HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-24, Page 90
Sentinel,. e , Inne ,I9*.— 9
Thank you: to alt those who Caine out.to thc'pooi dttritrg
our opening week and made it so successful. The pool
was Roll all v'ok,and:xwc hope that everyone had :agreat
time and; that you continue Weenie out for the rest of the
• summer ;
,There was amisprint on the pool schedule: in 'fast
week's paper-. i~ annily. Swim en Sunday, nights runs from
6 p.m. to 8 p.m, it does not begin at
Although our July. session of swimming lessons is;
. tilling up fast, there is Tots of MOM in our August session
which runs• fiwtnr Aug 3! to 1.4. Swimming lessons are a
•,.great way to introduce your child to swimming: or to
Improve your child's swimming skills. Just come by the •
pool anytime and we would be glad to sign your child
ups •
Bronze: Medallion, and Bronze Cross will be held'on•
by Eirlpgaleuby
We're sorry :to, revert
Jeff Hollands had eater.
gency. surgery, Tuesday
night at Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital,
Goderich, Ike: has now.
gone: to: Earle with his
mother. Get Well soon
Linda Tay':ler:went to -:
Hamilton General
Hospital on Monday for
surgery. Hope you. will ,.
soon be home. '
Kinlough Presbyterian
;NMS met in. Lucknow at
the - home :of Myrtle
Zondervan oo, WedrtesdaY
evening...Mar^ilyn Reid`.
the Weekday mornings between July 20 t i My 28 from
9 a.m. to noon. `.star take gnome Medallion yea !roust
13 yews old. as of July. 28 and to tape Broom Cross you
must. be 14 by this date 'acrd have completed amaze
These *awes are an :excellent way to improv your
swimmimg skills and to incase your knowledge on the
prevention ofaceidents in' andaround-the water. •
The cost for groom Medaliion is $95 and the cost for,.
Bronze Crass is .$75.
+ednesdayi and Fridays. from 5 p.m, to 6 plat.
: If you, have any questions about tate times cur the
detailsof any of the swims at the pool picase don't heli{
tate to call the pool at 528.2902. or Tasha at 528-3130.
The Lucknow Dolphins Swim. Teao has already •
The fed steers last week
ait Brussels Livestock sold
$1 higher. Cows sold
steady..VVeal and lambs
sold on a steady market.
All classes of stockers
sold steady. '
There were 361 .steers
• on offer selling from 92.{ 0
to 97'.0.0 to. the high of
There were 284. heifers
on offer 'selling. from 92.+0
to.•97.00':.to the high of
There were 248. cows
on offer selling. DI and D2
55.00- to 6:2,00 to the high
of 69.00; D3 52,00. to
57.00;1,4 45.00 to 52.00,
There Were 271 veal on,
offer selling: beef: 80.00
to 128.00; Holstein: 70.00
to 85.00; plain I-iolstein:
5:5.00 to 70.00..
Lambs: 50 lbs to 80
lbs., 130.00 to 150.00; 80
to 94 tbs., 130.00 to
begutar practices, but we` are still looking for new mem.
hers. "Von tihn't'have Ica be a "super fastu' swiminerto join
the team We are looking for children Of all ages who
cue swims at least ane length •af~tbe pool and are looking-,
for some fine: The east is: $34, Practices aria iv onlays*
nd lamb s
welcomed everyone and:
read several readings,
• The rolicali was on
fear, Plans were made for
the Sunday School;' Picnic
on the last Sunday of June,',
Isabel: Thompson had thea,
.devotions and. Erlma
• Haldenby led discussion
groups on the study on
domestro violence. , Myrtle
served refiesh►nentS and.aF
time of fellowship fel-;
Mike iker and. Cathy Jansen:
and,boys, .Cochrane, visit-
ed with Glen , and, Erlma
Haldenby on Saturday and
then visited with;
Cornelius and Myrtle
Zondervan in Lucknow
before going home
Sunday. • '
brad: Engel and Lea
Anne Haldenby attended -
the. Tanner . Charlton
- 'wedding in Purham. on.,
Saturday. Katie ...Engel
tame home .with thein
Sunday f9rr a holiday.
Doug , and Charlene
Mc wan•are enterrtainin
two of their grandchildren
from the west for.:a While.
Robert McCall.
Kincardine, led • the.
Presbyterian,. Church i11.
The Lucknow L.awn Bowling Clt1 'i conduct-
ing an aggreuiveeampaign: to;inform othars
about the lnterespting, sport of lawn bowling.
Over the hall gouple� of weeks, student* from
LCPS have boon, given=,00me inotrurtian on the,
fine art of raven bowling, 44iituit, JanTreleaven ire:
shown giving some, pointerr* to ti►is stucigrttt.,
The Club, Hopes to-interaeta '4u1
pie. iii taking, up the app. i.1 rn photo)
worship on Sunday.
171Te are ple..ased ttu wedgy
ortrrte • ' "Stephanie
Sp wick. and .her.deug W' ..
ter into the home between
John and Pat'Plt and Joe
-Ernest in the village.
We welcome Arthur
Wall into the . former
Vance home on the 12th..
Mayes Lake Ave:,} . 'of
Kuiloss United: Church
held a.successful beef bar.
beeue. "at the community
• centre en Sunday:
►y Pat: Halpin
$race; County Council,
i F took .A stepinto the arena;
of international trade ant::,
politics with one of 'the.
resolutions, it approved at
• the June session,
On. the ter ornniendation
of . -the Agriculture,
Tourism ,and Planning
Coniinittee county coun-
cil1,agreed---with -concern-se
being" raised about thee'
'Multi -Lateral Agreement
on.Ir vestment,
Two, inranths, ago, the
City of Toronto began circ
cutating a motion. stating
that the. MAI will expand'
th'e, power of multi -nation
al corporations.. At the,
same; time, Irninnto`s resa
Intim) argues, the interna-;
tional agreement°•wrll`
restrict ittunicllpulrtios
ability .to chose tocal.4usi-'
ncsSes. when- awarding
'she MAL was. being
negotiated internationally
by the Organization'for
Economic `.Co-operation
and Development.
m k
136.00; 95 to 109 tbs.,
124.00 tut 130,00.
-Sheep: 40.00 to 85.00.
]oats: 20,00 to 155.00
per head..
until SW*.
Sunday,. June 20.
Post. Time .1130
41..ir..ne,6*.e34de.W.HC e.. Owls :g4
4821472% '