HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-08-26, Page 1111
ucimow iwosquuttoes o
- Gov* If.elmb •
. The Lucknow
Mosquitties started late in
• the season after smiling
Flom Belfast. Dungannon,
Kieloss,- Ripley•, Point
'Clark and tau:know to
even, font?: 4 team of 13.
Once formed there was
only one player who had
. played it,yetir.of hardball
.and four others. had a year
(*rookie ball with a. pitch-
ing triachino. There was
three others. who had SUMO
b411 and re c ball experi-
ence. The rest were new to
the game.
This age level is 10 to
I. years, and to come,
right into the•truc sport of
hardball there were 4 feW
bleeit$. Probably the
biggest to adjust wwao
the pitching -and batting.
Kineurdine Scoreboard
Sports sponsored/supply
us with. a full: team and
'ceach anifoons and hats.
The team consists of
Joe Morro (aptain.), Pan
Murray, Blake Alten,
•Devin I,(emp, Matthew
Scott, Brett, Phillips, Brent
Debruyn, Chris Andress,.
Justin Hill, Brent
Schneider, Tom,ciodirey,
Dustin Host and Thomas
Pritchard. The .coaching
staff is °reg. Andress,
manager; Steve PriNhand;
pitchingeoach; At Wray,
assistant • ceach; Cord
lOmphead coach, with
help also from Steve.
Schneider • and Marty
Reguilar'season ame
were with Mitchell,
Quderich, Listowel, S.
Mary's, Bxedef. anti
This team pittyett 30'
games,: with two tourna-
ments. one of Which they
were "C'i linalists, •
regtilar season, the
team finishedabove 500
ball to go on- to the 90A
1,4icknow won over.
11)4ShWeed 10 taste south
•-enthvsion. South and
north started a three out of
tivo scrieS. Luoknow and
Plesherton went 110441 t�'
head:The series started
out very tight with a homo
opener of a 5 -• loss.
ow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 26. 199• ,-Page 11
Th, 10 to 11 year uld
btays turned: around their
whole season by hard
work, deterinination, team
' spirit and enjoying the
sport of baseball. Now
Lacknow has 4 chance in.
baseball to be All.9ritario.:
Champs once again, •
Theteam in. the mean
tOttp will be practicing and
try ng. to .; 'sonic f und-•
raising, fur this event..
There Will be a 50 - 50
draw Friday night at the
arena (luting the Strathrey,
Own Sound:game tmtl„
the Sepoy Stnnirpede.
Anyone who wouid like to
help.please contact Stove
Pritchard. The coaching
staff is very proud of this
te4111S, accoiriphslaments.
• They are a great 'bunch of
bail players.. •
!Omar defence. from both
teams tu lead into game
two in Flesherton. This
game ended with
Lticknow leading .5 to 4
going inbo. the bottom of
the seventh but Plesherton
cOuldref be shut down and
tied the 1141410 for extra
innings, At the bottom of
the eighth Lticknow could-
n't score, but Flesherton
put QM Over the plate fora
6 to 5 finish. ,
• FloSherton maybe
thought they owned
Lucknow, but the boys
• didn't lie down for'garne
• throe in Loicknow. This
game never got more than
• two rims apart frominning
to inning. We took one
front them 12 ie 10,
• V
32 eIWCU in suuinier session
. by r*ilt Livimpten,
• The first summer skat-
ing. school, running under
• the • auspices of the..
• Lueknow Skating:'Clish,
was very successful
according, to 3rendo Hill,
• facilitator. •
.‘ Hill said the Clubhas
. hosted • three spriii$
schools in the:past, but•s
this 'is the= first st.inirnor,
one 4.0d: with the Seceetis it
boon, 410 4ntioir.iato,
'repa,t, next year. And OW.
• $qhQQ) 104,Y 1744 e'vqtt
•104-er. th4O, thiS: leer's
three Week$.
The was Vic:Aktfer."
IOW said Kill, ,adding,*
wits a pleasure to work
• with -the rep...board. The• y
were vory accotrimpdat,
Suinmer skating school,
is an Opportunity 1QE tiro •
• rsk4tpra 'to get 14ett.fOOt
lifia6r004th them' ba...fOre
• the winter orogratirs kick •
Qtr. Hill. said. "And the
• ;enjoyed it too,f.
The .s.essions'ineltided
some off -ice instnictiOn rn..
danee toue,hing on i44-4
• and modern clanCO. as:
A .canskut linie
coaches from the area WO
fitted into the scliedttle
About 32 skaters- took.
ad:Vantage-or the. sun -Inter
tee time eonxin# .front intkicing: venture this
southampton„- port Elgin, year, the summer school
Tiverton, Kincardine,. did, break even and in
Winghttnr, Etlytth. Varna opinion that 'wAs
and LtAoknOw,''' • good.enough for the first
Although it wasn't:a • year,. • • .
°erne lour only got bet;
ter for Luckmaw where the
bits -came alive and we
shut down their's, viiiniting
l4 to 7
The series was two
ams each. think
Plesherton didn't know •
what hit thern.and this Was -
trtie as in game five.
Lueknew"s• bats were on
and haxii4$ we Mercied
them in fivelniiings 13..to
• COnting...bia.;" k from :two:
gams doWn• to this finish'
opt only Was a great -
• accinriplishment,... britt
Luck.now is, now oft -to
Win0Sorlothe All Ontario
• Mosquito 4.E." charapi--
onship -tournament Labour
Day witentl,
. . .
o quito
to WO
es make
• by Qord Kemp
The LacknOW
d:Qmpe. 1st h ys e iatir tt ehOddiwtv.e4ine:
sion of western Ontario
who were undefeated and'
• • Lueltnow 104 to.Owen:
$Q.444 16 to f,. orti3( tO.
&MAO: tAftt, 44E40S,t ,
OtesherteA, thr this, true,
4Ouble icIlOek gut setle§..
Flosheriou, after being
beaten, ie the 04A by
Lticknow, was very hue-
g.ry and took a bigjuniti le.
the first two
1... • ,
Once settled iothe
• gArge) tfneknow started.
coming back to 'take over
by Iwo runs in the
• holding till the sevehth.
•1:40$beftWi tied it up in the
topof the seventh. Into the,
bottom .0`f the seventh'
• Lmeiortow,, W011 with Chris
Andress' scoring front see-
ond base off Dan Murray's
line drive,
Meeting, Fermis in
game three, die pitching,'
staff on bA, tP,,1Ad.,.
been used, upA,3,A.C.lknOwv
• hiktheruhat4;towin.v4.:It • :
.to' make it.to Sunday end '-
serni-finais •against' •
Qoderich who were undo- •
• feated,and woo it all,
•.Lncknow- was still tired
(Kim hoeke.Y. se1)0441 and
Ole OljA series and. lost to
Oesierich 17 to 7.,'
Ooderieh in; the, final beat
• Owen Sound. •
.1 •
• • • • • • • • • •
Tara Millar. (left) of Kirmardina raceivos aQmQ inetructipn -frQm
ktrancia Hifi during the $194r*skating:egnent QPqatect under 010-4400i4eW
of the Luctknovo S4tIng..910. (itimingstQn 090.0
OQP$1 RigEt n41.13,e INT°
• I • • • • • • • • • ./ •
Y4 1 I 914 1998 regreat)00 team - from, thOeft, Oacic Wayne Qranston,
405019, 49t1P.49.00 Riley Aitchison, Krystal 9104440$ MEnlea Alton,, Travis
IftQPhereRn, 0004Y fini4Y, and Sean BorrY. Front row: Garrtt MeLfreo,
Gary Finlay, tlaniga AtifonarYF Nathan M4Murre* and MatthQw Ailgikee4broleA
APkaaht: Booky Ouast*
. At the!Proi) ineOntro,
last week: high tady
Belly Ritchie, second
;-•high man,. '•Art.
Erheweitt, 'second
Joe Courter 'Most
sjiQots Tetes4 Courtney.'
' At theSt, Helens -WI
sponsored party ;last
, Week: lady' winners
were Dona,Ida Moffat
and „Vivian' Flogati tnen
Llo.yd rAhbleby anti
'Ross, Erringten, Most.
shOots.was/a tie between
,•Frcd .kurtts, • Alice
Nicholson and. Donald
.Murray, With fired wint
, • .
• . Dont iorget :m
ere is 13N -citing Junior 0...action at tne.
arena•Priday:night when theStrathroy Rockets Of:the,:,
WesiOrit league and th. , Owen-Sound'Greys of the.
‘-tilictwestr.ill.64guP face Off at, .8 pan,
The RockgtS dire of" hoCkei operuions s foi7-
mer NHL. star Pat Stapleton: The Rockets will demon,
grate, P'Undarnentals:in Action COAX a sere' of drills'
• developed by Stapleton tliat conabines on and off ice
'training to develop e.toh. participant • as: a :cOniplete
playot, The program ,improves the' level. of eachhock-
e•Y rAttlieiPant'S.: natural, strength throughfundainentals,
strategy:and: oonditioninz: Repetition, COntitiukky md
onsistetiCy an entphasized'aS vital coMponents to
building a "cgtiviCie ;hockey player; which is goo that
is, strop& in skill .44.k1,stri4nei...ln
Minot, hockcy; p,layers•,;:c,oacheA 1fls-
".welcome to observe the'RQQ1s,et$ clatilonstrotp a 12;15.
p.m. this. Friday.,". • •• : . ,
. •
Yop KNow? •Dm YOU KNOI,V?
Persons With brain Mkt:ries
are assisted with reimogra-
tiort low the community
throuitt coroprehensiita
program Of ,asSistedhous-
• Mg u4 services throush
the Ontario March of
• Special holiday, programs
• are offered tinoughotit the
year, hy Ontario Kkrch of
Dimes. at facilities provid-
irtl• 24-hour, attendantsup
port and,speLtial care at
integrate-, . apessibte
locaionS,' throughout
• Qotario. •
• ,