The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-30, Page 1VOL. ii $ WL 39 • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ri 1998 65¢ INCLUDES G.S.T. Rec boar whit happ:ns. C onstruction undem on Havelock Street south by Pat Livingston . Construction started on Havelock Street south on Monday morning. Ken Jackson ('onstruction, of Tiverton,' had the winning tender at a price of S185,417. ' Work' includes watertnain, .4:urb and gutter in the first block of Havelock south, from Campbell to Willoughby; at top coat of asphalt from Willoughby to Cunning.Where canning and Havelock streets mtaeet, the corner will be fixed up; curb and gutter added to give mote dein - Rion, The full length of Canning Street 'will be widened about ora metre. New w:atermains willbe installed on Canning Street for two blocks' east of Ross. Included in the project is a tap coat of asphalt .for one block of Inglis Street, from, Campbell to Wheeler. The bailauice• of the eastertf, pardon of trio spcattu. ccz 'p/ex parking zo wilt'be•paved welt. White construction is underway. the Idea • cents actor isattempting to keep erne' tare opento maintain access for farmers to Snobelen elevators. However, there will be some periods such as installation of • watertnains at intersections. where it mm be necessary to close the road. Signs. read "open to local tt ori c , Dennis l tliett, with B.M. Ross and Associates, • said "We"ll do our best to oblige" the farmers as they bring .the crops to the elevator. -.Mike Snobelen said that while he may have preferred a different timing. for the constractien „before things get better they get worse. Weil work around The construction was approved when, council was .finally able to pass its. 1998 budget: ;in early August "fe uders were. tet for the cottstxuctioti and opened last week. Ken n said they Are (koiti for ttOnittloOrr da r• 9ft9Ot'4Weathet permitting," Asbler lil urray: took: her mom,earls ,, h•*- the mrel'r gplatind... ; u **hilt With*WI* to cover pool had by Put Livingston When the Lucknow and dtstrii t joint 1'00'0400a itioa board inet last week, itis- OU SiO'it about the pool • reRno-vations was elle of the • topics. Ashfis.ld Towntih:ip.. board` rep, Marilyn 1K1'ittelib urg• ptes:ented. information on a ('overall Shelter. 1.6 enclose the pool.'''"l' want to, protect: Our now pati{.;'l want iron) registrations," said. • Miltert;burg.' "We mover want a. poal.or why are wk tiXing• it-ttOW " While the operating deficit of theswimming Pool has Iwo falling each year, itstilt runsat. a •deticit. Mittenburg queried whether extending the ,' pool, season by having it enclosed; would result in. iuicreaseci registrratiols. ; • "Theb est expense is wages,"sasat Lucknovv rep Tom: Pegg. "Y'otell.have mere .wages if the season is longer." Pegg said he• ecus, not in favor of cever- by lot Livi ngsto The" Make. it (ireat in '9S reunion corn►n:it(ee.. learned last week' that to 41AtQ4 tiro#.rt. was realiz.ed froiii that, July event, 't'h re )114y `till be a Bilk •:itt#:i?re tc me .:ca • lrotxi souvci ir.sales. As vr:as, committed when the reutiioil commit-. tke .was first t't)riilcd;.half' of the profit will be trans- ferred. to the swimming pool renovation fitii4l,'tti 4tainialettity, ,Pf0i,Q4 spear- heatled.by the Lucknow.. 400 Uistri t;'Lions .Club, That half atitoitnts to. Ing the pool, aryl if; tie vitas WO: faVOr a bti.tldt is*, . 19;6O0 The' 4crattntittwc`'.will i n ve U $5,001), aa° SQed °tiil}tley reit. the.. next. rettinic>n. When the 199s, ruuniun cvoi,nli'btc: ,'to forrined• there were no, .funds, aivailable to stat t•the bails i 4>liiiig. It blade things vkr ., di#'#'icult and tbe. coiiitnittec had to: /1O t4' varioils s0►urcc.s for, loac»; and in spin 44yesoutright grants wcr<e rnade With this -seed inotiey for the 'next i(ituzion, start tip witi!te be much easier. piut Linen., and. Lynn'347htlston, the cc chatirs of "In ,our position ins Bruce County,' said Kinloss rep Lea Murray:, "1'd' best think leave it to . the• new counc;it." ,. Board chairman' Gerald Dolman said theidea was .'nut, without merit' but. Miltenburg's suggestion didn't.go any further. Jenny llogorvorst of. Coverall Shelterssat in at the meeting, after the board" •initial ; discussions,. to answer .coni: q1,10 0,011:4. Fuad -raising for the, pool t4trtiyations i ' mov= the '9S., : i'c'unian hav:c agreed to take. respoii.ibil"-•. ity for nvcstixug the inonep.and: tolling cY rrvurr . as the :market. cadge .• Tiro Cci1l7111itiee'S, dii•ec-: tions include that the -inoney be iuveste.d through a local ticiuid.c for a durraticin of eight: years. 'At that time the Money:. would be av"tilahle for start up ler, a 200 reunion, At the. ec'ilimittee' tAc,AA, ng hist Thursday. several other cotnni inity projects were dike -u 5sett, More details are being gathered:, ct tht girt Ing.! a#ong'.cluite nicely.. Ree reat ion coordinator Datue t laelk said. "It looks like it could he another comtnutitty projeet not.. using: taxpayers. dpllats. .Ken Irwin; on behalf ot., the •,lucknu;ly lancers, apptared' before the Lutkwew.and district joint. reertation board` on Sept. asking for permission'. to ran the hockey clubs Sate Line Club again this. season during; keine, pixies and playoffs. The board approved the .. 19, and the coinrnitt,ee will 11 441 again in•onae ntotilh..' • financial slat±etnott Will, he printedl at Sc)tne titin in the futine4 • And talking aliouu sett-. yolks, ~ there's stili plenty-' of tier;eutJiir k an45OLYie lt. shirts: available- They :are being sold at rock'bcatturi prices and;, w±ogld'niake :a neat Christmas, gift. 4 orittaet: U.clares,. 0kOlaski it vOu're' inter-. eStcc. Tlt.`eoiitin;i:ttce •i5.. try>iri,g to arrange for; a.; main street lcwatioix where' purehase of ahs;}'oikvenus would beii o e accessible,:. •1 request subject to proper supervision,. paper work ' and the facility being, Left clean. after each. event. ' There was some discus- sion en the Bluer Line'Club that runs under a Land;' spectal oeCasion permit between .4 and 1 for ktror itt , gratis. Otto ques- tioned posed w. who liable if there is.a trou- ble. According to inform. belsn presented, the? meets, would be first, followed by the joint recreation' *:see•'`I iiabtliity' page • • in 1999? by 104t Liivings+tun What will' the makeup of the, joint rpereati'on: boarii: be Wien: atualgawna tion of Lut:know, Kinloss aiidHuron takes place?` This question came to the • jointree board table: last wok. General observations.. were rnaue by board ►nem" bets: about htiw the board° crura work fairly; see&ii 40tifigaiki A 'West Wawa a n ttltavt of ' t4tancrolorrtAtiori, Wee. Wawanosb rep , sturtattivets- Dourg Miller and Stuart Alton. Made .it. clear they expect their iuuuicipality to be csunsult- ed by, .the trarrisitiou team. before, any steps. ace taker% Thris,. Statetnentt. was: �xiticte< 'after Daly Black, .reere- Atieu coo drwator,: said that ' he au& the Ripley, IVO director had manic a pre seriltation fa the trausitit n, ,. boautc#.. ' Leto! . Murray, the • Kinloss recreation board Mem et, who is also a ineiuber,of the transition • team, trio;#, to reassure Ntlt+ar 'and Alton 'that nothing: Wealdbe done without firstcansit•ltin .Wants.* .pa: • r9,0 0444140 (centre) pr e$idont. HcAchoW LiQfl& iuI:ag ��. froth tt t Lynn.Jobastoh. Monies watt prsefv;tsi, kW' Zinn rt i0t •