HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-29, Page 2Page 2 — Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 29, 1998
Why do thele three guys Eook so happy? Well,.
Randy Alton, centre,is vice, president of the .
local' Kinsmen Club :and he's receiving. a $1,350
donation from. Keith Raymond (left) and Mike
O`.Nieti, on behalf of the Kinsmen ball team. The
montes are earmarked 'for the Kinsmen Club's
soccer project.(Livingston'photoj,
c.ornrnitteewill investigate if county should
be responsible for • police .administration
by. Pat Halpin
lJruce County's restruc-.„
Luring committee will look
into the option of making.
police. administrationa
county responsibility.
The amalgamation
committee for Walkerton,
Brant and Greenock raised
the issue. of county polic-
ing last month. At a spe-
vial session of ftruce
' County council held July
14, the restructuring coin-
rnittee asked for guidelines
to steer its investigation.
"Do you want the coun-
ty to tender for policing
andutse,the levy to pay for
At?" asked restructuring
chair Stuart Reavie.
"I would see it as being
one of those issues that
could be dealt with across
the county," said Brant
township reeve David
"With the county pick-
ingup court costs,, it will!
possibly be worth the
county looking after polic-
ing administration."
'Thomson said rural and:
urban municipalities have
different policing needs,
but be suggested both ley -
els of service could be
administered by county-
supervised contracts,
Kincardine reeve
•Norm. Annetts agreed that
the restructuring commit-
tee should look into the
'Tin sure i€ (police con-
tract ;administration:)
comes underone umbrella
there will be cost savings,'
Not all 'reeves were
enthusiastic about handing
a Municipal 'responsibility
over to the county level.
"Some municipalities
are already investigating
area policing.'1 hope this
(proposal): wfn't preclude
said Hepworth reeve
Bob Thomas.
That concern was
echoed by Eastnor reeve.
Tom Boyle, who said
options. should include
policing agreements with
Grey county or Owen
Sound police departments.
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Culross reeve Ralph
Kreut: wiser said: the
restructuring committee
should consult with Huron
County, which is also
,looking at county -wide
policing. Reavie said his
committee will submit a
• report to council, but no
date was set.
new .
by Pat Halpin
Staff from the Grey
Bruce ' . Regional
AssesSmerit office told
Bruce County council that
they fielded thousands of
questions about the recent-
ly completed' property
reassessment process.
Rick Clarke and Joe
Weiler said the switch
from factored" to full mar-
ket assessment, along with
a province -wide updating
_of the base year, prompted
6,000 calls to the OWen
Sound office.
"The phones , let us
know it wasabsolutely
inadequate," Clarke said..
about•the first round of
property reassessments:
Many of those clues-
tions were about water-
front properties, Clarke
Problems arosebecause
•the base used to value
those properties wasn`t,,.
«broad enough to apply
accurately . inail areas:
Clarke said 800 inquiries
remain to be investigated,'
but so far only 34,appeals•
have been,filed.
".Lots, of them have seen
:decreases,".Clarke said
about'the.inquiries that
have been resolved: `'
'Some are going, up;
terrato page 7
OPP ;report`
Police` received a
report that the plastic
Sears sign on: a
Lucknow business was
broken around 1:50 a.m.:,
on July ZS.• '
Police believe,that a'
culprit who broke into
the Ripley Community
School will have leg
.injuries. They were
called te. the school
when a hole was discov-,
Bred in the` roof. The
injuries would have.
resulted fronti the culprit
failing through and
passing: -.broken ply-..
wood. •
As -a: result of the
• bole, water came into-
the school and. damaged
a ccinpu
ter: ..
Anyone with Sasked o
mation is.. t.call,
the w/PPP at �l •888-310