HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-23, Page 16• Business P. $140;eQ0Wyr Peteratiat. yes! 'P'r`ofit magazine says "Best business to go into '98,,2 Low overhead + no inventor., ry '�; Very Profitable franchise) Call now, free information: 1-888.679- 2201 --3$bc AMAZING FACT - WSN "World's fastest growing,. Internet franchiser." 16 coun- tries. $15,000+/mo. Full training. . investment required, 1-808-678-7588.-, 3000 ACC1 S5 TO. CASH ASSETS! RR$P, URA or LIF owners, you can turn your investments into cash aIGHT NOW without paying taxes. Deed before a solici- tor. NO deposit: Tel: Ottawa & area 1-800-39940. Toronto &: area 1.800.766- o58a.--38bc Seeking Neve '$aiespecq Ie across Canada, No set quo- tas, no pressure, complete training', state-ot•the-art back office, current pricing, full compliance and much. more, Over 925 Associate partners, 26 Institutional Partners,: 238,000 Clients across. Canada, W;H. Stuart & Associates 1.800-660• 1'116. www,whstuart,coin The fastest • growing Independent financial plan- ning company in Canada.- DYNAMIC CANADIAN. corn party requires representa- .tives to marketanack Prod— ucts through direct sates andlor homai dernoristra- tions. Interested individuate' contact Schneider's Gourmet World @1.400- 665.648_4,=-38be, EARN AMERICAN OEO INCOME in • the. next 6 • months.. Horne -based Ven- ture: Capital required $2500 Cdn, NOT MLM. 1.-800 320= 9895, ext, 0542.--38ba 291' Tendert CORPORATIONOF THE COUNIT QE`HURON` QUOTESEOR' SNOW,REMOVAL 1998/1999: Locations' are: Cliatort • Huronview/Health 8c: Library/Jacob 'Memorial •'$russets, , • 1-#uron :Lea Goderich • County Museum • Assessrnent,8uilding Detailed.information can, 'be picked up at theHuron ` County Museum during norma) business hours. All quotes tb be received ,at the museum, office, no tater_. that% . r- 4;30 rn: Wdnesday, Sept 30th,, .1998 Lowest or any, Quotes not necessarily ai cepted: Submit"quotes to: CLAIJS.BKKEEDE Director/Curator Haran County Museum - 11O4 Nortb St., Gto, 4ericht,"Qsntar:lo ` •' N7A 2T5::, Tet.:; 5244635 1'a e G—Lua:lknow Sentinel,.Wednesday, September Y3. 19913 H $p Wanted Help. Worth* #IAMMMMYYi1M�WiM FARROW1N. & E3REEPING POSITiONS Due to expansion, farrowing and breeding positions need to be filled on our targe three- site swine operation.Agricultural and/or medical knowledge would be an asset far the farrowing position. Artificial insemination knowledge wc7Uid be, an asset for the breeding positions, We are willing: to train dependable and: committed individuals. Excellent wages and benefits. Please apply. by fax mailor a -maim Acre T • arms Ltd. Brussels, ON NOG 110' Fax (519) 8874330. Fossil ' atcret@scsitlternet.COr -Only those being .consideredfor interviews lntili f be contacted. NOTICE to, CULROSS,MIJTVAL INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY HOLLERS• Harold Fair has retired and his. Policy Portfolio bas been transferred to: Jim Moir Ins, Teeswater, QNB - N00 2§0 Phone 392-6806 or 39-0281 • and Eric Thacker R. R. #4 Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X5 - Phone 395.5829. Should. you have any ,questions regarding your insurance needs, contact one or the above agents. or Culross Mutual insurance rCompany, Clinton St. S. Teeswatcr; ON NQ( 2S0, Phone 392-f 2b0 or Toll Free 1-888-.S00-8666. Casual Part-titne Health Caine Aides: 84 R.N.'s regti iregi''.. Must' be available weak- endS & holidays.: 'Shift work involved; • • Apply at. Pinecrest Manor, . • 399 BobLucknow: ` : with resume: by Oct..• 7,..1998 '. $ATTENTION STUDENTSS,, Make' a lot: of money selling chocolate bars, New Prod- ucts available, Nothing to pOy, in advance. Fast deliv. ery 1-800.383-3589:: --38bo JOC.US EDUCATIONAL toys. Celebrating 20th .year in. Canada. 400+• quality,. • toys, Barnes, art/crafts, Supplement family incorrte selling through home per- tiesa .. oat: i.o ue__' sales;: -1'-- ---'7—s-fwi raisers. 800,-361- 4507, ext, 3351. --36 38ce • FARM. WORKER wanted; Full. time position on iooal Peet' farm- Must .he avail... ablepto work some week- -ends. Experienoe with machinery necessary; Submit applications to Boit 383,: Luckndw, On,. at0G 2Hp. --37,300 ;HARBOR VILLA, is. currently • accepting restames in antics- patien of 'our opening in early fall. We, are Lookingfor reataurent personnel expert ' erred in ,any or ail aspects, of. the business, ar those . who are willing to learn; Please catl::Peter: at 396-' 5962 to., arrange all inter- view: ,Please drop,off Or' mail resume to 217. Harbor Street, Kincardine, On. N2Z 2X9, --390F -_ Opp* RESTAURANT FULLY equipped.and Licensed in ° Mitchell,, On. $500 per, month•'ptus, equipment. No money , dowh. 51,9-348- 4759;--37,38co C' M R 1 S T I A N. MINISTiiY/BU;St1ESS 'OPPORTUNITY. Join grow- in.g network of Christian Franchisees.'Serve'the Lord & „year Community, Protected . territories, investment 'required, SIG — NtFi.OANTr PiO1. Training & support, Call 1-800-663- . 7326: -38,bc CASH ;IN/CASH OUT Cote, Hostess, M&M, Re -stock established unique ;vendors.. in your areas. Ne. seller. Full ,tells, partrtirrte, Minimum investment,, $13,980.. 1-888503.8804 (24 hours):: Member 38bc • • Te if fsrrra Tenders: 4 Personal C'TY OF HURON El ways • Department QUOTATION R are available from the office of • the• 'County of Huron 1:ngtneer, Court' House, Oocferlch. Ontario, NTA 1M2 (Tel. 519 5244412) and will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, • • October 190810 the following quotation, Qtrottaloo for Ute 1998/99''winter seatioto Rental of track tractor r?Lud damp trader te. haul reed: salt to the 4 patrol, yards. SNOW REMOVAL The Sruce•Grey Catholic District School Board and Dluawater District School Board invites applications for snow removal at their' respective schools within the, Druce and Grey Counties, Lowest Or any tender not necessarily accepted. The information provided is governed by the Freedom of Information and: Protection of Privacy Act. , Tender forms for the following Boards are available sat their local schools or the addresses below. Sealed tenders. wilt be received until September 30, `98: For information contact; Snow Removal - For Bruce County Public . - Etementary and secondary .schools only Maintenance Department 1 luewater District School Board PO 00X 190, 351 1st Avenue. N Chesley, Ontario , NOG' 1 LQ • 519-363-2014 ' For Bruce & Orly aunt% Cato f Counties b lc elementary and secondary,schoals only: Maintenance: Department Bruce-Grey:Catholic District School :Board( 79916th'Avenue, Hanover, Ontario ' N4N 3A1 ' 519-364-5820 Snow 'Removal &. Lot Sanding I or Grey,,: County Public elementary 'and ' secendary schools only: Education Centre Sox 100, 55 Victoria St,' Markdale, Ontario .. . NOG -1H0 519.986;3410 30. Empl 'Wants .WORK WANTED, painting, wall papering; house 31. Service, Directory DAVE'S CAR ' OILING - Drummond St., Blyth, 519- 523-4343. Open Sept. and Oct.,daily 1 pan. to 9 p.m, Saturdays 3 a,m. to 3 p.m„ weather permitting. --85- 430c. NINE MILE Masonry & Restoration chimney repairs; stone repointing, Free estimates 529-1140. -- 38ar ELLIOTT'S MUSIC INSTRUCTION .� .R in porno, likely, vocal .fr „fr.f' AwdablealBragks,dePubttr.Sclgal, .A bi znnu,g rti. &ptetnfir. +�+ .rt Teach:mininamy latae , ,tt auallabte ir, Luckpwue .fi GaILHelenWltiot 5281-2774 ,ft.ft.�.f.A.f.fr.R .+�.+7_'v� raaR ►. HA1r'ENti ' ELECTRIC 'Residential & Farm 'Commercial Electrical Contractors �L,fght fixtures, lamps, "bibs; electrical supplies papier for. BRACFO O: EXCHANGE Evening :appgintments avapatjle Rod Havens LUCKNOW 6628-2067 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- ES! Safe. rapid, non-surgi- cal permanent restoration in 6-8 weeks. Airline pilot developed. • Doctor approved. Free information by mail 406-961-5570 ext .253.Fax 406.961.5577, http://www.visionfreedorn.co m, Satisfaction guaranteed. -38bc. 35. Lagsl Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Alt claims against the. estate of • RHODAFRANCES MAGKENzia Tate of the Village of Lucknow, in the. County of,' Bruce deceased, who died on or about July 31, 1998, must be filed, with the under,- - signect on or before November.. 15. 1998; there- after the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersignedthen has notice.. Dated. September 10, 1988; c/o CRAWFORD, MILL & • . DAVIES,: Barristers .&,Sotleitors, Box 610, LUCKNOW7 On. ,NOG 2H0. -437.39ar 31.' Service , • . Directory HOURS: 8:00-5:30 Mon. -Sat. WEATHER PERMITTING LOCATED '1,/4, MILE$ NQR,TH Q _ OF HWY..21, ON .CONCESSION 2 ' • ;' 3352 appo ntment Personal— HAVING A. DRINKING. PROBLEM?? AA cart;: help. •:Phone Goderich 524600. or Walkerton 881•-3605.',"- 38a 8136$5. u=38a in .Phone 52'8-3837 JoyARE YOU:experiencing the 9. Juriens.--37-39ar, 45' STORAGE TRAILERS for rent, economical stor- age, _ideal for contractors, farmers :and home .owners: Phone 395.5167..--$4tfcc A tTIt Lie REFINISHlMa. Reasonable, rates. Galt 529 1140..--.31 r aftermath, : 01 '.<, an- abortion/emotions you , can't: explain? Most post -abort&, •worneh.,experience'trauma la Their lives., Call our: 24 - hr. hotline 'collect' (519) 323« 3751 for .confidential sup port,--3$ar',• LAOI< SELF-CQN,EI-' DENC.E7 Then,buy, read, and use "branetics". by. L. Ron Hubbard, only.. $5.99 (pts)+G$t bolt, 1-80o-591'. 58p8,today.-78 36, AI notincements THE '$250 WINNER. of. the .. Lucknovii Legiort Renovation . 'draw for Sept. ,19 was'Eva Rheubcittorn and Shirley. Binning:, "555, Baiber,Aye Listowel, On. Congratulations 8 weeks •- left.; Tickets still available; 528.2745.729tfsar• „ • • CONGRATULATIONS TQ' Wilma 'Blake, the winner of • $2S wort$ sot gift'certificates'' W. The 'Luoknow,Sentinel at: Four Fall Fair draw, --38nx •