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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-08-26, Page 5
Vatt Rams. by Edina HalCt ay • Congratulations to Pete and JoAnne Van.' Dam on the arrival of a new grand- daughter, Jasmine Skye. Proud parents are Jasen. Smith. and Mel Grass of Walkerton. - Randy and Cindy Jansen, and Clayton, and. Matthew Dumont, their nephew : of Cochrane stayed with lea -Anne Haldenby and Brad Engel over the weekend and vis- ited the other Haldenbys, Cornelius and Myrtle Zondervan of Ripley and. Joe Jaktsens of Culross. Our sincere sympathy goes out.to the family of Ross Cayley, Teeswater whose funeral •was Friday and the Collins and Robertson families on the passing of Dorothy' Collins, Lueknow who passed away on the week- end. Jack and Joan Barr were in Windsor last week at Actifest '98 for seniors. representing group''27. Jack competed in. five pin bQwhtng.; Eddie Hibbert cele- • braces Isis birthday, this weekend 'with .the Glen. Haldenby family. Others celebrating this week are Weiit Eckenswiller, Merle Rhody and Eric Jaldenby. 'Happy birthday! Members of f Ralph JJhidenby's family from Guelph visited at their, vil- stage home over: the week- • end Descendants of .ttie Campbell family held a reunion on Sunday' at the. KinlossConxmtinity, Centre. Friends and relatives helped•. Roy. and Hughena F7S-tWirre9 Birthday Club Scott Adamson August 21,, 1993 5 years Old Angela. Bell August 22, 1987, 11 Years Old Stuart Eadie- August 23, 1988 1O Years Old Travis Parrish August 23,1989. 9 Years pia • Justine: Beasley. August 24, 1992 ' ., �8Years Old . Tiffany Myerstough. August 24,19.93 5YearsOld Shedder~ Quirion August 24, 1993 • 5Years Old . Shawn 6•iphi*.k August 2a 1993 Years Old •" eicome • ugh Cornish and family of Boyden celebrated their golden. wedding anniver- sary at the New Hamburg Community Centre on Saturday. evening. Congratulations! The Cornishs Once lived where Bill and Pev Hodgins now live. on. Bushell Street: Mvlarityn Robinson, andchild Teeswater, led the worship service • at Kinlough Presbyterian Church on • Sunday. - Check your closets and. attics for the yard sale on the church lawn on. Labor Day weekend. YQUr junk may be someone else's treasure. Neighborhood ladies .attended two demonstra- tion parties in the village: Joanne Van Dam hosted one •' for •ciothin'g, .Stephanie Spanswick host- ed the second for kitchen gadgets. 1ron. OPP report On Aug. 17 an Ashfield Township person reported the theft of a computer The theft occurred on June 14 ;;when a repairman picked up the computer to. make repairs. He was to. return the. items on July 4 and it didn't come back. .•' . • . The owner contacted .the shop and found that•the man had left the firdxl; • • • • Taken was: an ,LBM Pentium 100 computer, moni- tor, keyboard and printer valued at 51.,200. area, Police are_ investigating a suspect in the Hamilton area',. .• w*** • Police.received a complaint about a vehicle passing - three others on: the gavel shoulder, of the road just east of Lucknow in. West WaWanosh Township on Aug. 19. , Witnesses advised police of the excessive speed and' obtained an.Ontario licence' Platte number ' Officers found' the vehicle in a ditch about 3.kms'. west of Wingham. •' The driver was found to have alcphal"on his:ireath and; registered a. fail, on the Alcotest.. He was: taken for a•br'Cathalyzer test, Au 18 year old Culross •Township male was chargedwith,care and :contr 1 Ofn.'motor vehicle, with over 80 angs of alcohol. He was released on a promise to appear in Wingham court;inn. September. WEDDINGS Performed a your location or out indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational}: For brochure call: REV: CHRIS MORGAN. .ALL FAITHS PASTORAL CENTRE BENMtLLER,5245724''. CHRISTENINGS GIGiGiGiq©GG147©CG©d q Huron, County's ,E, in ER ItENTALel eadquar�er . • (Small -&,'N t -sized Cars . E O t7 Passenger & Cargo 3. Vans, Pickup xrltcks :' • 1 O ZJDaity,, Weekly; Monthlyy. , CI _ . a Rentals & 1 • Ell Ei Marc. , 10 Q1 3 ' i . E i>rc.,:r,,....., a:. E. CAR R TRUCKRENTALS in [B Division of Suncoast l:'ord fe '. 0 500 Hunan Rd.,, 0odecich E 5248347' :O. o*tipiele eee*al t4 r sae.► s,,.,, • Ar...,.t,Sn.kc e Patten For $esI Ieald thevay in yield, van Qnd r' i • • ; 254Q. Soft Red 25R57 "Soft Red 2137W Soft White '25W33 Soft. White: Bruce Ra; !lard z rho.slroriti°3 straw. erne+" PIONEER. • ntwttaHMIs name Arsu,tui tottsionte Wilingudsaie NFBrrd Nolo, &wig t: www.trtte.OA iti5INTEE ,JSTING3 WANTED PAW ZINN 528,2411 • 539.9051. • 2 bedroom house, close to downtown, oil heat. Mail, 51. Building - 3 teased Sten:m..4 apartments, good solid building, $199,000. 50• ACRES. - Newer bung0i0W, 1950 sq.11.. 35 writable, older hog balm.. HAVELOCK - 3 bedroom, 1/ bathe, comptotely renovated 374,800, • 1,5 ACRES - sending lot, Kintoss. 314 ACRE - building tot, serviced: ingiis St. $35,090: 044 ACRES. - 3 bedroom brick house, 2 barns, stied, 85 acre hay/pasture: Ripley area,. $175,000: 2 ACRE - building lets, St. Helens: $100300, DUNGANNON * 2 building lots, 99 *132. $9,090, each, AUPUFtK. - Three bedroom house plus extra lot with 24' .X 30' shop, Reduced to 581.,000. ; q BUNGALOW - With carport, 3 bedrooms, oil heat• - Havelock St. 'Reduced to $54,900, OUTRAM S7; « a bedrooms, Targe treed lot, newer kitchen & family room: 3791900. 100 ACRES - Stene house,,.bam, shed. 65 workable, 3 ponds. KinlossTwp, 2 ACRES - 4 bedroom, home, 28' x 48' shed, .124.x 30' lam near Port Albert. Reduced to 398,000. • HAVELOCK ST. - Attached home with double garage. $95,000, R BEDROOM :. house, attached a, bay garage. Bob St. $114,900. 500,500., - t acre tot, 4 bedroom Nero edge of Lucknaw. YEAR: ROUND HOME - on Nine Mile • river, . 2 • bedrooms, woayds,/,priorpane boat, p/y�Nice workshop. RM4� to 379,900. '137 ACRES East Wawanoasb,• remodeled. 3 bedroom trick, large beet brink $319,000, 00 ACRES BO workable, •East Wawahoett, LISTINGS' WANTED ' •. Lucknovir Sentinel, 'Wednesday, August 26, 1998: -- P je.5 • THE HURON -PERTH CATHOLIC' DisTRn.cr SCHQQL'BQ STT REGISTRATION JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN -GRADE i,Z/Q A.0 ' Parents of Catholic school age children who are new to Perth.and +futon Counties rnay•register their children on the first day of school TUEStmv. SABER $, 1998, SAS A,i1M',. • 4:00. PM., or during the week of August 31 to September 4, 1998 by contacting their local school. ' WClNDERGA ESN children peedto be 4 years of, age on or before December 31, 1998. Please bring Birth Certificate, Baptietatil Certificate and lmmtinixatipn Record Card, of the child wit intend to register. CStr0414EOrd, BION classes are s obe nod fere at Jeanne Sawa' • St MIL L, WHOM SECONDARY SCHOOL is *Catholic • Secondary. School' serving Stratford and Perth. County and glinting programs from Grade 9 to 12/O.�A.C. ST.. ANNE'S CATEIOUC' SECONDAiilY SCIIOQL Is a Catholic • Secondary School serving Clinton and Huron County and offering program;; from. Grade 9 to 12/0•A.C: • The Catholic schools are as follows: • .. • St, Joseph's School, 81ngsbridge 529-7646 St; Columban School St, Columban . 345-2086 St; ,Fairld4 School Dubiin • 345-2033 Our Ldy of.Mount Carmel School • Mount Carmel 237-33.37 St. Patrick's School. Ktrrkora . 393-5580 St. Joseph's School Clinton • 4882-7035 Precious Blood School Exeter 235-1691 St. Mary's School Goderich " 524.9901 St. James Scholl Seaforth 527-0321 Holy Name,of Nary;St hoof St. Marys , 2$4' 2170 Sacred Heart School Wingham' 357.1090: St, Boniface School Zurich " 236-4335. St 'Mary's School Meson 595 8929: Jeanne Sauvtr School . Ambrose School St, Jaseph's.Scboo • Stratford St. Stratford 271.7544 Stratford 22773 -1433s796422773 -1433s79643396 5t: School :. Spafford' 271-3636 St, MAloysiusichael-Setondat i'Schoo • Stratford ` 271-.0890 St, Anile', Secondary ..CfintC.n' • 482-5454. Parents who expect that #teir chii4 u40 enrot:in the optforrdlt'Ftench korner• tgn Program. in 'Grads;1,.:in futum• years, have the option of enrolment 'for tlunior/Senior Kindergarten at. either their iodal' Catholic School or the French:inimersion Centre (St, Mtgry's3Scbool, • Gododch al Jeanne Seta* School, Stnttfotdl at which they expect 10 enroitheir;ch0.dfora Frene#r lrnrnereion•imam - Ron Mar4y, 04etan.L B anelIelte,• C4.0#. rr{ort of die Board DinActor qt fsdiecatron \• ..:.,3 0.., . ! 1, . �• J r. You KIDS WILL t.LOW ►r \�11 tit 1 \\ iI 1 1 t 15 R 11.\\h \I \\ SYSTEM CONPIGURAUON fare. CPU . .IntaltS'Celerenep 300Mhz. MEMORY 32Mb.DIMA (66Mhz) RAM HARD DISK , warteen 131 ti14,30b EIDE MULTIMEDIA ' 1514 Audio, 32X CDROM VIDEO ATI 4MbAOP MONITOR Pmvtaw lI SVOA':21dp MODEM ' .. U S.'Ro6CticI V.9056lt V/FJIN ' SOFTWARE : wInckiiv 93 fR2LI?Wt allic lion' FREE STUFF • Inioniet Software -OOR Coneutring 55Leo integration EMAfl jlco(4IntranteLon ca WEB SITEt.httttt .//www bireme On ca/•^jlCo Your.i ids' will love it for the Cil -ROM and :muitinie4io capabilftiea The Wieder ehariertnaPbics, mererailietic htfites • sed co quigty o e4 . You'll love it fir the else and roped ;it. idds.te ;.• mWlti taaliins. sad sny,ePplicktior yea threw at Saphmtieated applications like video conferencing can be a passibility for everyone, (using the Injtel.busionss videophone with Intel ProShare technology) Your' banit manager oil tove•it for one very smell rrulaottidre price. • Vor just'Si 569, our very latest Big )Cid system with arra Intelm.CeleronLL,processor at 300104': can bet your's, itibh out now, and make evejyone hippy, Call us at •1.510429.3631 now. . bice d ixdrigW i Wt$oct to:change without notice. t;. & Q.6., Applicable tallc*tax(.).yp Ogre. Ati erica .. Fiirance thi8 system for only $55 per nronthi (o.A.C,)' Intel, Celeron and ProShnre•are 'regtstcred trademarks and MMX is, a tradernerkof Intel•Cotpbration. Plesisenote, .monitor and system may differ from that shown *All • other names and:tradeN arks tire ers' •• ". , prdpertres ofthoirrespective own