HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-08-19, Page 1720:El sines Opp. SUPP EMENT YOUR income with Chinchillas., Start in basement, garage„ .shed, barn. We provide ani- mals, supplies. Marketing, financing. Excellent income tax benefits. Canadian Chinchilla, P.O, Box 1684, St. Mary's, On. N4X 101. 519-229-8117. Fax .51.9- 229.6622. RA32,33ar di.'Sellvice : Directory AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, clock, Ow- " ollery. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 69$ Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre. Cali 528-3532 or 528-3946,--1:8tfar 45' STORAGE TRAILERS for rent, Economical stor- age, ideal for contractors, farmers and home owners. Phone 395-5167,-34tfcc ifr Elliott's Music e +•� I nstructi'on •*• miriade, theory, vocal will be w .R available atBrodksidePublic School, beginning in September. R`je,, Call Helen Elliott 528-2774 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC , "Residential & Farm 'Commercial Electrical Contractors Light fixtures, lamps, bulbs, electriCel suppilos, Dealer for 8RADFOIib' EXCHANGE Evening appotphnents,avai/able Rod Havens. LUCKNOW 528.2867 • 32..Babysitting PARENT AVAILABLE (except Wednesdays) start- ing in, September for child- .care. hild-.care. Located within 2 blocks of 'school, .and park, . Reference' and receipts avaiiable, Pleaso call Diane Duvall 5,28-2421. =-31.33xc 33. Misc.. REUNION, CHURCH Or, vice.: Anyone interested in purchasing a •video of the Interdenominational Reunion Church Servide. • Please call Marylou 520- 3214. $10%opy. •'-32,33ar. 36. Announcements THE $250 WINNER of the Lucknow Legion Renovation draw for .Aug. 15 was Andy Westberg, of Atwood. Congratulations. 13 weeks left Tickets still available 528-2745.--29ifsar' NOTICE TO TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS The Clerk's Office at Hell/Med, will be closed August 24th -August 28th inclusive for vacation Mark L. Becker, A;M,C.t Clerk -Treasurer HOLYROOD, Ontario NOG 280 :. ; 519-395.3675 AnrllanOotri nts :LUCKNOW LICENCE office and Peek Business Service will be closed for holidays Aug. 22 to 20, Goderich,. • Wingham and Kincardine are .open; P.S. Isn't summer great?I--33x0 • SHARE THE WEALTH: Fwin- nets. at Lucknow Craft Festival - 1. Lauren. Ciuney, Aurora; 2. Stan Doherty, - Goderich;, 3. Bev Thompson,tucknow; 4. Lea Annie Haldenby, Holyrood; • 5.. Thelma Deveau, Goderinh; 6. Linda Hunter, Stratford. Also 48 door prize winners. --33ar. 37. Mortgages I & 2r'' Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as 6.513" Interest Personal Loans if you qualify, payments • Amt. Approx. M9• Payment ' 5,000 ` 41.66 '10,000 4 83,53 `15,000 '125:00 Consolidate your debts Cull (519) 363.0x111-000487.1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38. 'Auctions CONSIGNMENT' is, • Friday, August 21st 5;30 p.m. Davidson Centre • Kincardine`' Of Home Furnishings, Antiques & 3 V.ehictes wilt be ;held for Estate of .c eorge' Malcolm from Kincardine with additional 'consignments.. from surrounding area. 'PARTIAL LISTING OF : CONSIGNMENTS; Brow front. curio cabinet; • An'drew Malcolm dining room 'salts; avaf ,lamp table;: :pendulum .clocks; Mendelesohn, piano;;. tamps;" gold pocket watches;,.belie;. "railroad telephones and. lantems; apple peeler, wood: butter bowl & laddle dishes; • Paragon china; crystal, cups' saucers;• glassware &•. cooking utensils; china painting, ceramickiln; Royal , Dolton figurines; oil paintings and •o'riginel 'watercolour prints; floor model T.V..; Andrew Malcolm bedroom. suite; Andrew Malcolm' desk/table.& chair; fridge; etove; •washers; dryers; upright freezer; power lift, chair; Sierra uitlihate scooter with battery pack; oak shelving; blacksmith tools & stand; 3 implement seats; gun rapk; •Stevens 12 gauge 'shotgun &, case - FAC. required;: Lawnftite .lawnmower;.aiuminuin Windows; 19116 .Pontiac 6000 S,tatiionwagon car::- salting certified 1989. 'Mustang. Convertible - selling: certified; 1989 Ford 'Festiva car Selling certified. Otherarticles too numerous to Mention,.: 1=..after .after .3:60 tt.rn Listing subject to •change wltfout notice, . TERMS; Cash/cheque with proper I.D. sale. night. E.&.O.E. • ` • . AUCTIONEERS • GRANT McDONALD, R1pley,3954353- WALLACfw BALLAGH -Teeewater'3924170 ;, New 2 bedroom bungalow one block from downtown. Propane high; efficiency furnace,. with naturai gas conversion. Inglis Street, LUCKNOW Tom Pegg Construction 5284720 72 AUCTION SALE OF Household, Furnishings & Misc. hams will beherd for Hazet Stewart . (fomnerly of Lucknow) Friday, Sept. 11198 . 5:30 p.m. • Lucknow Arena Other consignments accept; ed until filled.', AUCTIONEER: Allan R. Miller PRONE oR FAX 1-519-395-5062 AUCTION REGISTER: CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, AUG. 21/98. you have something to, sell, give us a ball'.. GRANT MCDONALD . 395-5353 WALLACE BALLAGH 392-6170 Auctioneers AUCTION HOMEIQOTTAGE RR #1, Lucknow Saturday, August 29 11:00 A.M. Located. on .private Purvis Lake N. from H ivy.' 86, Kinloss Sideroad.20:Watch for. signs $$,000 down, balance on closing. Por' info phone . (519) 528-2414 QPEN'ROUSE Sat., Aug. 22,1-3 PM' 1 ext Sale: AUGUST 27 Consignments Wanted 368-7274 :or 396-6244 Auction Sale Tues. & Thurs. K.W. Stockyards.' Fridays Brussels Livestock AUCTIONEER: Brian Rintoul . 357-2349 39..Edmeational PIANO'S VOCAL Available at 'Brookside School . .beginning September. Please calf Debbie .Culbert 524-2863:. 32-35cc . ... MUSIC FOR Young .chit dren: Offering: singing, key- board activities, rhythm. ensembles, note reading, dynamics : an exciting` approaoh to learning music. For information call Marilyn Scott 528-3936: --33.35x0 Festival School of Hairstyling 552 Huron St., Stratford Looking for anew Careers`: Festival. School' . of, Hairstyling of Stratford :is. accepting applications for our September class. Make-up, Artistry and Nail Technology Offered at no ectra:charge. Financial assistance. ;Wadable for those that qualify. For further information call. 519-271-9551. 4. 'Lost and . Fouad MISSING - PiNK supercycle ' Stofftl mountain bike reinoved from Lucknow pool Thursday, Aug. 6. Mso black corduroy Zana.di Hants. 'Please return items to pool. Thank you. --32- •.34xc Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday. Most 19, 1998 -- Page 17 42. Obituarlos LEONA R. f MCINTYR,E Leona R. Macintyro of R. R. 1 Ripley passed away on Aug. 13, 1998 In Kincardine Hospital. Leona was born in Kincardine Township on July 9, 1942. Her parents were the late Hiram Collins and .Esther (Scott); Surviving are her partner Ron (Chuck) Edwards of Point Clark and her three children Mike and Sandra Macintyre of Barrie, Jackie and Robert MacDonald of Barrie and Wanda Lake of Mississauga, Also surviving Is one sister Reyta Pizzuti of Beaverton and four grand. children. She was prede ceased by her parents and one brother Lloyd. Collins, Visitation was held at MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral' Horrte,. Lucknow on Saturday, Aug. 15, with cre- mation and private family interment, --33ar JOHN J. SHE T L.ER John J. Sheller of R. R. 2 Lucknow, (West Wawanosh Township) • passed at Wingham and District Hospital on Friday, Aug. 14, 1993. Mr, Shetler was the owner and operator .of. Shetler: Saw Mill, in West Wawanosh.• John was born in ,Ohio on July 24; 1933. His parents were'the late Joseph S. Wieder and Emma (Miller). Left' to mourn are his wife Martha (Stutzman) and 10 children; Joe Shetier, •New York, Melvin Shelter, Mary %'vier, Emma ' Muter, Barbara Mifier., Mosie Sheller. Robert. Shetler; Jahn ,Jr., Shetler; Danny whetter and Annie'.Byter rill of R.R. 2. Lticknow, Also surviving are several, grandchildren, interment in ,.Bethel Cemetery, West Wawanosh Township.--33ar. 43i. Births* 43*Births 1MltNli" ' DEBOER Murray and Deborah of RR. 1 Wyoming, Ont. are '.happy to announce the birth of their second child a. daugh- ter,. Nat.asoha Renee o°rt ;duly 16, 1990 weighing: 8 lbs., 15 oz. A sister for Nathanael. Grandparents ere EiiU' and •Hennie del8oer Of R. R. 1 Lucknow, and Sen and, Marie: VanderVeen of Sarnia. This is the 64th great. grandchild for .Mrs. Aoitje van Donkersgoed of Gorrie. -»33xc KUIK Bili and Sarah are happy to announce the arrival ;of Claudia Jane on August 11, 1998. A new sister for Madeline and granddaugh- ter for John and Helen Kuik and David and Barbara Bender.' Thank you to the Oa nurses and Or, Walker for their excellent care and kindness.--33nxe 46. In Memoriam NOGGINS In memory of a dear mother irene who passed away August 10,1997. Your presence we miss. Your memory we treasure Loving you always " Forgetting you never, Lovingly remembered. by Al, Alma and families. -33 Geis (CRANSTON). In loving memory of a dear daughter Nancy who 'passed away August 19,' 1997: We do not need a spectat day; • To bring:you to our minds, The days we d0 not think of you,:. Are veryhard :to. find, Forever remembered and loved by Morn and Dad end. Pat arid . Gerd,: Corinne and, Tom, nieces and nephews. -33x GRIGG One year ago today : COKER God took you away' Richard and Tamrny' are: .pleased: to announce the arrival of their son, Josef Rinke :Duiker un Monday, Aug: 10, '19,98 at Guelph General Hospital weighing T Has, 3 oi. Proud grandpar ents are Hank and Jackie Duiker front Ltacknow;. Heather Wight from Chesley and Glenn Wight from Owen Sound; . and great.' grandparent .Minkle.. Wight,. from Wingham. -33 . HUNTER/IFAR01SH Brody and Cole are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their brother, Keiffer Lynn :Watson; torn on July: 2t, 1998 • at $t. Joseph's Hospital, London weighing 9 lbs„ 3. oz. Parents Kerry, Lynne and Doug, grandpar- ents . Mixrray Hunter of. Ripley; gramma Helen in heaven and Don and 'Dorothy Farrish of Lucknow. Great grandparents Ralph and fvetene' Hunter of Ripley and Thrza Donaldson of Teeswater.. 33 . Yoursmiting face_, Your joking:ways We miss you Wet* you, 'Nancy. Lovingly remembered, and sadly Missed by 'Pat, Gord and family. --33x 47. Cards of Thanks HUNTER-FARRiSH We would like to .thank the doctors and 'nurses at both St. Joseph's and. Kincardine Hospitals for :their 'care dur- ing my and Keffer's:stay. Also, .to Mike; Paulette',, Dad; . Wntle, Kirk and Danielle for all their help with Brody pied Cole. As well as grampa Hunter and. aunt Kato for looking after our ding$: Kerry Lynne, -y33'''• LUCKNOW 4:AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Would like to thank every one for`their heap and sup- port to make their ,28th Annual Craft Festival a Suc- cess. --33ar.