HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-29, Page 18•
Page .l8 =- Lucknow Sentinel,. Wednesday, July 29, 1998•
47. Cards. of.
FeRousQN. •
We would like to thank ou.t
family relatives, neighbors
and friends from near and
far who made. a. special'
effort to help us celebrate
our 50th wedding: anniver-
nary. We so appreciated
your best wishes, the 'excel-
lent program and good
musio•for dancing which
made it a real fun evening.
All the beautiful cards and
remembrances will be tree -
suited in our hearts for years
tp'come. Lester and Audrey.
There is something to say
about a wonderful family,
good friends and great
neighbors in,a time of need:
We -would like to say thank
you to everyone f'or all their
love, Cards, flowers and
meals brought to our hone
during a,very motional and
trying time in our liyes: A
special thank you to Nannie
and Grandpa and .Grandma
and Grandpafor all „their
iave and support. To every-
, . one.who helped with the
girls 'throughout, the -last
1hree•_weeks; thank you, To
Rev.. Cook for all his kind.
words and prayers. and
Joan Pollard for her'guid• ,
,aitce and,kindniess; We real-
ly wont you to know how
moon we ,appreciate it. •
Thank you to Or. Mann and
an the emergency and •OB
nurses , .at • 'Kincardine
Hospital for all their know)-
! • edge.ani3 tielp; To bath.our.
erriptoyers and co-workers,
• ;thank you for lout' concerns
and floral gifts we received.
Our two beautifui;daughters;:
.Kelsie and Marl'ei through
puts innocence have.helped,
us 'come to terins .with
Something :Only' God'can
explain:: Randy and Laurie',
Kelsie. and Marlee •Alton
30xre• •
The family of thetate Harold
Gardner wish to express,
their gratitude and sincere
appreciation to friends .and
neighbors for tli'eir k�nd,iess
and ,messages of sympathy
shown d.iiring this time of
toss. The beautiful !towers
and memorial donations are
gratefully acknowledged. To
the staff at Maple • Breezes
we thank you, for the excel-
ent care given to Harold
Oyer •the years dealing. with
its complex medioal prob-
ems. A. sineere thank yeu to:
liev.. Albert Cook, the UCW
at the Lucknow United
Church for their lovely ,
lunch, ;Joan Pollard, and
IVtacKenzie and McCreath ,
Funeral Home fer`their. sin- ••
cerity and professional man-
nerYour kindness will
alwaysbe remembered.
Sister, Beryl Hunter, nieces
and nephews, --30x
47, card* of •
Ivy and Clifford would like to
thank everyone. for•thoir
cards, phone calls and visits
to celebrate ;his 80th birth-
day fon July 14th), Party
with dinner and + cake at their
residence on. July lethwas,
well: attended: --40
1 wishto thank everyone
who helped my .committee,
those 'who submitted
names, the Junior institute
and Lions Ladies who
manned the registration
table and the Tourism Office
volunteers. A special thanks
to Betty. Ann and Dave, .
Judy,: The many volunteer:
who helped make our
reunion s0 successful
shows what a. great commu-
nity . we enjoy. Mary
McIntosh. --30ar
X48. Coming
July 31 from 5 .to 7 p.m., at
the Lucknow Craft Festival
Adults; $7; Children -12 and
under; $3.50., preschool:
free. joins us to support the
Lucknow Agricultural
Society. •-30ar,,
Goderich . Knights ' of
Columbus, every Thursday,
7: p.m..Golimbus Centre,
390 Parson's Court, $4400,
Irl prizes;, progressive jack-
pot ;$1000.; regular jackpot
$1500 •m..i.ist go,' Lie.
#157920 First Saturday of
• every month, 7 p.m.,
Columbus ' Centre, $500;
Jackpot, $1,590
Jackpot Total -prizes
$4,600. Lic, #310856.. Super
Star ,Provincial. Game every
Bingo Night..--07tfar
S,p'onsired by, Cha rnber, of
Comrnerce Friday, July 31, ':
at 7:30 p.m. Music from the -
,50',s and 6t?:s Categories:;.
11 and unde_r;:_12_alicl otter,
Business'" and' Servtco,;'
•Clubs. Register by July 24. '
by 'calling: Nancy Hunter .•
528-2527 or, 529-7953 or
Brenda Berry. 528-3820..:
27-3Oar• ,
The•. children'and families of
Marjorie :Brook, invite' you to
a 75th, birthday party open
house Monday;. Aug. 3 from
2 to 4 p.m. at her daughters
home, Linda and • ,Den
Beishuizen, east of Ripley,
Cone 8' Please accept this,
.as.your personal invitation.
;Bring• lawn. chiairs. pest.
wishes, only. Any'questions
Call Linda ,395-5624.
48g, Coming
Every Wed. 8. p.m. at the
Legion. Come out and try
something new - darts, ,pool
(billiards), shuffleboard.
Non=members welcome.: --
28-$Oxc •
Saturday, Aug. t at the Kin
Station,Victoria Street,
Listowel. Dancing from 8 to
12.• Musio by Blue Diamond
Trio --30cc
The Lucknow' & District
rhannber of Commerce wilt
Wed., Aug. 5, 7:45.
.it the Tourism Office.
mono welcome; --30ar
For Karen and Ed McGugan
and family. Thisfamily has
recently lost their barn to
fire. Date Aug, 13, at 7 p.m,
Place; George and Donna
McBride's shed, 534 Huron
Kinloss Townline{between
the 4th and 6th of Kinloss))..
Please bring pot luck finger
foods. and your lawn chair.
. Donation box at the door.
Cali 395-5093 for further
Information. -30, 31 nx
St. Joseph's Catholic
Woman's League are host-
ing a bake sale and barbe-
•.cua, Sat., Aug. 1, from 10'
a,m. to 2 p.m. at. St,'
Joseph's Church,
Kingsbndge. --30cc
Everyone welcometo a
bridal shower for Vinny
SChadskaj bride -AO -be of .
Kevin Lowry at Pine River,
United Chinch A9..0 ,1.0'
No Need To
. classified ad
will ,get
8nsore•d b Lucknow
Sp y
Agricultural Society Friday,
July 31,;:42 noon. to 10. p.m.,
Saturday. Aug. 1, 10 a.m. to
5, p,m, Lucknow Sports
Compiek, Door � prizes, free
parking,,admission,$1.: Food
booth,-43-30aar '.
Birthday Club
Amanda Scott
duly 31; 1987
11 years Qld
Courtney Clark
July 31, 1.992,; . .
6 Years Old.
Morgan Phillips
July 31;1992
6 Years Old
Robin. Hendriks
July.31, 1994 '
4 Years Old
Krystal ;Gibson.
August 1, 1984.•••
1a Years Old
Chan Murray.
August 2, 1988
.10 Years Old
Andrew Ross'
August 2, 1989
9 Veers old
Augusta, 1991, •
7 Years Old
haela +r
is7 sec.;ond• riup
by Margaret Rrringpn sent.. .Bogart and sou Steprom, ' f
ansa Teresa Courtney The eark family was Big Valley, Alberta, who
Congratulations to blessed' with two sons ministered here 1990 -
Michaela Johnston daugh Dree and Taylor. .1992, ••
ter of John and Diane A noon luncheon' was Joe • and Teresa
Johnston, R.R. 7 Lucknow served to the Ontario iCourtney camped at the
who was second runner up;.' ' Maple Syrup Producers.. "Drayton fairgrounds' from
in the Ontario Miss Mid- Association at Dungannon July 23• to July 26 and
West Pageant on Saturday.. Agriculture Bali. an JOY attended the 6th annual .
Arletta, Amy and ' 1 g • UCanada two cylin-
Bernice Glenn attended Prestdtrrg aver this der
pper Johtt Deere tractorone cull
• the pageant. ann al there day suromer machinery show, of
Michaela, we're so tour is president-elect Ron the• largest displays of
proud of you!
Sincere sympathy to
Irene Dalton on the death
• of her sister, Sister Jane
Frances Lainbertus SSND.:
Members. of• the
Kingsbridge Catholic
Women`s. League joined
with other CWL members
across Ontario at the
Martyrs Shrine, St.
Mary's, recently.
Donna and Fred Young
attended the ftineral ser-
viae in London on.
Thursday of : Martin
Schieinan, father and
father-in=law . of their
daughter Sharon and
'Pastor Doti Schieunan of • Wexford, Ireland. The • Nicholson"•attended the,
Middle . Lake, newlyweds will reside in show and Don entertained
• Saskatchewan. London,. Ont. 5petidigg a with guitar and violin dor-'
g ing the three day multi -
Milton; spent the 'past event.
Westlake and ;past presi-
dent Sohn Deere tractoars and
Dick O'Brien. equipment in Canada.
Varicius methods of
tubal . cleansing was . They were joined by
demonstrated' at the bush. • their sons Gary and. Brian
lot of three local produc-.who delivered four John
ers, Robir.sons,,'Cranstons Deere antique tractors,
and Rileys, as well: as :two John Deere a crawler,.J;D.
Bayfield producers, lawn •r !,ower "end J.D.
Schilbe and Westlakes: " water cool engine,.
Stephanie Durnin, Other, members of•their
daughter of. Diane and family attending were
Ron,` was feted. at a pre- Gary's wife Chris and sons
wedding, celebration. at Nick and: Brett, and friend'
Carlow Masonic'Hall.July Jim Nelson.
18. . Gary and Brian" placed
Stephanie becomes the second° and first ill the
bride of Garrett MacElroy,, tractor pulls...
August 4, at a ceremony in. Don; . and ' Helen
BettyErrington of
. week with parents Jean
and George Errington and
brother Bili,
Numbers on the wall
Dungannon . Senior
Citizens were changes
again last 'Wednesday'.
when. -Lois Cunninj?ham
had a high score of 81' for .
1.,4 games of euchre.A
for . 'nen s. high.. was
between Dave Sproul and
Joe Courtney and. a mother
and, son Carmen and Grant.
:".Clare, from Fort Erie, had,
equal score They, were
holidaying with father-,
Fred Kuras.
Congratulations to our.
beloved .Ed and; Melba.
Stiles who celebrate X5'7
years of togetherness n
'Aug,. 2
'Many Alton faniily rel
atives and friends attended.
the wedding reception ,of
•Suzanne Aline, daughter •
of Ken.and Ruth, and bus -
band` Steven Howard at
Lucknow; • Ce ritnunity
Centre on Saturday.. Music
for daneing-.was; enjoyed
to the • strains o.f'.Chris
Biack's,Brass Band. .
Blissfully wed•for 30.
years, •Larry • and ;Melba
Park; entertained family'
and friends at a pig roast
on Satlirday_evening;
The , former, Melba
• Stiles'and Larry were mar-
ried "iuly 20, 196'8, at:
North• Street 'United
. Church, Goderieh by Rev.
Donald MacDonald.
In the wedding party
wore friends• and' relatives
Helen (McNee) Rintoul,
Janet Stiles,, Diane 'Buri:,'
Joann. Stiles, Bill Stiles, Ted
Stiles, Allister Nivins and
Greg Park,. Pour of the
original eight were pre,
Week" in Ireland' arid
attending the wedding are
her parents and brothers.
,Duane and Chris. '
The former Kathy, Beree
old Spenser and seven
year old 1VIaddi from
Columbia, Missouri, spent
, two weeks in this area vis-.
:!ting heir mother Mari
Be�e, son -Jason Stanbury
and other immediate rela-'
tives and friends.
Kate, .lanciily;and husw
band Andrew.Milleewill
soon be taking 'up resi
dence in Wala-Wala in the
State .of Washington'
where' Andrew will follow
his chosen profession' as
professor of English.
Rev. Willy .Ziegler con-
cluded the: church services'.
for, the month of July at'
Donnybrook and
*e•newing aequatn
Cancel and in ,the 'two con-
gregations on Sunday was'
the,l.2ev, Garth and Orilla
:Congratulations : 'to
'George. Cardiff who: cele-..
brated his :birthday an July
. Ralph Austin and fami-
.ly' Peter, ,Jennifer. and
Liam and Joe Austin; woke.,
dinner' guests on ..Monday
with their aunt"and ui.tcle
Teresa: and. Jot: Courtney
visiting in' the afternoon'
with Gary and.. Chris':
Courtney and faini1y. ,
Cathy. Austin joined her
family during the week' •
Who stayed with .Ralph's
father John and Rose
Austin. They,,,returned to:
their hone in Langley.,
" British Columbia on July
:27 following a .two week •
vacation. ' - '
Eldon and 'Mary
Austin.,,Alvin :and.Joyce
'Moran spent" the weekend
Miller Lake,
• Jean (Nelson) 'McGrath '
returned to her hdrne-in'
"Winnipeg,' Manitobaafter .
".;s'pending holidays with
.her brother Jim•:'N.elson
and;, Marjorie Maclntyre. •
While here she enjoyed
the Lucknow reunion,
Jews from OMAFRA
Corn silage' has long
been recognized as an .
excellent sotir'ee of : energy
in ruminant .' rations:.
Current research is show
ing that further processing
.(rolling)of Corn silage •
enhances• the ensiling
process,' increases avail-
vailable energy: and Maxi-
mizes fibre effect.
An ad hoc committee
with farmer,' industry and
government members has
puctogether a timely and
Valuable program on corn
si.l'age.processing; sched-
tiled for Sept. 2, 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. at the University of
.Guelph Elora, Research
Station, Crop Research.
Facility near Elora.;
Bring along your hay-
lage, corn silage or total
riiixed ration and have a'
particle size breakdown
performed at no chat'ge:'.,
• turn tti page .19.