HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-09, Page 17,1
sports complex
open to ever
. by Pat L vu*gston
The survey being t.Q[t'
ducted. by L,ttckuQw•.man-
en whether the name of
the sports eeinplex should:
be changed is open to-
tucrknow ratepayers
did recetfiV-C the survey
atong"witth their taxes,,.
however an advertisement'
to fast• week's paper (page
17) sayrs:•that anyone can
participate by picking up
an otfieial form. at the
Luck:now tnunieipal
Q i, , . -
- `foot Pegg, a L,ucknpw
village c euncilkor who sits.
the joint reereatiQn
boat*, said tlte. suggestion
Qty renaming the sports
complex CAM tQthe
reereation board and was
then taken to the: eotu etis,
Re assts alksidenta in.
Ashfield,. KiatQss, West
Wawanosh and Lueknnr
that the survey was not for
village residents- only,
Council. wants input tram
anyone who isinterested
in :replying
The three choices, are .
Cit th0 official. form
dist can b+K pictked .tap at
the Luckrtww town hall,
There is nth a $F4gtt.fQr
e zed
Thousands of child=
headed kap to wheel CO
Tuest fawning. While
it certainly isrt't an efkicial
end to smarmier,. tt is. unof-
facially the beginning o
getting' "badetp, nQrnittlet
Last week, Lt -year,
old Caitlin Agnew, like
most area kids, was get.
ting ready for the first day
of wheel, A flair trite was-
asin order and C itlin was
caught oft 44xtterat . at
Shear Design where
owner Salty Murray •
nipped a little bit off her
long locks, Caittin would-
n't admit she was happy
to be going back. to,
Ripley, Huron Continuity.
School, .Senior Cain us.
where' her ttagii4 ° wilt be
M:r. QreettwoOd, 4o. she
:did alit s0t4, of tkee
surrttner was. r';bo.riiitg",
other than when she went,.
camping to: Silent Lake.,
Bancroft and parch pated
in the 1Vlusie Festival in
Kincardine, 'where she
played the clarinet.
The Court of Appeal. ter Ontario has dtstnis ed the
appeal; with 4vsts, initiated by the Township. of 'l uo.
.that, asked that .truce County's. re3solutien approving;
.cotrnty. restructuring be Set or quas=hed, The
:Qc"U ►ty's: r, SQlution, passed Oe`t• 21, 1997, put
'Motion restructuring toreduce the number of local
n►uuieipatities frotn 27 to eight. Theplan aniatgainat-
ed lsxuce'>'awr'tshxp (which includes !Tiverton), and the
town of 'Kincardine.
The township's appeal also asked, that the Minister
Qf Municipal Aff'air's;; Restructuring Order AO #nipie
extent the , eunty restructuring plan be .quashed QX .set:
Tho unartinious. decision Qf the "PtpPeals Court stat.,
win ;in part "'...[n lily. Qptni.ou. Coutts ire nrjt 4cluippcd.to
fulcra -I anage 'a: prtuNss s,hc';h as•the xestrueituring
pt.X 4 S5 undertakenin $rt►cQ (`peaty;: TQ :do' so woulel
result in the',ittdtoiaLieation of what is intended to he.a
Process- Tho Courts- should only interfere itr
ieiretthistanoea where it is, inanifeSt that
statutorily prescribed pre 4ouditions have not beet)
"WC' thy aplla s-havenot establishccd that th.
prii ipk+'t were net censidered la any case,- a review
Qf the tecOrd supports Dainbret l.'s (justice Michael
painter fl):conclusion that, theCouncil did s'on
sider the relevant prindip1cs. Ther4 wan arnp]Q ev%�..
;steno to support his conclusion in that regard and .
see no basis Upon Which to interk re With -,it- it: is not
fpu.the coutka. tQ°se.oud gnus the re tructuring.deci-
tiien matxe hy. runty Oouoiil.".
.1kifce-IkArtships. first appli4atit?f: