HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-09, Page 4&oMata PlAbWherlh COMMUnitY Newspaper 619 Campbell St— tuclazow. Ontaxbah
14.0. woc 40o, Looknovir. Ontario NOQ. 21i0
phone; (519) 528-2822 fax (519) 528.3529
srablished .1873 —
Zan Thompson
Pat Livings -tow- Gettattl
Phyllis Matthews Helm Officc attkuiriintottnit
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a: name*•
Rambler's mini -survey shows
majority favor leaving sports,
• einnp/e3t name as is,
" in response to the suggestion that the local sports
complex should be renamed, Lucknow council is
asking for input on three choices: I. Lucknow 4
District, Sports Complex "Home of Paul
Henderson"; 2. Paul Henderson Sports Complex; 3.
as is: Lucknow and District Sports Complex. •
I went to the street last week, and put the question
to MO dozen adults. I made no effort to ensure they
were al/ from Lucknow because, the survey is open
teranyone to ,reply to. (See ad on Page 17 of last
week's Sentinel). Of the 24 who answered*, 12 were
from •Lucknow, four ••,
from West Wawanosh,
six from Kinloss and two
from Ashfield.
Fifty-four Romero (13)
favored leaving the name
Of the sports complex as
is. Thkty'-three per cent'
(8), voted " for number
one,' and 13 per cent for
number two.
There was no trend
showing that it was resi-
dents from Ashfield,
Kinloss and West 4s.50
Wawanosh who voted to
leave the name as
Several good points
were made while 1 was talking to these 2 ,itutividn-
als, All agreed that Paul Henderson is a person very
worthy of having the .arena named, after, but what
about the others Whowent through' the minor hock-
ey system and made it to the NHL. It was pointed
.out that over the years, there have been several ded-
icated people in this germ -Wait)/ 'who -would be just
as deserving.
Another pont Made was all four cenummities
built it and .support it so the name should, at least
reflect that fact i.e. "Lucknow and District.
You may recall nnother suggestion, was' Madeto
name the dressingroomSinthe sports complex after
local hockey greats i.e. Paid Henderson Room, Dave
Famish Room:
With the exception otone, all who responded to
the. mini survey thought it was a good idea. .:
It will' be , interesting to see how ,many, people
respond to council's survey and in turn the results.
last' vve4's Ramblings about which side you
dress first. One reader suggested the results could
differ depending on Whether you, were Sitting' or
standing whenyou put your pants on. 1 checked it
out, t still, dress the right , side first. If you went
through last week's exercise in the standing position,
do it again from a sitting position.
Received a let* to the editor last Week signe4
"anonymous.' Please.remember, if you expect to
have a letter published it must include- your natne
and telephone nuMbet., The name will run in the
paper, the phone number is for my use only.
10 years ago
Sept. 7, 1988
labama to
Lucknow - A
balloon that start-.
1.. ed out in the town of
• Montgomery, Alabama
' has found its way to the ,
Lucknow area. Jackie
Hackett of. R.R. 7,
Lucknovv found the hal-
loon in acorn field at her
home. She was very
excited about contacting
the two sister who had
attached a short note ask-
• ing the finder to write
. . .
It was a dry, summer
- The summer of 1988
will long be remembered
as one of the hottest and
clrieSt on recerd. Across,
the provinec, Ontario
En v imminent 'Ministry
offices have been, report-
ing that creeks, streams
and rivers, are drying up,
partly because of the
excessive drawing of
water for irrigation and
other purposes.
:Groundwater is also
being depleted
as more
use their
wells to
20 years ago
Sept, 7,1978
"'tering kinder.
garteo Nano)!
Madatyre was the
kindergarten teacher and
on the front page of the
Sentinel- was a pictureof
.her' with her' morning.
kindergarten students:
iks4bin • NeabQl*
Adam Krogh, Peter
Neufeld, Adrian Rau,
Karen Miller, Tracy:
Ward, Allyson
• Jason Humphrey, Mark
Andrew, Luke Cranston,
David Leddy, Dale
Priestap, Kristen Owen,
Andrew Glenn, Mary
Jams -
A: 34 foot dump trailer
oveMoned at lieleaverfs
feed Mill dumping. about
26 ton of corn onto the
ground. The. load was
partially unloaded when
the trailer tipped.
Fair news -- Eleanor
Towrishend„ the ehampi-
, on woman fOctlex of
Canada, was- to be foo, -
tared at the variety shoW
*0tel,97$ fait
When? •September
1904., Who?. • Kan
Floohori. a Lucknow
Kinsmen, and taerie.,
Van Dyke and 4010.,
• •• Cook • • of the Nojoy• ;
.Ladies bait team. •
Why?' Noisy Ladies
• donate •money for the '
• kino,men • Boil.
1,14Mond. '
' •
Resigns post - John
Jamieson, stock shipper
for the Farmers' Co-oper-
ative Company of
Lucknow, tendered his
resignation effective as
soon as a successor is
• appointed,
• Mr., Jamieson has held
position for the past
• The Farmers' Co-oper-
ative is alSo losing anoth-
er long and faithful ser-
vant in the person of Mr
McDonagh who
• has anted as secretary
since the Company was
formed in. 1926. Mr;
McDonagit's resignation
was to be effective the -
end of September but one -•
• directer said the resigna-
tion didn't state "what
.year".so Mr. McDonagh
may yet be pressed into
retaining** office
makral society plans
Dear editor:
The citizens of Lucknow can give
themselves a pat, on the• back again
for their achievements this surrunert
The 140th reunion and the rodeo
were great successes along with
smaller events.
These events don't just happen; it
takei.months. and weeks of prepara-
tions by responsible and dedicated
citizens; hours ' of. work and
unselfishly giving of their time. It's
great to live In a town where we all
work together to achieVer ?Pgoal.
The,t-1.,Xittic114401:.400.4 4184'
having a big year as. we are celebragg ning a spccial annualmeeting.'
,ing 40 years sinee-Ourh$beiety, was WO are inviting back, all presi-
reorgatnied in 1958. dents treasurers and secretaries that
Served in an office since 1958.
We are also writing a history of
the Horticultural. Society since it
was first 9rpnizeci.iii 1922. if any:-
onc has any old Horticultural books
we would be interested inlooking-
fgr more information.
We are missing, the secretary's
,omnienitc,1anc$,4feroi,pfil,us.s190508tp.toie,als9prati:g0i,:lpf.m. imatotoY4-..;
eall. •
In, April we hosted the District 8
annual meeting when members
conic from- Bowe, Croy arid Huron
counties. We Planted our large new
fi,urrNerbeltboatr Ww,gataerWpelrank,s
• ' •