HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-16, Page 3Project Intruder was
or the good
?elite are dnabbig Preject Zr.trucler's,
sucess, as "one for r goat£ p• !s.''
. Project Intruder, st juirnt break and
entee squad, WAS- introduced in Bruce
• County iter an: initial thmt-tnontb period:
test April. The unit was a jeix* eftbr.r ok
the Kincardine/Walkerton OL3P. Marton
OPP and Southaanptclnti orrt. Elgin Police •
During the three mounds,. a total Qt•1S%'
cbsrres were laid -under the Crirctinal.
Code, and the Controlled Drug anti
Substances. AAM. These charges ranted
tram "break, that; possession of
. stolen property; breach of probation; pos
seSSiQU of burglary tools, obstruct justice;
tnislxief and aaxc Qtie: Chstrgss. While
investigatinjp on= observed ;t knrrvvn
suspendeii dtivcr who..Was alsocherged,
i ropea'ty, we It ed at$`,3.4.32,2.60. was
meg vexed This e:onpisted of several typo,
of items but the major'Ones wee Oat -
hoard motors and chain saws.
• Twenty-five inanieipalities wen:
'three.* affected by these c imcs •ixtc'latf
iuu Laan.owr.: tx>run. Kiniuss, Culrc,ss
and Ashtrieht trlwnships,' •
Crixxne Storryers of 'grey 'Bruce sup-
ported the initiative ;And doubled:•tllna
awards givt«n to these previdin informa.
tier* regarding. break and eaters, Formosa
Miutuat l'nsurranee was a c;oniMunity part-
ner providing banding for expenses of the
Thief stea
Sometime over the•
Labour Day weekend a.
person comma the office
trailer at Lowry Cr trill
Pa:xats Ltd., •Huron
Township. " The person
catered the trailer through
a northeast. dour,
Once inside a computer
hard drive and software
pao$r1,r*1 Were reinoite 1,
Estimated value of the
theft is .$1,500,
South litXklCO OPP are
1 7 44:v*atrcliet ,let
skiu Qfii; • 4Akka WO, soden,
t Qm. a cottage located Qi*
Drkve, -in f,.utgan
Beach, overnight Sept,‘ 12..
'the ureter orad jet ski were
asked beside the regi=
euce. License on the Jct.
Ski is 2201:;5::
The South Bruce OPP
have no suspects at this.
A 44 -year -.old Asltrtielct
Township male had his
driver's license suspended
for 12 hours when he red.
istered a Wart* on the
aic:otest .ea Sept. 6. The
veltic;le was stopped on
County Road1, West.
WAW41Wsl Towutship, by
member of the .Baron
detacllut*ent.of the OPP:
An Ashfteld: Township
residence cater.14ekeni intro
sometime over • the last.
'1 hQ ilQusa Was ran-
sacked and a 'white
Q ueral 1 te4tric�
raiie;irQvvav valtie4.att:5100
was stoleix.
Al) offi.r:er With' the
Huron deta4hrneat of
r U. CBPP was .injured it*
atn ac,tAidQ t. atilt
• Brussels last week.
Acting .. Sergeant
Barry 1,11is mitts
r, pontling to an alarm
in flowick Township, on
Cone. t2, hi a'itrarl ed
cruiser on Sept, :9. Re
was travelling 4t '4 114 11
rate of speed. etistb Incl.
On Cnunty k.oa.d • 16
about five ,miles east of
' Qettoty hood 4 when he
' a�xne ogres. 04..,149%7.
Mercury congers drives
by k7~Y•4ar-old• 43auir
Vert ,,arta .. travelling, to
the same direction. •
As.' the effli;erw"tis.:
la4ssin0„; the Van Camp
vela c let,. i .eta aeLeft.
turn mater A, "private drive
in front of the cruiser.'
The officer avoided a .
vollisioA with the
Gbugar by. SQang to his
;right: and . !ming ".control.
The cruiser skidded off.
of. the 074014 Where
struck .•a, tree thea .tt.
',hydro veli before .dem.
rah# tb. rest asa►nst anQlia�
11fis etas transported
by a 114)114,e e ko
V1l i. itS t r am: l o s p t 41'
where he was treated,
'and. released with noun
fife threateningt*tj` irncs.
Tho eQtlsiatl' is rancor.
iztvc ctigation.
iltl ?•t rti-'tl 't! t 't);
't t. aitYi KrU
r Compile!'
sage Therapist
• P UCktlaW Medic 4 Canif,
'tai: &,
44511r. seeitizttr. °.
one day
next wee
or tuuyou you commit W*.., at vaur.
vip,oa woo Owed. rhea erne! da rtto;
to nye with nrulonfo spiateeno,, an
unpregrF;tpbtq- Name. of lhp Newel
net veva system, Tntnga vdii roko
tot ulama Deft bttNirtin +mneaatbfe"
anti you: dont Joe* wham ur where
ar tt ,t W4paln. 1 steno aBut tee
rasattreh an* $arytpe; pwgram et the
Mui wn. Sciato¢ra Soper,. or Genatja
are pcewrtrrng.some-answers. Wrth yqur
NAP, We. Geneve! vele a cure,. ..
T-11oo'-z6.$- 754Z
dotty of CeMcl le
taW ScratinriJ, Wednesday, September db. 1998 e
0 nwooc
tive numtonat
;Off lit fil09.1k at srrrvit r: oogilOntli rrt rgi hkiiroi.;ftr: Rigor -
n4i ltt rmkl t .isil vb vomit* »nnnc+iot:ri r oninlrr "cramprgaw n s1
•1,114 N , li ► ; MettRltf'Filt S'1` • NAM*f;<P. TttaptAnn, WCI • LI*Votfett, ICJ,. Qum GX#• Tri' tt
x fr:J: thlitpn, Qik - Jit Hunt, eA, 32.}4141 E;J. Kttntx, C4
04 Matta, 0.4•• it 044021.4t et, C .PMPAI* s'07445
i rIllgr, cit, t)4,s:!*anon,CA•
pm Mop*, pia Not. GA
,4.\!,*pmf'GrtkoWioiNutH.W*titrYrrtnouMfi aftt.T
1ht►tucknOW1•00 0btuftnn►at01'ri�rto• 4ith ttixtfrwtip.Nrigg;
• � �w+i!awttt+k.
A Murrtctr,lianenott>"td, PaulHatn "�tn•Fiou :lizzoornon10:11::Motont
AE;G. Gaunlrysnfe Instgttaltottn • ours Pa
Apptiart&cs HantiyStton grnterptt`{ph g0,3.G:0'rn .
s turet'tsApptaort 1pra� Rott f�aven•s I:.tgctnc
AnntesGattBar. lic{noeruui k nepara Armor's Sainte Symms •
Armstrong Him* Oaken/ HadgrraHgrnakfatdware.. POO 8ustne5sSHvrcat .
G AGacltat Farm Holywhd gwierat Siena liAnwe's Faun Egurmrrettl
Effu�Arnttnt Hurnn t and atptng Isd: i to
Sards of Manttaat trwn s 81114 :ftgytes 'Rabe e i~facttKg •
CautyrpASaBtgKnatttel Fooir Market ORXavCfn
e SuaaRgStcaarvar:
irrR• lynn ghnston Bator tiobnspn's *Vie 'Prous
&Sgicfat .
fclenenburs BalchiStlup
Shear Dasd is
'rite 4, Hain eke Uoy41204 Sun MilcoSnnOnleq train s i;tw,i,
Gnomes►?s t,ucimitDoriMeatnti •StraStawam •
'Gunge tr Fuels t,irt Giiiiito Cpnsfrucu si rte. • '
-C1014lonns P)trtrtttintx, • luektiowCttt Our; • Tpkalp&.pun Chanute*.
Gavot Aft Sheffer SySteos. _ tyeitngwCommntntty Sales ActnuntatitS
Orman Printing .&• • . ow &,
tuaintfitpley Paste t The Kids' Strop.
Aotemtsarg• CQ.ueelattye in& Tho tui nuwSento*
• Paul erunslari iffitoserst tumowFatur Supply, • Thanpsantnvesunents,
Crawigtd,Mrlt't#Oavioa . tunkony'HurgnVelatrnarY wnbrn.TiN,Sawn
BalnetofeaSQUOderS• Gttntaauf fnnRealtur
Grysters Stu#fo . • tucknow Legton . • • • • Brran's. vaki Man
• f�verlasitng Ftmv�ara tGihs Brancn�aas tWingtrattt)
Grave &,uarriie E1101 . Jack a Audrey Magaprta$d Ganadrenrrugenaf BefK
Fauview tarry • . Frank MarKenzta flfGgirunprpa {Wrtgtitunl
•F n y Doporafing, MacKenzie McGrrratn CanatUatt Tfrtt Stora
Ja l & Mary Fisher Fundra! t tomo. ItNt!rgkiarni
Frank For* inenninGa Ma.Nay's.G.on@rat & • Fsare Honey (MOWN,
, •Front Qur Hea1r .• Carocory $tare • • Kerih Adonis i%thdpdratol" s
G,A.G.in;;ott,HatchogaInn, " Moat's.FamrfyReefanfent •InsuranGe4Wrignenr}'
Om $1;ttgn fiandrinao Mary 1,qu's i&eamtyi aunga MKkngo's fasts Gk
ti.&JUS$ Cais &Tru* . Mayrau Restquwanl • fwitrtgtirunt
Hackatf'e Farm ei100newN McDonagh Insane* t;tictafT►ut Gtdurrci
Htlagmltnk t roker•ttd, Pe*Rrief cheese.(Rrpley
Ranaid HanelaowtrayHeath. Facy ' Tofant* D mtntgn Bank,
lest:. SWtngttatnl ., , •
Mtantcipal WeQtions ,:A9 1994(8', 32) '
N'.oties is hereby- Etivett:to ths Municipal •E.teotorr of the former TQWNS1;41R QP
K1N104$$, TQWN$li1P• QP HURQN, ASP THE Yi „1,,AQE: Q ' t;•t;(.QKNQW in they County
of Bruce tor the newly, aiktigameted anieipsiity office
Nomina.t on in• the Township4t HtAron-KinkteO. for tete Dolce.'bf
Qrte (1) to fee elected,,
one (1•) te'be elected
099 (1'} ot•the gt QgraphKK area of ti former Vi lage of l,uQknQw
Qne (1) cif:the geographfQ area: Qf", the fQrmer:,Ripley P L1 -Q,
Ghent the. Townehip :qt'
A nomination rrtu$t°be aigneit by the candtdaft. `•and, nhay 'be- filed in ,person Qt by ar+.
agent ate, time When the Clerk's office is. open and no later that! Nomrnfiation.Day:
QrrtQber, 9th, t998: at 5:00 p.m A. pre"sribed nornin tion filing; too (4100) must
accQinPatty. the= nomination toren: A nomination, most becertified:by the •Clerk betrare
sunk person- beborzma. a; certified Qendidate• far the office to whip!) she or he is
nptYt Hetet ' .
N,txnint tldt* torrn4 arid Candidate trafdea aro avvatiettle at the• fewnship�.ot Kihte .. Qtfice
rrt NQlyrot dr dttrfrig•m alar office hours. (Mend r,te Prialuy), $ Q;art! to•4,•3QQpan Qiosed;
at ne44 hSMtt' Ott NOreinetien Day (F'ric#ayr Q 101%.•9300`S* the orrice. wllittXt open, to
9t -which: all Igetor are hereby remit 0 to take nc ce and• govern them> etve •
agge(dif iy,A aria further take notice• that the• marmot ln• which, said nominator ; sf)ait b
mod nese terth in.thQ lOti<tlicipal teetionar;trt
Eletelets are hereby give, notfcf that; it a greawr number. of d+dates ate certifji•`ttia'n
ares r(quttQ# tq• fill: the said ofttee> ,. toting .tllacQs.,,40 be; r)f tell on, i'thr4t daie4,atat d keiow
•fpr t4 pctrt?Q a Qtt vQ n a /� }�sy /o �y�
A VA1.%4IgrR'7,�fk?`F `. Satt,trdayr Qetabler 41°, 19$8 QQ aV h to, 5.QQ paha.):.
V,( 1=tIN,t PAY,' w MQrld$,y, N.evemiNt W14404149.
P4.0404let ,Pay art eptemb+ur 1.0#'
Markt.: tooker,.tr r Y�
QIer'k, Township of Kine