HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-09-02, Page 5Inj prevention o ittee
needs he p and support
Dean editor:
The Elmo Perth Injury
Prevention Committee
(RPIPC) is asking your
readers for support and
new members to help
avoid the aftern ath of dis-
ruption, pain, loss, sorrow
and expense caused by
injuries. Injury is the lead-
ing cause of death in peo-
ple under age 44. Injury
—� kills more children under
19 than all other causes
combined. There is much
work. to be done. `
The major task is to
create a shift in thinking.
We know that when most
injuries are investigated,
they are no "accidents." A
cause can be found and
the event was predictable.
We need this ~ shift in
thinking to take control by
creating as safe an envi-
ronment as possible.
kIPII'C has subcommit-
tees for the four areas of
concern: motor vehicle
occupant safety,. bicycle
safety, falls in seniors and
arm safety:
The Motor Vehicle
Occupant Subcommittee is
currently planning a major .
RIDE (reduce impaired
driving everywhere) calri-
Paign ,agrQss the two count
must be
% fiwn page 4
Continue to have; innocent
victims injured or killed•
by. drinking drt,verS And,.
'unfortunately., .the motions.
will be th'e same:, the fain;
ilies *ill have to. ,pick up
the pieces, try to fight for '
justice iii an unjust. ayst
tem, and carry on with=
their lives without their,
lOved.•oec(s). Our federal
and, provincial govern
'Dents crus;t do more to
protest.; the innocent ciel-
seri"s. of Canada.:.I cannot
understand bow •our, gc v-
prninent can continue to .•
putoff .rectifying this situ,-
In. -the :meinoryy of
Princess 'Nana and ;in the
memory of the hundreds
killtftf acmes Canada: each.
year, public pressure must
be, placed" on our politi-
Cian&. In this 'way, we
might halt the -number or;
innocent Canaa4iatts4truck
dcsvwn like Princess Diana
and, make our roads and
Community streets safe
from dxtlnk drversr
Bow many more, pea
pie have to die before
something is, dobe?
Lynn Magee,
MADD HurouBruce,
' • VStitlgham.
ties. This will involve all
area, police forces plus
local supporting business-
es and agencies,
The Bicycle Safety
Subcommittee provides
resources while strongly
supporting helmet use and
bicycle skill training. The
auttirtrlt project is to train
volunteers to assist with
bieyele rodeos.
The Falls in Seniors
Subcommittee has an
inventory of Focal'
resources and has pub-
lished articles in local
newspapers. Thecommit-
tee is working to increase
awareness of the impact of
falls, to melte home safer
and to increase physical
fitness among seniors.
The • Farm Safety
Subcommittee is con-
cerned with collecting
aceurate baseline data
about the number of farm
injuries in I-iurorl/i?erth' as
well as pursuing farm
safety audits and protect-
ing farm families from
workplace -related injuries.
Ali committees are very
keen to work with existing
community groups or
interested individuals. We
also have, an injury pre-
vention display that fea-
tures exhibits suitable for
any event.
If interested contact me
l-519-482-3416 or 1--
800-265.51$4; fax 452-
7820, •
Marguerite Thomas,
The Tali Ships were in Qoderieh over the weekend, Thousands of ir.leePie
lined the docks to view them : and /or board them. Raytlme• crowds were •
huge out things were a little less hectic in the:'evening as this: picture
shows.4Livingston photo}. '
.Blyth; Qntaria
! a x
37th Anniversary ,
Rrin in a the Fra t into the Future
September tri .121E 10,01: b Fairgrounds,' B! #hh, Qntario�.
•Fiddle-& step:Dance
!Antique:( ar & Truck Show
•Q1arlkshQm laroar Qoliies
*Nightly nterllinmern •
Adimissior _4Q'. Adult'
Qhildren Under 1.2 $'1.QQ,Qr free w/adult.
Seniors Day, '�' ptemLer 11; w s2`^Q0 •
c $team Engines
*Antique Tractor Pull & $hov
•1-landtrta le Qafts
'Daily Parades,
Luti,know Sent nu!. Wednesday. September 2.1998— :tgc 5
jW? £arae mamma=
is opening this fart
Clossrii Offerr,t:.
Ballet N Top a .lraw a + Up Syne
FFnik Donning p 'rhtatrienl't#rts
and corning soon, • • Diver Donee classes
*Vet iteasonrtbteCho few•"
tie4stranno for ages 3.9 years
now hong orrepte41
Ream, yolk Julie (oilan 528-2036
for infot•tnotio t and registration
\Or. Leanne.ThQmsarr M.D. GCFR
is pleased to announce
the .opening of her practice
in Family Medicine on
September E; 1998 at the
• and the IP ; Y CLINIC
Please' ,Call,..
(5*9): 6-33
for an.
gAl `t F ttAV•:: 1( PUBUCAU+ TION
• the Corporation of the' County afHa n
Take•Notice•that the, lands) dgscribed
below will .bra offere('for sole by
pttbtic auction at. 10:00 o'clock in the •
forenoon on the Stn day of October, .1 908 at
Huron County Court House, .
Courthouse $quare, Gaderieh, Ontario
• N7Ap1M2
ttesetiptioo of Lantra)..,
Lei 4:Man 133
As. psr fnstrumentiNun4'ei.197348
'. A's per°inspuntent Number 311231 •
.:.Township of'fuel.•ersmith, Coantyof Huron
Province of Qntarin
2, LoES, Plat, 13-3 .`
As per lnstrurueni.Number 197347 •
As per lnsttuthetu Nutnler 31.0792
Tvwnsbip of Tuckersmith,.County ofHdron .
Province of Ontario
3:Nordt Part Lot 29:. plait 133 • , •
„As pet lttstntment Number 13$94$
0 , Township of Tuckersmlth, County of Huron
province:4f Ontario
4: Pact of the South Panel Lail Concession .10
• tis per Instrument Number 1$6978 • -
Townsbip of West WawanQab, County; of Huron $2,48188
iyrovince of Qntari
Ail;amounispa able. by the. successful purchaser Si+ail be payable in'fuli
at the time of the sale by cash' or' money ordcr„or by a balk draft or.
,'4ritti "mum
513,905.62• ..
cheque certified by a' batik, trust corporation or Province,af Ontario
The muniuipalny or,buar'd.makes-no-represenlauon regatdibg-the:brie To -
or any other ;matter's relating to the land to be sold, Responsibility for
ascertaining..these.matters rests with the, potentialpurehasers:•
sate:As governed ;by the M.utticipal"Tax Silex .4ct and the`Municipal
Tax Sales.;Poies.' The•sitecosful•purchaser Will be; required to pay the.
amount bid, plus aCcittllulaied taws•.and; the relevant""land,. transfei,"tax.
For' further h fort has regard og thlssale, Contact:
Treasurer, Corporation of the County of Huron
1 Courthouse Square, Goderidhi Qntatno.'IN7A 1M2 ; .
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