HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-17, Page 14IttleISti Many thanke to the talttxw in%busaraa tor the: k eep» Sake: birth plate tha�`..Ryf ,received, Willits Tire Service, .Ashtialtt Service Centre, t.ucknuw District Co- p. Luekrtaw Viltaae „Market, Snobs lerr :Farms Ltd.. p''u ducks Daycare. Finlay Decorators,: Me anagtt insurance and Real estate, Braaker% everiastinEls and M+acKenzi. ' and Meath Funeral Some. Chris, Nancyand Ryan. —24x - We would tike to thank everyone, for their cal'ls,. carets; flowers and > xpres- signs at sympathy shown to us. daring our merit. lass of a dear aunt. . Special:thanks to everyone far all their help and afters .Qat help: )4our thoughtfulness and friend ship will always heretreat. tiered. Jean, Paul enti feint ly, ,.24ar AVON Wine andt wish trit sincere i . thank Our fnencts, �noit„ , , pore api ramify ler the kind' tree$ . and support We. received, a,turin$ my recent Illness: The, saran, lettere flowers,'Phan* caltsk visita atnt 9itte WQTO c%featly appreciated: The 'nursing: I'.caret received., especially t !CU, wale. simply "The Beer. and t thank you all.. Also- thanks le thaanks: to att the etocictra, who had pact in my' r o i cry.. A ap6raial ih,a.riits• tar Lorne aria Mee for all the rLC Okra. . during am after ' my stay,: in hospital, 1 wilt be 1QranVet grateful to all of y, std, Thanksagain Susan...24x DEPATtt I. would td o tai thank my wonderful parents Mel and Perri Weber and my hest. trier* in., that; whole wprtel t,ynn,anst Eldon Grist for.th+�ir.tacttaatic eurprlae last: Satutciay., Weida. caulit net; actress carr haa4rifa it tk►an1Qa far making QUI anniversary stn special'. Qyr rnernories. wilt iive on forever. L,sov Serge, Lynn: and boys:.. 24 Qoclericti~• Knights of .. 90140,3O, oveKy 'bursate,' -7 m.Coturnbtist waerrtre•,. S; Psrsori's CoUtt, 4Q in prizes; progressive ,ia4k pot $10.QQ• 6344141- $1500 egular$15.00. must; ' go. • Lin. #k15792Q; First. Saturday of eery rnonth, 7 p44„ Columbus C.c;r+lre, 5QO . Mini Jackpot, $i.500. Jackpot. Tolai prizes; , $4,600, Lir, # 310855. Super Star Previnciat,. sine eve, .Bingo Night - t7tfar VIDEO DANCE two screens, - hits 'rem the • to 94'a at Luclriiw Sports. tsirip#.fix on June. 0, p,rn, to. 1 a,,rn,. Part of alta Kinsmen-K,ir ette m Meat: $> ,Per person. e Olt atasrity, --?2-244t The : uckrro.W ainaf " lethal Chamber ot<; amm �a mittu R R elyn y. J7t1ne g4 at 7;4g ant, ; atc that Tourism Office everyone weleorner .. -24ar MAMMY, Annual meeting MandaY, June 29, ze l lx,cm at Soutar l it rots P're;slx+Yterrx n Church. --242 MONKTOtt LIONS Presents the C'KNX Sam Dance- at the Etna - Logan Arena, Monlcten Saturday, June 27i.. C'on eat from 1 to S:3Q p„rrt tattawed by ar: dance Advance tickets $12 Call .ata- 47'-277 , at<,t. $44-9426 cir ata.a4r-zasi.. MOM TOUR Saturday, .hone 20, Back Farm. V+test ot Arnow t to 4 pan. Come see this tam” er-scale Organic. Cash ccs and tivestoCIS ., f, am,. Sponsored try. the Ecological. Farmers: Association at "(Ontario. C11 watoaxtne, Formars inlorn as bi�(en�� call- Martin�1}��tFlak, 1 , $09,809%-424: PAM gicAV 1Nt ' INt JUNi At the i ucknow .Lawn 9,awling CIO.. 'Btwis provid. od, must wear that sated. shoes: Regular tzowlinag .every Tuesday 'i ; Q gm?, and. 7 p.m. Alt small gaups ar iadividualls wiabing•tali- Yate appointments calk 52$» 2584ar 5284915, ,24x ,, COMMUNITY Ef Atr1AL SHOWER ArrttscelIana4,oiis. hQwert• •will ke hold; far Suzanne` Attorr, „lune 29, at 7 p.,m. at Trinity Church. iveryone. welcome. -23 4x H flit :'D. ECQEKATIE`44 CONTEST tar Make it C3rsat in `99 Judging: Monday, June 29... Registration not : riecossacy,. Reunion catots`are':fushia and purple. Prizes. Winners. atinourlceti' at;oponing<cete+ monies July .2 at arena...-:. BEEF ESARt CtUEE. At i>itriloss. COM-63.4nitY Centre,, Sunday, June: 21, 4 to S p ,$4000,9104 Servie/Kinloss: , United churches. DUNOANNON CEEMEETE_RV MEMQttfAL, SERVIC Ssndey, June 2S at, 2,',P40- • p rn.. ,i ev. E);n14,4446. ofticiatin4,: Evroty,.one w,eLcolne ',-. tO- 1 Nay hookup;; Qte aro far to nts.,$4, loso tQ.aalf eve: nts,, }�. N.9dd .ok< Ivlc in 4A t'5kyltame dui 9f t (Yankees) ant Aatgt: i (Se .. $69, alt inclusive - f n • prix • rlunch.al tsloe t olrciaip .Flare t -804 -2$,5 - SSW. Q 2f - 1304000„ Tuesday? E•tl.,M'4N members a welcome. ome QQtise see what's happening 4 Y Legion: - WEDP A NNWER AR ' in banal: of their 90th wed. dine anniversary the family 04 c`earge- and Alice Taylor invite you to helix thecal !e* orate, at a reception,, on, Saturday, 4ttoo 27" at tate t.ucIO.104 t eoigrr, iiAginnin% 48 ti»rxt, Oancitigktram 9 m tri, t amt. Spst Wistilas Qt* --2425x4 MACHIN** '!!f'i ** BE BAREIKUE Sunday, June 21, to, T .p:rlr; Variety concert: bring your ctwrt. cttalr'.. Aaiti ts. advance. ' at dpor, 001044 $ to t2'. ad1an . $4„SIX • at the dcKte,. tteecheotrxr.;s free Tickets> calf: Val 54=29' car t3ob 52 77f -2 `s2 'Flit+14:41liSlill OAKS. SPonsored by the- Physician Recruitment Fun+:-raisi.na, Committee Saturday, June 2tJ� 9 to 1. DJ Aadmlttaine t 'donation at the door. (Tax moil*, fairdeflations over $1 Q) Pleaa* taatster the shorts nt the QeMMittarit they: try, to brirnt;naw,ck terse. to the area, 2 24n , Dante' Lucknow/Wtngk Area Sattirday 40Not` Oth 1,44ckttQw CQi mnunitty Centre i?vr rare a eta drolly; invited to rxtEfrad ase an th ,occaxsw Q'" the, retireiiwnt Qf ti Car l Etiap4� uE faucet ct;Qly 1re�r Fit' ars /dill a�”, t994 Leg'. lint_ Br h' cgas&,E}`ar 4,4 ' i<oes, 4'o 'a#vros- at. 7,-30 fir. Pres nnt0ph CasA 40 4404 ' 4 accepted at the deo'. 'll phot The late Walter. Bruce Re va ick,: of t,3elrnoEe was posttiurau>ouslyinducted to: thte:OnLario Ag.rscu:ltuxad 14al1 of ams o June 14 1' ebwick, a aurone County aata,v orktitaxt anyone else, had: as txetne»do impact au canatlaa sheep industry. Re imported,' over 700 registered Pulled• Dorsets, in 1977 franca, New Zealand. and otain ued' a'flock of about 700`awes from that date: The: positive eifects.,o( that i mpoxtation are stili very,. much in evidence: ie.* Casiadian sites scene today.; Reiiwk k'.'s. aonnixtat4r wadshe: Western, Ontariop:Lat b Producers'. Assootatao4a A then induetee . who wills be fa • actp4QpIA in this. area. is ;Peggy.' �p . who WO- nontinnate4. by' the Federated Alen's.I>sasof C ao. lie,Giiel: h woman lata$: tin' a, (10-, ;sated 14,ernbex: of y4toz eu's Institutes sin.. e, 1950 and has., served with, disbn-r tion and held 444., o ice s: at tom.= bianeh;;.. basic cat and arca levels. In 1.99,2; Knapp ' was, elected Canada. Area President; fear t tike Assoriatedt CizimAtrywoute,p of the Worlds an: ii ter?tlka tt�inas ar-p�anization ive ark coo? fl es., In; t9 7 she. chaaxed •the- highly nuc, Qes.1ul "Convection '97";celebrating th. anankvcr<sary of, Wiouien's, Instituies . , Otber'wductees include: owaxd. W. ivtatcol (19:.19.9.7); ..of Vict ria county. wino; was an oat itartdipg; pork producer andr a. tixelesa, worker and strong, advocate at the pork industry. acaross,adra; ,X}LX. K. (Arthur) usgraYe .41994.1997), born in Huron 'County;. MAisgraye owned and operated a, Misted, farm and apple orchard in Ctarbur He was:. instaeu .mental liar establishing. -the, Co-operat yr .Fidelity and guaiantee;. Association,. one ot. the organiz.aat ons, which, .opoi,biii ck;` withwco-operative insurers: from other aures, of Canada to, form.. the pr escnt Go- opeiratvrs. Group,; Douglas 14,4 Parks .'4191 t4-92;), ttattve of Prince Edward.. County, whet joined KerhprviLte agricu ltuual. Schoctl+:ir►,; I9 ., His, dedication and enthusiasm had; a lastin&. irupaL not only on his students but ont the eo►uiity, as;well:; Bra'(1910-98), otstotcue , devoted WA, whole career to the:'horticui- "lural. industry. He set'ved: that Nor -folk,',' Fruit Grow,er's... Association; ,for rn,apy,. years err .various-capaiues; aria , as: maria h; er trout 194Jx63,, Tt ase '.peo.ple.' Join; 121 ,previous;. indu'tees in• this W,A Stewart gallery .cls tkaa, Ia1li of paw.