HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1998-06-17, Page 10gage ,l •
xtelutow Sentinel, el, Weduesda y, June:11, MS
Thank You
Morrison Berries
Lucknow Lancers
for your contributions
in support of the
Soccer Programs -
<Your support to sponsor uniforms is
greatly appreciated.
Lucknow and District Joint
Recreation Board
Thank You
Lucknow ?,t District Kinsmen Club..
All Those Who Donated Their
Time, Equipment and Materials
for the
.Construction of The New
Soccer Fields
Your ongoing support for recreation,
programsis very much appreciated.
Lucknow and District Joint
Recreation Board
Thank You
Ladies Auxiliary To Winter Sports
for your
Generous Donation.
to the
Lucknovv Minor Hockey Prograni
and �.
Lucknow & District. Figure Skating Club
Your support for these programs, to help keep costs, at
a minimum, for registration fees and expenses is very
much appreciated.
Lucknow and: District Joint
Recreation Board
'Lucknow Reunion
Reunion••tickets are.
available at' McDonagh
insurance; Crystal's
Studio or ;Tourism Office
for the following events
"Where's Grandma9'.- Agricultural Society's' play.
'Chute., July,'1, 8 p.m. LCPS. Adults,$5, PS $2
Detour -• Friday night arena r $10.001Age of
Carpet Frog - Saturday atArena = $10,0,0 (Age of
•Legacy - Saturday.at Coinmunity;Centte ($10 00
Age of •Majority)
ahrlttttrtr's i?iarh Fry Saturday. Evening`
$14".00"adults = $50 children
Lions t8ee1 Barb,.S
ecue unday evening
$9:00 adults $?I 50. chiidren
Pinecrest Pig, RoustFriday evening,
.. $8.00 adults - $5.00 c ildren
Soundsatltn - Sunday Afternoon $12.00 iii seats
,++pai,.a rrl. rr,.rrwl.+r,++r rr F•rtw:rr+w wr• ,
Tourney Oce Open•
pm, oat. 10= 2 pm, Suter 3 r 7 pin
` Tickets for Legion etrern'ts available
• "'• at the Legion canter n.
'Wee-. studer4s1 e4joy tug boa ride.
by Mntrret Errington
and Tema Courtney
Twelve Dungannon
Play school students, their
younger brother and sis,,
tern, parents and instructor
Donna Curran were bused
to ,Godcrich Harbor by
Beryl MacDonald on
Thursday for tug boat rides
in and around the harbor to
the break wall, A big thrill
was to wear life jackets
and blow the whistle. They
Went to $t. Christopher's
Beach to play in the sand.
Raymond Patrick
Dalton son of Clete and
Mary Louise Dalton and
Kristen Lee Thomas
daughter of Rick and Judi.
Thomas were united in
marriage in St, Peter's
Roman. Catholic Church,
Goderich by Rev. John
Ptuta on. Saturday. After
the ceremony the wedding
party was picked up at the
church by a horse drawn
carriage owned and driven
by Donnie Rae Seca and
driven up and , down.
Coderich streets and
around the square before
going to the dinner at the
Knights of Columbus Hall,
A reception followed
with musk supplied by a
live band from Toronto,
Birthday congratula-
tions to Dean Bere, who
with friends celebrated his
sixth birthday on Saturday,
three days early..
Dungannon/$ile TJCW
- members and friends gath-
ered at Country Road
Lodge, June 9, 'to honor
Beth McConnell .on' her
84th birthday.
Isobel Shepherd, guest
pianist, accompanied the
hymn sing, on the piano
that came from Beth's
Marina Park, read the
passage of scripture; taken
from Psalm: 100.
"Memories,'' from the
Booklet, "Dreamer," (eom-
posed by Beth. in 1981),
was read by Margaret
Errington, also a story on
the common dandelion,
about a five year old girl
who was visiting from
Florida, when she mistook
the dandelion's beauty for
a marigold. Many of us
take for granted the com-
mon blessings of every day
life, eyes to see, ears to
hear, longue to speak, legs.
to walk. •
The birthday party was
highlighted by two violin
selections by resident Evan
McQuillan, 97 years of
Birthday cake and pre-
sentations were bestowed
on Beth by Beth Dodge,
Helen Dawson and Jean
Six tables were in play
at Dungannon Seniors
Citizen Centre on June 10.
Winners were Lois
Cunningham; Margaret
Young, Dave Sproul,
George Cardiff and Cliff
Congratulations to, a
former Dungannon- area
resident; .Greta Stewart
who celebrated her 106
birthday on June 13, with
her family. Mother of
Annetta (Rah John),
Detroit, Wnt, on the home
farm and Gwen Caesar of
Dungannon, •grandmotherr
to six and great grand
mother to four. The former
Greta' Beatty, a dedicated.,,
teacher, taught for many
years 'at S.S. #6 School,,
fourth Concesss n of
Ashfield Township.
Jane Win Stanley, •of
Thornhill, niece of Jim, and
Sheila Garriock, attended
Sunday Service at
Dungannon United, offici'
ated by Rev. Phillips
Landon, whose final .ser.-
vice .(localiy) will' be June
28. Rev. Alex McGilvery
preaches his farewell ser-
mon here on Juste 21.
The Dungannon
Cemetery Memorial
Service takes place June
28, 2 p,m,
St. elen's WI host
grandmother's Leeti
Patricia Robinson
is guest speaker • .
St. Helen's Women's Institute met for their grand-
randmother's meeting at the hall last week.We all enjoyed
strawberry shortcake and tea served by Caroline Menary
and Elaine Errington,
President Muriel Moffat opened the meeting in the
usual manner. Elaine introduced Patricia Robinson from
St. Augustine. She showed slides of her working tour in
Guyana, She told unit was a challenge to be even chosen
to go. She had to learn about their culture and what was
txpected of theones going.
Guyana is on the north coast of South America.
Georgetown is the capital. They only have hydro. in,cer-
tain placesand can never be sure when it is going off.,
The climate is very hot during the day with alot of rain.
Patricia, spent 10 weeks there. When asked if' she
would go back her reply was. "yes," •
Rollcall was "tell me a story about grandma or grand-
pa was answered by 13 members and five guests.''
Elaine reported on the district annual held at
Caroline read "My get up and' go has' got up and
went." Norma read "What is .a • grandmother?" Elaine
read "Grandma under covered operation,"
Winnersat the St. Helen's card party Last week were:
Lillian Appleby, Vivian Hogan, Ross:.Errington, and, Kay
McCormick, Lloyd Appleby had four shoots,
Register your farm business by Aug. 3
Fanners who haven't
already done so are
encouraged to fill out their
farm business registration
forms and have thorn in the
snail to. " the Ontario
Ministry. of .Agriculture,
Food and Rural Affairs by
Aug. 31. .
"It's important for farm-
ers to have their, mgistra-
tions in by the Aug. 31
deadline," says' Bob
'Bedggood,`the president of
the Christian ' Farmers
Federation of Ontario, "If.
they do not meet that dead-
line, they will not have a
valid . farm' registration
nt nber. Without that num-
ber, their farmland will be
classed'as'residential prop-
erty '' and . attract' a much
higher property tax,"
Property.eligiblefor the
farmlandclass is : taxed at
25 per cent of a municipal*
ity's residentialproperty
elass. litaivever, if farmers
fail to obtain,a valid farm
business registration nun -.
ber by ' Aug. 31, their
municipality will send:
them a property assess-
ssessment notice ' that places
their farnnl'and•into.theres-
idential class. In addition,
any appeal of a farms
assessment requires a valid
farm business registration,
Forms for they • farm
business registration .were.
mailed out earlier this year.
Along ; with the forms,
farmers must. enclose , a
cheque for $150 'to either.
the Christian Farmers
Federation of Ontario or
the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture. ;
Active trade 43
steers and heifers
• All elasses,of fed•steers'and heifers sold bn-a strong,
active trade last week- et Brussels Livestock. Cows'
sold steady. On, Thursday •the veal traded $'3 to $5,
higher, with the lambs selling $5 higher, All weights of
stockers.sold $2 to S3 higher,
88 ' ,Th00eto re .the vete 316 steeof106
on" offer selling from 92.00 to,
There were 264 heifers • on offer selling from 92:00'.
to 9800 to the high of 10200, '
Titerc: vere•1.99cows on offersetling from;. Dined
D2: 55,00 to 62,00 to .the high of 73,00, 03: 5200 to
57.00; 04,i 45.00' to 52.00. '
' "There were 16 bulls on'offer selling from 62,5p to
` 73.00to the high 01 78.00.-
There were 345 Meal on offer selling . beet 85.00.;
to 116.00, Bolstein:, 75:00 :to 89,00; Plain ljotstein;
0.00 to 75.00.
Lambs; tinder 50 lbs., 132.50 to 147,50; X50 to 40
lbs.,138.0Q to 158,00; 80 to 94 lbs., 135.00. to 150.()0;
L95'to 109,1bs.. "t40;00.to' 142;50.
Sheep: 25.00 to 5$.00.
Goats:.28+00 to 120.00'ea0.