HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-17, Page 11now Sentinel, Wednesda , June 17,199.8 w- Page 11. r INDEX • 5284822 01. Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques 04a. Arts & Crafts 05. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale PORTS & RECREATION 7a. For sale General 7b. Wanted to Buy 7c. Wanted to Rent 7e, Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles 7g. Rec. Vehicles 7h. Boats, Motors etc. 7k. Swimming Pools 08. Computers . 10. Pets: • 10a. Horses 1FARM MARKET Ila, General 11 b. Wanted to. Buy 11c. Wanted to Hire 11d,. Empl Wanted ,11e. Livestock 11f- ; Farm, Produce 11 g. , Equipment 111. Services 11j.' • Farm Land 11k. ' Real Estate 111. Wanted to,Rent llm, For Rent' 12. •ileal Estate 13. Mobile:Homes 14 Vacations • 1'b: For Rent • 17- Apartments•' • 18. ' Houses for Rent •19a. Bed &. Breakfast, 20. Room & Board • . 23. '• Commercial. '• ' 24. • •Wanted.to. Rent , 25. 'Wanted to Buy 26. • Help;Wmntcd 27. Wanted General. 28; Business Opp. _ 29. Tenders `30, Emp1,.:Wantcd 31..Service D,irectbry 32.`; "130bysitting.. ,'33. "Miscellaneous 34 Personal. Legal Notices 36, Annt uncements' 37. ° Mortgages 3$:• Ayetinus 39. 'EduCattonal 40. Lost & Found .. 4'!, To Give Away' 42. •Obituaries :. Blrihs • 44. • Engagements ;45.'Mariiagcs ;46.. In Meimoriarn X47, Card of Thanks • 48. , Corriing.lrvents RATES AND DATA s i f aidh t ;i 2 Nx. ,:•.i Y., /. N.r p.r Tl i.X.Kn•�J ...JH+NYS✓M+:Y.f,.i. J.�+h+r. �rY: . 1 week - $4.26 2 weeks - $7.48 3 weeks or more - $3.27 each week extra words at .16 each • Cards of Thanks -,$4.25 for 25 words extra words at .06 each In Metrmriam. - $4.25. + .35 for each line of verse . Birth Announcement -$10.00 flat fee 3 + 3 ads - $10.50 pre -paid for 25 words extra words at ,16 each Thursday Special .7$3,25 for. 25 words' Must be placed and paid on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying- , G.S.T. RA included in: above prices to Call 528-2822'. Master r 11R 1. For Sale BARN ROOF,with beams and end for sale, at discount of 5O%, as is4. Details 519- 395-4457., --23,24 L.ETTERS - RESUMES' • ETC. The. Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resumes, let- ters etc. We can offer, you a number of different print types anti sizes on high quality paper. Call our office or drop in for More details. --53tf BARBECUES, NATURAL gas•'and propane, :na quettes .and life time war- ranty. , The' Chimney' 'Sweep's.Stove Parlour and. Gallery Inc, 368-5274.-- 19tfcc CUSTOM FAXING' Need .to send or receive a fax? The'Sentinel does`cus tem faxing for customers; Drop in or, call 528-2822 for details. -41 tfnx • TOP QUALITY firewood; June special.4 cords { deliv- ered $15Q,.:within Lucknow . area:'° Phone 528 "2028. -- 23-25x 612 Campbell- St. LUICKNOW•528-2242 Pk9 of 30 3" Taft 'She, IS. Frozen riew "York Strip Steaks., .UI LB: 10•Ib.=Box Patties .....'.i_ 1. For Sale AEG. COUNTRYSIDE` APPLIANCE Crtsley refrigerators ~10% off regular prices on all models. Hours: Mon. Fri., 10:30 to 5:30 pm, Sat.. 10 - 2 p.m,' Phone 528-2445 -- 24,25x Pick up•.your copy' of THE ,LUCKNOW SENTINEL at any of the. following Lucknow ' businesses: •Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Market; Rx . "Central, Lucknow, .HJ Used Cars and Annie's Gas Bar, and Hamilton Fuels. -521f . 11t 1 ill 11t1�r \1 tV 11 10 For wile CATCH UP ON, THE NEWS.... The Sentinel is available at the following locations: Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's ' Store, Dungannon; MacNay's Store, Airsberley; Triangle Discount, Goderich; Brian's Valu -Mart, • • Wingh•am 'McPhee IDA, Wingharn,. Hart Food Mart, Teeswater, MacAdarn Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert. General Store, and Keith's Repair Service; Whitechurch.-79tfnx STRAWBERRIES FOR sale at Gleason Bauman, 6th Concession Kinloss. One mile west from #1• highway. --22-24 • SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. „ Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere.. Free information 1.-800-566-6899.:Norwood. Sawmills, RR 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1 G0,--24bc STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS.,.Ends Included. Go Direct. 16 x 24 $2,986.00. 21• x 30 $3,760.06." 25 x 40 $5,624.00.• 32 : x 44 ' $6,835.00. 34 • x . 56. $8,360.00. 40 x 60 $9,984.00. ' 46 x 70 $13,044.00: • 56 x 90 • $22,888.00: Others. Pioneer 1-800-668.5422:--24bc of this world lin or Of Road Traction.1.0#1'401 044,1ons! AttTsrm n A14W xr' light4f04kta e RM TI R 4, Kincardine (Bernie 393 ,5397 ..t.: 1. For Sale • 25 FOOT AWNING ler trail- er or deck, excellent condi- tion. $700 or best offer._ Phone 529-3164. --24ar REUNION ViDEO copies of a video highlighting reunion events will be available after,. the reunion, Cost is $19.95 plusshipping and handling where necessary. Preorder by -calling Lynn dr Paul at 528-2411 or order at regis- tration desk during reunion. Officially sanctioned by Reunion Gomniittee. --24- 26ar QUALITY MATTRESSES at warehouse prices open Thurs., Fri„ Sat., Highway 21, south Goderich, C & 5 Furniture 524-7231.,--23tfcc. BUILDING TO BE removed, 20' x 20';' starter switch for 7 1/2 hp: motor, used 4 1/2:. months, quantity of used white steel; barn posts, and. beams. Phone (519) 529- 7814. .-23-25x0 GRAY'S PERENNIALS Speciall Buy three, get one free! We still have thousand of beautiful perennial plants- growing lantsgrowing in the field, ready to bloom. Anchusa, Campanula and Geum 'are • now in bloom. Bring us a.; ;sketch of your flower bed, end. we will help you design' a. showpiece, at. no . extra charge. Buy the plants that'. -,have already wintered in. Bruce County, and like it! Hours: weekdays after 1' .p.m. all day •on, weekends. Location:, 5., km west of Walkerton on 'Kincardine Highway_, Phone 881-1522. -24cc L. M. WOODWORK R.R. 1 • Holyrood,..- ° .North of Lucknow, 'tat. 'road past Holyrood, • turn ;tett:' 'Adirondack plus furniture..-- 22-25x SEE WHAT'S HAfPPENING AROUND THE AREA., . The: Sentinel ,has the fol- lowing'papers available in our, office 'on Wednesday. God,eric .•Sign`al Star;:= Kincardine News, .Clinton .News , Record,;,' Mitchell Advocate, Seaftrth Huron.. Expositor;-l6tfnx FLOWERS. POTTING torhatoes, ;peppers,, bedding plants available at Holyrood Store,395-506223,24ar , DEHUMIDIFIERS, FACTO RYPollock secElondsetctric,!rpm R $160395: Ripley 982 23tfar 1, For Safe SATELLITE DISHES Just $159.95 for a complete satellite system (purchase of promming to qualm). We have :financing:.to fit most budgets. We install, sell and buy all brands of Canadian and American dishes (up to $600 in pro- gramming for trading American in on Cariadian dish). Call Burr Enterprises 519-527.1009. -»24cc • TOPSOIL SAND, gravel, ground work, septic sys- tems, and trucking and machinery. We will not be knowingly underpriced! Septic tanks are 'currently produced in Orangeville, soon to be produced by .us . for your, convenience and, savings, For service and' free estimates Gall 395-5478. or 832-8023.--15.24ar +5. cars '1'991 PONTIAC SIJNBIRD • • SE 3.1' L, V6, automatic, pb 'ps, air, rear spoiler, am//fm eass., black with grey interi- or, nternor, excellent condition, well Maintained, 190,000 km., $5,200 certified. (519)'236 4477, --23725cc 1991 MERCURY TOPAZ GS selling certified. Phone Bryan Gammie 528.2146. - 24-26er 6. Trucks 1985,.GMC JIMMY -4 X 4 new body and paint $4,900 o bo. Phone '529-3738: 2324ar, . 7g', leo. 'V+hicle, . '20'TRAVEL 'TRAILER:- 4 burner' stove with oven, -refrigerator, separate freez- er, •waterheater, furnace, bathroom has small tub and shower;-sleeps'6,(4 corn fortably), very. clean. Cali 5:19-522-1459-1.9-24nke COMPUTER FACTORY Spectral =1 year ne payment and free scanner. Pentium 200 mmr, lgaded,internet, printer, software; and More.' $:16/wk (QAC) 1.800-55». 6545 free delivery.42-25ar,