: Thoe students ..
"wou:lci, go to Bast
Wawanos,h anti Wrnghain
In order -to r -ea give full
andiras the hoard htas to
find a way to'. close down,
t re:than 306,009 square
•feet of excess space. :
The first''Option, option
•A; is considered rm nimal-
istic and will ,be the feast-
• •r•njurtous`to tit board.
"This••rtppruac.h meets
the,'square footage targets,
but May net meet the. goal
• of equutable•dts ribution Of
programs," 13aird Jackson.
said` '
closing. Vartastra •
Coffin -4414y ',Sriheel and ;;.
Central Ruron Secondary.
School: •
13aird-Jac,ks+cq, said .
option 11.. •the
secondary school build-
ings, although not neces-
'sartly for'seCondary use:
This option, involv`es..
CHSs, becoming an oie-
rncntary schooland the
closing; of CPS, VCS,
Huilett ,Central School,
Huron -Centennial School
and, Holmesv,i lie. Public.
Abby Artttstrorlg,
AMDSB chair, told the
group that thi ,board h;as.
set out a letter to SAC
Chairs, IIHtiSiness•
Improvement Associations
• i13LAs), churchesand any.
•cftltc..r cirganixations or,.
':institutions that the beard
believesvalue the -lifestyle
these c:cinniriunities have.,
"If you de not. accept
what: is.being•forc:edon us,,
we need . your ,u nderstatad.H
M see, `Totally' page>3., to