The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-08, Page 20- Not 20 u4:kuucasv S igirlcl i10 Wit* F4 BB TO a 99 ed home. male Bouvier. Loves, kids. Phone 554.8570.-27-22nxa• BOXER PUPS. Qt4C regis- tend: Brindles and fawns. Parents on site. Mates and: females. Phsane 519-395- 4955, --27c " TURKEYS .BRONZE .from dqy old to 2 wstolhs old. Ready to go. Batty. ailkie- chickens. Phone 526-2154. --282 TWO ANO HALF. year occt Suffolk x ram ler sale, $200: Phone 395.2733.--27-29xc QSal, HQ% equipment. $alt of hog, scales, 1$ inch fan, eleotrto prods. Used farrow- ing Grates. Quantity of used: barn steel, Phone 295- 21012, -27,Rear 1 t> Pr04.* °AT°!* l;;,l;t;t High fibre, tow: asst, sorsa: Leased feed, no akdditives, auaiiabie iWt2age Qr biafk, Nott. Farms, Gunton, Phone 4127.439.--i5tfgQ ROUND eAt,eS of ,ALF=TI10. haky., ne rain. Phone 529» 3651 27 SEVERAL t.ARO,E round hales et. .hay. lane Crardrier 559.7224. ilk Services. §f41.1lPIVMI ,.NT R PA►tR • On site repairs to farm and construction equiprrenl:.:and srnall en:rg;i:nes. Rep Qamgp,eil. Mobile Repair; 519.3084$46. Servicing Brune. County.--06tft~+ GILQH;Bt$T; FARM' $VP° - Pix . Now belts or repairs and -lacing -toy alt makes or Patera, bade -throwers:, swathes and combine. pick- ups, R.R. 5 Luckftow. Phpne'519-395'2851. OV$TONVOOM6INiNQ - Wheat; soy's: and,.•corn.. Contact Alec; MacLennan 519r3p5; 2475: --27-30 99.5 ARES IN Aslitietd. Good 5 bedroom house and. barna. Streani.,runs through. property, 60 acres. arable. Fenocd pasture has no oliemicals added; P'herie 3.95,3198 2?-29xc: 13A.fly. SUFTABLE to finish- holds, in, Luct(now area, or persue% 'to fini"ah nag. Phone 357-2095.--27-29Kc JrAy SY 1998,' irll~ 14 INT CLARK - 109, Doerhurst Dr. Nov 2 4- 2. bedroom raised 4tarrga1ow, double. garage, cgrner. lot. $130,000. 119 Qnanadatg.Q PlaGet. New 3 + 1 bedroom raised btun- yainuyr, 1 + 1 1'12 Oaraga. Qui, -de -sac tot. $120,0011; 7 year new home warranty. Gtarko's Homes 344-5454, - Two aeusioQM ap atrrtertt in Auburn, 2nd t.roor apart - Mont is roomy With a! great view, has laundry room; e.4t in kitchen, targe livingroarn. lots of storage. $350 taloa util.ftiea. Avarl.abia irtrrrtadi ataly, Balt 519.526.7355. - QStfce SW **tat* iri`-INTEE 401 Josephine St, VVinghani 3574a44 10,0 ARES-- trees & trails, Hpwic t Twp. $129;00fk WIN.Gl4Afflt:- rettremant bungalow, ngalow, close to hospital $08,000 AQRES - on Hwy, close to Lucknow.'brick 4ung tlow: good: • barn. Farmers retire here, ' Acassn sz4,9QQ mostly t:r<dar. busts Ct QSS TO L.UUCKNQW - a stprey i ritodellet# family home, with. pretty, countryists lot WlNGtiAtit Goof 1nVOMMOnt, 3' b lrm.. gas•fttrnace, survey, Aksing;$58,900. Calt Salm Reps Oath, Hendciks 529;1167" (aaii Mao -ravish 86749374 Ail. ()Int* Realty $ VIC" lct ncro Scaeost Reg, THE 913$P4 " riKAfT. $444.91x2 gala Yoke 0'04 cutO, 3 bt3druont 4101gok w, with 4pcbath, uatrrn Kitohun, clay, full basrament; u,l haat, updated µiLitokstng: stye wir"ng, ready to mova Autct, oaly onq biQ,;K to main ;treat;' K At?Y Q. `fid, He?. You 4but.44. rek,0. 4, iook ar thi:5. 2 1 o-Oroora bon9;l,fow mat niaio +leer .launory,. ,itrglr pt pa: losing rvt>rn, . dolma i om,s(un nardwwd floors, Lull bP0PO int. nroo. /Or, atngi.s;!: car garage; paved: Cines3, ono. block: off, rnain stredf, liatPCIat $$7,000. `rt?WWAND; q(KIKErit 1~njpy the, cQrtvenipryce of t((lhn with a country vleW I-l119r4lo0k-St.. 4- ::bedroomp;wlth sptiGiqu tiuing ''.room, App: and 2 pc' beth:$ sunroQrn, double garage, wale new Winded$, $99,4.0.."189$A; , r)PWtiITQWf+t' Ltl;Q•KNO.Vltt' centred: lac; 100 prsthe corrirneFoiat prop3rty.•steel 044 bvtldtng, two large overhead dggrs,'rt49a Shop,are4, recent update naw,• trout, entranQe, 401p -le parking; start your own busipess today. #1D797µA LISTINGS NEEDS RJQHARD Ok. ASK _ *� Sates RPI a rita*W (19) 4, 177 13US, • ('" ",`i ), 'tFi�ee 29.3 .. Forc Root': HAt f ; 2P TENT trailer; sleeps 6, a way fridge, stove, sink, furnace:, $275/Week, daily and week, end rate's available, :Fatuities. Qnty.. PhQh& 395 35220: „--2, 7x 0 GRbiJNb FLOOR '2 tied•, repo). apartment, newly reel- ovated; two bedroom upper aparttpent..$250 , both, shoo to 'downtown. Phole 52$-., 2031 42ttar • 2 BEDFIOOMi downstairs lteal:ir;l- apartrnent with; fridge artd.s.tovo; Phone. 528=3723, 'Ais'o bedsitttng, • reern furnished . 17tfar • LARGE, BRIGHT room apartnnent in t ipiey:: Fridge snag. stove; Marge yard, 'ample parking, avaif�, able Aug.' 1st, $375/month. , Ualt384 3422,--25.27ac• 7.1 Ff R: RE•#?f9 3 oleciroom apartment and store on main street, Luaknow: Phone, sue 357-1857 or Wobprt 37'2119, --20,29x • QIV BEDFIOQM. apartment 540 Qutrarrt Street; Fridge, stave, ,new . carpeting. $;250/month plusiu,tiliti�, • Available immediately. Call. Petit,526-24:1.1.--22tfar, QNE BEDAOQM heated apartment'downatairs, close to dtiwntGWn. `App, :lances; available " it ; needed, Available dune 1. S.uetabla• for senior. Call 528,-284.5, 19tfar QNE OR: TWO BEDflOQM: apartment, private ground entrance, park, Pike sur- roynGiing, Utility, area, faun dry, mat, mail detivery: ernsthav1rn Apartments. Phone 628",,$61,1' fir 34 ,»; . 2215.aft4r Bpm. 4-2tfar CINE BEDROOM partment for rent on main street, Luckrtow. Phoria 526. 32" •-5tfar 'GLEN HAVEN Apartments in Lt,tcknew :has spacious ground 'Hoer t and•2 bod» roach apartments for rent, fridge and stove incI',i ed.; controlled entrance, cotn- mon. room and laundry room. Phone- 5528-3227 or Gerrie or Jayne at t-51 9- 262r202; .--41tfar STARE FQR rent, maim street frontage, LuQhnow. Phone 52f 132,--341far Whit tit BUY WANTED USEQ refrigera,, for in good: conditions Phone 52S-2842 betweart 6:30 and tS? part. -*27x; Vt/ NTBtu - QLi tube amps/receivers e,e;, Scotts Fisher; 51crr etc. 'Please 04,11, 8:12-223.4 or f3.$2',2i 47. 511fAXo A.ftTtQUE FURN1TLJRe, glassware, china, sewing machines, lamps,jewellery, post cards, magazines.., Paytn9 10 oents each°f'or Crown fruit jars.. Brian Butner, 271 Burns St, Strathroy. t' 7$; 1Q2. Phpne 245.3142--2$tfce BUYiNO,. - STAMP. pr post Gard• coni etiorl$, sheet rrrustc, bought for cask Old 'croak advertising, Qui ens>, gush Stares. Past cards: t286, Eruea Road 1, 519- ,898-3846,--24•29xc . t4ellp Wa +ito�1, FULL TIME, Yt~.AA round position; open in IQQal teed:. mutVatid drivers license: With responsible; driving: rer�ord a musts. Experilgnce working., its a fled ,mill pre- ferred butnet neoessary. Familiarity,, with, ag feed.. •products;, and <local ruuat `1eiifery area aanasset,.This ipt4 involves, heavy lilting it requires. a strong, back and. a,strgng:mind with:a wiliing- nese,to, learns gµeation and think independerity,l-19..urly • vx494 at top:<ond, of sale for. the industry; with full medcajr and benefits plan after 3 mon* 4, `Aii applicatio:ns held in confidence. Appiy at Thgmpscin•• Feed, Ripie:.jr 395-S9S ,- Ice; DO, YOU WANT TO EARN EXTRA •M.ONEY WHILE SHOPPiNa? We are ;;eek.: ing; reliable&,, self -motivated ihdividuela: (t)n a- oe. ntracfuat . tkaais); A,fax,'maghine :is definite asset, if you are interacted; iri. this. great a tp,pprtun,ity, fax your reslrne to,, i rQ-6$8W34i3• Sexvics '' i irrien.s,iOnS international,-27bc FARROWING, 8REEPIN PCIS N"f`tt NS Oue tQ expansion, farrovving anr,breeding positions need to be filled on of r Large three - site swine operation. Agricultural and/or medical knowledge would be an asset;for .the farrowing positions. Artifibial insemination. knowledge would be an asset -for the breeding position. We are willing to train. dependable and committed individuals, ;Excellent wages and benefits, Reese apply by fax, mail or e-mail: Acre T• Farms Lt ; laruss?is,. ON Neu 1HO Fax (6.19) 807.633Q Email acrethhvron.f:tet Only those being considered fear interviews will e contactor i. PULE TtMt" PQS1T(Qt' available on modern 8Q0 txw• S. e. vv. f seat near arusseis. Bxperieni e rewired, taeoctpay for right person. Cali Harry after 5 p.m. (619) 8874549.-- 27,28c0 SANG�BR.SQN THB BoaGit, Grand $end, wants axperi- enced servers,. line cooks, bartenders. Apply in person or fax resume to 519.238-. 8023.-.27cc, $ATT N;TIt N,.S'I'41D NT Mlit a a lot of, monoy sbtlitug chocolate::bars, NPW, prod,' 'Qts available, Nothing to poy:'irt adv;spoe; Fast•deliv- ery, 7'8(4-888"i8 $; , ,-27f'q• ,Growing OltrYsler dealership requires• a:,. :SALESPERSON Person willIn9. to spend the' time can earn ' :Sig; commission'" rnonlhlyl Carnpany:Eferutite aaaitabta. contact; Clave or Harold, (919) 340,840. . wanted a WANT,E,Q:. FAIR Arrl#ielsso-der. If ,you are a t±urritnunity minded pe rsort oared 17 V 22- as of August. 1, f99$, resides within 25 kfiorneters from Dungannon' and woe. ld-iilce an opportune- ty, to represent, our area es Arnb&ssador 01 Dungannon Fair, pleased sail Arle.tta 524.4553 or MtAhaela b29- 1031•.--26,27ct: .8 8t i£Ati!ess.. ORIfN . ACCESS TO CAS4d •I ASSETSt BRSP, Ltt k or • 'LIF owners, you can turn your enveatmenta; into cash' R1GHT NOW without paytrtg taxes. Deed befoie a solior- tor. No deposit Tel 1-8(0».:.•. : o'14.er Winghairk &-District Hos.pita PrqulailificMQ►tr Genera, CpptractQrs. ltfieehanicai GgntraGtf rs Eleotrioal Contractors Submissions shall b ; res iv,ed by :. Gorden W. I3axtef Director, Fir►ance.&23ervi.Q a Wingham. & OiStriQt Hospital • 270 Qarling-,Terraf„ e, Winghrarn, Ontario•NQG 2W0; Telephone:. (510) 857-3210: Fax: ($19) 357-29,31 �lnt.ii,4:OQ p;nn. iooa& time, Qn 411,1.1y 29,1998 This, protect cortsists.ot thin construgtiOn of a.nev,r 6,210 sq ft; additiQrYfl.d 2;21.1 sq, tt, ot.renovation woric,•at the exiStingr Hgsptter igcation" Site Oevi lepment work includes; Engineered; Fat, Site pradi►ig.r; Paving,&..Sarfaging, undgrgrPprrd.5ate Serviges et4 Landscaping! ' Construp1104:1a. st=hgdtfled,to commence in gfplieriNIQvsrtibr r 1969, sgtdla. t ta.ap, rovats by eitg Ministry of N0 lth, inter06te0,:0eneral Oorytractgrs,, Mschanipaj and., Eletrlcal. Subcontr; Gttdrs,,4114, 4Aenl relevant expt3rtaage in. Hgspitat, Projects, of stmitar.sige and., type• are requ,ssted• to sut2mit a completed :Q oro;A P,ppurnl fit,arrrl .�lst t {ri lsOq 199Q1 'Ttie Cgnadran $tarldslyd Form of Cgntraatbr's •Qyt4 0160t;rrn: SttAr t'nent for 8t itcli7s ;c onstjuctign" Float ot;ability to pr*vide'a, 1QQ°fpPerfQrtnappp',SRnc and a 100% Latto4r and Material; Payrnent,Bgnd•igdisra requires. ; GBrw/QQd-Jones:&: Hanham Architects 185 Voung Street.. , Hamilton C?rttariq t$N1V9: •Telephone; (905) 540-8e09 Fax (9Q5) 523-76Qct, A ,