HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-15, Page 15t?tjle t 4 -- .Mcknow $1,1 hind,
ethnic •
tnly 15, 199a
of veal se
o s
Wes and: Mdna would like tQ
drank their taanly, friends
and rtaigheol* for the• cards,
,flowers, gifts arid: phone
colla and to alt who helped
hint celebrate his, 90th birth-
dad: $Pooiad thanks to the
family rgr the- corner and go
tea and the diinnnr.hold +n
hi* hones at the
PresbytgrionChurch. Tharp:
memories wittiest forayer. .
Wes. "2ttt '
�► Co1111in'
Iriende atnd; supporters of
the Huron Bruce NOP are
invited to a pot fuckl iQnio
'Sunday. July 19 at Mooting
place Farm home of Tony,
and Fruit fkileguail frome 4 tQ
6:40 p.m. Quest speaker
Matign .l Qyd, Thea will be
wogOrt ricks, sttvimming a fl t
fellowship. per ciirQQf'tQns
and dtrttatils call Tonle; and
Fran- Mqt ugil `t24>2494- or
.1; 1%14. R► t3paet 52.4,- i :. -,
'77 iiii444
ttetcle rfatr ,Knightsof
QQi•rnbus, every Thursdays,
.p.m,' QRltimkrus: Centre.
390 i«*e!rsQR's Qgttrt. $44QQ.
fix prize% pfggresaive iaek-
pd1 $1QQQ.; regular jagkpot
*14QQ• tot.4ft. 9;Q.
*107940. Fi�rr t•'$atyurd y,Y Qt
iity' m9.n th i •Ft•r ,l
Columbus 0(4n -tree . $Soo•
Mtrt(:. +!•aQkRttt, $1, Soo:
, atolikot, • TOW prizes.
•$4 QQ . Lits, #440050. Super,
$tar ProviNial: Came event'
$ingq Night:.--=47tfer •
PAS t lr.M P*Rt`is St!PREl
At trio ,$envie. United' QhurQh
tzn Toea y, July a1, from 4
tq 7• Arn, Add>ts $9, --2.7,28x
• TOO 414A1404:
pR a1 ERIAltl QH•IVRQt '.
:4efyl y.. RaY. John fsig114Qn
r ;rrr,;: Jelyi,l9 PastRr
•Vair $ p. ti 4aty 28. Paator.
Don Voir 41 a.rre, Atig, .2, 9,.
1.�.Nator Dart yak 11. agrn,
'4.0.uth torr understanding: is
looking,. ter 1Q teachers la
4an'4• two weeks to
Germany, from dug, gft to.,
*apt. $ you will be frosted
ky,,CaQrrnany, teacher hast
• taniililaa and study:their ado,
cation system. Only cast to
teacher is then Qusraaa.s
flight.... t-r100�aaa-0424$.,-'
27;26cg •
At tho. 2Stftannual t4wrQrr
Shorts Arts & Crafts show
at th'a • Kintrrttine
Community. Centre (near
the Motion qt Hwy. 21' anti
9) Saturday, July as, 10'
to Q Q.M. and Sunday,.
Fluty 2tz, tQ a:rn: tQ 5 p.m.
OW PO* Rancako Orealt-
fast, Oahe- sale, Qhileft'VR'e
penny carnival. Admission
$2 ter. anyano QM 12 yearn
of ago, This its a nQrti•prQfit
show with- ergot/oda for
Kinoatrdine SQe 4tlf14.
. QQzpnt�ta t' "NM Olrr Karn 519..
• Q441.R8TIT$QNr •
$PRneurkcl 111 Q.harnbQf. Qt
Qemrner a Friday, Jtaiyr,, 31,
art' 7:2.Q ort, MMulsie, from theta
Seta And $tt"52. Catiaggrios,
. 1. arid under; 12 and aver•
lit -tastiness . and Service
Clubs. Register by July 24
by galling; Marney H-lunter
524,2527 .ar. 4,2* -74443 err.
gl 01,,ti't AfrtCE
$atLrrlay, .Jtilyr 1'$ at the Kin,
tatlan, ViQCbria. Street.
Ustewel. Qandin9- frown $' tet'.
12.' 1V1140o 1 y. Trubaoluijrs.--
28eo. • • •
- ;1NTSRN.A1<TIQNAtt !IC1.14:
404 IQQi .•
ExQ,han9Q, s.tt>deenia area
arriving; in Aulg4i0t4 V014n4e0r.
hest :fatrnitiesaro. vrgtontly
• ntmded •for. Engliah
in9- altidonto. irpm QermanY., •
eQ44.adgr, A41atr4,1la, .-tapas, .
Finland, and Dantnark, For
msrq. inigrmation Galt YQUth
iqr. 4lnde nd 4.te .9
1*e# A FeSsi iti..
SpurtsQ.r.c t ley l uelt.now
Agricultural, S+acielye Friday,.
fluty 4-4 12 neon to 10 p.m.,
Satwday,•Aug,.1,-1tl.a•m. tet
$Rm. Luckrraw $parts
Complex.. QOM prize% froa.
Parking, admission 41'. Fnae#
booth. -•2a•:iaeir '
695QQ: SRonsorQct by
QQdQriltitfi Liene6s wets,.
July 22 at 7:2Q p.rn. at
Ciadcrrich Arena. Monster
glome' 44QQQ. Qogre teas 6
rtrn, Tickets $27• Advance;.
$25. Rttano 5224.2646.--
The 59th picniQ Wilt 4e held
Sunday, ,July 19, Lunch at t
p,rrn. at"Watetwoxke Park,,.in
„Lug- nQw. Bring pot luck,
onairs and dishes. 2e
• l'401g •"l;VN' .
every. Watt, a P.m, at the
LQ01Qf+. Q0014 Qu,t and try
setmething now - darts, Reel
billiard , Shuffleboard,
N.QW1110rrthere. welkQrrme; -
Pt t` ANIt$t,iA ,
liF,p YPiptI,,Q
"Poll. teddy ►xer an rrtinia.,
Writ shQW,'" Sunday, .Ittly
• 204, Layfield Arena, 1Q a,rn.
. tQ 4 p.m, Ardtllta:' $S'.5Q chit,
Oren 12 and tinder free witty
adult; MOM intQrrnatiQn 68§.
:-2 a,' -
• Q.AQK: 'Y
tzgiVIANQt .
' Pen ktgln' 4tlt annual' park
Ing, `[Qt hooch party.•
Saturdays" .traty 25, Wm, to
1213Qa.rn,, 'rhe...Queen's'
Hotel. Rarktrng; lit. '$4live
rnu&1A,-Featuring Qntario's
most popular• tram Luitt'a,
RRatl Hodge, aanrh Ali tho
top hits front the. 5q'S. to the `.
'90*, 0. raihing the.Orty Will
roo,vq. inside: the C4ueQn`a:
CitO,k+ to Qn,$a a new at the
Queen's. Mote! andr.Tfe.•
chamber of Qprnrneroe: RQr
n1ore: intArrr+ tiort- please
Qrganiz .d
ancl.Ptanaoxe.. .b.Y.:.tb 2e
a Dis;rlct •Qhatntler
5-6243, 27,28x 01Q0,rnrnsrek:'•24129cq
• S1A0, 04V 094
for Arsgola- i reline a04
Ry n: pingh-° July. '):#, at:
Baigr ve Arena: from
tQ 1 'a;rrr. Age of majority; -
PAR* TpQf3
Sa.tUrGiay, 'July 19, at:
t�icuat Farm near
Lypkngw Tqur startp: at` 10:
90,01A set thio diverse-
tiect "grgartiQ_vggetabte,
aRple ;anti livg09Q>c farm,
:44119 . at. t7lQni4 ,iunch:
aponsorad, tb,y th►
:'oQ q it:ai: Fa,rmers ,
As gciatron Qf. Qntario, All
weleotnek Jar mares it -01.1 rt4.
tion all
Cbr�st Sk-
p�hcah t hurt h Pod.A(bert.Merttorial Church
Service tp con weinorate tht ywutv ert'rrteri whra-gavy.
thetr by to t kinin • the lO1f.v K sleet th0 C'�tnt
erect4d, and the 50th year, since t,j-ie:. first
• epriuN -nt arrived tram' St. Athan Wales 1.1.14 to set.
' tap Navigatipn insiru4tipn, Pig *Nice e win be held' at. th t {rn stte Nn_
21, t-ftghway, Pon Aibgrttacros3;frort4 hg former No. 31; Air Novt attorN,
5i hapl pis Stsnd y, Jyfty, 26 at 3 p,n-t, Rector "Che MayOr Peter
I4ldwjri St?< fiT'.J °C ji- officiating, in cosi pi rain sarv,c wiil h?. held in ;
Christ Church, Ali welcotha Bring. yoj r'foldtng chair,,
ssrir0ii 1.
1d1(l,I �lt 1iOve .;
/41 5;
� PI
em vea lo
Tito market at Butssels
Livasttaekk last welt h
fed stcca;a, and hoifoot4 4L
tog $1 lower,Csw.s sold
WI a steady. markett. Beef
veal :sold • moody with
H.gisteiti veal selling S-2 to
lrtwar, tight kurrbs
traded 4t4tuly,. wittt hhatvy
Iambs seilait> wader Pres -
sum. Stookars sold, 011
steady rxrarket,, •
Thom wee 345 steers
ean.citfetr soiling frol_n 90,40
to 9430 to the high qt
99.50. •
Thom wero.19f �t heifers
ort offer selling from 90.00
to 94,00 t:+u the high of
Them were 2Q6 cows'
MI offer soiling from Ell
,and D2 54.00 .to 59.00
WO of 76,50; 1)3 50.00 to
54.00; 04 43.00 to 50.00.
mete we -17 bulls on
offer wiling from 62.50 to
70.00 to .the high of 75.00.
Hortieuitu±ai s ci
tours Teew
A ditllelou.s pat look
dinnetar Wtt&•t rtjoyoei. in
.Waterworks Park .On duly
witen. aabottt 25 tatea'et-
hers of the bell
l prtigtlltural $ecjety..gatt►*
tete,.41.111QSt vel !0fei'
jottrn ete4 by bus , to
'l;'eQswrtt rr• wh+r thoy •
wemo mot, by John
¥u1)wial . of the€
Teeswater.-S'QQicty, ardor
111°5 gst daneo they telttre4
'four lovely hornO flauuer
Of interest, at 0110 11Q010
we diseuvored .titet`q, ix a
lit stono quarry' not far
from their hgusQ, *doll
was mined in 0104 1920's-
-by an Amedeaa company,
Suddenly. tit 1929 water.
M d: the area to a depth of
50 Pout and it has .never
bort Mined again.' •
At tht town hall wu
were treated to , 4 pieasit .
1u. nch before jati•rta,irtg..
homeward.. (subhiitte4 P'
I etty O'Donnell). .
There wow 279 vga on
offer selling: l3e0f: 230.00
to 135-.00,•klraisteitt; 70.00
tO 82.00: plain Hgjstein;
55.00 to. 70.00.
•Lautbs:' under 50 Jbs,
'09.Q0 to'1,32.50; 50 to 230
b• 123.00 to I b2:;5Qf 80
to 95. lbs‘, 117.50 to
1:1.50; 95 to 110 lbs.
02.00 to 115.00.
Sheep: 30.00 to 56:00.'
(coats: 20.00 to 130.00.
The -14th annual Quilt .
Shaw, presented:by the.
.!u.1VIV C-'Qitnty Musottlu, `
will take placee., befweei<t
duly 25 and .Aug, 30 at: the
'woeoixt, 110 North
Sttect, Qoderxe:.irt..' .
• The lAt taenn i:s op.t n
-Moatday. through S'atuJrday•
frets t 10 until 4:3Q and on
$44.4 Enure 1 until. 4:30.
for quxtt: viewirt4. and golf
g tj ted top of the .rause:
gift. Admlissioa, to the
moseuttt, is regnire4 to
view the wilt show,.
• Whetl or you't'a bolting for an expert..rnusac •teacher< .or, a secgi iclht trial •
vtoltrt, turn tee out l lad pages: ThOre-,you're sura "to, find Bron aaeh ng .
._H•not r,oth at a.0704,'9,/04. t an afford. And whenyota,,ti sve sotrtetho
that you want to se11;k rgronibe :th 'C!asslfyeds, Can eve rotil'w ll
Sri -,,take t frgrsni,:Toras, the tpeP's.sont, 400 tot the
C1a zssfied help yo u get the, JQb donne.
To- ala e your Qlasatfietd ad Qalt 52$y2s22