The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-29, Page 5Local ambassadors
piace m top six
at Mi Mid -West
Two, focal faii .amb:asseders placed.. in the top
the Ontario mss West Pageant last weekend.
Michael* Johnston, repreaenting the ,toia. rgaittrmtn
Agricultural Social was second runnerup, and Carolyn
Andrew, representing the Lacknaw Agriculture Society
was fourth runnerup: •
Miss Mid -West is, Jennifer* Shannon, who represents
the arriistun Minto Agricultural Society. Jennifer will
attend*. Univeersity. of Western. Ontario in the fall. par.
suhag a. career as a chiropractor physiotherapist. 'rite 18..
Year.old is a member of the,Walkerton�fielmore figure
skating club and %s en the Norwell girls hockey team.
Figure skating and playing the oboe 'Jennifer's hob -
hies aiud talents,
First i'uxinerup- was7Karla McNulty.. tnpresexiting the
Fetversham Agrieirltural Society: third manorial). was
`ltaehel Jacques ques tier tate Howick-Turnbetry
Ag.rieettteral society, and fifth runnerup was
Siaetair. from the Fergus Agricultural society. Katie was
also voted Miss Congeniality. •
Riders sough
or big bike ride
f'lte buss, of bikes is.
wain tQ Lnek rcrw.
ft's a SQ,foot long, 30-
Q-se tter bicycle and it's
gong . on a three kiti rade
Saturday, Attg. tS, to raise;
money for the heart and
Stroke FGunda.tion. of
Ontario, Strobe Sand.
The Sid 1Nke Ride for
Stroke is a pledge -based,,
c'ota oa a; 0(01k t,11.4t' w .
rxpvcl,. waw; and'encoar-
ages• team spirit. To, ride
the $gig ik y eatelt rider is:
asked to raise a `aainiruin
of $54 in Pledges. •
rtieipants, a arfrrn prizes.
on-site and organizations.
benefit from the publicity
and camaraderie et1Qt-44W
by this fun, big l v vtstble
The listen Cltapte�r of
the e�:art and , Stroke
'Foundation : is, he>pi ng to
raise $25.,QO0 from this
(Mtn which will gQ, direct.....
ly lino, the "Stroke Fund"
whish WAS developed to
specifically support stroke
research and health pro-
Motion programs,
t ac;tt. year, • abort
59,000 G nadians. have a
s xoke..One-third::af these
victims are between this
ogees. Ql 3$ 404 64 years: of
age, The cant to the health.
care-si n is 4tiilia t
anaxually. '
The Boron Chapter a ' .
three l art andtrve
FQundaUQn is. rec tttUIing
't+ an* ctf 29;;. weal
iftcliviclaiai riders to pa.
ticipate in the igIike for
Stroke1'a!eat: , Anyone
irite reSte d should troll
Shannon. Craig at:
Z-8,7- 7775 ''.Qi Pebble:
M:o>aaa 1QQaily at, 5i8 -
Ri@gist4.aticin will take
place a!t•l?ine rest with the
d4os tarring placiK boGwcen
to. and 1'
' The ladies Auxiliary, tax
.uekuow Legion Oran*
309: 'Geld their annual pic-
nic on July w1 4 the River
valley .apartment Waage.
beganning with a delicious
tiaaon pot tuck,.
President Joan.
Robinson welcomed
everyone and led in
singing. grace. .
Following dinner the
sports pragrwnx wits taken.
over by Kathleen Forster.
iEveryane participated
.'witllingly making it a suc.-
Winners were as tal-
Lzb nw Sc iraaapi. WOalaawsday, Ju y 29, 19
enjoys picnic
1. guessing the pennies: in
a, quart jar - Alice Clark
and- Antra JQhrrstone-
2 Tying; as hair ribbon - the
team of Jean Conley, June
13tttaner. StaSan:
McNa tighton, -and Joan
3. acing a. dry cracker,
then whistling a tune - the
sante Warn. Some really
4: Can'ying a Weeny,; on a
straw - Anna Jtahtrstone,
Siasant McNaughton. Alice"
Clark and Jean Conley.
5. lemon the
length of table `vwitlt a
toothpick Anna. Alice,
Susan =04Jc = Conray.
Cs l3resught most people. -
`Mna Gardner,
7. Only cine wearing a
sweater - Susan.
l3. Only one not wearing
glasses,- Anna.
After several genres of
bingo, we played s:,o>itie
fine card ga*u s.
The party ended in the
reading of several humor.
ous jokes,
Joan thanked Kathleen for,
her help. June 1#remner
thanked Joan for her extra
work and acting as host-
$ -, Page 5
The 59th annual Helm
fancily picric wai held on •
July 19 at Waterworks
Park, in tatcknuw. There
was an attendance of 25.
A pot hack dinner was
field at 1 p.m.
truce Campbell. of
Relgrave, 'took charge of
the business. The presi-
dent for 1999 is l Truce
The, program comxt it -
tee look over and handed
oat pries tar v'arloto
events that were enjoyed
by alt.
Reet GoodLure
•uu ;i
1 eft 44r, 'FiSHiNt UUA1 i'Autol ES
.wttt est.+tut, tuner
F' R 44.04 $tjlke.. i4.0170, every ' 00.01 I8
''.k (t%1� #:•, V . 1""' ti{6Rt 4a�+1 4!.r(, �.*.;� a
fl hing: bo. at. p4.Qka with c' 40 H' YAMAHA m r.
No prchaSe: ne,CeS#atyt
M041 4419 4r Pinar to pactig1pate,,