HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-02, Page 19steady lambs prices active Last week at Brussels '.Livestock all classes of fed steers and heifers were selling on a steady market.. Cows also sold steady. On Thursday : the veal traded • steady to last week, with the lambs sellingactively • at fully steady prices. There were 367 ,fed steers on •offer selling from 87.00 to 90.00 to the highs f 98.25. • There were 180 fed heifers on offer selling ..from 87.00 to 90,00 to the ]high of 94.75. The slaughter bulls sold from 62.00 to 81.00. There 241 cows on i offer selling: D3 cows: 50.00 to 55.00; D4 cows: 45:0.0 to.50.00. . There were 341 veal on offer ,selling: beef: 80.:00 •to. 134.00; Holstein: 75.00 to 90.00; plain Holstein: 60.00 to 7500, There were 422 sheep and lamtbs on -offer:. Lambs: under 50 lbs., 200.00 to 200.00; 50 to 80 lbs.,,.122.50 to 1,71.00; 80 to 95 lbs., 112.00 to 126.00; 95 to 110 lbs.,. 110:00 to 120,00; 110,1bs. and over: 92,50 to 103.00. Sheep: 55,00 to 67.50, • Goats: 5,00 to • 120.00. per head, Prevention takes -planning , Many injuries can be .avoided by using good safety practices and a little common sense. At home or out and. about, be safety conscious. Taking a what if approach can prevent many injuries: • What if knives. are stored in a drawer, sharp sideUp? • What it? you use your fingers to reach into a food processor or grinder? What if chain saws, hedge trimmers or lawn mowers are used without safety guards or personal safety equip, inent, such as goggles, boots and protective clothing? . • What if children are allowed'to use or play near chain saws and snowblowers? " . ; • What if helmets, masks, glees and padding are not worn when playing sports? Planning takes only a few seconds and can save hours of medical attention. When using machinery, tools . and equipment, stop and think what if you'll he glad you did! • St. John Ambulance teaches first aid, CPR and health promotion with a focus on safety: For more information on safety. in the home, contact your local St. John Ambulance office: " - Newi Canada Lucklrow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 2, 19913 --Pale 19 1800 °P° 11111i13',e,n4#y • 9nIAROMAL 1.IE Chartercal: nee°11i4t41Ilits • Oft.li g a full ranpa of $Nrvloata: auditing, accou0n9. b+ufk us p*. 1nc0m0 I** .allaying* parsonst 0k00ncI4i pkrnniny. compel+r rnd reanagsmant acrvic s, WALKERTON HANOVER Maern FQREST , PORT ELGIN a F. Thcrn5on• FCA 1.11 voaon. CA K I. Qnr_r. CA M 5 flagon. CA ' :R1 Wan. CA • J J ffunt.,CA H E. mot! CA 0 H Munro. CA. -11. Qelsahlagel, CA P Thor, CA:, ' 1t Q. Thgmpa. OA , 041.-1211 354.3790 323-2351 132.209 BRUSSELS 'LIVESTOC • *Local CalfSales - 00t. 24 & Nov 14 '•Lacal•Vacciaated Calf & Yearling Sales - +Oct. 28, Nov 1:1. Nov 25 *Breit Cow Sale -. Nov •Tuesdays -'9 a.m. -' Finished Cattle & Cows • *T'huradaya , 8:30 a.m. Drop Calves *Veal Follotved by Lag bs, •Goats and Sheep - • • , •Fridays - lei a,m. •- Stockers: 7,b Consign Cattle Contact, ROB l'HONIPSON 5 .131 Situ Local Representative • BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK (Len Gamble) *Brussels, Qnt`. 519.887.6461 - CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS 11 114k111. CONCONTRACTINa.INC Wingham 357-2310. :Chisholm Fuels :00.411 LUCKNGW �cAii,inui Phone 529-7524 or 5/4776E31 ; . . QILHEA AssocIATIom Furnace installations Wood, Oii Combination. Furnaces Burner Service Prbpane'Filting Station ''ppoouc i S FOR FARM,. HOME. • & INDUSTRY . Sal CARPENTRY . Stacie torl44 5�8• .. R.R. 02Lucknow; Ont. $ OGa,2H0 Doors and Windows *Textured Ceilings * Cabinets * Plowings * Drywall *Decks Montgomery. Motors body Shap . Repairsao alf makes and models Complete collision damage repairs ICI Lifetime reilnish warranty Wedge clamp frame'repair system AI{ work guaranteed ; Phone 528-2013 or 1.800-567-2012 yawing Fax •1-519-528.2017 Lucknow, Ont TOUR TOTAL YRANSPORI"ATION OEALERS1UP ' •^ This Space Reserved for your business Card CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations *Replacement Windows ::& Doors,. •Kitchen Cabinets . +Vanities` +Carpet and Linoleum :.Rghfing +Free Estimates RR. #7 l.tlCKNOw_ _ +.529 3154 potential,. cu torners and let neUrcorners get acquainted: with you.- A good investment; Call 528-2822 CONSTRUCTION H;_:,.Cf4'R' BUILDING SUPPLIES .• CONTRACTING: FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL . no,,,3720 20 CCMMERain„ AGRICULUURAL 44tf Gatnpkeli Strut ton t i*y 86) Lucknow NQG 2110 Dluewater Carpet & Tile • 299. Bayfield Rd.; G:aderich 1-519-524-6141 Lucknow & Area Toll Free I -8O0-634-2834 PLUMBING'•& HYC:ow HEATING. Residential Commercial Sales &•'Service: a • Call SCOTT” CAMPBELL 519-528.2884 ,your BoilerSpecial?st Since 1977 0y.4Johnston Sons' Const. For Alf Four Conc'rvte,Needs NON Construction:& 12enbvations Feeding & Systems Stabling & Farm iuildings & FourfdatianS (519) 395-,539 0 DOUG & DENNIS J0i1NSTON, iitOLYROOD 41404110 .10 Ken 'IVlacDonuid: Plumbing.. Licensed Plumber Cafl entry Work FRen6Svations lnstafation-ofWater Pumps & Softeners Central Vactiurns. Sales.8, installations Agricultural Commercial, Resideritiai AR 2 Nolyrood NOG 2130 395.5565 Beit# we build the tet and repair the rest: 007e cflffttA qd ire,S',kop(Cd R,R•#2 AUBURN: 529-7212 FAX. 529-3277 "Se witt.g tgau. Since 1979" i1 , laterSgstems/Satteners ihr eondittofer$/Alf` Qualitg/HHRU Purnw. es/feat Pamp.S/ilreplaces. >. lUrnibing' o l ■i &.'Heating 0/4 Cliff Mann iNsehanlei 0 Ltd. . 528-391•.3 Sumas viDscitas Pam, *m Norms, °mos CALSMAIRS (519) 5213-2730 Fait (519) 5284348 Lucknow Comptuter Forms,: & Cheques, ihvolce..Sets, Business Cards printed in aurLuoknoW • shop.. + other promotional items; I SINCE•1981, Cowan Printing & Advertising NILE GARAGE EXHAUST •Full line of_mulff ers'. Custom pipe bending. • up to 3" Pipe & Fittings 1 I/2"-5" . Dripless undercoating ; •, oil changes, tires & maintenance.. • 529-7355.: for all your::: •: building needs.... HENDERSON &theatre 782 Havelock St:;°:; Lucknow (519) 528-3118 Fax 4519) 528-2814 CARL: G. Office •(519) X92-6491 Evenings ( Fou (519)519) 3982.-82798.199 52 Reinhardt GENERAL CONTRACTING , Box 209,"Teeswater. Ont NOG 280 • Residential . * A9ricutturai . • Cornmerciai Suppty And or Erect Pre -Engineered. Steel Building