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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-16, Page 8
Page 8 Luekiiow•Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 1998, Sympathy to O'Neills by Ruth 18uebineier The community extends its sympathy, to Kerri and Mike O'Neill and family on the death of her father, Harry Lto niey,. who,passed away on Sept. 13 in Victoria, Hospital, London. Congratulations to. Toxo and Evelyn Phillips who celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversarywith a family dinner at ,the Legion followedby a dance On Saturday. ' Irene and Bill,Haldenby have moved from the 4th t""&"(5--i'Thith �. } concession to their new borne on Havelock Street, north. Well, aur young people are away off to -saw -0i. Daniela Fischer is off Q. itidgetown College for her.. first year inveterinary technology. Shelly Johnston is gone to University of Windsor for her first year in music. Julie Carter is back for her third year at Queen's University, Kingston, tak- ing concurrent education. Alesha -Moffat enters her fourth year at 'York University, Toronto. tak- ing. honors English. Chad Moffat is taking his sec- ond year of engineering at the University Qf Windsor. Sandy MacXntrye has gone back to Toronto to write his lawyer's bar examina- tion. xamina-tion. This will be from September to December. Margaret Perioer host- ed a wedding come and go • .M1 They played math games with aliens, learned. about WHALES, and spoke with grade 3 students in the ARCTIC. Then they didn't want to stop for recess. Tt's amazing what you • can do *heti youconnect to'the Net Learn how;tfo trace your, faniily tree. See new with .your favourite hockey team. `I lite your kids on a virttnal tour of a pyramid: There's a world. of information just waiting to be dicovered. • Become a "Connected Canadian" -- at home, school orwork,. or at a library, near you. It's easier than you think, It's quick and it's fun;: The sooner we're all connected; • the better:ptepared we'll be for'sucoesss in the`21st Century. Learm more about how to get connected, and about the thousands of public plaees.the :GoVernrnent of Canada Is helping to connect:. - (.ollllectillj (.ul:odiull.s is u Government of ('urluclu initiative helping (;ullcadiulls to become the !!lost connected people on earth, ready for the jogs and oJ)J)ortullities of today's knott'dedge-!used economy. • They:showed me how to use the Internet clown at the library= iri/ust i5 minutest" "We learned all about dinosaur eggs." "1 found a great used' car on the Internet.*" "1'm picking • up;terriffc; health tips for Me and my baby." Potyoutfree- information kit, cailf1. =575-9200 or. Y I-$00465-7735 or visit our Web. site at bitltp://wwwconnect.gc:ra onnectirng. can d ens Government , Gouverllement': of Canada du Canada .. shower on Saturday for Cailin Clarke. Did' you, know? • Twp-thfirds of Canadian children and youth are not Wive. enough to lay a solid foundation for future health and well-being. E11i�llr�Q�li�Glhii�gi�Giwl °a Huron County's E VEIIICLE11.ENTAL o: a Headquarters o 0 °Snxall & Mid-sized Cars E coOPassenger&Cargo 0 vans. Pickup Trucks 0 clDaily, Weekly, Monthly A 0 �. 10 dinsurance Rentals 44 13 3 More El CI by o 01 3' CAR do TRUCK RENTALS . 01 Division of Suncoast Ford 10 0 504 Huron Rd;, Goderiehi Q. a ' 1-88844486 a Eti 524-8347 Li c ©eeeeameeemeea W Ww:mis.ce iri`INTEE UST•INGS WANTENND PAUL ZI 528.2411 ELGINSTREET -Newer bungalow finished basement, garage; shows well $144,900. 4 ACRES : Ashfield brick home, stream; workshop, garage.. • $3101l9,980io• own:.wn2 , 011 bedrooheat,m• tiouse,•close. Main St, Building - 3 leased stores; ,3 apartments, good solid building; $189,000 50 ACRES + Newer bungalow, 1950 sq. ft., 35 workable, elder, hog; bam. 74. ACRES -.Alt pasture, older; home ~bam. $165,900. RETIREMENT LODGE - Capacity for 20 residents, cell for details. ;. HAVELOCK - 3 bedroom; 1N baths, comptate,• ly renovated $74;800. ASHFIELD . Scenic roiling 100 acres With 9 Mils Rivet, Renovated 3 bedroom house with garage.: $175,00Q. 1.5 ACRES = Building lot, Kinloss - 3/4 ACRE building lot, serviced; logits 1St $35 000. . 9119.5 ACRES - 3 bedroom brick house, 2, earns. shed, 85 acre: .hay/pasture. Ripley area, $175,000.. 2 ACRE.- building lot, St. Helens. ,$10,000. ,DUNGivNNON = 2 building lots;;99 x 13249,000.eaoh,• AUBURN Three bedroom"house plus extra let with; 24'.X 30' shop.. Reduced to $61,900. 'BUNGALOW -..With carport, 3 bedrooms, oil heat. Havelock. St. Red iced to $54,900. OUTRAM ST = 3. bedrooms; large Breed lot, newer kitchen &'family.: room..$79,900. , S ' 100 ACRES - tene haute, been; shed; 65 workable 3 ponds., KtltiassJ p. $275 000 2 ACHES, - 4 bedroom, home; 26' x 48' shad, 120'X30' barn near Port Albert. Reduced to''$99,000; ; ..:: HAVELOCK ST.. 4 bedrdo n twine with' double garage. $65,000.. 5 BEDROOM I. house, attached 3, bay garago. Sob St. $114,940: $811,500.-.1•acrelot, 4 bedroom home edge of Luokfow. • YEAR ROUND HOME On;Nine Mile river, 2: bedrooms, Wood/propane • .heat. Nice; xotkshop; Rediiced'io $?'9,900; ' . 137 ,ACRES - East W5Wariosh,. ;remodekst, 3 b8dro'om brick, lenge beef barn,; $319,000::'. •80 ACRES -'60 Workable, East Wawanosh. LISTINGS WANTicD •