HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-09, Page 131-4 Ire 2: MPrtgage; llilonay. "Absolutely No Upfront Fess. Available as low as 6" Interest Personal:.4eans If We quality, payments Amt WeIC., MMO, ftvInPnt. • 6,000 ; 41.60 *10.000:. ' 8.x 03 • '15,000 '125,op;' 0oniaO6date your debts C$i(51.9) c11.1-$OR.W.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC EQUIPMENTREPAIR On site repairs to farm and cenStruction equipment and small' engines. Robb Campbell' Mobile Repair; 5194ee$80S. Servicing Bruce County. -OW= Vironioct to Rent. WANTED' GOOD farm. land for cash Grope Willing.to pay good $$ for .good land, Jonathan Hugifi, Phone 51.9.233-7467, 43:40X 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale TO BE MQVED. Must be seen .to be,. appraiated, Call $29.7217, --3e ....._. IL For nerd RIVERViEW RETIREMENT Home, Teeswaater, vacan- • cies,. respitecare, 24 hour Registered Nurse, rgme in for the winter. Phone 392- 6463,-•32437ar 11. Apt*, GROUND FLOOR' 2 bed,.: room, apartment, newly ren- ovated; two; bedreem .upper apartment SQ., beth cid. to "dcil+tntewn. I tign, 525 01,'“.-afi2tier ONE BEDROOM" apart- ment. " New • •; ;flooring:, Available irs>tmediately. $250/month, plus utilities,' appliancesincluded, Last, month free with one year lease. Call Paul 52$-2411. 3,6tfar • ONE OR TWO BEDROOM apartment; private ground -entrance, park like sur - ' rounding,, utilityarea, faun- dry mat, mala. d.eli'very,: Crosthaven:.Apartments Phone 528 -3611 -pr 528.-.. 2302 after 6 p.m. --32tfer ONE BEDROOM apartment° for rent, on main street; Lucknow:' Phone 520-3932.. 35tfar ONE BEDROOM, Main street apartment on ground floor, heat and hot water. included. Suitable for seniors. Available Sept. 1. Phone •528-2845..--32ttar GLEN HAVEN Apartments in Lucknow has spacious ground floor, 1. and "2 bed - roam apartmentsfor rant,_ fridge and stove included, controlled 'entrance, corn mon room and laundry, room. Phone 528-3227 or Gerrie or Jaynq.att 1-519- 262-2029.--41tfar FINANCIAL SERVICES_ COMPANY exPANDttG.. Need mature honest indvid- ' uals. Full. training :provided. Full/,part-time positions • available. presume: Alfred O' R,ou rke, 34.1615: North Rutledge Perk,London,:; Ontario; N6H 51.S. faK: (512)05,7.0,--3 HEATED -.I~URNISHEO bedsitting:'n om, fridge, stove eta... in Luekn0.w. 2 bedroom duplex, heated; newly '. decorated - on Lucknow main ..street, Phone 52119723, .tfar ilitAIN FLOOR, 2 bedroom apartment, new windows, flooring, fridge and stove included WO/month plus utilities. Available September 1, Phone Paul at 528.2411.--34tfaar. . HO uts*s t FQUR BEDROOM stone house, exicellent condition, combination wood/oil fur mace; 4 miles east of Ripley; $575.phis utilities,,first and, last and references. required.. Cali 395.3435. -- 36,36e0 22,Conunstrolat STORE FOR rent, main street frontage, Lucknow. Phone 5283932•.--30tfar 25*Wonted to giuy. ,WANTED OLD tube amps/receivers eF g Scott $1410to00l,;yr Potential. 'Yes! !Profit magazine says "Best business to go into `911.,."' Low' overhead + no invento- ry = Very Profitable Franchise! Call now, free informdtion: 1-856.679- 2201 x36. ,bc. FREE iNCQME Tax frena• ohise. Limited time. Canada's,2nd largest and. fastest *owing income tax preparation franchise. No. initialfranchise fee. Low startup. costs. Ekcelipntt ter- ritories ' available. 1.8Dtf- 865 5144--36bc Want to Build: a Financial Nanning 8usines'a?-. Support: Training, Compliance. W.H. Stuart at Associatoe 1800.6689716, www.whstuart(oem. `1'1'ier Fastest. Growing Independent Financial Planning 'Company in Ganadda,-46bc ACCESS TO. CASH * ASSETet RRSP, LIRA or LIF owners, you can: turn your investments into gash RIGHT NOW withgut paying taxes Deed before a solici- tor,' No deposit. Tel: Ottawa &: area :1.800.399x.7040. Fisher, Etco etc. Please tali 832-2234 ar 832=2147 5ltfnxe • ANTIQUE.'FURNITURE, glassware, china, sewing; machines, iamps,'jeweilery, pr2>1t caro e, • maga ince, I?alsyFng 1,tt; aftrit> Omen. for, 'Grown fruit, Tatars. Brta n Sutler, 271 Burne Bt., Strathroy. N7G 102, Phonsa • 2454142. ••r23tfc0; ' 26. HOW WR'# TRACTOR TRAILER driver, Iong.distance, U.S. experi- ence, A2 license. Mean abstract. cult 528-213,_ -= '35-37xc' JQ.CUS ;EDUCATIONAL toys, Celebrating 20th year In Canada, 400+. quality toy"S,• germes,. •a.rt/crafts. Supplement family, income, selling through. 'home par- ties', arties, cata1o9ue sales, fundraisers." 1-8436;;,361,:. OW, 'mkt, 9351 x46 -lace, $AttENTIQN ,STUDENTS$ Make. a lot of money $s !ling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothingto pay lri•.advance,'Peet deliv ery:.1-800.383-3589, --S6bc LOOKING: FOR A NEW CAREER, or just need, extra. 'money? Sell C&Nt Gilts', unique line of, affordable home decor,'toys'and "gifts. Gall 519-258 7885, Fax:519,259-0707 for, free catalogues': and .information • about this •wonderful oppgr- tunny =36bc Toronto & area 1-80Q-766• 0,-, YOUR OWN BUSINESS. S.ELLING. " Ex;ER- CISEWtAR/Danaewear, Skating: and Gyrnflas.>sti .fie +�tatfi#a: ga erou8` prgfite. Nor , IrnFest tient.. Osinadl,an ` made Freo information package Pinielines, 2708: ':' Dufferin, Toronto- M6B. 3R7 (416)786-7788.--36bc COMPUTERIZED EMBROI- DERY home booed . tunity includes equipment; software;,; computer, on-site. training and support .for `: under $32,000, Contact. Embroidery Systems. Canada ,at. '1 -338-805 81631.--36bc b, sedo .P p or Lice orv�`. EL IIOTT'S,.v1USIC . INSTRUCTION �. in punto, t?anvnf •rbral J' $.aiv,i?ablFat.Onict;de,PrOlrcSdxwJ;, 8egirad?hg ah Septeinber T41710:agfrom my liana "e'; bk in Lr,cknoay. �. Jt• Dalt Helen Elliott 52&2774..* ! .ya r rsxl;c to : ic'1:1f l.i>kt`k,,s•? v ; ir�sst m w� • 1 , lLuclumw' enttgri', wetincsday, leptentbcr 9, 1998 - Page.13 "COMMON OF) COUNTY ()FROWN QUOTES FOR j $NOW14140V4 19011/195. Locations are: • Huronvi H alth 8c i..ibrary/Js ob. Memorial' SWOOP • Huron Lea *'Chalky • Assessment lSuuiking Detailed information can 'be picked up at the Horan. County Museum during normal business: hours, Alt quotes to be received at the musewn offs e.no later than ' 4;30 p. m; • Wednesday, Sept 0th, 1993: LoWest er .any Quotes not necessarily accepted. S►,ibmit quotes. toe CLAUS BIDE Director/.Curator Huron County. Museum 110 North St.,. endedch, Ontario NIA 2'1'S 242686 31. Sorvice Dir. tory' AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - wataoh,; clock, jaew. ei.Ier�r; Free estimates, Pickup and delivery can be • raannlgle4., 894`<HAVOkiOcit 3,,>t� iia& Centre. Cal( 5524,35,3a or 528'394O 1 etfar 454 STORAQg TRAtLERS for. rent. Eoonomioal: stor-. age~, ideal for connecters, farmers and horns owners. Phone 395.5167.--34tfcc. t :AVE"S CAR OILING Drummond St,, Blyth; :619- 523-4343. Open Sept. and Qct„dairy 1 p.m. to 9 part. Saturdays 9:a:m. to 3.0.1x•,. Weather 'perrriitttngM• 43cc. R,aa iM HAVENS ELECTRIC "Residenttai: & Farrn 'Commercial ;EMectrical Contractors Light Bxtures;:lamps, bulbs, electrical supplies• Dealer. for: BRAQFORD,EXGHANGr Evenjvapklntgtetits.airsitetila; Rod Havanna, t ttg,ICNC W,02.8,2e67 AGENT/SALES OPPORTUNITY Mks): Stubbs .First in Entertainment is;currently seeking, prrofessiotal sales: representatives, throughout southwestern Ontario for residential; commercial and corporote contracts., Wilhthe.Digitaltechn growth n.ih electronic,a satellite ` via h n - - ' rket ct : nittt ar �uclWsiry was, acve�expan t tab ma � ...,r .. providing excellent Financial opportunities, for suitable individual;.:; 'l'_he successful eandiclatei will be, outgoing, aggressive and have the, ability to seek. out and follow up potentialeads, Training aaad inany leads will be provided. - 1 . fit Coati LL$M14 Please fox or mail your resumos to Allen Stubbs -First in.tntertainment. P.G. Box 340 Thedford, ON. NOM, 2N0 Fax 51 9 -296.5566,"e -mail aubbs lst�lhti,na www,all.nstubbs.com • HOURS: 8:00-5:30 11on Sat. LOCATED V14 MILES NOM OF HVMY 21, ON CONCESSION 2. 95 3352 $bewfelt Appliance Repair 395*3968 20 years experience Fridge • Compressor Installed h Service Calls $ 00 Freon l2 $ furan Down 00 34. Parson& HAVING A' DRINKING' PROBLEM?? AA can help,; Phone Goderioh 5,24,6001. or Walksorton B81 -3535x• VOU ARB aitpp ri,►gjoleyg th1e : aftermath of4 an abortionie"rnotions" you cool. explain? Most post -aborta{ women. experience ,trauma in their lives. Call our. 24 - hr ' hotline .collect ($19):323, 6.761 far confidential sups- porta,--36ar . APUi T ENTERTAINMENT. Order the best by snail 4 pay less, FREE catalogue ;FRE E video;. , otter,. Discretion . ggatan:tesd. HMC Video ,48.40 Acorn, '201-C Montreal, Quebec,- • H4C'1i;6.--36bc• ASHGROVE,CHRISTIAN: SINGLES. Companionship Marriage Ag;.es. 18-85.. Single, .widawed,divorced. .. State age.. All across. Canada. P.O. Box 205. Chase,' B.C., VOE 1M0; Free information, 1-25Q- ,,,79.3643„ -25Q-679.3543. --36bc • 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- ESI Safe, rapid, non-surgj cat permanent ,restoration iri 4-6.tveeks,, Airline picot developed • • Doctor approved. Free,'infornmtion by mait.,4Q6.96176570, ext 253. Fax 406=96.1-5577,,• ' http://www.visionfreedom co m," $atisfaction;guaranteed,; 3 . PAortgagos 313. Auction* to . 8 :"hurl : Kw, , Fridays "Brussels Livestock • AUscTiQNEER Brian, Rintoul 357=2349; eveN1NG .. ,,. AUCTION SALE of home furnishings and ' anfques will be held for the .ePTATE of iuiiSS JEAN MCINTYRE (Teamster), the: ESTATE of MR. MIDFORD HARKNESS (Teeswater) v4ith added CONSIGNMENTS, from area horns, in TeeaWa ter /Agri -Gust BRdg.. Monday. September 14 • 6:00- PM Auctior>lertraa: Wallace Bailasgh, Tseswater 302-6170 ;grant Mcponald, fhpie095-5353 3 > +tlbotNlt4Onlito MCPYATT $ GNS and Advertising will be .closed for holidays from Aug,; 31 to $epi. 10 inclusively; Thanks, for a- terrific :year - naw' its tuna for a, reetl:Pat ,--365 2 ' SAE, ah. L,UCKNOIN. COIii MtJNlTY S LE • Friday: Evfning,. September 11/98 7,00 p.m. : Consisting of 55 Western Heavy Colts plus consignnnent$. Gonstgnrnents:still, wetcot119 ^- . For further informaatiAtt a;a l •(5,i0} 7625 (914