HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-23, Page 4.h
4 -- Lueknow SeptiiDel. fFiedtsesdlay. September 23, 1993
A Sonses
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Clinton mess
food for DJs
One morning last week as t crawleNi ottt.of bed at oar
earlier hour than usual, toy normal radio station was
off the air, 1. flipped the dial'. to the first station that
would come in - a Detroit rock station. I started to
make my eoffee. The
sleepy reeling 1 was. exp
riertcing leftin .a hurry
when 1 heard the topic of
conversation: the
male/female dao was
chewing on - the lurid
' details centauned in the
Starr report on United,
States President Bill
Clanton and lvloniea
• Lewinsky.
The redio.pc rsonalities
were discussing in a very
open manner some of the
'.intonate •, happpenings
between the President and
Lewinsky. ' They'
accused diem on the let;
They Were also phone .
ing people who had the sane name as di' a president and
asking thent how life was PQW that the Starr report had.
• been released. They ',made open reference ,to two
encounters in; the report. They thought: it was a really
big joke. ..
They turned :iny atomech Firstly,' what if younger,
children: were up at that,. hoar listening to the radio. It
definitely wasn't . suitable' for. young ears, end in my
opinion net suitable. radio chit: chat,
• "those two DJs mti-st find it had to fill air time if
ghat is "all they can. t,:. ome up :with. Whiles general dis:
cession on the affair may be acceptable, the tone ,of
voice (patrtieularly of the male DJ) and the teas than
subtle insinuations that I -heard during five minutes are
npt acceptable in rely bulks: •
t wonder if the owners of the station apt stiett
behavior, or if the two $,Qt their meu.ths Aippeid later.
Dear .editor:.
'"Thank 'you: ftir senate
tilt to camp. • 1 had.' fun, On
Wednesday we explored .a
streannbe. It. vas tun; We
jumped ' in ai hole and got
*et :up to our waists. We
went Sw'e'l'l'ing every day:
It rained two daysvt the.
wok; bat wedidci'c. care'
,nine years old. T-
had the trtost ,fun at Camp
l My atom .told me
that 1was'' able Lt' eo to
camp 00 044: el. a spc?n
sor. I, would dike to take
thts,thrie to' thank the. peo-
ple who helped my rkitairi
send MP to Camp."
.. Thank You forsending
tr e .to eats .p. I hail a great
titttte MY counselor's.
tandpipe was greased in 1988
10 y+e ago,
Sept- 21,,19.$
tueknow Viilagt: Counil aepted a quotee •
from H. tttllis for the.;regreasing of the locuI.
standpipe tn,tlte amount of $14,500 at their reg-
ular monthly meeting held ,last Tuesday: . .
In addition to the greasing to be done the standpipe
will also have a safety rail installed at a rust
of seine $2,500.
• The first. meeting . of -the West
Wawanosh history committee was
held last Thursday evening. the .this- -.
township hall, putting, the eompila-
tion of- the township's •official histori-.
.eai record book one step closer to ,t=all'
The Committee is 'headed up by John. Foran, tar -
mer clerk of West Wawanosh, Who gets. the credit for
pushing the project to this point: •• - .
' Others who will work with Foran are Marion Zinn,
Don Cat ieren, Fhy:llis Morrison, • Ethel McAllister,
Margaret Bakker, Eileen, Hanna, Lois. Walden. Marie
.Park„ Elroy' Laidlaw. and Joan Armstrong; the -present.
•clerk of West Wawanosh:
Village Counil took the necessary
s at their rgular meting ori Sept. 12, to
ly for grants to hep finance a sewage works'
.project for the downtown area of the. village. The pro-
grarh they had applied to last Sept. becamedertinet in
June and council must apply again under a new pro-
Sun. -shine and a blue sky made the Lucknow Fall Fair
1918, the 1,th year in a row that the fair has
not been rained out.
SO y ars.ago,
Se At. 23i. L948
2e years ago,
Sept. 20 S ..:. .
est Wawancsh Township
Council, ii; 1: gular session
last week, authorized a.
5200 grant to the Community, Recreational Centre in
Lucknow. The grant is subject tea the approval ot` the
Municipal Board.,
Mr. 3. A. Thompson attended the counetl meeting
to Solicit the inunicipality's support of the project;
Daylight Saving Time will officially end
Lucknow at midnight on Sunday, Sept. 26 This is in
aecordaiice with a motion by the village Council last :.
spring vvlien:"Test time was instituted.
Church servicers in the. Village on Sunday will be
hetd.on Daylight Saving. Time.
'sanies vete Tial, and Mutt.'
1 clic} 'a, lot of fun Stuff; My.
favorite thing wasgarne' .
• . `''hese tire :Inst a sairi-.
—piing of the many letters,
we reeei.ved on your: