The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-29, Page 8Page 8 - l ucknow Sentbiel, Wednesday, July 29, 1998. Busy time for Grove folk in ardens an s Summer time is always ,a busy time and this week followed the pattern. I'm sure everyone is enjoying the fresh. vegetables and now the freezing andcan- ning can get into high gear kis, good`the fanners. ...had good weather to get the wheat and barley off; but we need, rain for the • other crops. Everyone who attended the laervie 'garden party enjoyed' the good food and excellent program. Thanks' folks for all your hard .; work. • Visiting recently with. .Gladys Arnold at "R". Villa were :her grandsons Jamie and Ken McEwan and their families. Our sincere sympathy' is extended to family of. the late Bert Nicholson. His wife Eva and their children and grandchil- dren, lois sister Marjorie Thompson and the other sister and brothers are in our thoughts. Wilda • and .Harvey Thompson visited with - Linda and Wray Thompson, of Mississauga, who. were home for the weekend from , • Hartford, Connecticut. Wray • is presently employed: there. Helen Smith, Audrey and Mary -Ellen Traher, of Loudon, visited friends, and relatives in thearea one day last week. Twit special ladies • in the community celebrated birthdays this week, name- ly Katherine CollinS .and. Edna Stanley. Their fami- lies and friends enjoyed celebrating with them. A group of ladies from our area enjoyed a bus trip to Anne of Green Gables at Jackson's. Point on. Wednesday. The Boyle, Finnie, Harrigan and .L' outlier families gathered in Keswiek'bn the weekend to help Taylor Boyle cele- brace her fifth birthday. Maureen and.. Roy Collins enjoyed a sit from her brother and his wife Peter and Ruth Howell of Toronto last week. ' Julie Gibson of London visited with her grandma Alma. Gillies, ..Anne McCosh• spent' a.. couple of days visiting with Joyce and: John Farrell and. Teresa near Wingbam last week. Bette MacLeod attend- ed. the farewell for, Wiltna and Elwood Elliott held at McBride's on the week- end. • Dana. Stanley of Osooyes, B.C. has been. visiting with her grandma Edna Stanley and other aunts and, unclesand. cousins recently. Bette MacLeod, Olwen. McAuley, Dori's Rock and Edna Stanley attended the play. Yesteryear at Blyth. Congratulations to Christine Collins and Eric Harkey who were married on Saturday. Alicia. Thacker and. Christina Farrell attended Careermania at the University of Guelph on Thursday anti Friday this week. Fran Farrell visited. Gerda Dam. of .Guelph on Friday- Growing ridayGrowing in the Grove 4-11 Club toured, members' gardens on Tuesday and. Friday evenings this week. It was .interesting to see how and what everyone was growing. We also found that week called Nightshade. So now everyone knows what it looks . like and .also remembers that the berries are poisonous. • The Jack Farrell family. been a busy sib we're s ,o, al.* We know that many of our customers have been trying to call;; us about billing services and power, . 'outages. And,. we realize that .many of you have. not been able to get through evert on your second or third try, Here's. why yeti may be having trouble reaching es; With our switch to knew bill and new payment schedules, along with our regular daily service inqufnes, we are experiencing an unprecedented, high number of calls to our Customer Communications Centre. Although we did add staff to handle more calls than ostial, we are unable to keep "up with the high number of calls coming For this, wed like to apologize to each and every taller. We know that many .customers have waited a long time to speak to a custorner service' representative that'others gave up while on hold.:, and thatinany.rinore of you simply can'tget through to use Qoa,'t' worrji If you can't' get through We are doing our best to keep up:and answer pa many calls as we can. In the meantime;'• we'd like ' to assure you that you won't incur any additional charges as a• result` of,delays in reaching us; Our customer service representatives will make sure ehat.:you are treated fairly 'and that any questions you may have are answered: Agate, we are sorry. for any Inca• rtvenience. Christopher' Bieber , „Vice -President Customer Care,Services: �r arlo Hydro Customer Commwiicationt Centre, P.Q. Box S/'ob, Ma;khaia, Ontario,; 431t 10 Fa*: 1-888-6254401 E-mail: www Snhydio,.rnm• Rhone: 1-8887664-936 • gathered on Saturday. evening at the home of Laura and Gary Farrell and family near Glatnrrtis for a barbecue, FarreI1s reunite- at eun t at picnic On July 26 the farnily of the late Ada and Herb ' Farrell gathered 'at the home of Ron Tiner' with 102 persons present. Kerrie Tner attempted to get a group photo of all' present. Ethel. Nother and • family were' hosts this year. After a delicious pot. luck dinner, 'relatives enjoyed reading .scrap books compiled by • Marion Cliffe and getting. to know the younger, members in the family:. The youngest child pre- sent was .Paig:e. Farrell 'daughter of Carolyn ,and Rob :Farrell. The folks travelling the. furthest .were • Kim• Stephen, Lindsey,:Tara and Leah of Edmonton. ' We are glad to see'that Matt Emmerton is rec'ov- eing well, Dianne Gambe was' the 'winner of the jelly bean. guess. at '7`e7 jelly beans...' Scouts: home from week ongRri The first Lucknow Scout tjr000 retuxned on--- ,-� `Sa ucday after spending: a,, week at the Haliburton• Scout Reserve. Nine .youth. and leaders camped at the site and par- ticipated . in canoeing, .kayaking, sailing, rap=, pelling, riflery, archery,. ' snorkeling, survival.activi- ties for the week. Many. skills were .learned and. badge work. completed: : while beating the hot "spell in .a very cornfortahle -set-`' ". ting. on one .of Haliburton`s:• nicest lakes, ' Shoo winner Five tebles,••of • shoot were in , play' Friday night,: at the Drop in Centre. High man rvas•.Lloyd ;• Moffat, followed by Art. Ernewein.'High lady. was Euphemia Cameron with Donalda Moffat in second;: 'Lenore Glenn. had the most shoots. •