The Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-07-01, Page 2VOL, 125 WK. 26 WEDNESDAY, MY 1 ,1998 65t INCLUDE • G.S.T. • ltT1dre� to wel.coxnes.) rin rive. ;Lucknow's 140th birthday•is cause' for celebration. •H wever at an other:vent you are urged "to`he o as y . ,g responsible party goers. ,Do not drink and drive! One taxi will be in_town dur- ing.the•weekend. Pian ahead - appoint. a. designated' ver, arrange aceoimnodations 4vithin walking disttince.or phone home for someone to pick you up, ;• Mernbers'of the: ItincardinefWalkerton OPP 'detach - rent .will be providiii the blcin needs duitr_!be ' - reun on p -'7777.--- The OPP remind you ;that violations• of,the 'law will be enforced.'Drinking and driving will be handled with the presence afa breathalyzer instrument in the village. Violations ortl a Liquor License Act will be enforced• when observed, : Breaches of the law will be: dealt with. The reunion is not an openinvitation' to ignore: the laws that are in place for.:the safety and security of everyone.. .'The.reunion is a time to enjoy friends and.wrenew acquaintances please do soin a safe .andresponsible dery thin by -Pat Livingston Over two years of hard work by: the 1998 reunion committee will culminate later this 'week as events for.the village's. 1400. birthday get underway. " Make it Great in '.98 includes a generous ety of events•for everyone One of the pre events to the official weekend. is. th`c 'V rrcultura1 Society's play. Where's Grandma?' This plays .Wednesday night at the, public school. with show°time at 8 p.in. . The official opening. ceremonies take placeat the sports complex : on Thursday starting at 7 p.na. Local, talent' will entertain, the home 'and business decorations winners will ° manner, • be announced, and the Donald Dinnie look -a-• likes will compete. T'he evening will also include many° Queens • fronit the past and the • crowning of the reunion Ambassador. This is.followed•by a wine and ,cheese social, with ,a nominal Charge for : the • A free will silver .lection will be 'accepted at the door; as:adinittance, There's also two dances scheduled :on Thursday night for: the kiddies and teens., Friday things will really get jumping! -Tie registrar tion booth, 'located on the main street, is open; so make "sore .you.. look after forM that before: ytu• get •'.rars,ing;.money for new involved in some other .playground equipment. events. the Legionis iiost-. On Friday evening,' a: mga pub, as is Pinecrest; classic car show will take• There wi1l. be a ".refresh. • place at, the community,. Ment " gardens, a'farmers. centre. ` : market, and .public swim- You can wind up the. ming, for anyone. evening dancing and • The Kairshea WI is .'socializing at' the arena,• hostitg.a. tea and card Yoti can start Saturday party,..and, Pinecrest has. morning off just Light with iuesTenter�tai-rsrttentin the the S'eouts' hreakf.ast; ••afternoon followed by .a . enjoy.a stroll'arotn,d the• pig: road, • • Greenway:WNa1k,'and reg - The .schtial 'reunion eg-Theschoolreunion will ' .ister.' fif . you '.haven't •find old friends rerinisc already) all before the ,11 rng over a barbequed ham- a.m. parade starts:: 'burg or hot 'dog, topped *tura to page, 11 -off with .strawberry short cake. While there'the kid- dies can get'>titeir faces Pagel: - painted;and'enjoy a free.zie • parade at ,the booth set up by the • seniors: 'students, who are instruCO..01$;: by Pat Livingston • ..lactective• .lnspeatar Walter Baker of the OPP Criminal Inves't.igation Bureau, major cases sec- tion revealed' at a .press conference• last,:week that they have suspects in the Lois 1-ianna investigation, and that analysis thus ' far indicate that DNA found in Lois' residence is that ot att.unidentificd rattle, Lois Hanna, of Kincardine, went.' missing on July' ,4, 1988 after.• attending" reunion festtv_i- ties. in the- Village- "of. Lucknow'. " "Due to. new technolo gy in the forensic field' of •• .DNA testing, we have recently submitted 'articles for testing," said Baker. lie ` confirmed that blood was foun;d.on one,,of the walls inside Lois' house. ;'The investigation team IS ; in the process of elimi- nating several suspects Righh Lois Hanna in', 1988 ects a who live in various areas of Ontario, Baker said. But they believe the DNA is.' of the person who abducted Lois, During the 10. year; • inve'st:igation the OPP 'have eonductcd over 700 statements and completed over 700 assignments. '. What they do know is . that Lois left the shirttail parade dance` at the 198.8 Lui:know, reunion on July 3 at 11:45 p.m. and trav- elled westbound on a >a case Highway 86 to, rei-trn .to. her • Kincardine ` home, She was-driving it )987 bur- gundy%grey. (ed,' maroon) colored ,Pontiac. Grand Am.' 'A neighbor of Lois' observed what' appeared to he hertv on at 12...1.5 .ani: A larger'ftill size vehi- cle with: headfiights on was: also observed. across the driveway at her residence. The headlights, were. round. ,. "It is evid,n that Li knew the person, and in all likelihood she either met the person involved or sie was followed home by this person;,' Baker said. • Page 2 • re-released sketches of men wanted for tiuestioni.ng. • picture of a ear sinai1ar'to Lois' •