HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-23, Page 6IFSWItel
w Sentinel, Wedne.
Becky Campbell
Massage Therapist
lucknow. Medical. Clinic
Tues. Wed„
'4 /her. *3Q.J1/21r.
Birthday Club
Christopher Clark
Septetriber 23, 1994
4 Years Old
Tyler Vander Woude
$epterrltier 24;.1900
1Q.Ve re,Qld
Take SOU
September 24. 1991 ..
1 Yeats QId
Etizabeth Simpson
,September 25, 199Q •
5 Years Old
Ryan Belt
Septfireber q
• 7-`dear:Ctsk
Rachaet Bell'
*Weather ?5.1990 • •
bears Qlct.
• 4enttlliter Pollock.
0Years Qld.
er1Z P $rf11PSOr1..
•eptember go, 1997 ,
' . j'Ye6,tr Qib
tarry Ziegler
September 28,1%18
10 Year
ay, Setstertnhtt
3, 1998
C nc* price uan aver 240
I 5tOCk Window*
'Replacement wintiowa
'Vinyl & Atuminum "Bay & aowa.
Ebookies are WOBA °E
The • second edition
Lucknow.Rookie i> ardball
team closed. out their sed-
soaa in. tine .fphiuza at the
W04.4 eine ipiouship,
tournament. on Aug. Z/2
in Listowek.
With only two returning
players from last year, wei»
• cowed recruit;t from
.Ripley and Wingharn.
allowed: the ffruu tion • of
the team inmitt-May.
The season. started
slowly for the l os)kiust
being a, month behind
other teams in practice and
fatting senior 9-yearoold.'
teams front. other centers
WW1 it roster ranging from
& to 9 years•old..
• The team's hard work
and dedication : -started to
.pay dividends in die sec;-
and :half of •the smelt and
they were rewarded with
more wins anti _.Q.Ittlefy
$iQntested g Lmes. .
The totirnarnent, • in
tat. ,,° MMR ' Fill. 4 SAT, 7'4 9;15. PM: 44,06I44M,i
SgPT. 2S. - Q1 'T.1 SUN, -11411.0%
44s, x>rt P. 44R. d, PYI pP 00100
WA CO�xrartorynbrriw a a
ailia 1l
i+�sm�y�sAR,+r,��i�+ �/iyy E r
39, 6-3250'
Dot91B1. Bt#Lt. THURSDAY **
BOTH f - O
iteR THIRD 010 rag
SEPT. 25 TO OCT. 1 a 7:00 RM.
26 TO OCT. 1 • 9:15 P.M.
Listowel provided. the per.-
feet setting for itgreatly
inal7rnve4 team to over-
i;tiine their skew' start.
Opening the tournament
against the second seeded
Goderich squad, the
Rookies c;ambined timely
hitting with a great
defence to upset highly
tottited goderieh 11 to 9.
The victory set up a set
and round match with the
third ranked Exeter 1 team -
This was a highly enter-
..wining game that saw the
two teams battle .with'
never more than a two ran
difference until, the final
inrtin , T:Jnfortunately
Exeter outlasted Lucknow
to prevail 23 to 17.
.Relegated to. • the ".R„
peel. following the loss, the
Rookies arrivedat. the. dia.
mond Sunday to • face
Clinton, ', Utlfortunately for
.Clinton, the Rookies were
intent: ora avenging the ear-
osqm oes
se a s
On labour lay week-
end, the ' • Ltte.know
Mosquitoes headed
McGregor near Windsor to
compete in . the ''E"
Division Ali Ontario play .
Offs. This- team- of under-
dogs aeirtain1y. wade thele
proud, •
Saturday' at 9 a,rn. the
team played its first •gga.le.
against Stoney Porth, ;This
true double knock out tour-
nament. trade it obvious '.
,we had to win oar fist
ganae if. the boys were. to
go op. Devin Ketnp started
.pitching; with Justin •.Dili:
:and Dan Murray tq ftttish
To use a. 'pitcher the next
day 'you:caul only usethetn
.':four innings pet, ,day.
„Kevin threw his four `'that
,ame and with -our bats
hot as they; were, the team
won ,1 : to •. S, after almost.
"three hours.; •
With less:: than 90 inin-
utes rest. to start at l p:in, ,
Lucknow' can e up. next -
against Ilderton with Joe;
Mufay going;:. tit . the
_..mound; The loci,- "er to '
tired, and hot, we pulled:
Joe frow'the first inning to
save him and our ether
aces for Inter, andlost to
. Iderton 10 to Q. . •
Ildertonr has. a . teai;Yi
fr,.otla' a• drawing area, near
London :and have won..sev_h
• 'oral. tournaments: this past
tera y
Rntty fo,rrny fo,r' this
year's.`Dorcittty Shoemaker
Literary; Awards. Contest
are new. ayailabte at •aiay
location cif he Bltit:wiater•'
District School :Board The
itunginat.iotts: of ,poctSi.and
tictioti. Writers., may wi.tt.
thein; the recognition of a
published author, a .coda
lier loss. Altera scoreless
first inning, Lusknow
broke loose and dominated
on mate to a 20 to ti victo-
This set up :k meeting
with: IVlitchell in the " 8„
tinai. The contest•• proved
to be very exciting with
Luck now roaring to an
early lead and Mitchell
battling back. to take 'the
lead in the sixth inning. and
held on for a 30 to 20 vic-
Rookies on a great year!
The team roster included:
Alex Van Oseh, 1 ratiley.
Vara: O s c h, Matthew Va n
Oseh, A,J. Beasley, Evan
*Rivett, Mike. Gregory -
Ashtielti-Ltteas Shepherd,
Sam Johnston - West
Wawanosh; T.J Irwin -
Kinloss;. Dan. McKay '-
Ripley; Greg�Tiffin. Niakl.
Jones, Jordan ErringtonE -
Wingham; Nash Aitchison,
Luck now.
f al.ntario
season. They boat Mitchell
six, times this season and
Mitchell went on to All
Ontario for. ' "ll" division,
Also Iltlerton= played triple.
A teams in' London 1.11•
sot -tinter, I itowat�g this'.
before playing 'torten;
the loss wars:not a- 'urprise.
at all; 'They shoou t and:
have asked the Ontario
Ball Association. to be put
up to "C" division ' •
The next gate at•4 p.ni..
was ' against Wyoming.
„Justin -Hill started the'game
With, Joe and Pan Murzay
Closing our 'aces; to defeat
them 16 10.6 in Six innings
wttlr. great. offence and,
.defence from ' the entire
team.. This now carried the
teantdntt Sunda onlyto.'.
play lkderton
;• Arl:' 1 boys brought all
their heart 'to this game° '
with •lop Murray starting
the 'game, at' the thoi nd, `
Lucknow , started the
.apte with Venin crossing
the, plate tQ give a early
lead arid. great defence shut -
m dti�wn bol4ing9ei'n 1
to 4, going,into the fourth
,innzng:'scoreless, The bats':
just could not get by
Ildertonrs• defence to score •.
until later. Pan,' .1t utray
'came into the -game in -the
fifth •inning to''stop them,
as it Was now 4 to l ' for
them Going into the -sixth .:
Ltteknow,:picked.; up anoth,'
, er run and lldertort scored
three more, '1n our seventh
at bat With two outs we had '
bases, loaded `and got in a
rundown play- at the plate.
The umpire••did not see the '
catcher drop thd'hidi on the...
taA ap.4 the Out. was ctkllecf .
to, finish' the game. 7 to: 3
fc}r. Ildertol in this semi
final game of the All
Ontario. Ikderton ,then bear
Stoney, Point.in the final :
game' 9 to 1. Lucknow.
were the only, team what
came close.. , '
The true "E" champs of
:this team made the parents.
and coaches very . proud-
They played with• heart aid
:Lucknow spirit. '
The team consists of
Y Joe `llurrtiy (captazn):
pitcher and tirst Base,: Dan
Murray pitcher oral,. short -,.
Stop, 'Devin Kemp :pitcher:
•and second .baser;- Justin : • ..
Hill -pitcher aid field,,Brett .
Phillips pitcher and centre'.
field, . Thomas, Pritchard
p;ttlter, and' field., hake:
Alton—ciitclier• •anti: first.:
base, Mathew Seoa secctntl
and third batse;. 3'ohil
Godfrey third,: base' and
field;' ,Chris Andrus; lett : .
wind centre: field, Brent
Debruyn left; and , 'right .
field.; lire+at
right~ -wird, left field, Dustin
Hoist right -and left feid.
()- e
award and a place in the
contest's' annual public:a.-
tion, The changing Image,
I?rizes, for the contest total
S1,50d. .
• :• The three eategetit s are
3ttzliat ', (12 , years ` and,,,
rider);- intermediate (13 to
13years; and ;Senior,:`(1 S,
year's.. and. older). 14iI.:
details are a\ailab1.c with
entry forms;
These awar,: wore first`'
presented in 1967 as. a ,
Centennial project of the
.Kitchener Public Library,
They are rimmed tor'•for-
chief' ltbrattian.,
Porotl y • Shoemaker,. an