HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-23, Page 21Paige Lt cknow SentintR1, Wednesday, September 23. 199 ee]....end. all fa 0 • by Mildred Lorne The Agricultural Society was blessed with a beautiful weekend•for the annual Fall Fair. The Midway wasdoing a sue- cessful .business Friday evening for all th4 young people and once agate there was an excellent parade on .Saturday at noon., Rev;, A. Cook held the service of bap- ' iisre ap''tism in the Luekno•w UnitedChurch, Sunday Morning for Ryan, son of Chris and Nancy Irwin. Jessica, daughter of Trish and Dwayne Scott and Sherry,' daughter of Donald.. and Maryann MacDonald. In • .the l:,ucknow Presbyterian Church, as part �� of the 125th annivexsary year, the WMS was in, charge of the service under the leadership* of Shirley. Hawthorne and Nornaa.Raynard. Special • speaker ' : was Marion (MacDonald) Mundell of Gorrie and for- tnerly of Lucknow..Her message :was on New Horizons, emphasizing the:werk of the church. There, was a ladies choir and Joanne Lennips sang a solo: Other mere bars of the WMS helpedors. with differ- ent parts of the servicq. Bruce and, Helen MacDonald 'of Grande Prairie, Alberta are spending approximately two weeks in the area, They have their•motor home at David and Eileen Moffat's but are visiting all their Moffat and MacKinnon relatives. Chester and Bell Hackettcelebrated their. 40th wedding anniversary On Saturday everting .with a dinner at their.' son's. len and Kathy on. North. Delhi' Street. .Present. were their three sons end six grandchildren. • - • The previous week they were remem tiered by Marion .and Warren Zinn and Margaret and.l van Keith with dinner out, then a time of fellowship end reminiscing at the Zinn's. . • Ran MacDonald took his mcither, Fern, to: visit with her sister Greta Reid at Sandy Cove Acres. near StrOuti.r on Saturday, a.beautiful day for a drive. Syrnpathy is extended to: Bernice -Johnstone • and. other members Of the fami- no ` ly on the passing ofGordon Johnstone in Wingham hos- • pital on. Saturday morning. Funeral services were from the chapel on Monday afternoon, Gillian, Courtland, at resident of Pinecres•t Manor, .celebrated her 91st birthday on Monday. • Bob. Raymond, Llustin Parrish and Tram Good of. the Ltieknow Pee Wee Blue Jay's baseball' team joined with other.membete from Listowel, .Dashwnodt• and Mitchell to form the Mid -West All Star Team zhat played in. Newmarket oil Saturday. They .had two close games against York. Simcoe and North:Western' Ontario and although they, weren't on the dinning end, they can be proud to have been. able to play in an All Pntario. Tournament. 135th fair does Organizers of the :13'5th.ipley•., Huron Fall Fair will be hoping they. 'have the weather Lucknew etcperienced on the.weekeed.: ' • Special guests :opening: thefair are Ontario 'Association of Agrictiltural • Societies` presidents Clarence Pinkney,. agricultural 'division, and Sylvia Parr, hornecraft division: The presidents of the provincial association; travel. throughout Ontario visiting'•any number'. of :the existing 236 agricultural fairs so it IS great that they vinll: both° be attending the fair. on Saturday: The fair.is . set to go this , wee'kend with: Friday'ei'ght<events to start at 7.,- The Ambassador. competition,. Cody; Maus and a 'variety show wall take'. place at the complex•:at S: p.m. There.'s. also the ever pepular'firog jump.. • ing• contesta mini, trector..pull and' the Junior;Farnier games and pet show. On '.Saturctay, the;,complex is open'ell day, -you' can take in the beet, dairy,:. horse or,sheep shoiy or'the light horse,. and poultry show.. At noon the community's fatuous fall' lair parade, gets underway:: This is fol- lowed by an •antique ear and tractor: show, a variety program, the heavy.. • horse: show,.beef cattle, 4-H. beef, dairy and. sheep invitational show. Performning on stage' during the vagi ety program' Saturday afternpon will be the. award-winning "C'rip'pl,e'C"reek Kids';. This group is; the Canadian National Junior. •Champions Traditional.Cloggging and recently qualme fled far' the finals- of the .Youth Talent. 'Search at the Western fair:. - Princess Karma and'Coartpany will be bringing a fantasy magic and illusion show to the.Ripley-Huron community School ,ym,'with two shows 130'and J pan. .. .• • :Saturday night,., the. Leask Brothers will: entertain et a`dance at the arena ,Aver thio weekend, , the Big 'A' Midway Will` be in • town:, to satisfy your need for a few, thrills iind game$ of:. chapce if YOU .hav'en't` cheeked 'oti•t the Ripley-11uton Fall Fair,' make sure you: „ do,.Its one of the'best fairs around-. tots to'L10 incl see, at d yott'11 11why5 lie. greeted• by a smiling, friendly face: Z PEOPLE.WHO READ NEWSPAPERS ARE BETTER LEADERS AND BOSSES {t all starts with Newspapers. es •obe: • from page 6 enttattslatstic. supporter of writers who generously. . endowed the awards in 1996' when government :. eutbat4ks threatened their '• continuation. A total -of 18 public • libraries and eight school boards are participating in. • his year's contest. . . The entry forms and contest. rules are available; through; the illuewater District $.pool Board. • Entry deadline is Oct, 9. WEDD1NDS PertwmQd — yclur ioCat$4n ar, our allow or outdoor chapel a (noo4iincmuratlCoall. Frit brochure cart RE1i CHRI$ MORUAN FAITHS COOK' BENtMII,t ER 524,5724 D MST ENINGS LUCKNO DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE Fnday. Scptt tuber «yah • Gtri Gtudey.Hingo Saturday, September 26th c hie Clarkelaohn Greig ()ITN DATi - sun, . w+►i.2S tact:; "9-23 3O • Sal. 17.34 : CALL 528-3312 Evmrlastins Flaw** & 3itis 9 a.m. - 5:30• pan.. c'", + .+ta t1l� .or*. k. 'u 1 Our Savinq4 on Your favour..... 25Z - 0Z. laVinOfionalb. nt i ie��'t7r jf} /`j oiot. •.. • 1,er enni ai • ottanat4163 =t eeiet ee-lili s ty6J Qt;Neye. 05e2 'qt. 1/2 rrii. south, of Lueknow 519-529-7247 Specials In .Effect $ept. 2 to Oct. 2419$ Creative Nail Polish SIP 8.0. Bonus Gutter Top Coat viler *Meets or elolagi .Shampoo & Condltloner l Litre • 2P3 . 528.20 Fc'ufrdup Road$ $gj Sans For the, past couple' of seasons, we have. heard. of Roundup Ready soybeans coming' to Ontario.. Well they are finally befell Roundup Ready is incredible technology that provides the most".effectiver simple and flexible weed Control program. with total crop safety Next, spring you will be ,able to grow these on your owri farm.: First' Line Seeds, a -leader. in early .seeson.soybeans will nave 9• • high yielding; :'darty: season varieties; Below arethe :beans.,rated- between 2650 HU and 2800 HU. • WE WiLL HAVE A'GOOD SUPPLY OF THESE. BUT DEMAND IS EXTREM =`LY:HIGH; SO ORDER YOURS EARLY, • Varieties avai.it ble for' i 999 are: 260IR • .02650 HU variaty with very strong emergence and eariy•season vigour. •`Has great drought 'tol rance• and the lips 1e; gene for Phytoptathora resistance: a F.{ • A great No Till variety best suited 7,' -:18" rows. '2701R . • • 2700 HU variety with 'excellent standability and drought tolerance,; • Contains the RPs. 1c gene for Phytophthoca resistance ._ * Bast suited to eeortventionaliy tilled ground in 7° -15" rows, . :280i. HR. asrle ;wi g both no -till 7"�20"ro Ken or Allan e UCICNQitl�f 19-5�9�?� • 2850 HU v ' ty th great emergence and .early season vigour;" • Suited to and conventtonatiy titled soil• • Suitable; for it contact.K e`�:tlut LWckinoVv•Ca.-op #alr;,ma�re :infarmatigrr!. 529-7953 LUCKNOW COOP RATIVE II�C L RIPLEY' 5 3 . ' 519-395-3654 .