HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-08, Page 10page l°--1.nelt tew Sentinel, 'Wednesday. sday. Italy °. 1998
Summer Reading Review
4.PCOiree Scout.
by Judy Helton
The hoe begins with 'llutep
23 of the Pee Wee Scouts going
out to se. donuts They were
try' ug tai let money to have a,
trip. toScout Camp. The one
who sem the most donuts will
get a special Scout badge...
When they got to camp they set up• the tents.
The boys, slept in.Que tent and the girls stela in
the other tent. That night the girls heard
0Q000Qe. They were scared! DQ your think the
boys heard it too?
If your go, tea, the Library, r43. can find out the
rest of the story. Who won the badges? What was
the noise that frightened the girls?
Summer Reading Review
by Jaelgie Iteuliur* los
Auastasia's mother is the•.
n essi!sst person. Qm she wood it
seems! But when Anastasia.
and her father aaaak Q a chart at
chores. and when to do there,
nothing 'could go, wrung, right?
Wrong! ,
And when astasia's moth.-
er tales a trip. astasi
.t t
lei to do all of the work. Can Anastasia l ax 4Ie
all that housework? the house be ill one
piece when her mother .gets Moine? Will
Anastasrd's family have to hire sonnre caterers?
Read this interesting book and find outs!
ren :. -
This letter is written in
response. to; emit
Chisholan's. tether early laa,
,Ione. I agree whole heard -
eard: ly. By al mem name the
new are 4 "Tim Vaud
ligadmgh Memoii i
It was a thrill to tto in
the audience the nigbrt of
the official opening when
1u1 and other hockey
&,'re where t1►tt"rle` to SPS '`.
and bur tgnizeti; also tat
in thu many committee
reenahm who made it all
fear impressed with the
wind up of hockey se?.;ts.Qn
to see all the gaups: of
play,, and their coaches.
T1lexnarer the many parents
who also pias apart in get-
ting the players diciv
regatdle;ss of the weather.
eti y 2/e%, s A 4F:uncoil)..
"Keep •thein on it:P. and out
of hot water'' still IZQhis
.poil today.
• Tippet there ar enough
doors to go around so (lit-.
f neat. roorns and People
can be ree:opi,tetl for then
f ithfulconurtitrnt nts, Itis
a great. idea.
lit the interest of the
M. Elsie Fh ustoxt,.
set for
On July 25 the QntaddQ
llifitss.d,-West pageant • .
will again be held. in
Walkerton of the .Victoria:
1"ubrleea fall, This pageant
has. been hosted, in
.Waikctrtott for the pag:.
four years and. this your it
will hold its fifth crown.
Thea queen represents
five counties 'Wellington,
Perth, Qrey, kluron, and
Bruce, I -ter duties arc to
attend, parades, local
. evets,.spcctal• meetings,
Min the,past,. the On*,
test;atits UV front as far as
Brio,. Beaver Valley,
Clinton: and arrant' mere in
hOtWQ011. The :girls are
judged in person all after
it you have just arrived
from another, town or know,
of someone who has movst'tQ
Ashfield, wtt W ,wanq$h,,
Kinloss, Qr Lki,cknow:
V1 would:.lik€ to ext9n0 '
welcome., with our weird,
winning, newspaper
noon and they are marked
on personality, charm, spe,,
cirri abilities, speech (telly.
and poise. They will
also shop at loctal.
Walkerton businesses and
meet the proprietors, and
be treated to a dinner at
Eder. Delight,
The evening will be
tilled with a gala; Pvernrt.
Attnet's School: of Ilan4t
will tapetis bac in time
with a dancetz*t yt ase,
and also a perfot:ratiarice of
hive dans t. The girls will
be taking part in the first
portion with the. dancers.
The 4QUSe of Brides will
again supplythe girls with
a, formal gown for the end
of die evening:
The reigning Qneeri.
Kathy Goodhue from
Ripley will hand her
CA./Wu dowat tQ her succes-
sor. .
The girlswill start the.
day off iii a parade. down.
matin street at noon*, and:
will also bi in part with
classiccustom antique
ettrsltruc,ks, This will be
open to anyone who wish.
y revolves
ey an
.. " ,Th. $It' Ckk' . Eesr! v al
heatre.began its; 24th sea
son with: a hilarious: come-
oin . (ky about love, money and
politics, iia the 140s.
They play begins with a':..
'typiclal:.scone, from Rinne,
-Improvements - : then gats7.
sip/Jig about their 4414,
ships. in a *dwano'storol
Oil this partaculr evrlrting,,
the local painter, David
N1Cie Ta«vi;ali,. scored• to b
.the target of everyone`s
teF:asittg:: •.They found,
•r aiirldxng• NM - of his No/.
ships seeined• to 'tato their
tntndsoff tbsir oym,_.._ .....
es to show off their classic
auto. After the puede the
autos will be at Tiin
I torton's fora show and
shrine .at the west end park-
ing tot.,
The queens en.tering..
this pageant froth
i~ueknow area. are:
Carolyn Andrew,
LttCknow ..Agriculturat
Society; and Michaels,
, Dunganno
Agricultural Society,
For further infornuition
Call Barb MacArthur 519,
S81-026? or fax 41943ktI
Their teasing was inte'r-
•rupted by a yountg;, tele-.
graph operator: coining tet
'tell David' he. had .won the
Irish Sweepstarkes. "frac
41 411 forgot about their
teasing and 0440 giving,
him sU'ggestions on how to ,
rise his. naonay, as :did alae
whole tower; • ' .
D�a'vie} wad on the •atones'
of ail:pritina,tryrttg, to
decide what to do with his.
money' when things got.
worse;, His lost love fiont.
lS years before, Mildred
Douglasreturned to town,
hoping; to •set.. hien.. Once
siWfOUnds none., a won
>i»tick .
the» sweopst4ken, sbe didn't
want; to s'hirtr aciyzaore.
. He finds:a way to trick.
bee' into, seeing hint, they •
*ckiodic their .love.:a.nd.•
.halrpiness ia'theirs again..
his was a halaaiou'a.
play tneatrt for older-:audi-
!pac,es' who • remember.'
dying; butter'aod'tlre ireli�
catign. yf public trans.
'portation• As .l was not a>
product Of this,: generation,
1 foutrd,'sotn+ 'af• the refer
(mice§ 'lard to follow; but
the acti.ng'and storytine
were, supt•rb••
,.give t is»» play »»twcrw... :
PhQn l�h llt H'elrn:
the: sentinel Officer
Wm*Magaoo akk Da! id M Q'1"avisrh; make* a point aboutgt .wiry t 04filtalit,'
windfall s and 194 109 tfillOtk14404filaW (played by ►ichelle• Fish, tt t
Blyth F tivaI r prQductiQn• Qf Yes[ rt'' ar by Joanna 10McQe11and1 q1444,,Qlass•
(photo b1r9ff Broadway.• Phgtography)