HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-02, Page 18Page 1 Lucknow :Sentinel, Wednesday, September 2,1998 47. Cords of Thanks JANSSENS • Rev. Peter and Cindy MCCt,EN.AGHAN Janssens, along with big; ' A sincere thank you to our sister Christy, joyfully families, friends and neigh- announce with thanks lo bors for your thoughtful God,the birth of Heather: words of sympathy, food. Leanne. ion August 26, 1998 at CiOderich hospital weigh- flowers .and cards during.: the g recent passings of a kind and Mg 7 lbs., 5 oz. Proud dear fatter and brother grandparents are Biit and Edward (Ted) . Mary Klurtipenhower of McClenaghan. It was heart #,istowel and Cor and, Tina warming to see so many Janssens of Thunder Bay,, make the trip to Kitchener Proud great .grandmother is for visitation and funeral Hendrika i(lumpenhower of service. Your kindness is Listowel.. -==35x• 46. in hion 1ori81'n ULCH , in loving memory of a dear son and brother, Karl who passed away Sept. 7, 199?. Do not stand on my grave and weep, • ' I am not there, I do not - sleep, 1 am a thousand winds that blow, ' I am the diamond glint of deeply .appreciated. Calvin,: Mandy and Bradley Mccionaghan, Mildred M,Clenaghan and John McKinnon. —35 4' . Cords of Monks STANLEY/GiBSON* A speolal thank you to everyone who attended our wedding reception. To our family and friends words cannot express how much we appreciate all your hard work and support in making our day so beautiful and enjoyable. To alt who crossed their fingers for the rain to hold off, it was every- thing we'd ever dreamed• of and more.. Thank you, Cathy and Olen, --35x MQRRISQN. . A big thank you to the Lucknow Optimist Mosquito Soccer team and parents • for the wonderful gift certifi- COLLINS . cater We both pigged 'out! The family of the late We enjoyed coaching such Dorothy Collins (Robertson) enthusiastic players this wish to express their :deep- season,. Great effort guys est appreciation to: Dr. and gals! Special' thanks. to Shubat, doctors and nurses . Lynn Mann for her ace at the Wingham hospital; reporting and also to.alt the V.Q.N's: Lore, Shelley and parents'for getting•the play= Margie for their home care; ers to games and practices. snow, the Rutledge family of "R" Roger.and Vicky. --35 • Villa, Ripley; pallbearers I am the sunlight on ripened. • BUt~KTON ' and flower bearers;. Rev,. grain, '• 1 wish to give special Alan. Rush for his comforting thanks to Dr. Shubat and 1 amithe .gentle sutumn;'rain, message, Joan, Jeff .and When' you awaken in the .'Dr. Steeth. for their prompt. Maryeen Pollard of the morning hush; ' llllattention during my, illness.. t am the swift uplifting lush MacKenzie and McCreath . Alpe. thanks :to my:family for Of quiet buds in circled Funerat•Mome,; Ripley, for their•help when 1 needed it • flight, • their guidance and support: -and and for the cards, visits and' I am the soft stars that shine the ladies' of ,the Purply phone calls. •It• was all. Grove Community Centre: at night.. deeply appreciated, Herb. . for the 'lovely. lunch; rely - Do .not stand ort my, grave 35x • , and cry; tives, neighbors and friends . • •Lam ngt there 1 did not die:: • for flowers, donations,, cards . • ENGLAND ' We love you, we miss.:you and food. Your many acts of • 1 would like to thank my • and always Will, leve: Mom, • , kindness are greatly appre- ..family, relatives,, friends and Dad, Cassandra: and, elated The Collins,: Martzas :neighbors for attending my •Katrina. -r35x .-• •and Robertson families. - birthday party and for flow- ' 35ar . r, 'ers,. cards and . gifts' i MCNAUGHTON ; received. Thank you all... • ln ' memory , ' of Jim . •Isabelle 35x McNaughton, a dear bus- . AL.TON r, band, .dad, grandad and Thanks: to Jim, David,..Darryl.. 4480 'Coming. , great grandad, who passed' • and Glen Gibson,. George Eve • .:and Donna McBride, Chad nts: away, , two years ago, September 2, 1956 • :.Mann and anyone else;who y ••"Thetela a corner 0f •oUr.-, came along and helped me : • REGISTRATION heart§ we keep it, just for dur'ng my. accident: Your For 1st Kingsbridge, Sparks, 00.0quick'thinking And help, are and Brownies;, Sept: 8 from • Sadly : missed:- by• wits, very much •apprecia.ted. 7 to.8 p m.: at'St Joseph's Susan; also Susan. :and . Thanks to the ambulance' Church hall, :Kingsbridge.'• Rudt, Jinn; and Maureen and attendants, doctors and . For more information call their families.•: --35.x. nursed at Wingham:: hospital . Terris yen .Osch 529-1051. . •far-ttaeir--eic�elient�c-a��..` �r=35rte HUEMILLR Thanks• to th.e fe!!ow's at` 'fry;•memory of our beloved. iNTERNlE:I COURSE ' 'Bial Huemiiter who passed home to carry on the farm For people of all ages and ' frig, without•you, it would be ., '•all-:abiiittes.;`Basic• Internet away 1, year ago, Atlg; 1'997.: 31,rt ossibie.' ThankYou for skillsSept15and 22.Ti me all: the telephone calls, 7 lo •1.0 .p,m, Fee $45 (six.- , -;1 -Will Gift you Op- on eaigles , par..ds, :fruit baskets,` visits ".. h urs)' ave'Bend r: 357 wings and good wishes since m o i. D • .. And hold you in the atrri of Y 1175.:Where' F ;E... Madill; y. P : return her*. Stuart.' --35x ,;Class size limited: Register: my hand. early: --35,38x' .INe.will miss you always.. - Love Valerie, Trammell and, SMELTZER I wouldlike..10 thank eve BINGO •. • i'eghan. -35. Goderich Knights of one for making the tourna nu such a great,'success. : Columbus; every Thursday,: me :` .Special.. thanks to ' the 7 P.m. Columbus Centre; Ashfield A's, Red Barons 390 Parson's Court,,$4400, 4i`. `arils Of in prizes; progressive jack-..• and Singers. bail teams'for ' Thanks .organizing the t'ournan ent _. --pot $1000 , regular jackpot: 1oinfClark Kinsmen liar, eft: &500' must ` gd. Lic: WEATHERHEAD , their help, all the; .halt teams.,#f 57920 First'Saturday of i would.like to extend my that participated, and Huron every : month; 7 p.m:, , sincere, appreciation for vat' ` Township for the use of the Columbus Centro, $500' IOUs' kindness whichbail diamonds. Also umpires Mini •Jackpot, $1,500' includes ,flowers, phone and scorekeepers, ticket Jackpot . Total • prizes Calls; cards and;food sent to . ;sellers aind alt the .bar help, ` $4,600. Lic. #310856, Super ..' my home during my recent"' • everyone that.worked.inthe ,.',Star Provincial Game every. illness, :I• am espec%alty ° food bdoth, Clean-up dom- Bingo Night.,-= 07tfar , ,'grateful to;my two neighbors• •.'�rnittee and a big thank you YARD AND BAKE SALE, who kept Donald company to everyorte' for all the dons- At KKinrrrugh Presbyterian until Michael arrived; . • tions. Da`rlene`(Spike).--• 'Church'' law.n on Saturday, Norma.: -35x 35cc Sept• 5-,31,35rixe 48. Coming Events LUCKNQW YOUTH BOWLING For ages 3 tit 18. Awards, in and out of house tourna- ments. Registration Sept. 1..2 Sat, mornings. Alternate dates also. information con- tact Lucknow Bowl 528- 3437. 34-36xc COME A GQ BRIDAL SHOWER For Collin Clarke, Sept. 12, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Margaret deBoer's home (395.6902). Everyone wel- come. --35,36 SINGLES DANCE Saturday, Sept. 5 at the Kin Station, Victoria St., Listowel. Dancing. from 8 to 12. Music by The Westernaires, --35cc ST. GEORGE TOY, DOLL & NOSTALGIA SHOW, Over 80 tables of dealers, Labour Day Monday, Sept. 7, 1Oam to. 4pm, St. George Arena, East of Paris on. Hwy. 5. Admission $3:00 - under 12 FREE with adult. Colt 519-751-7150: -35bc PARCHMENT CRAFT' • CLASSES To those ati ready regis- tered Classes begin Sept, 16, 1:30 and 7:30: p.m. in the basement of Ashfield Presbyterian . Church, Others interested: call 395- 3495.: Totai • cost $55. Payable at the first .class. ;-., • 35 COMMUNITY -:•BRIDAL SHOWER For Christine VanSickle bride-to-be of Karl Menisci), Ripley Legion Hall,.Wed., Sept 2 at 7:.30 p.ni, Everyone welcome.. .-� 34,35cc • SNO;SHOW, 4 -WHEELER PULLS AND GRASS DRAGS Sponsored ' by 'B & VIl Trailblazers Snowm iobile Club' on •Sat, and .Sun-:; Sept. 12 and, 13, , at the Se'aforth Fairgrounds, 4 wheeler :pulls,_' Sat.; Sept. 12, registrations •before 11:30 a.m. pulls start at '12:30 :p;m, -.S,no• Show hours.:.Sat.,. Sept.. 12, 11 arm, 9 p;m, and: •Sun'" • Sept 13, 1 f exit to .6 p.m On display; snowmobiles and ATV's,trailersand• clothing and "after market p"arts and accessories, Grass drags: on'Sunday` only! (Rain day •Sun., Sept,, 21)..Registration:.8 a.m, - 10:30 a.m. Drags start at 12 noon. For further info con- tact: Sob Leeming, 619- 622r-2246 19522=2248 .or Middegaal Sports,'319=527.0104. --35 •:GL,YTH:FESTIVAL • SINGERS •Duet • off your Messiah scores.: Join the. Blyth• festival Singers for their, new -season.: Rehearsals start Wed., Sept. 9 at 8 p m. June Ha Doom, above Blyth Festival Offices.' Everyone Welcome, For •information call 357-2010Or 523.9393. ,34,35ec • 40.co_. ming Events BRIDAL SHOWER for Lisa Tebow on Sept. 6, at the home of Marlene Johnston, 566 Rose Street, Lucknow. Everyone wel- come. From 1 p.m: to 4 p.m. -•35xc• LUCKNOW BOWL Looking for new bowlers. Leagues . • starting, September: Monday after- noon and evening. Tuesday non-smoking evening. Friday evening. Come join the fun.--34-36xc HOCKEY ;EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE Please bring used equip- ment to the arena before 7 ,p.m, Friday, Sept, 4. Articles should be listed and priced. Equipment will be on sale during registration. --35ar Bruce Area Solid. Waste Recycling Association, Inc. REDUC5 • REU5E • R E c Y O L E s Curren yaccep pg en ' ers for repairs 10 two of our recycling Vehicles. These repairs win include •sand- blasting. bodywork, and paint- ing. . petal's and Inspection can be arranged by.calling. " B.A.S.W.R.A:L, R.R,1 Southampton : (.5i J) 797'-5557 48. =omfng Evont* WOOD YOU LIKE TO PAINT? Annual open house and sale. Come in and see alt the painting projects, folk art, decorative and land - scope painting - beginner to advanced. Plus some great bargains on wood pieces, books and supplies. Sal, Sept, 5, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sun., and Mon., Sept. 6 and 7, noon to 5 p.m. 11 Main. Street, Seaforth. Phone 627-2233. --34,35cc ATTENTION - CROSS STITCHERSt Stytchen Tyme. _ Fall open house Sat. Sept. 12, 11 a.m. , 5 p.m: 272 John St., Kincardine. Great .selections of kit, chart and supplies,-- 35,36co MINOR HOCKEY REGISTRATION • Friday Sept 11,6 7 -10 Saturday, Sept. 5th 1Qam - 2.pm Lucknow Sports Complex Guiding/Scouting Reg1str. atio1) Th+u�rsda� , September 7101.98 Lucknow Legion Farmers can maks interim. withdrawals 3 :NISA account +�`'�T Sc�a� t . . • Farmers in the .drought -stricken areas of 'Ontatio:.who are .participating in the Net Income Stabilization Account, (NISA) Program should be aware that, they can males interim withdrawals' frorii'their accdunts during years of low income. . The NISA Program, allows 'the -farther to deposit • money into: his/her oven account during favorable • income years, and to draw, down these funds when ned- ed in' lower'inconne years, • The interim withdraw. aloption was introduced. to make the program sensitive to the.. need for more timely, financial 'support: According to NISA administration`: • procedures, applications are available upon_. request, and will be accepted up`to beccember31. To be, eligible for an' interim •withdrawal, you must have . submitted your, previous year's NISA application, and received your Deposit/Withdrawal Options -.Notice. In addition; you lutist have an account balance. from °.wlhich you may draw funds,. The interim withdrawal.... Option is, not 'available .to you if you .have requested an opt -out FQr more information on how to apply Or an interim withdrawal on your NISA accounts' please call 1-800- 665-6472 or fax: 204-984-3717. . • Farmers shouki carefully analyze theirfarm financial situations from the standpoint of both short' and hong • :. term needs to ensure it is in their best interest' to under take an interim draw -down of their NISA accounts