HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-16, Page 6. . • THERE'S SOET. ABOUT MARY .1 Page 6 Imeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 1998 gilivoitOtte.#0611 THEATRE: KINCAROINE0 396,3250. totimmitine101.004MOOORWOMNAROOSOM0•01.411$041 HD OVER 2N0 WE.EX SEPT. 18- & 19 at 7 & 9:20 p.m. SEPT. 20 to 24 at 8 p.m. ALL SEAT$ ,4.25 TUESDAYS TWO MONSTER • XREENSI HOT NEW VIDEO% ANCE• • niasi • LIVE BAND pErom LINE DANIdNQI SOturdayi Sept�mber..19,1998 . • 9:0Q ,p;ra, :, • . • Lucknow S DistictSpOrts..CoittpleX • -Tickets: $8.00 Advance $10.00 At the Door. ... :Call: 519-528-3528. or 51.9495-2806. - -Tp(ETS AVAILABLE AT A90 041‘101/M*CiystaStudio 994c4tigilaIt:::l,"7oZo-qr • MacNay's General Store; Amberley. Mary's Restaurant ' Shaw Foods - tecnechltal, Wlngham JOIN. THE: Sponsored by,the • I.U.OKNOWAGRXitt711Ridtt, sowymt cosiruNcrton-w.mtmgLucluvutvg4t,FAH. oitcgL- „ nsr Come Join The Parade! Saturday, Sept. 1941,, at 12:00 Noon Theme:. 'PAST; PRESENT, FUTURE” • *Parade entrieS, in the "spirit of the.theate" will place over others whiCh are not. • I No candy throwing from parade entries. j Please Not Gathering Times and Places! Best decointedbicycie, tricycle, doll carriage wagon; Best costumed dog and owner, Parent end tot with. wagon or stroller, Prizes: $3, $2, $1, 50e and. 250 • Entiiesgather at Annie's Gas Bar by 1.1:30 ad* Best coStturied rider On a deComted horse or pony. • Prizes: $15 and $10,in each seetiOn• Horse Hitches: Team $15; 4 Horse Hitch: $25 .• *All teams must register at the Heavy Horse Ring. 4 horse teams must,have 2 Wallters,to„,partieipate. • ALL:horses and itorse'drawn•entries gather behind the Sepoy Apts. (Walter Si.) by .11:0 a.m.' Boit' couple in costumes reflecting the fair theine. Best child elown. Most original entryowfOot- • Prizes: $5, $3, $2,' and $ 1 to other entries. *.Entries.on_foot gather at regg's,Construction by 11:45 Most original entry, motorized or horse•drawn: $15, $10 Decorated Car. or Truck:, $ JO, $7; $5, & $3 in each ctass Antique tractor (prior to 1958): $25,;$20and $15. Antique ear/truck (prior to 1968): $l5, $12, $8. and $5. Elementary sehoolfloat, Youth orgaPizittion float, Youth. organization entry., Society float, Organization float, Organization, entry, . Commercial Cleat, Conitnercial entry, Comic float, Frites;$25, $20, 315, and $10 in each elass, (Note A.cnr is not etnriaideted a float!) Best !can't drawn float, Prizes: $25; 315 and $10, • • All motorized entries will gather at BoYltq's ,(#86 east of town) by 1:00•a.m. Getting ready for Florida • by Pat 1,4viagstont It's been i busy summer for four F.E. Secondary School basket - ballplayers. Since their third place win, in the 15116 year old division, at the °us Maker 3 -on -3 tourney in London, Mike /min, Pat. Nolan, Jeff Martin and Josh Leeman have been honing their skills and try- ing to raise funds to help with expenses when they travel to Celebration, Florida for the world championships on Oct, 24; In July the teens. played. in a Stratford 3 -on -3 and brought home a gold medal. And just recently, •they chalked up a third place finish in Flint, Michigan, a city with a Population of 140,000 that is rated as having the •highest number of profes- sional basketball players come out of it. They are now sporting new green and white uni- forms thanks, to pan spon- sorship of or).x.* Enterprises in COrrie. As the world ehampi- onships approach, the boys are holding their own 3 -on -3 basketball tourna- me.nt and free throw com- petition as a fundraiser and a means of keeping in. Shape, • " The tourney is set for. Sept. 19 at 2 p.m. at Lucknow Central Public School..RegistratiOn fee is $20 per team and prizes will beawarded. Call Josh at 528-2492 for more information. As a matter of interest, another 3 -on -3 group from the Wingham .area ,. -David Lisle, Erett Coulthard, Brent Martin and Admm? placed first overall in the 1344 year old, division in Flint 7.•"- ' 11 Hanover duo wins lawn bovvling A Hanove'r duo, Ryan Hester and Chris Scullion, • took top spot in the men's pairs Labour Clay lawn howling tournament. host,- ' ed hy the Lucknow club •and sponsored by MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Homes.. Following in second to sixthspots were; John Setillinn and: Chris Scullion of Icitehener; Bill Graham and, Len Boreham of SL. Mary's; Chris Buster and Mike ' Rester of Hanover; Lec Ryan and Brett Finlayson of Seaforth; add Norm Trafford and Dave Trafford of Hanover. Skating club has 92 kids register The Lucknow Skating Club has 92 skaters regis- terod for this, seasou. • • Club members Will be. doing a 101 of things this year. -One Of these is now in process and falls into the fund-raising category. Members 9( the club are selling telephone. calling cards. - • - , The club also plans .to Mike: Irwin, Pat Nolan,Jeff Martin and Josh Leeinati .to host Several skater clinics COlobratiort, Florida for the world championship. 3,-on*.3 bqsko!ballionr- possdance nainent. (photo Submitted) , . . • Three male dance partners travel ro Lucknow every second Saturday .to danC6 ' with senior skaters, .Two crime 'front Toronte' and one froth Clinton..The Club invites you to Come out and watch -them. prac7, .tice Adult Ice Breakers May :6e added to' the list Of • events the Club will host. this year. This eight .weeL prograin is for adults only. , who can. learn .to skate or seximerPcliyse.come 'Ont,.• for. ..the, . • . _ Shoot.. : . ,k,7 t ttlf0V I 1 ' 1 - . May' 22.1ur4 A-4- 5liorir99, winners A 4 if Healthier riaapwarriatt tables of PlaYers enjoyed shootat the:Drop in Centre last,Friday, High winners were - 'Noma Cartipbell," ' Pcru MacDonald, . Isobel: ' Kilpatrick ,art4 Art . Ernewein. •- Anne.. Anderson, Grace Qlbson.- •• and Edna Young all tied for:the most shoots. Happy. 90th Birthday September 22, 1998 Lyla Trgleaven tove.frora,. The TreleavelP; Rt6 sh4rolll: Cath Joe, C4itill0,11bhert, ShaWntitir4 ROW& Mike„, The Irwin; 4vean;, Rick & Irene; • Glenn.* Maryarin,E414;40f .ilamieann, Walter; ilaaliegt, Markne, Braden; lievtnk Pam, Sarah; Ben 114 *ea. • , tiniversqty„ Chester ctSeli‘-:A )iackett September Wm' /,ave from your family and friends