HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-08, Page 21KWIK •KE,Ria• Yd'ur oi.vn •Business. Part-time or fult-time. Installing on-site, continuous concrete, land- scape edging., Total equip-. 'inent. Proven system, train- 1-00.6Q7-KERE.-- 27bo • TRAVEL. OPPORTUNITY OF THE MILLENNIUM. Qiicover why travel Professiertels Intematienal • is the Only way to enter the travel industry.. eAnadian company with legal reeistra-, hen expanding in Ontario. Minimum investment .$7500.00. Financing avail, abiet-4.Q9-7994910', tpt- oneOtpi.ea--27bo . H R I S 11 N MINISTRYIBUSIN.ESS OPPORTUNITY. Join grow- ing, network of Christian FranchiseeS. Ser4the. your COMMUnity.. Protected teuiterieta. Investment required, SIG- NIFICANT ROI, Training; ff,tt* supped. Gall 1-aoa.6e3,7 702--vici • .. • W,ant to Build a.. Firianeial Planning „ BusinesS7 support. Training. Compliance. W.H. Stuart. & A5Seciates1.800460-171%. www.whateart.com. 'The Fastest : _Grewing.. I rtdePerident .Finanoial planning. ' Oelnpany in. ..Canar*”Vbc ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. COmpanienship !marriage. Ages G43. Single, widovved,clivorced. State age. All aross 94flada. R.O. Scan Chase, et.Q., VQE 11V10. Free information. 1-250- e79-as4a. www.lacweb- Sites.com/servicesiAshgrov e-27tic „ LACK SELF-CONFI-: • tIENpS*7. Then buy, read and use Tianettcs" by L Ron Hulibard, only ••sft.9 (140)+GST: Qatt 1-kirgt.si31„ 5808 today.:-27bc *Announcements . YQST AUCTION SERVICE', FARMS •eSTfikTES • HOUSEHOLD, • Selling at ow' Auotion Centre or • yptAr premises Rpbett Yost Auctioneer 51 9 -S95 -875Q . 519-524-3fil4 consignments for May aa aale *tUCKNOW LICENCE Office and Peak Eusiness Service vviil be crosed for holidays JUly . 4 to 1 0,. Kinoardine, Wingnarn and -Goderich will be 'open. Happy summer to gill - • 26,27Xo -: - __-, ---- • • THe WINNER of the OptimiSt drew for. a satellite, - • dial/ Were Lucy Niftier, lielyroeci. Conatattiletiene • to Lucy and, a 419 thanks to, • all who supported this OptirniSt fund-raiser„ -,.27ar , timas' 1 maisommuiri 35, 4,,agAt kotticoa A ctiptiRgoTER CONSIGNMENT SALE EIAVIDSON CENTR• E FRIDAY‘ JULY 17/98 It you. heyo something to selk give, ti,* a call. QRANT. MCDONALD • 394,5454 • vi/ALLACO DALLAGO * 3924174 • • • Auoloolvi, LEARN AUCTIONEERINQ. Classes held August 15-21, 41€f„ For Information contact: Southwestern Ontario Sotmol of Aye:to:meet-in% R.R. 06. Woodstock, ,Ontario N4S 7V9. 14188- 073-4999.--27hP CONIPUTERS. No previous, computer experience nec-, eseary. exottinR OpPottuni- ties now available in puler programming. We vvill train suitebla applicants, Call. CMS toll-frea1,43(10- 47T-957(3,7-27bc Birth*, SCH0014' Mark and Glenda are happy to announce the birth of their sOn. Luke johrt, born on Juno 27. 1998 in ' Kelowna, 8.0; weighing Ibs., 11 oz, Proud grandPar- ents are Jean. Schoebl, Lucknew, Dungannon and Allan and Alice eamble of Ripley. -V' • NQTQ'TOOREDITQP4 • AND OTHER4, • gtotrot*44einst the. ' (*get*, czt• . • 57-- PQNA414,A,I*ROTASMON„ -Lateet the Village •of. — • ' NEED HELP- - tieing ferrn work, yard. work; painting. eto Gall 528-2007 and- ask , .for ..1011. -,-,-,25-27kc •• - .‘' /P",. ' '' • , -* ' ,,, :: • ,; , .. ' •.'..'; Liornmemoomoomime 'aerlialige, prireCtOrY H DON THOMPSON T.V. and , • Repair, ' Refrigeration Service 24 ' 'hel.ir ernergency service. QaJI 395-.3147 or 95••339 Ftre;-Ptiptey,,•74--:2?;2R-6- AGNEW JEWELLERY ' 8EPAlik - watch, Cleck, jew- eliery estimates, • Pickup and delivery can be • arranged. .648 Haveidck Street, across from Modloal Centle Qall 525.-3532 or, 528-3940. --16ger • 45' STORAG• for. rent. EconoMiOal stor . age, ideal for Oontractoreo farmers and, home owners, Phei ie 395-5167. --34tfcc • . SEW-TO.S.,tillT, Will sew; altPr or horn' aoYtt)ing• all 395,416.i.--26-28cc • , • 7Residentiolati Farr& *cPtrtrneroial,ElPotripal •Contraators . • --t1Trtt fixtures,tans, : • - electrical supplies :Dealer rot; • , • •'BRAIDFOR,P.,E>cCHANGE • oironirfo atop9inttni7t.A.vPihIPte• • • fpaHqxOns: •LIYPICROV• 5;•00.g,447 • , . • Saturday, 4ttly14 Mennonite Relief Sate milverton Saturday July Ralph Foster Ashrteld1WP. *Rom, &Thurs. „ KW. $tcakyarcis • Flittart- '.., $11,1s$914-.1•41v.e49.04 01.01444.11,1-:, riartiFtintgo 332.4497 LueltneVif (fgrmitrlY 01 he •••••,-- Tqwrt' o wiroekro, - • Pr001q4, ontioioi aceased; Who died or or • about the 2.-7111- day Of " Nevember, 10964.muat be endersigned 1*-/ofsQria!' rePreeentative•en or 'before July: l994; thereafter; "the undersigned Will distribute the aesets' of ' the Estate having regard . only: totele/MS-than filed: • pdWin:Arbockle; • ,Estatp Talateei. MCDONALD, 9,Ah W *ITCHEN;ER-,-ONT„ ' N21-1 4B6. --?5-27 1/9400S, 14,4k,,2"( MOrtgaile-MtieYOr , , • Aosoiutety ro Up(ront Pees .Avallatife,as ow as. 'J§,•56% interest Persoppi Lbar,), ...t you,qu4lify; paymo,i* • • At. Aporox, Mq.Payrneat . ••-• s 41:.se- • 125,00 ,Q0r)0110tay, ita14.0ts., • cal) 019),3$3.40 :51 •:-.AS,TRAL FUNt1NC'- •0**40.409, • COttINSO.LOR. TR"NfljN,Q.„ Institute of Canada: offers,. •• , on -campus and" correSpow clenoe OeUrses toward a Diploma Oeunselling Practice,' to begin this -01°rith. Fro.0 Oatalogde, cal • 24nre,' 1O. -,6 -7o44 --- 27b0 • •lotions •- .LARQE. CC)NSIONIta AUCTION, SA . „ , . . f•'oyet; • • " • 1,06,TR4QT0Ft$, QQM/3.1.NES, EQUIPMENT •With.Qver 2$Q-.piegOe 011trigtOtaffy t.lrireserve0:611. ••' .• 4.0y;.....18, 1998 E0140103t., Sales YorgI, „p4ogattOortc, • • • .T•tow-Tpilsi, 1H. TD 20 D9zer;f1::Miohigg63i.k. 4WD Loader, • l3"507r--1.-ti":41/V,Dr•Ba;okho., Ford 5506 w/oett &, loader. (Lini-Muck '..Feeo.Ttup4s),, Ford' 5200; MF 290, 720 4 - P:iuliP,!!, case 530'"r7"1-, B531Ogei Ford CI,56 Casa 600..a„Ve,JCP4850 4WD & Ouals MP 408,&cab, Ford „ S40 rnowar,, Oliver 770, peso SRdStear (180), DB 950 8.• iFite20,.Ze-tor 545, 4Vv0.94.b4,!,940eG MF 275 & MF 165, $eyrat' a & aNs, JD 1010A, Loac4gr,?MF 230 & Loader, IVIF'23Q, & i„oaclor. ForO 50Q& 1‘0.000, Leyland69?; 1HW6, •,:kg W0 45, AC 186; urilv.ersai.445, JP 4020A. Lo4"der, 895, (peA), IR W400, 4E},25:6- 4W,0, 296o. 4,wp,. Ford 77404w0 (Ne0;.V). C6qe 580K 4WD5ackho. 'White.,1305•4vv0 Oase„v,A &Loader, Jo 4O Doier,114•606,.IH 660, 650; MF .333. „06v. P•TH•.$4,,F,',:a„,•MH 44; MH 06 PTH„ ivtF. (1\fpw):Fpro. 1\44.146tisp, 400, 4,Leader, king,, 'MP .2509 Frird,•',3,36,.&, Loader, Jp-4010:700;)4,0a490Q•1;ifs,,, M, Ford -111.0 4W13-4,,,.Loacler, MF 30E 84.„Loacier, Joatzo, 1839 & Lq,40p.\-1,0•*9,:41,-,oager, !OF., 4oe, kr„oetier, Super'Ak -8quip,Ment,ral-tii.COWs4gildipment,. • • " ''•• CMB/0;'MF ME410 GaPiAK ?5 ; HipUrep, plows, piscst Quk!s, etc, O_Vor•• is v,430>t:es,4,WagoOS: pins, 3 wagon leaclS.,of •:(PONSiGNMaNTs-WELCOM6)" • T-ERM,•Sk--Cash.dr. Appreve4,0nectikawitn proper ,Tax,,and 7% G.S,T.. whero aOpfigabte.'00/ner At 4iicti.9npor not reepensibleJoi acaident*,or los, of pi4rdf40.40.:dy of ale. Aliy arineyncernants,.04 of sale ta4r. precedenca. over Written arcivertising.,' • " ' ' • . • •" AUOTIONEERrr • • • - •• • .- • • PRII°04. MICTION-;$41iVIc.141,4*. 'A • • • , • • 1;140900.00100 9114Prt,.. 510 ,„5g0,7701040a...- ,529Z62,.:, R004 • , • - • •Lucknow Senitiac WednesdaY, hi:I' 8, 1998 - Page 21 jos 46 In • ROY AOUREY TAT Rey . •Audrey teen ot 8134S$01eand formerly of Dunnville passed away at his residence' on June'26,, 199a. Mr. Toeft wee nhis 79 year. Mr., toeft waS: born Feb. 4, .19-1gtn Caistor Township , 1.111Coin O'ounty. Nas the, son of the late mest•-and Delia IMerritti Teeft Mr. Daft* was •retired f ?OM the automobile bust - no He was else a MM.. bar of the United; 'Citu4ch and the Optimists. He map., lied Jean' (Culbert) of Luchnow en• ).Oct. 10, .1942. in Canfield. SUrviving: are their children one daughter Mary Jane .Fisher and her hOsband Paul of Freenon end one son Allan Theft and hts w4t iviariOrte • of 'Brussels. Also surviving are 4 grandchildren; sister,in- 'fait Shirley Brooks, and 'husband Gordon of Locknow; sister,in-law efnktrice. Willerid her hos- behcl Gordon of Brantford. end eiSter-ln7law.LilUan Teeft of DUnnville,, Mr. 'reek was predeceased by hie' Parente' and one sister velyn Parr and one brother Maurice 1:e.eft,. Visitation Wa '. held ativtacKert4ie and, Meqreath Funeral Home," Lnc.vv on 'Sunday,. June V with .lttrieral• se r viCeS he,td. in.. the: .chapol on Monclay,',Rev, P. Kinsman ettktatt4 HOW' E41:01"*': Wettet.Mattl*t, FT-0J4. •Teett• and. Misgary Teeft pailpeareir..,;Clordon Brook, - PaMIFiskte P -On, Michael and 0.0114,tO,' • 1i004$. Oraveside'apj-viCe waaJte4; ut•••greienni11 Cerriptery•-•,g.t. ori In loving memory of Donald Harvey IvIele, who passed., -• away Lfuly 12. 1997, son of Belle Mole and the !ale Harvey MOta,, husband of Kay Kar kr Moi� One year has passed 'SONO tiOti picked you froth our midst so; sodden/Y. There was no Ulna 19 say .gaciti-bye tt was hard to understand the.reasen why. • ., But we know thts'is a ieur- ney ail must take And each must go alone. ' It's alt a partof the Masters - 151an a step on the road t6. home • . • „ When we are lonely and sick .• * • At least we go. to the friends.. we knew, •. And busy- otir Sorrow • doing gond deed . • We miss you but we hed to • lel ge. Forever Ioved and Missed by. mem, Wife Kaye, your- . • 1arnii9 and grandehildree.. sister Marion-Welta, --27 7;,1 Cat** of • Thank* •• TAYLOR, GOOrge- and Alice wishto fsriinecnatire41,y,i9"ntehanhkotottrel,r ff:rfritit -cards,. f100,4.04(' glhs, and, to allwhe tie1pecl4herri celebrate their 5cithw000100; anniversary at,the. Legion. These.marnories WH be with us,foreyer,--27xo THANk YOul To, the Girl 0 -Vides arid Pathfinders - a great big thank you for 'Your diligent ' tearriWoricincleaning up the CaletiO.nian and Kinsmen , • • • : : • . • , , DQL14311,AS R.:kf4S• ;** 'Douglas. •F -t, ReSs: of, LucknoW ,passed away. at Victoria.•Hospital,.Lonclon on • .• ,10.11e• 28,1994in his 57th vvi-nilfet4i73ht. • en ...Dec. ,10;-: 1941, Doug was 'OthP10Yed .• wlth C & ri\A Transport, as a tru6k driver. parent$ were' William G„ Ross and Edna (Flitchie). DOugjs. st/ivived by his Wife • Darb (Markle) - Sanders.Qm 'and ;two chil:ken Lance • and- JudNi Sanderson; LuCkhcw. " and Lana and Steve Neeb; 'Otta.wa., AlsosUrviving is, onesister- Audrey BerrV, BTaliWorli 3 grandchildleni • and one. nephew •Darren •13arry.- Visitation' was held. from,MacKeri'zie. and McCreatn,urerAL Horno- -Ldcknow on ',Adne 30 with ' ''.funerat service' frOm, the • '°hKinafin?el'aQ,110f4fitioliYateld.,RFI-v*P /OW' er* BearerS ware Mac • Watt socAL. Dori 5roOks aQuo nd 11) r4e.lresP, we r °Di aPn: park areas throughout. the • •reUnion. festivities: Toni" Pegg., Rnit)11. OrQV14CiS• Qhatrmau, sPo,nsonr1g....'n19' in the .sfieoWQIEL, .KslyNS', Alt s•t-04:1s f or., WPUtij.lito to that*. COver "L' • in Tpank, you also to flY pfroie.rptOinsg, n'tnrit!:(11,604:j010..t13.sotiop,;, • - '';'• Haldenb.y, for driving rne•10:. the parade; It "was:, a great . • eicperience. • • ' KEMP- " sivput4 like to sinoE31Y,-. ttiank- all frlend,slariO for. the kindness, shown to ,m e.. s'inCe- my., stirgery,.The o'ands;fiewerei gifts; and-COod sent id:: me; - • and will never be fergOtteri, •, •' , thanIcyou "verylP4 • Cody ter all you have done for nie and continue to do. I, warnaoSdOeribulei!ferieedn,cit; haa6V:,,isaUriic ly. your 'Thank'kinijnaorlride egt thought fOlness will never -be- tdr,99t''' ten. Br.enola,-27 wasyery'xnueh appreelated; , • Markle, , Tom Rell1:10 Dick , , .• • • Richards, Patty. Murray,: ••. Diarren :Barry, ' and 'Sid' , •'.0aesar.*The. graveside ser7 . . . • . vio'e WaS, held "at",Gfeenhill.. • Cemetery LttCkno-W.--27ar•• ' • • • , + .1 I , .• •