The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-08-05, Page 2Page 2Lucknow Scutinel, Wednesday, *outs' 5, 1994
Kairshea Avenue get ing fixed up
Rink ss Township
council agreed at its July
22 meeting to proceed
with the quote: of%eorgian
Aggregates for hot mix fur
about 1.75 miles of road
from Lot 11 to 17,, Conc: 6
(K iirshea Avenue); The
k.ostis $75,949.
Whether or .. •n:ot to
accept the quote • of
Saugeen Road Spraying to
prime and double surface
treat a portion of ICairshea:
Avenue brought about a
recorded vote, at the
request of CQuneillor John
Husk; , •
The' tieote was for
'$8$,67Q for a 2..$. mile
stretch from. Lot 1 toll),
The same motion
included the road superin-
tendent negotiating a uric
to have the three hills at
the Conc. 4 . boundary
(Corey Ox. Aven , prink
and double surface treated
at the same time.
The vote showed'Reeve
Jim Boyle and Husk i:asa
ing a nay, •
A bylaw was passed
authorizing the agreement
between Steven Eadie and
the municipality to remove
a knoll along the front of
his property to eliminate a
snow problem.
Improvements will be
made to the Gaunt and
McMillan municipal
drains .in at ordanc:e with
a bylaw passed at the
meeting. Affected proper-
ty owners will be notified
regarding the cleeataouts of
the two drains. .
The CNR bridge at Lot
60, Cone 1, is` being fixed
lip to make it safer for..
pedestrians. Costs will be
kept at a. minimum with
volunteers heelping replace
some. boards. The volt of
the new boards is $274.
Ray Cunningham bas
agreed to erect a hand rail.
on both sides.
It will take about
$15,000 for a 14 inch tide
to :correct a problem with
the Guest :branch of the
Black Creek mrunieipal
drain. Militia rid
Engineering and the drain-
rainsuperintendent will be
instructed to start the pro-
ject right away.
An illegal entrance has.,
"been removed by the road
department and the costs
billed to the resident.
The property standards
committee meets on Aug.
20 at 1;8:3.0 4,111, to hear.
evidence in regard to 'a
Building permits were
recently approved for two
barn additions, a livestock
barn and" a: temporary
.Mennonite church. '
We were there
Community newspapers
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*Atlantic (sax) 760•430k mals acnatlateini;tom
teve hamney
brought his ball
glove along .to
catch thischeque
for $1,500 from
Ken Irwin an
executive me.m-
ber of °the
tucimow Lancers
Hockey team. The
Lancer monies
are to be used to
help reduce the
kinsmen's debt
on .the. recently
built soccer
fields:. (Livingston
Fire ,huts
1oca� �t�siness
A Sunday night fire
gutted the interior of The.
Shop Video and Variety,.
located. on .- Campbell
Street, Lueknow. The local
fire department responded
to the call about 10:1.5
pial. '
Chief Peter .Steer
described: the, fire wasp
"yen, toxic" due to the
various, materials=in the
building Ripley ford'
department was callt«d in
under the mutual, aid.
agreement, Four• firelight-
ers arrived to hello "with
providing air bottles. Steer
said 35 were used.
Leo Bridges, owner of
the business, said they
closed up shop as' usual
about 10 vit. "About IS
to 30 minutes later., 1. got a
call saying smokewas
corning out of the build.
Firefighters. were on the;.
. scene for about five hours,
On Monday morning
the souree of the fire had
not been determined. The
Ontario Fire IvIershal's
office has been called in to
investigate: This is not 'an
uncwnrnon practice.
let iteedod bbq
Thu South Bruce Centre, Kincardine, Value, '
• detachment of the C)11? is' is ,about, $2;000. Police
investiglatiug.'the Theft of a have. no suspects at this
barbecue • and tank from ' Minae sand rhe .investigation.
Cane.: 1. Kinloss Township .ontimies into the July 31
•over•night July 29,::The, incident.
bariiecue, new tank and Four CO2 regulators :..
'brush were stored on the "..and .10 keg.„couplers, vaf
roar deck of there ideate :ued. at. abut $6404 .were.:
` A quantity. of •liquor stolen- roin Reunion Carrie;
•. Was. stolen..ftern a storage' • Kincardine, overnight
trailer at the .pavidsoit. Aug, 2i. •
[.1YY need
auxiliary officers
The Huron Ontario
Provincial POI ice
Detachinent. is now
accepting .applications for.
a.ux11iaryn officers. The
application forms can: be .
picked .up .at any ,.0PP,
This,: is a. volunteer •
Position, To -qualify: you
must be prepared .to eo1n-
mitthe; time 4ild efftli't_.
required'of the -program:
which iactudes: a miilir
intim .of 10. hours per
month of patrol time and
four hours .a month of
training time..
The position. requires .
the officers to work with•
full, time members in a
structured -piavironwent
and tq maintain a high'
st'nitdard" the policing:
profession. The role of -:all
auxiliary, ttnotltiber• is, to,
Assist full .time officers in
a: variety of functions. •
The mint/nem ‘qualifi
Cations, for an, OPP auxil-
uxdl narymeniber include at
least .1g years of age. be' a
• ,Cnnadian citizen or a per: ,
manent 'resident ' of
Canada, have Completed
an Ontario . Secondary
• Schooll iploitla or equiv-.
40114_114w _valid CPR; -ant
forst aid certificates. be
mentally and.;physically.
able to perform the duties
of the auxiliary member •
• position, be, of good moral:
character; possess a valid.
Ontario driver's licence •
and have:a good driving
record: and to seceessfuily
•complete the interview
process; '
If yeti are interested
wind , can ;devote. the time,
turn (00403